
Chapter 1037: Steel Wire (I)

Each of the eight people from the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect had a mask on their face, as if they were afraid of their true appearance.

The night was dark, the night wind was like a knife, no one spoke, and the solemn atmosphere followed them like a shadow, covering the twelve people. The endless sea of ​​trees in the distance was blown by the night wind, like a big hand gently brushing, and the sound of the sea tide was heard.

"This is the talisman craftsman Cao Yiming, and this is the weapon craftsman Risheng Daoyou." The leading man of the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect said slowly: "As for us... There are nine kinds of spirit beasts on our masks, you can call me White Tiger. The other two Yuanying Daoyou are named Red Fox and Black Snake."

The face under Cao Yiming's cloak is an old man, but Risheng is wearing a silver mask.

"Everyone, before leaving, this Zhenjun will give you one last reminder." He glanced at the three people with a knife-like gaze, and the Yuanying spiritual energy quietly burst out. Cao Yiming and Risheng both stepped back vigilantly. At this moment, the tide of spiritual energy suddenly converged, as if it had never appeared.

Baihu said hoarsely: "We selected all the craftsmen in Anlin City, and in the end only the three of you were selected. I don't care how glorious you are in Anlin City, how many people are willing to go bankrupt for you for a pill or a talisman. But since you have joined this team, then if you shrink back... don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Let's go!"

The wind was rustling, and there was no exciting mobilization. Twelve figures rose into the air together, turned into twelve streams of light, and flew away.

The team flew very fast. After about an hour, a huge monster far above the ground finally appeared on the horizon.

It seemed like a piece of land dug out from Xu Kunlun. It was impossible to see how big it was, and I didn't know what principle it was suspended a hundred meters above the ground. The cliff below it formed a continuous wave of waves, a real endless sea of ​​cliffs. It seemed that this was the end of the world, an endless wall.

The moonlight was shining, and waterfalls were cascading down from this endless floating continent, reflecting into dazzling streaks.

It was magnificent.

On the cliffs on the ground, countless settlements stood in rows. This was the last place for the major forces to repair. Countless monster materials were transported from here to Anlin City thousands of miles away. Even at such a late night, you could see a flying boat taking off from time to time, and there were endless caravans on the ground.

Everyone wrapped their cloaks a little tighter, bypassed the densely packed settlements, and found a secluded place. At the same time, they accelerated, and twelve streams of light rushed straight into the sky.

After a few minutes, they broke through the clouds one after another, and Xu Yangyi finally saw the top of Shuiyunjian.

It was a flat continent in the clouds, with extremely lush trees, hundreds of meters high, and even three or four hundred meters high towering trees could be seen everywhere.

Endless forests gathered into the sea, condensed into the ocean, and stretched endlessly. However, now it is so quiet that it makes people shudder. There is no bird call or beast roar. It is not like the Shuiyunjian, which is called the "treasure of monster beasts". It is more like...

"Grave..." Xu Yangyi looked at the dark ocean below with a sharp gaze, and the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became stronger. At the same time, Wang Quandao shouted: "Stop!"

Everyone listened, and he said in a deep voice: "Strange... This should be a dead woodland. There is no obstruction. I just detected it half a month ago and chose to land here to prevent the attack of monster beasts..."

"You mean... It grew into a forest in half a month?" Cao Yiming took a breath of cold air: "How is this possible!"

Wang Quandao pondered for a few seconds, flicked his finger, and a stream of light flew across the sky. In the air three thousand meters ahead, a Tai Chi diagram with a radius of fifty meters exploded, black and white interlaced, extremely gorgeous.

Right now!

"Pah la la!" The sound of endless flapping wings suddenly broke out. Just below them, endless black clouds rose into the sky, like a black dragon swallowing the sun, entwining and interweaving crazily, rushing towards the black and white Tai Chi in the sky.

Pairs of blood-red eyes lit up at the same time in the darkness, and there were so many that it was impossible to count them. They were all over the mountains and plains, like waves. The flapping sound even formed a strong wind, blowing their clothes fluttering, and a stream of fishy smell was mixed in the wind. Endless red dots circled, with a piercing hiss, screaming and flying in the air.

No one could speak.

Below them, the endless sea of ​​trees was now... mostly empty, and truly became a dead tree.

For half an hour, a hellish half an hour, everyone suppressed their pounding hearts, watching the demons dancing thousands of meters away, trying their best not to let their spiritual consciousness escape. When the Tai Chi diagram dissipated, the black tide in the sky finally fell, and the dark clouds pressed down. In an instant, the mountains were green again.

"Shadow-chasing bats... Ding upper-level monster..." Even the white tiger's voice was filled with lingering fear, and after a few seconds, he spoke hoarsely: "This is indeed a dead woodland... but... at least hundreds of millions of shadow-chasing bats stayed on it, which makes it look like an ordinary woodland..."

No one spoke, everyone wanted to say something, but their hearts were still beating wildly.

If they went down... if they played the Tai Chi diagram in it, the consequences...

"What the hell is going on!" Cao Yiming wrapped his cloak tightly, his whole body trembling slightly: "Is this... all the shadow-chasing bats in the entire Shuiyunjian gathered here?"

Before he finished speaking, another piece of light lit up in the depths of Shuiyunjian! The same Tai Chi rises into the sky.

Suddenly, the shadow-chasing bats that had just landed were boiling again, but this time, Wang Quandao stared at the Tai Chi in a daze, and said in a trembling voice: "This... How is this possible!!"

The crazy roaring sound finally disappeared as the second Tai Chi diagram dissipated. Baihu also looked at the sky in astonishment, and said in disbelief: "Is this the cultivator that Taiyi Sect is preparing to pick us up? How could they still be alive!"

Wang Quandao was stunned for a few seconds, then lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "This spiritual outbreak is a matter within the territory of the Great Xia Dynasty. As the state religion of the Great Xia Dynasty, Taiyi Sect will naturally cooperate with the Nine True Nine Difficulties Sect. The Secret Affairs Hall did send seven "Swallows" to detect it a long time ago. Even this foothold was determined after several deliberations."

The voice stopped abruptly, and everyone's expression was fluctuating. Everyone had only one doubt in their heart.

How did they survive!

Hundreds of millions of shadow-chasing bats, this number would make even the saint frown, and a few golden cores could actually survive in the heart of the shadow-chasing bats? This is simply unrealistic!

After a long time, the red snake said, "Do we still need to go here?"


Death-like silence.

The scene of the dark clouds covering the sun just now was vivid in his mind. Even Xu Yangyi felt a little hairy on his back at this moment.

"I have arranged three entrances in total. This is the safest one. Just now... I have contacted the other two locations, but there was no response. There is no response here either, but at least there is a signal." After a few seconds, Wang Quandao gritted his teeth and said, "Master Cao, it's up to you."

Cao Yiming's face changed several times, and finally he gritted his teeth, waved his hand, and more than a dozen talismans floated out.

"The Escape God Talisman can completely cover all traces. But... we can only walk over."

Once you fly and use your spiritual power, your spiritual power will leak out immediately. At that time, everyone will die without a burial place!

One for each person, everyone's face was extremely solemn, walking over... It's easy to say, but walking through the mouth of a demon that may burst out and bite people at any time, ordinary cultivators can never bear it!

This is a real tightrope walk, dancing with the god of death. A cough, a cry of surprise, and I'm afraid it will be the end of death.

Baihu pasted the talisman, and his figure suddenly became transparent, only a slightly distorted space could be vaguely seen.

"Everyone." His eyes were already threatening: "Could it want to violate the order of His Excellency the Sea King?"

Others pasted it on their bodies, leaving only three craftsmen.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and pondered. He seemed to be meditating, but in fact, his fingers behind him were already pointing at the seven stars, quietly calculating the sky.

The seven-star divine calculation was finally used.

The closer he got, the stronger the palpitation became. If the ending was bad, he would never go in even if he had to offend the Nine True Nine Difficulties.

After a few seconds, his eyes flashed, and he looked at his hand in some astonishment.


"Is this the difficulty of difficulty, or the difficulty of danger?"

He closed his eyes gently, and the word "difficult" appeared in his mind, and there was a line of small words below.

"Is she in the dim light after searching for her thousands of times?"

Unable to understand.

"But, literally speaking, there is no danger of life and death. She? This trip is related to a woman?"

Opening his eyes, he finally picked up the escape talisman and stuck it on his body. Risheng, Cao Yiming did the same.

"Let's go!" Baihu waved his hand, and everyone finally started.

In the forest, the stench was unbearable, hundreds of millions of monsters gathered together, and the smell was enough to make people nauseous. However, no one in the group dared to say a word, and they silently shuttled through this forest of death that could erupt at any time.

The breathing of countless shadow-chasing bats formed a magnificent sea of ​​breathing around them, rising and falling. From time to time, a shadow-chasing bat woke up, flashing red eyes in the endless darkness, followed by a piece, and then disappeared silently.

Accompanied by death and madness, everyone took every step very carefully, and the tiny footsteps were covered in the majestic breathing, which was barely noticeable.

It was like walking on a tightrope between cliffs, and the heart was hanging on this thin silk thread.

Thirty minutes into the forest, the trees on both sides became denser and the people were more closely spaced. Just as Xu Yangyi continued to move forward, suddenly, a figure behind him came forward and blocked his way.

He went left, and the other person also went left. He went right, and the other person still went right.

Xu Yangyi's eyes narrowed, and murderous intent filled his eyes.

That was Cao Yiming.

They did not walk side by side, but walked in a typical way of an expedition team, in a long snake. The four Yuanyings at the front were the most powerful attacking force, and the ones at the back... were commonly known as the rear guard.

No one wanted to be the rear guard, but the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect had arranged their six Jindans at the end. Cao Yiming was not satisfied with this, and he rushed in front of Xu Yangyi in one step, and was in the safest position of the entire team.

The middle position.

And... not only that.

The cold light in Xu Yangyi's eyes had seen that Cao Yiming had taken out two talismans from his seemingly naturally hanging hands.

This was not unintentional.

This was a deliberate and unintentional warning.

Stay at the back quietly. Unless you want to risk offending the Nine True Nine Difficulties Sect and the Sea King, if you dare to come up, you will have to make a big noise.

Here... a big noise is equal to a big terror.

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