
Chapter 1035: Supernatural

"Fellow you have any misunderstandings about our Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect?" The man in the bamboo hat said in a vague voice: "I think our relationship with the Dan Alliance is still good. There are also ten Grand Masters in our sect, so you don't have to have one. concerns.”

"Once the supernatural breaks out, the entire Tenglei Ze will probably be wiped out, not to mention Anlin City, which faces the supernatural, will only be destroyed. However, as monks, there are great opportunities in great dangers. You will be safe if you go with us. "

"To tell you the truth, this time, in addition to alchemy masters like you, talisman masters, formation masters, and the three side sects, there are also specially hired masters. Of course you can refuse, but..." He smiled slightly: "This This thing goes to the Nine Heavens and is sent to the hands of the old man Jiehai Wang."

Xu Yangyi sighed silently in his heart.

I had long estimated that I would deal with Xiahou and Taiyi Sect when I came to the upper realm, but... this was too fast.

And this time we actually come together! Once discovered, there is no need to wait for the three talisman holders, the scene is a dead end.

While his thoughts were racing, he said in a deep voice: "Are we the only vanguard this time?"

"In addition to the other two masters of the side sect, as for the Xiahou Mansion, Taiyi Sect and the others want the vanguard to arrive within two months."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "I will go with you. However, I will not participate in the subsequent gathering."

"Why?" Hall Master Wang was a little stunned. Pioneers are the most dangerous. Before any supernatural being is fully opened, the danger is unknown. But once it is detected and its specifications and dangers are clearly seen, the subsequent entry of large sects , as long as you keep up with the large army, it’s time to divide the results.

Not to mention that there seems to be a great master standing behind Xu Yangyi, and no one will miss him when sharing the victory. The Sea King is not a tyrant, and his emergency recruitment will naturally have compensation. This is compensation.

In his opinion, Xu Yangyi had no reason not to go, but the other party agreed to be the vanguard and not follow the main force, which was really puzzling.

"There is something wrong with the teacher." Xu Yangyi thought for a while and said it outright: "In two months, I'm afraid I will have to stay away from here. The supernatural is too dangerous after all."

The man in the bamboo hat snorted softly. In his opinion, Xu Yangyi was afraid. As a monk, he only seeks fame from horses. If he is timid, it is difficult to achieve great things.

What a pity for this talent.

"Forget it, please record your name. By the way, I would like to remind you that you cannot use pseudonyms. Mr. Jie Haiwang is a man of heavenly cultivation and coincides with the way of heaven. If this person is not found, I am afraid it will not look good on his face." Hall Master Wang said. He said thoughtfully.

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly, his fingers flashed with aura, and the words "Ben Lei" fell on them.

Suddenly, the scroll shone brightly, and the man in the bamboo hat looked at it: "There is indeed someone there."

"What the hell... is there such an operation?" Mao Baer was dumbfounded and whispered: "Wolfbane must be wanted. His real name is not used. Xu Feng will be found out by the three saints that day. This Ben Lei... I'm going to... Cunning Rabbit Three Cave!"

"Okay, we will officially set off in one month." The man in the bamboo hat said with a smile: "This month, please make more Ziyundan, my friends. The ratio of Nascent Soul and Golden Pill is one to four, and each person will prepare ten. Don't worry, The price will certainly not be unfair to you. ”

A storage ring flew over. Xu Yangyi put it away and scanned it with his spiritual consciousness. It turned out to be a high-grade spiritual jade!

After a cursory look, the value was at least tens of millions. Counting ten of them, it was actually almost the same as the auction price.

As expected of a large sect, rich and powerful.

"Hall Master Wang, please explain the details of this mission to little friend Ben Lei. I have something urgent to do. Although Hall Master Qian was not invited today, little friend Ben Lei is better. Fellow Daoist Wang, please give details. Please explain the situation to my friend.”

With a wave of his hand, the door and windows of the Alchemy Hall opened again, and the eight people from the Jiuzhen and Jiunan Gate turned into a blue light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

There were only two of them left in the room. Although Hall Master Wang was a Nascent Soul, he would never show off to a master craftsman. He made a gesture of invitation, and the two of them slowly walked out.

Soon, they arrived at a unique small courtyard. Hall Master Wang was obviously the owner of this place. With a wave of his hand, a row of spiritual fruit and spiritual tea came up immediately.

Xu Yangyi had already asked Mao Baer and Wangchen to leave. He and Hall Master Wang were the only ones here.

"I, Wang Quandao, am the master of the Taiyi Sect's Secret Service Hall. The Taiyi Sect is divided into four major sects, the Twelve Fragrance Hall, and the Secret Service Hall is just one of them. The Pope is above. And our Secret Service Hall... is dedicated to exploring the secrets of various places."

"Time is running out, so I won't be polite to my little friend."

"Good." Xu Yangyi nodded.

Wang Quandao looked around solemnly, and with a flick of his sleeves, the doors and windows were closed, and a forbidden light shone in the house.

Such solemnity was definitely not trivial, and Xu Yangyi also became cautious.

"I wonder if fellow Taoists have ever heard of supernatural beings?" Wang Quandao said.

Xu Yangyi shook his head, and Wang Quandao lowered his voice, with a subtle tremor in his voice, and said softly: "Most monks think that there is not much difference between the supernatural and the secret realm.'s a big mistake!"

"The so-called secret realm is something created or left behind by those great monks. Such a thing may be a divided space or an ancient cave. However, there will always be a solution, and many of them are even used as resources by major sects. It’s for forbidden love.”

He took a deep breath, picked up the teacup and took a sip. Xu Yangyi observed carefully that the other person's hand was trembling slightly.

"But...the supernatural is different..."

Putting down the tea cup, Wang Quandao swallowed, closed his eyes, and said with a sinister tone in his voice: "Supernatural... they... are all unexplainable monsters."

"According to the seven realms, there are four levels: anecdotes, occult, supernatural, and wizards. What I mean by unexplainable is that the legends of the past have no clue and cannot be solved no matter what. In the secret realm, most of the pioneer exploration troops have come out There are definitely a lot of things, and the easily wiped out."

"Ben Zhenjun is definitely not an alarmist." He opened his eyes, and a jade slip flew into Xu Yangyi's hand.

"Here is a record of all the supernatural events that occurred in Kunlun in the past 10,000 years. You should see it in your eyes and remember it in your heart, and you must not reveal anything."

Xu Yangyi looked at it carefully.

After reading a few lines, he frowned.

More than weird... simply incredible!

"Nine thousand two hundred years ago, in the Year of the Suzaku, the Qiong Yao Immortal Sect in the South heard a female cultivator crying late at night. The monk surnamed Chen went to explore but failed. A year later, the Qiong Yao Immortal Sect lost contact and the mountain protection formation was fully activated. The Kunlun Temple of the Contemporary Ruins One person, King Yaoguang, sent the Guardian Army to investigate, but found that there was no one in the Qiong Yao Immortal Sect. The right hands of all the sects, both men and women, had been cut off. From the mountain gate to the top, everyone was holding his own head in his hand, with a smile on his face. Smile and die in bliss."

"King of Fluctuating Light/Wrath went there in person and used his great supernatural powers to detect the surrounding area for millions of miles, only to find that no one from the Qiong Yao Immortal Sect had entered or left within a year, and the entire sect had disappeared inexplicably."

"King Yaoguang ordered to dig three feet into the ground. Finally, a damaged statue of a god and 36,000 headless and handless corpses were dug out a thousand meters underground. The statue was banned by King Yaoguang in the boundless sea, and the place was posthumously named. Class A supernatural being, banned for thousands of years.”

He was a little stunned. This was a typical secret room murder. He didn't think anyone could remain hidden under the methods of the five kings and two queens.

But I still can’t find it!

can not explain.

Beyond nature, even beyond practice!

He continued to read.

"Six thousand three hundred years ago, the beast tide in the northwest of the All Souls Gui Sect suddenly broke out. At the same time, a huge eye opened in the sky, looking around the people, so that the great sage from the Everlasting Mountain returned without success, and was designated as a fairy trail. "Three thousand and six hundred years ago, the Eastern Tianyuanmen went out to sea by boat and disappeared in front of everyone. Two thousand years later, it appeared in the River of Flowing Fire. It is called a strange thing."

One by one, he was sweating coldly as he looked at them.

No trace could be found at all.

It comes and goes without a trace, bursting out around you. He couldn't imagine how much turmoil these things would cause after being revealed to the Seven Realms.

Strange, powerful, chaotic, divine.

"Supernatural powers are already at a very high level. There have been several supernatural outbreaks in history. The most terrifying one was that a large city with tens of millions of people was destroyed in one day. No one has found out the reason yet." Hall Master Wang took back the jade slips. , sighing with lingering fear.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "Could it be Anlin City..."

Hall Master Wang looked deeply into his eyes: "It is determined to be supernatural, level A. The outbreak will occur within half a year."

The room was deathly silent.

Xu Yangyi wanted to leave, but now that his name had been mentioned to Datian, he couldn't leave unless he didn't want to hang out in Kunlun.

Hall Master Wang coughed dryly and continued to speak, his voice low and mysterious: "About three months ago, the Great Xia Dynasty received a special secret report from Anlin City, suspecting that there might be a beast tide in the local area. Immediately, the Great Xia Dynasty's secret guards were dispatched , one True Lord, four True Lords, however... only one True Lord has returned..."

"The person who came back... kept shouting two words as if he had lost his soul. Moreover, from then on, he could not practice or even fall asleep. It was as if... some monster had robbed his dreams!"

"Which two words?" Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice.

"Butterfly." Wang Quandao came closer and whispered: "He shouted Butterfly like crazy... He couldn't practice and couldn't sleep. He seemed to be haunted by demons all day long. He died of exhaustion for three whole months!"

He couldn't help but feel chills all over his body. Thinking of the situation that day, he leaned on his seat and leaned his back on something to wake up from the horror he saw. He breathed a sigh of relief and then said: "It wasn't decided at first. It's supernatural... However, Mr. Shen happened to be near Shuiyun Stream, so he took the time to take a look, and rushed back to the imperial capital that night. "

He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, opened his palms, and a crystal stone appeared, glowing with a hazy white light.

"This is a photographic jade that records the scene witnessed by Mr. Shen Guolao. This news has been blocked. Except for the witnesses at the time, only a thousand people in Kunlun know about it."

"Taixu, Yang Sheng, the top Yin Lord, and all the top and middle level family heads. They are all sure that this must be supernatural, and... the scale this time... is probably bigger than before! The specification is five thousand years. The highest in history!”

He wiped the sweat from his palms: "Anlin City is about to be destroyed."


I only have one small wish this month... At the end of the day, the number in front of the monthly ticket is 2... I hope fellow Taoists on the APP and PC will vote enthusiastically, thank you!

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