
Chapter 1032: Alchemy Competition (Part 2)


really! I have already mastered the first level of the Lancet on the Moon, so I was right to hide it all this time!

Special skills must be used in the right place. Good steel must be used on the blade.

Now, this is the blade.

A sense of excitement rushed into his brain. He worked harder and shouted again. The aura daggers in all directions trembled. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Open!!"

Suddenly, the spiritual swords flew and the sky was filled with splendor. The sound of thirty kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures being processed came rustling like the sound of nature.

Saw it...

He saw again that the master had stood up gloomily. He didn't even wipe the tea leaves off his body.

Didn't you expect that?

At this moment, he was extremely excited. He didn't expect it, right? I can practice painting to this point!

How could you let go of this opportunity to show your face? He shouted again, and with a surge of inspiration, he concentrated on processing the medicinal materials.

I glanced at the people around me from the corner of my eye, and I was shocked to find that not only the master, but also the eight people from the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect, Hall Master Wang, and even some people had their butts hanging in the air, holding on to the armrests with their hands, as if they couldn't suppress their hearts. Shocking.

My painting will become famous today!

"Ha!!" The voice was like a dragon's roar, and his hands were flying quickly. Time passed little by little. In just half an hour, dozens of heavenly materials and earthly treasures had already taken shape.

"Are you not done yet?" At this moment, a voice came from beside him, which made him tremble all over. Suddenly, the spiritual light knife deflected, and a treasure of heaven and earth was scrapped.

"You!!!" Dan Qing was furious, staring at the incomplete treasure of heaven and earth, and the resentment in his heart burst out like a tide.


He stood up with red eyes and fiercely cupped his hands: "This person is not strong enough to do such a despicable thing! Knowing that he is not as fast as me, he disturbs the spiritual consciousness of an alchemist! This crime..."

Grinding his teeth, this was a great opportunity for him to get ahead, but now he was ruined alive by this sound. He Senhan said: "Be expelled from the Alchemy Alliance forever! Take him to the execution hall! Cut off his ten fingers and live forever. He will not be able to enter the Alchemy Path for three generations!"

However, strangely, no one at the scene spoke.

Even Mr. Qian looked behind him with trembling eyes, with a ghostly expression on his face.

The others seemed to wake up from a dream and sat down one by one. The man in the bamboo hat shook his head gently and said with emotion: "Skills advance faster than Tao..."

"Ben Zhenjun has only seen it once on the Grand Master. I didn't expect..."

Such high praise?

Danqing was ecstatic in his heart, trying his best to suppress his expression that was distorted by excitement, and said hoarsely: "It's just a small skill, it's not something that can be discerned. If Xuanzong can give a chance, this junior's skills will definitely..."

He didn't go on.


Why...these people's eyes seem to be looking at themselves, but...they seem to be looking further away?

The vest instantly got wet.

Could it be that...the compliment just now was...

This idea was so terrible that he didn't even dare to think about it, so he said loudly: "Please..."

"Get out!!" Before he finished speaking, Qian Lao roared and rushed over like lightning, kicked him away, and rushed behind him.

Danqing, who was kicked away, saw the scene behind him for the first time.

No exclamations, no roars.

Some are just endless shocks.

Behind him, at least a thousand spiritual threads spread in the air, forming a ten-meter-tall giant blue hand. Layers of magnificent blue light erupted layer by layer, like gems outlined by lines, beautiful.

"This...this..." He was stunned. Whether the monk used a spiritual light knife or a spiritual thread to operate, the number related to the monk's spiritual consciousness, thousands of spiritual threads...

This is at least more than 30% of spiritual consciousness! Even if it’s not, it’s not that far off!

Moreover, that pretty face was actually very well-groomed and did not appear to be in any difficulty. seems like he has been waiting for a long time?

"The monkey plays well." Xu Yangyi looked at Danqing with a smile: "Oh, by the way, his voice is not bad either."

Danqing's face instantly turned red, but his eyes were still staring blankly at the hundreds of heavenly and earthly treasures floating in the air.

This is impossible...

Hundreds of treasures from heaven and earth... are actually so much faster than me! This, how is this possible!

" cheated?" he asked dully.

Mao Baer sneered from the side: "Idiot."

"Is it still a competition?" Xu Yangyi stood up, and the giant hand intertwined with blue light behind him trembled, like the hand of an immortal, and asked calmly while standing in front of him.

no answer.

Dan Qing just stared at this scene blankly and shook his head like a machine.

Than what?

Thirty versus one hundred, the other party has been waiting for me for a long time, isn't it embarrassing enough?

"This is impossible!!!" A hoarse voice came from beside him. Mr. Qian's eyes were red and he looked at the pill floating in the sky: "What pill is this?"

"Just now all the medicinal materials were gathered together and then separated automatically. What kind of method was that!?"

"There are hundreds of medicinal materials that are actually divided into categories. Is this the mentality of that lineage?!"

"Why have I never seen this before!!"

Xu Yangyi looked at him coldly: "Ignorant and ignorant."

Wangchen and Mao Baer drank tea at the same time.

I'll give you nine points for this. One less point is for fear of making you proud.

Master, you seem to only know Mr. Jiang’s methods, right? Is it really good to say that others are ignorant and ignorant with such an "I understand" expression on their face?

Let’s all feel embarrassed for you, okay?

The muscles on Mr. Qian’s face are twitching, no, no! The script shouldn't be like this! How could it be that in the blink of an eye, Amao and Agou, who didn't even have any Dan Alliance certification, were using tricks I couldn't understand and were faster than myself?

"There must be a problem... there must be a problem!!" He closed his eyes, and his spiritual consciousness crazily scanned every medicinal material.

The Spirit-Awakening Fruit... is perfect.


Heavenly Mother Root...perfect...

Impossible...impossible! In a moment, he swept through all the medicinal materials, looked at Xu Yangyi in shock, took a few steps back, and murmured: "Nothing wrong... but you are at a loss!? How did you do this!"

Make a decision!

He can't even do this! You have this kind of strength, why hasn’t Danmeng certified it yet? Aren’t you deceiving people?

He didn't want to believe it, and he couldn't believe it. The Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Gate was right in front of him, and... there were so many medicinal materials in Dantang, and several of them were the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of Yishang. The city lord asked for them, and he agreed to them all. . Now……

How to withdraw?

How did you get to this stage?

"By the way...I don't know any of these prescriptions, I don't know them!" His eyes flashed, and he finally calmed down after almost losing his mind: "This, this must not be just a prescription! It's just that he is the most familiar with these medicinal materials! "

"He must have a deep meaning when he comes here! I don't know whose power it is! Yes, if the pill is not released, I will not lose!"

"Mr. Qian." At this moment, Xu Yangyi smiled and wanted to open the lips that Mr. Qian kicked up again: "If you give up now, I can still give you some face."

"Dreaming." Mr. Qian calmed down. At this moment, his heart was like ten thousand bison rushing through him. He tried his best to suppress it and said, "I admit that you have some tricks. However, the pill has not been released yet. I can't even see this." What is it? I was almost broken by you evil heretics."

"Danhong!" He shouted, but there was no response.

In anger, she turned around and saw that Dan Hong's expression was even duller, her whole body was shaking, and she didn't dare to step forward at all.

Compared to what? Than what?

Who was tortured worse?

"Danhong!!!" He roared angrily, and then the other party reacted and said in a trembling voice: "Master, master."

"Open the furnace and make the elixir! Refining the nine-aperture living elixir that Master Ben is best at!" He gritted his teeth: "If one orifice is missing...just wait..."

Xu Yangyi sneered and sat next to the alchemy furnace again.

I won’t cry until I see the coffin.

Then, just give him a coffin.

Dan Hong sat over timidly. Unlike his master, he felt clear in his heart that this person was definitely not something he could match! This speed is simply inhuman!

"What are you looking at! Haven't started yet!!" Mr. Qian suddenly slapped the table, and immediately, both sides took action at the same time.

"I want to see... what level you are at! Fire, elixir, if you have a little bit of trouble... this! What the hell is this!!" Before the thought in his mind was over, he almost jumped up.

Not just him, this time, nine other people stood up at the same time, no longer hanging their butts in the air.

"This is..." Hall Master Wang looked in front of him in shock. Even though he was not qualified to make alchemy, he still saw that something was wrong.

The other eight people were all staring at Xu Yangyi's alchemy furnace. There was an alchemy master in the Jiu Zhen Jiu Nan Sect, and there were ten great masters. The alchemy master and the others had no right to see it. But I have seen the Grand Master several times.

Xu Yangyi's fire control... is actually on par with the great master!

"Boom!" He waved his hands and four pillars of fire shot out from the square holes in a uniform manner. The next second, they turned into four images and surrounded the entire alchemy furnace!

The fire is not burning in the alchemy furnace. In his hands, the fire is like moonlight, pervasive! Go wherever you want!

Qian Lao's pupils were reflected in red, and the strong wind brought by the fire wave blew his hair and hair. However, in such a hot temperature, he actually felt that his whole body was freezing.

Hall Master Wang looked over, and the Jiuzhenjiu Nanmen looked over, all focused on him with unclear meanings, making him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, and his whole body felt like acupuncture pain.

He opened his lips several times, but no words came out. At this moment, the flames surged again and turned into a long river of fire, spanning the entire room.

Continuous and undulating, it is obviously a river of flames, but it gives people a surging and magnificent feeling. As soon as I looked at it, I felt that every pore was opened, absorbing the hot spiritual energy.

The great river comes from Shu, and all the rivers face eastward.

"The moon shines on the great river..." He flopped down on the chair: "This is... a method only a great master can have..."

Can't stand up anymore...

The two words "grandmaster" are enough to crush him to death a thousand times. If the other party is a great master...

He can commit suicide by retrograde meridians now.

"Huh?" Xu Yangyi raised his head leisurely: "You actually know the name of this move? I have just practiced it not long ago."

"Do you know this trick?"

In an instant, the river of flames surrounding the entire room trembled slightly. Flowers of flame slowly rose from the river of red flames, holding up pieces of medicinal materials. In an instant, the last layer of the medicinal materials sizzled. , the essence of spiritual power contained within Momochi erupted silently, illuminating the room in colorful colors.


happy National Day! The third update is here on Sunday!

Also, at the beginning of the month, please vote for me! ! Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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