
Chapter 1036: Target: Shuiyunjian

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but touched the jade with his hand, and in an instant, a screen of light appeared.

In the light curtain, a continent full of water vapor emerged. This continent... was much higher than the horizon, like a hanging mountain, extremely green, with countless rivers hanging down from above, like waterfalls.

Below it is a vast ocean.

It was originally peaceful, like a fairyland, but suddenly, the entire continent began to shake violently.

Immediately afterwards, countless colorful butterflies flew out from below, covering the entire sky. Then it turned into a spiritual light and slowly disappeared.

Just after the butterfly took flight, millions of birds took flight, forming an endless black tide, followed by silence that lasted for several minutes.

Everything was silent, as silent as death.

Rumble... the whole land trembled, and the next second, a huge object suddenly rushed up from the bottom of Shuiyun Stream, bringing up water mist all over the sky.

Unicorn horn, butterfly body, peacock wings, phoenix feathers.

This is... Nanhua Butterfly Mother!

However, before Xu Yangyi could be shocked, something even more incredible was yet to come!

After the Nanhua Butterfly Mother, a pale flame rose into the sky! Thousands of miles of ice in all directions! It actually wrapped something that looked like a butterfly mother!

"The Holy Flame of Spirit Refining and the Nanhua Butterfly Mother? What the hell is going on!"

"I have never seen such a creature, and the Great Sage of Guanghan Palace said personally that there cannot be any creature over a hundred meters below the Shuiyun Stream. Those flames should be some kind of acquired spiritual fire, but this monster... …It’s impossible to determine the realm!”

Hall Master Wang hissed: "What's even more strange is that His Excellency King Jiehai immediately sent the Guardian Army to investigate, and the results were even more bizarre!"

"The boundless continent just now was Shuiyunjian, and there was originally a vast ocean below it. However... after this scene appeared, the vast ocean disappeared, and in its place was a sea of ​​pale fire, extremely cold fire, which froze the entire ocean. has an extremely weird seal, and no one above the saint can get close to it!"

Xu Yangyi was silent.

This was the Holy Flame of Spiritual Refining, the acquired spiritual fire of Tianjian Villa, but what he couldn't figure out was why the Nanhua Butterfly Mother appeared?

Hasn't the other party been led by Quetzalcoatl to ascend? Could it be...that the other party landed here during his ascension?

No, no, with Nanhua Butterfly Mother's world-destroying strength, how could she be involved in the acquired spiritual fire?

"After our investigation, we found that in this ice sea, there are terrifying spiritual power fluctuations ranging from Yuanying to Zunsheng, and they are slowly increasing. It seems to have a will that completely rejects the realm of Zunsheng. And it is impossible to do so. Break. Also, let me tell you that the envoys of the Great Sage Guanghan are coming with the decree, and Shuiyunjian will be completely blocked in three days at most."

Have you taken action in the Dubu Realm?

Xu Yangyi was slightly stunned. This time the supernatural phenomenon was definitely no small matter!

"We only have one month to prepare. In one month, our suicide squad will go to Shuiyunjian. Be prepared for the arrival of the large army in a few months." Wang Quandao exhaled and took back the sweaty hands. Liuyingyu: "Any leakage of this matter is a capital offense. At the same time as we entered, Anlin City evacuated the entire city. The city lord and a group of officials have already left."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "See you in a month."

The two of them said goodbye and met each other as equals. After Xu Yangyi walked out of the other courtyard, two rays of spiritual consciousness immediately flew to Mao Baer and Wangchen.

Half an hour later, the three of them gathered again, but in front of a magnificent inn.

It is carved with dragons and phoenixes, and is as big as a palace. With Xu Yangyi's talisman skills, after walking in, he has discovered several spatial talismans. This means that each room has its own space, which can be large or small.

There are also many defensive talismans. The huge inn is full of ancient trees, swaying green bamboos, and rippling clear springs. It is like a fairyland on earth.

Soon they came to an independent bedroom. The talisman on the door did not stop them. The door was slowly opened before anyone arrived.

"What? You asked for help so soon?" Mr. Jiang was lying leisurely on a soft couch inside, with a table of spiritual fruits in front of him that were of excellent quality. He raised his eyebrows and said, "I just went to scold someone. He hasn’t given you the warehouse yet?”

"Yes, the deposit is enough." Xu Yangyi cupped his hands and said, "Teacher, please leave here immediately."

"Why?" Before Mr. Jiang could speak, Wangchen said in shock, "Didn't we just come here?"

Mao Baer also looked confused.

"There will be a Class A supernatural outbreak here within half a year, and the Sea King has taken over the local defense measures..." He told what he had seen and heard before. After finishing speaking, Mr. Jiang's face was solemn.

"It turned out to be supernatural..." He pinched his beard and frowned: "It's too ominous... Even if it calms down, Anlin City will be destroyed, and no one will dare to come within fifty years. The whole city will be sealed off in two months, thinking I can’t even leave, and how long will it take for so many people to evacuate? I’m afraid they won’t be able to leave at all by then…”

After pondering for a moment, he sighed: "In this way, take this opportunity to take a look at the situation inside. I will be ready to send a message to the disciples around you at any time. Remember, supernatural... is a taboo that cannot be touched. Once you find something Danger, leave now. Your future is more important than a temporary shortage of funds!"

Xu Yangyi nodded. This business was very dangerous, but Mr. Jiang did not persuade him to turn back because the other party was in an equally difficult situation.

Once a sect's funds are cut off, the consequences will be extremely serious. Not to mention the monks’ annual cultivation resources, and their inability to participate in various grand events. Although there are not many sects in Yishang, there are still many. Once they remain silent for a long time, several more coveting sects will appear out of thin air. They will be submerged in the vast sea of ​​immortal road competition.

This is a vicious cycle, with no resources - decline in realm - dispersion of personnel - downgrade of the sect. Therefore, Mr. Jiang can only place his last hope on Xu Yangyi.

Ou Fangyu hasn't arrived yet, and he is the only one who can take on the important responsibility at this moment.

Xu Yangyi nodded, hesitated, and asked tentatively: "Teacher, have you heard of the Legend of the Seven Realms?"

He did not choose to ask at that time. After all, it was too obvious to ask the three talisman masters as soon as they walked away. However, this question had been held in his heart for too long.

What is the legend about the relationship between swallowing talismans? The Legend of the Seven Realms asks the fairy gate, what are the seven keys?

"Legend of the Seven Realms?" Unexpectedly, Mr. Jiang was stunned: "What is that?"

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly. Is it a secret that even the Grand Master cannot touch...

Maybe...only Taixu is qualified to touch these.

"Nothing." He said vaguely.

In the next month, he worked hard to refine elixirs and collected all the super-grade non-toxic elixirs. He had no time to disturb the market here.

He asked Wangchen and Mao Baer to stay at the inn and asked Mr. Jiang for guidance. This time they could not follow because the operation was too secretive.

During this month, he almost never left home. With the guidance of a great master like Mr. Jiang, he had almost completed the analysis of the third heaven. He had also mastered Ziyundan, and he understood by analogy. Regarding fire control, various The techniques have made considerable progress.

A month later, on Sunday, the moonlight was bright and flawless, and a golden paper crane flew quietly in front of Xu Yangyi. He took a look at it, quietly left the inn, and went straight to the city gate.

Anlin City at night is still busy with traffic. This city that never sleeps, full of money, is completely open, and the major markets are even more lively than during the day. As soon as he took a few steps out, his eyes became slightly cold.

There was obviously a huge crowd, but he felt a chill. A solemn solemnity that I had never felt before entering the city for the first time suddenly enveloped the city.

He looked around, but Jin Dan didn't notice it at all, and neither did Nascent Soul. If his spiritual awareness hadn't exceeded the third level of his class, he wouldn't have felt it.

"Hey? Have you heard about it? The day before yesterday, the Killing Killing mercenary group walked to the edge of Shuiyun Stream and pulled back the remains of a monster beast with a level B and above!" It’s extremely difficult to hunt.” “What are you talking about? The remains of the demonic beast are somehow burnt and broken into pieces, and the demonic elixir is gone. If it weren’t for the skin and flesh, I might not be able to earn back the hard work.”

"But... how did they get to Shuiyun Stream?" "I don't know, have you heard that the activities of monsters in Shuiyun Stream have been very strange recently, and some people even saw Class A monsters on the edge of Shuiyun Stream." "It's impossible. Class A are all demon kings and they won't come to the edge at all." "If they weren't a deterrent, why are there more and more people approaching Shuiyunjian recently?"

As the discussion continued, an unspeakable uneasiness rose in his heart, an invisible, intangible, but omnipresent sense of crisis, extremely light but extremely strong, hovering in his heart formlessly.

The situation is getting more serious...

These people have no idea that a supernatural being that can completely destroy Anlin City is already brewing in Shuiyun Stream. Even the monsters felt something was wrong, and the Class A Demon King no longer dared to stay inside.

There... I'm afraid it has become a devil's nest.

Taking a deep breath, he quietly walked to the wall that looked like the Great Wall. After walking for about half an hour, he arrived at the agreed place mentioned in the paper crane. The tower was originally heavily patrolled and had several times more guards than when they arrived, but here it seemed like there was a vacuum, with no one there. On the long boulder ground, a black talisman array is looming.

After stepping on it, I felt slightly dizzy. When I opened my eyes again, I was already about a thousand meters outside the city.

Eleven people were already standing in front of him.

Their breath could not be felt at all. The eleven black figures were all covered in black cloaks that isolated their spiritual consciousness. Facing the cold night wind, they stood outside the formation like stone sculptures.

"Everyone is here." Wang Quandao's voice was solemn, and he flew towards Xu Yangyi in a black cloak: "This is made of the skin of a Class A spiritual beast. It is the work of the Jiuzhen Jiunanmen Tiangong Pavilion, which isolates most of the spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness. After all, we are going to the monster’s lair.”

"If you come back, I will give this to you all as a thought." The leading man who was in the alchemy hall before said calmly: "The premise is that you come back alive."

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