
Chapter 1039: Steel Wire (Part 3)

He remembered something.

The trapped dragon world collapsed because of the invasion of an extremely powerful star beast, which destroyed the entire trapped dragon world. The world spirit weakened and died, leaving behind its successor, who can be called the little dragon man for the time being.

The little dragon man was too young to bear the responsibility of operating the plane, which led to the collapse of the plane. The seventh generation of the blood ancestor of the source blood world took him away.

"The spirit body... Could it be the monk who was trapped in the trapped dragon world and couldn't leave?"

"Such a strong obsession, watching the world collapse before his eyes. Watching everything in the past turn to ashes, this can't be dissipated, so that it becomes a spirit body?"

He suddenly understood.

Why did the little dragon man finally defy the heavens and become an existence that even the Nanhua Butterfly Mother could only kneel down.

For example, now, there must be many people cursing him, crying and begging him, and even countless people in the trapped dragon world are calling his name at this moment, waiting for his salvation.

However, as a newborn world spirit, he can't do it at all, and can only watch it all.

Cultivation requires motivation. What Xu Yangyi needs is to reveal the truth of the universe and see all the worlds, and the little dragon man... this is the other party's strongest motivation.

"But it's not right. If it is a projection of the trapped dragon world, these spirits are so real. What's going on?"

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

The falsehood in the truth, the lonely city in the dark night, the collapsed plane, feeling the vibration from the silk thread, no one's heart is calm.

"This True Lord... I definitely didn't have this thing when I came last time!" Wang Quandao said hoarsely: "This... What's going on!"

Silence. After a few seconds, Baihu said in a deep voice: "However, this just shows that we have approached the center of the supernatural, isn't it?"

"Continue." He gritted his teeth and said: "We have come here, and we can enter the place where Taiyi Sect sent the signal in less than an hour. Maybe they know something. If they don't know, this operation will stop here and never go deeper."

He took a deep look at the vast mountains: "This True Lord has a hunch... This time's supernatural... I'm afraid it's extraordinary."

The team moved forward again.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes later, Xu Yangyi could no longer keep quiet.

He heard it... He heard it clearly. This time, it was not one person, but the footsteps of countless people around them! However, they were staggered, raising their legs as they raised their legs, and falling as they fell.

At this moment, they had passed through the mirage, and everything in front of them immediately returned to its original state. Although there was no one around them, it seemed as if they were in a vast sea of ​​people. The terrifying feeling that gripped their hearts made everyone's breathing begin to become difficult.

It was too clear... so clear that everyone else heard it, and no one could ignore it anymore.

If it weren't for the countless shadow-chasing bats around them, I'm afraid someone would have screamed now.

Silent torture, trying to break the nerve called fear in people's hearts.

"What the hell is this thing!" Wang Quandao finally couldn't help it, gritted his teeth and transmitted his spiritual consciousness: "Daoist friend of Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect! What is inside! What kind of supernatural thing is this time!? Manifestation? Demon? Mystery? You should say something!"

Baihu was silent for a few seconds, and said in a deep voice: "I don't know either, but... I will tell you everything I know when we meet."

Tens of thousands of meters away is a mountain, which is not too long for Yuanying Jindan. Wang Quandao took several deep breaths and was about to raise his legs. Suddenly, a soft light silently projected from the sky above the forest.

This is the sun.

This ray of sunlight came too suddenly. The journey this night was too incredible. The supernatural things along the way took away everyone's attention. No one noticed... It is now dawn.

The sun began to fade the curtain of night, and the forest became clearer and clearer. They could already clearly see the countless shadow-chasing bats in all directions. What was even more chilling was that these shadow-chasing bats... had begun to spread their wings, and some even puffed out their chests and let out a hissing sound.

"Zizi..." In just a few seconds, the hissing sound came one after another, filling the entire forest and shaking people's hearts.

The sleeping god of death finally woke up.

Deathly silence.

In contrast to the hissing sound, the twelve people were completely silent.

"Get ready."

Suddenly, the resolute voice of the white tiger came along the silk thread, with a murderous and iron-blooded meaning.

No one needed to remind them to prepare anything, and everyone's spiritual power was used throughout their bodies.

They met on a narrow road.

The brave wins!

Each showed their skills, and fate was in the hands of heaven!


With a low roar, the four Yuanyings instantly turned into streams of light and flew away, and no one could hide their bodies anymore. Suddenly, the shadow-chasing bats in all directions were stunned, and then they screamed loudly.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!!!!" Millions of shadow-chasing bats screamed at the same time, and the sound seemed to turn into a real wave, blowing the leaves on the ground around them. The next second, a black tide that covered the sky and the earth rose up!

However, after all, they had just woken up, and no matter the speed, scale, or sharpness, they were qualitatively different from the scene of dark clouds covering the sun at night.

Let's go!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and the spiritual energy of the late Nascent Soul burst out completely, but the spiritual energy that appeared outside his body was still the early Golden Core, turning into a black light and rushing up.

He was originally at the end of the team, but with his spiritual power turned on, he actually surpassed all the Golden Cores and ran to the center!

The middle position is always the safest position for the hunting team. From ancient times to the present, any important person or object has been protected here. It is also the easiest position to survive among all group annihilations.

The moment he just rushed past everyone, his body suddenly stopped, and a murderous intention suddenly rushed into his heart, and he looked back suddenly.

"Go back!!!" Cao Yiming shouted, this is his place! At this time, it is not about who can fly faster, but who has more people behind! As long as they follow the four Nascent Souls closely and rush to the meeting place of Taiyi Sect before all the shadow-chasing bats wake up, there is a way to survive.

Xu Yangyi had a black talisman attached to him at some point. The small talisman actually weighed more than a thousand kilograms! His body not only slowed down, but fell straight down!

This Cao Yiming actually wanted to use him as the team's last blood meal!

The murderous intention boiled over instantly. He considered himself not a good person and had too many lives under his command, but he did not make any move to pull the person to the last resort in an instant. It was obvious that several golden elixirs from the Jiuzhenjiu Nanmen were silently giving up, but... Cao Yiming still didn't think it was enough! He must be the number one after the four Nascent Souls!

"This is not the place you should stay! You are not qualified!" Cao Yiming flew his hands and stared at Xu Yangyi with red eyes: "Get out of here!!!"

There is great terror between life and death.

This kind of terror is enough to drive people crazy.

As soon as he put his hands together, the brilliance of the Escape Talisman on Xu Yangyi's body shone brightly, actually doubling in size again. Seeing Xu Yangyi's figure falling downwards, a finally relieved smile appeared on his face, and he laughed wildly to catch up with the four Yuans. Baby steps. this moment, he discovered...

He can't walk either!

"" He looked in astonishment at Xu Yangyi, who was just below him, grabbing his feet, and felt like he was out of his mind: "How could you, just a mere golden elixir..., be able to withstand my three-mountain-five-movement talisman technique!"

"You should be lucky." Xu Yangyi sneered and suddenly pulled with all his strength. Suddenly, with a cry of surprise, Cao Yiming fell down instantly.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down, the two were pulled to the same height, and he saw the sneering face of the other person with horror.

So clear.

The movements seemed to slow down, and he saw... the other party twisted his waist, raised his legs, and then... it seemed like time suddenly accelerated! A leg whip that he couldn't see clearly was kicked toward him.

"No!!!" With a heart-rending scream, a figure flew straight back. Cao Yiming's eyes were bulging, his mouth was wide open, his beard and hair were flying, and his face was full of nostalgia and disbelief for life.

Among the endless shadow-chasing bats, this scene of humanity was so brief that no one wanted to pay attention to it.

"If you weren't here, you wouldn't have died so easily."

Xu Yangyi spat in confusion and rushed towards the four Nascent Souls at full speed.

"Boom!!" A hundred meters behind him, Cao Yiming spurted out a mouthful of blood, hit an ancient tree, and slowly slid down.

His pupils were dilated and he couldn't figure out why. Is this still a golden elixir monk? I actually have no resistance at all!

His thoughts were leaving him, his heart was quickly turning cold, and he had become the last person in the team! The shadow-chasing bats from all directions were already frantically surrounding him, and he could even see the opponent's row of pale, sharp teeth.

Without any time to think, with a roar, all the talismans jumped out of the body, forming a long golden river. However, at this moment, he was shocked to find that there was someone behind him!

Wearing a black robe and a silver mask, Risheng was wrapped in a spiritual treasure and moved forward quickly.

"There is no end to the road..." He panted, his eyes suddenly burst into blazing flames, he gritted his teeth, and a golden talisman appeared on his fingertips.

He doesn't want to be the fastest... he just wants someone to be behind him.

"In my place...go to hell..." He licked his lips, and the talisman shone quietly: "I will sacrifice you well today next year."

Just as he was about to ejaculate, his hand was held.

"What are you going to do?" Risheng had appeared behind him at some point, his warm breath was by his ear, and in his pupils, that Risheng was still there!

"You..." His whole body was electrified. He glanced at Nisheng in front of him in disbelief, and then looked at Nisheng beside him in shock: "You...what on earth are you..."

"Is it a man or a woman? Is it a human or a ghost?" Risheng's voice clearly contained a hint of joking, but there was no sound of laughter at all. It was as cold as the snow in the Tianshan Mountains. This time, all the spiritual decorations were removed, and it was a pure female voice.

"Dead people don't need to know so much."

Squeak! ! The endless shadow-chasing bats had completely surrounded them. With red eyes and pale teeth, Cao Yiming looked around desperately and suddenly laughed at Risheng: "Die... let's die together! Hahaha! Idiot! You You idiot! You can't catch up with the big team! You dare to stop and talk to me!"

Before he finished speaking, his voice suddenly stopped. He looked at the scene in front of him with trembling eyes.

All the shadow-chasing bats knelt down beside Risheng, like ministers worshiping the king.

"One of the seven emotions is fear." Risheng raised her white jade-like hand, and a shadow chasing bat landed on her finger. She lowered her head and did not dare to scream.

"I give you fear."

"You give me death in return."

After the last word fell, with a wave of his jade hand, endless shadow-chasing bats rushed towards him, completely covering Cao Yiming in the black ocean.

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