
Chapter 1031: Alchemy Competition (I)

"Do we know each other?" Master Wang keenly caught Xu Yangyi's sight, looked up, and saw that he had disappeared. But he still asked.

"No, I just think that fellow Taoist is handsome and extraordinary." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Wangchen, please return the Dan League Order to me, and we will go first."

"Yes." Wangchen stood up and stretched out his hand: "Qian Lao..."

Before he finished speaking, a spiritual energy had already rushed over, turning into a red hungry tiger. Wangchen's eyes flashed, and he punched out, and the other party's spiritual energy at the virtual infant realm actually collapsed.

The red light dispersed, and Qian Lao stood in the center with his hands behind his back. He didn't care about Wangchen at all, walked step by step to Xu Yangyi, bent down, and looked into his eyes. The craftsman-level spiritual consciousness burst out, and the huge spiritual consciousness made the surrounding space slightly blurred.

"You, say it again."

Xu Yangyi sneered at the other party, and his voice was also very light, and he spoke word by word: "Can you have a little idea in your mind?"

A word was heard.

The eight inner disciples of the Nine True Nine Difficulties Sect, as well as Hall Master Wang, all looked at this scene in amazement.

"Interesting." Suddenly, a hoarse voice came out slowly, and said meaningfully: "Hall Master Qian, it seems that you are not living comfortably in Anlin City."

This sentence was like a needle piercing Qian Lao's sensitive heart. His face suddenly turned red, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his hand with blue veins in his long sleeves had already grasped a token.

Craftsman Order.

At this moment, a black figure stood out. When he appeared, all the disciples of the Nine True Nine Difficulties Sect were divided into two sides. He came out slowly like a sharp sword that split the crowd. At the same time, the spiritual power of the late Nascent Soul covered the entire Dan Hall.

He pressed the brim of his hat, and a hoarse voice sounded again: "Since we are all members of the Dan League, how about using the Dan League's methods to solve it?"

Silence, after a few seconds, a burst of laughter up to the sky rang out.

"Just him?" After laughing enough, Old Qian sneered: "A fool who has not been recognized by the Dan League for more than a hundred years! I don't know how many lives he has burned incense, but he was seen by a craftsman. A low-level cultivator who doesn't know reverence is also worthy of discussing the Tao with my Dan League craftsman?"

"Okay." Before he finished speaking, the two-word answer made him completely stunned.

Is this kid crazy? !

The Dan League method, when encountering a dispute, there is only one way to solve it.

Alchemy competition.

The winner is the king.

A mere disciple who has not entered the door dares to compete with a craftsman? Is there shit in his head?

However, he can't say no. It's as disgusting as eating a fly.

How can he read people's expressions? Just after the black-clothed masked man spoke, Master Wang did not refute, which only shows that the other party's status is higher than Master Wang.

Today's temporary closure is to welcome these people. He knows that these are inner disciples of the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect, and the speaker may even be a core disciple.

He can't refute.

If he could establish a relationship with the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect and be honored as a disciple of the same sect, he would be able to walk around freely. This was also the reason why he was so polite before. But it would be a joke if a great craftsman like him competed with such an ant-like maggot in making pills!

"Outsider." The humiliation that could not be rejected made his eyes extremely cold, and his voice was as cold as snow: "If you lose, cut off your ten fingers and never touch the way of alchemy in your life."

"If you don't dare, kneel down today, represent your master, kowtow to me a few times, and I can let you go."

No one felt it. A spiritual consciousness of the saint level had been watching here. Maybe someone in the city felt it, but after feeling the majesty of this spiritual consciousness, no one dared to speak again.

"Whose disciple is this idiot!!" In a courtyard, Jiang Lao flipped the table in anger: "Fuck you! I am the disciple of the Grandmaster, and he is a scumbag craftsman. He dares to ask me, his disciple, to kowtow to him! This kid is so arrogant that he has never kowtowed to me! He dares to kowtow to him on my behalf! I'm going over now! Watch this rubbish that has not been able to become a Grandmaster for hundreds of years repeat it to me once!!" Hong Chen looked at the open light curtain in front of him boredly, and looked carefully: "Gu Hong's lineage, who knows how many disciples there are. Maybe he can't even remember."

"Guhong?! When I was teaching him, he was still pouring tea for me! Open ultra-long-distance communication! I have to ask him when the Dan League can ride on my head!"

"Be quiet." Hongchen rolled his eyes: "This is what you mean. This kid's character would rather break than bend, and would rather die than live in disgrace. If you hadn't hinted that he had to use Dan Dao techniques for Dan Dao matters, do you believe that he would dare to overturn this Anlin Dan Hall today?"

Jiang Lao's chest rose and fell with anger, but he unexpectedly calmed down after a few seconds. He picked up the teacup and drank a sip. Sighed.

"That's right."

"The Dao of Alchemy must be solved with the Dao of Alchemy!"

"I have to let him know that each profession has its own rules. He still has a long way to go, and it's better to experience it sooner."

After a pause, he gritted his teeth and said, "But I won't let this idiot go! Open the super long-distance teleportation array and connect to Gu Hong. If I don't spray him with dog blood, I won't be at peace!"

"What the hell dares to ride on my head!"

In the distant Dan League, an old man was giving a lecture, but the lid of the teacup suddenly cracked.

"Why do I always feel a little scared..."

Xu Yangyi didn't know all this, but just looked at Qian Lao with a smile and nodded slowly.

"What a courage." Qian Lao's murderous intent was boiling in his heart. Today was not a good year for him. He was unexpectedly defeated. He sneered: "Everyone, are you willing to be a judge?"

"Of course." The nine people sat down one after another. Qian Lao sneered and waved his hand. Suddenly, the doors and windows of the alchemy hall were closed with a bang, and a series of talismans appeared on the second floor.

These talismans were drawn very cleverly, and they were embedded in the wood grain on the ground, so they could not be seen at all. In a moment, the two alchemy furnaces were opened from the magic circle. The prohibitions flashed in all directions. In an instant, a strong medicinal fragrance and countless ethereal spiritual powers floated in the air.

Nine people sat on the left and right, Xu Yangyi and Qian Lao stood in the middle. Qian Lao could no longer suppress the murderous intent in his heart, and said lightly: "The road has been drawn, and the scene may be a little bloody later, please don't blame me."

Xu Yangyi smiled coldly: "Then, if I win, I can choose any medicinal materials in Dantang, how about it?"

"Hehe..." Qian Lao laughed like a ghost, and a sentence almost floated out from his teeth: "As long as your fingers are still there, not to mention you can choose, even if you move everything, I won't say a word!"

With a flick of his finger, a green light flew downstairs. The attic was as quiet as water and as silent as the sky. But it was the sea surface that suppressed the storm.

"Fellow Daoist Qi, why are you doing this?" Hall Master Wang sent a spiritual consciousness obscurely: "Why..."

"Why make trouble?" The man in the black veil of the bamboo hat was calm and stroked the teacup: "Hall Master Qian is irritable and arrogant. If he was not the best healing medicine master in Anlin City, I would not want to invite him at all."

"This matter is directly connected to the nine heavens. Such a person... Even if we can come back alive in the end, I will not let him live."

"He is not careful."

Hall Master Wang pondered and said nothing.

The implication is so clear. Killing a craftsman who sits in the Dan Hall will be difficult for the Dan League to explain.

From the fact that Hall Master Qian is a Jindan and the man in the bamboo hat is a Yuanying, but the two are almost equal, we can know that the existence of alchemists is definitely not comparable to the same level.

"Do you think this kid can..."

"I'm just curious, where does he get the confidence to talk to a craftsman like this. How dare he accept the alchemy competition?" The man in the bamboo hat lifted the black veil slightly and took a sip of tea. His lower face was covered with a patch of white hair, and his teeth were as sharp as knives!

Putting down the teacup, he smiled slightly: "The most important thing is that it is much easier to end the matter for such a person without a foundation."

In just ten seconds, two young monks with proud expressions walked up to the second floor.

Seeing the scene on the second floor, both of them were stunned, and then immediately bowed.

"Danqing, Danhong, you are my fourth disciple and eldest disciple. Today, let some fools see what the real alchemy is."

Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "Isn't it that Mr. Qian will go into battle personally?"

Mr. Qian sneered: "You, don't deserve it."

Danqing and Danhong immediately knew that their chance to stand out had come.

After a careful look, the other party didn't even have the certification of the Alchemy League! Immediately, they felt relieved.

Old Qian, suppressing his murderous intent and rage, sat on the chair, holding a white jade teacup, and said word by word, "Don't say that I bully you. Danqing is just a newly promoted alchemist, and Danhong is only one step away from being a craftsman. Today, I will make you convinced by breaking your fingers! Let everyone know that the Alchemy Alliance is not a place where anyone can enter!"

"Please make a decision!"

With this, the whole audience was silent.

The alchemy competition officially began.

"Then, let's compare the healing pills." The man in the bamboo hat who spoke before said in a deep voice: "The effect will naturally be judged by us."

Old Qian raised his eyebrows slightly. Although this inner disciple of Xianzong forced him to compete in the alchemy competition, although he didn't know what the other party was thinking, he was indeed on his side.

Everyone in Anlin City didn't know that he, Old Qian, was the only one in Anlin who made healing pills!

"Daoyou, you are too ignorant of life and death to compete with the master." The first to go on stage was the fourth disciple Danqing. He sat in front of the alchemy furnace, sneered, and suddenly waved his hand, and several jade boxes rose up. The number reached thirty.

He was absolutely sure that this was the Nine-orifice Living Pill that his master was best at. Within two hours, his spiritual power would be fully restored, and his physical strength would be restored to its peak within one hour. This was the only pill in Anlin City.

"Begin." The man in the bamboo hat gave an order, and in an instant, the calm atmosphere like the surface of a lake suddenly became turbulent.

Danqing waved his hand, and countless jade boxes opened at the same time, and thirty medicinal materials flew out together. Then, countless spiritual lights condensed into knives, and sixty spiritual light knives flashed with cold light, all aimed at those natural treasures.

Lambs to be slaughtered.

Xianzong was above, and if the other party took a fancy to him, his future would be just around the corner. He was going to use this Moon-Shang Scimitar to amaze everyone during the Dan League assessment. It was even more worthwhile to use it now!

He took a deep breath and shouted "Go!"

The spiritual energy burst out and flashed in an instant. He used his fastest speed. This was the Nine True Nine Difficulties Sect.

Boy, just be a stepping stone for Ben Zhenren.

If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for not being born well.

At this moment, he suddenly saw that his master, Qian Laoshou, shivered and the teacup actually overturned, and the scalding tea spilled all over him, but he didn't feel it at all and stood up suddenly.

"Swish...swish, swish, swish!" He clearly felt that everyone's eyes were looking at this side, and the heat of this gaze could even be felt through the black veil under the hat!

The art shocked everyone!

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