
Chapter 1040: Breaking out of the siege

The strong wind blew past my ears, and the black tide danced wildly. Xu Yangyi's spiritual power exploded to eight levels. Any shadow-chasing bats that dared to come within ten meters were directly shattered into pieces by the powerful aura shield, and their flesh and blood flew away. However, the smell of blood made other shadow-chasing bats even more crazy. In an instant, every inch of the road was filled with blood, and in the rain of blood, he surpassed everyone and returned behind the four Nascent Souls again.

The sky has turned completely black, and the god of death is fully awake, hovering and screaming. His spiritual energy has been fully activated, but there are too many, and the spiritual energy shield of his physical training is crumbling.

Wrapped in the endless black tide, the shield outside the body has become unstable. At this moment, four rays of light finally shot up in front of him.

Use magic weapon.

Now, no matter how much black tide is around, it is only part of it. Shadow Chaser Bat is extremely sensitive to spiritual power fluctuations. Once a magic weapon with powerful power and high spiritual power consumption is used, it will attract more killers.

The four Nascent Souls obviously had no choice but to do this.

Suddenly, there were screams one after another in the distance, as if the entire Shuiyun Stream was responding, and then, several black clouds rose into the sky and headed straight for them!

"Attack with all your strength!!" Bai Hu roared, and the four magic weapons in front of him rose up, and the swords, talismans, and books burst into brilliance.

Behind the red sword, a cyan ancient armored giant appeared. He gently held the sword and waved his hand, a wave of flames rose up, and thousands of shadow-chasing bats in front of him were instantly reduced to ashes.

The ancient blue sword hung in the air, and the green lotus bloomed out of thin air. The lotus opened twelve layers, with nine levels in each layer. Endless sword rain spurted out from the lotus. As it swayed, pieces of black tide turned into rain of blood.

The talisman shone brightly, shrouding the black snake into a giant King Kong, moving his hands and feet with great majesty. Endless words fly out of the ancient book, and the golden light shines. The movements of the four people, even though it was their first time cooperating, their offense and defense were very measured.

The black tide covering the sky was suddenly torn open.

"Follow me!!" Wang Quandao shouted and quickly rushed towards the gap. However, as soon as he rushed five meters, he was pushed back.

Too much……

The layers are stacked on top of each other, endless. After killing one layer, there seems to be a gap. After rushing out, there is only boundless despair.

But there is no time to despair. Black clouds are roaring from all directions. In just ten minutes, you will truly enjoy the embrace of death!

At this time, it is impossible to go separately. Only by uniting all our efforts can we find a way out.

A flash of determination flashed in Xu Yangyi's eyes. Even if he was exposed at this moment, it would be better than losing his life now. Because...his protective light curtain has been broken.

Less than five minutes.

Endless collisions, countless shadow chasing bats were shocked to death outside his body, but more shadow chasing bats rushed in without fear of life or death. He had already punched several times, and the surrounding area was cleared, and in the blink of an eye, countless shadow chasing bats were filled. Come up.

Taking a deep breath, the next second, a long golden river lingered outside the body. In an instant, all the bats rushing towards him slowed down. Then, the cold fist wind roared out, and the killing was slowing down. His figure suddenly rushed forward. After walking a few hundred meters, I actually rushed to the front of the team!

"You..." The pupils of the four Nascent Souls in front were sharpened. They never expected that this master Ben Lei was actually a Nascent Soul, and his strength was only above them!

Not fast enough.

This is the reason why Xu Yangyi decided to open the way. Life and death are at stake, and the issue of identity can only be dealt with in the future. Because he was walking in front, in an instant, an endless wave of shadow-chasing bats surged over.

"Be careful!!" Red Snake and Cang Quan exclaimed at the same time. In less than three seconds, Xu Yangyi had been wrapped into a huge black cocoon, and there were countless bats outside ready to surround him.

This kind of number... even the sages are shocked by it!

At this moment, golden brilliance erupted from the densely packed shadow-chasing bats, followed by a loud bang, tens of meters thick, and probably millions of shadow-chasing bats all exploded with a continuous scream. ! Inside, a long golden river looked like a galloping dragon, and at the same time, a strange-shaped armor had been put on Xu Yangyi's body.

Fighting among the stars in the dense forest, guarding the soul!

"Do it!!" In an instant, the bat group collapsed, and a wisp of color other than black finally appeared in front of them. The eyes of other Nascent Souls were so vicious that they immediately saw this way of survival. Four magic weapons immediately rushed in and tore apart like crazy. This is the only gap.

Xu Yangyi's face turned red and he took out a pill without hesitation. Just now, he finally felt the terror of the Shadow Chaser Bats. When his spiritual power exploded, he still had his soul guard as a buffer, but one-third of the spiritual power that hit out was returned to himself.

This is a backlash.

There are countless shadow-chasing bats... too many. Even if they don't have any formations, their slight spiritual power has been intertwined into a huge cocoon here. Once they impact, they will definitely be shocked.

The energy and blood in his chest surged, and he suppressed it with all his strength. Now was not the time to care about these things. He was always like this. The magic weapons of the four great Nascent Souls would not last long. As far as the eye can see, patches of black clouds have rushed in crazily, and the magic weapon's soaring brilliance has been completely obscured.

"Kill!" His spiritual power exploded, and he punched out with all his strength. The soul guard was like a golden snake wrapped around his arm, spiraling for a hundred meters. There was a roar in front of him, and endless blood exploded. He didn't feel disgusted at all. He rushed over immediately.

Using both fists and feet, the powerful combat power of the physical cultivator was fully exposed. The wind was like a sword, and no grass grew wherever it passed. Everyone in the back tried their best to follow. The four magic weapons had increased to eight, encircling and suppressing all the bats that dared to approach him.

However, the further Xu Yangyi went, the greater the resistance. He didn't know how many had gathered in front of him. The dark clouds covered the sun and formed an extremely thick wall. After a punch, the hundred meters collapsed, but the black was still revealed, and it was quickly filled by more shadow-chasing bats. If it was an ordinary person, seeing this scene would only be despair.

"You can't keep up with my spiritual energy!" Xu Yangyi punched again. Even he felt extremely dangerous. There were more and more shadow-chasing bats. When they couldn't rush out, the whole mountain forest was surrounded by bats. That was when they fell.

"No..." "Don't worry about us!" "Captain, go!"

At this moment, three screams came from behind him. He felt cold in his heart. Finally, someone began to fall.

It is obvious that this is the person responsible for the rear guard. In the current situation, no one can spare a little strength to help the five Jindan who are left behind. The three figures that have been wrapped into black balls of dozens of meters fell powerlessly, and a dense gnawing sound was clearly heard, which made people's hair stand on end.

It is not terrible that someone fell, but the terrible thing is... the situation has become more difficult!

Originally, there were twelve people to share the burden, and now there are three less.

"Boom!!!" At this moment, a burst of explosions suddenly broke out in the three groups of shadow-chasing bats, and three red spider lilies exploded in the sky. The layers of shock waves instantly raised countless bat shadows.


These three people did not want to be buried in the mouth of the monster. The three Jindan chose to self-explode and disintegrate at the moment of death!

"Squeaky!!!" The crazy shock wave formed a visible air wave that hit the four fields. Suddenly, the shadow-chasing bats in front of Xu Yangyi became chaotic, and the endless black wall actually showed a trace of disorder.

"Sound!!" Behind him, Baihu's extremely anxious voice came, and at the same time, four spiritual energies rushed straight into the sky! Several points stronger than before!

Burning life!

Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up, and the dragon was born in front of him!

He understood that these monsters relied on sound to hunt, otherwise they would be blind. The self-explosion of the three golden cores just now was so close, and at this moment... they were really blind!

Breakout is at this moment!

Kakaka... His joints began to swell rapidly, and suddenly, several shadow-chasing bats that had bitten him were instantly shattered, and his skin turned into a piece of blue. Three heads and four arms, red hair and golden eyes, Asura roared up, and the power of the demon god shook the world.

"Kill!!" Behind him, four loud shouts, four spiritual energies that were twice as strong as before rushed straight in front of him.

At this moment, his mind was clear.

There was no dialogue in the battle, no one had the slightest intention of dialogue, they were all in the Nascent Soul Realm, relying on the instant enlightenment between masters. The situation was so critical that there was no room for more reminders.

He understood that the people behind him had already admitted that he was the strongest spear. When these four magical powers came, this spear must make a gap in the bat group.

"Swish..." Time seemed to slow down, and everyone saw... Shura, whose murderous aura was almost transformed into substance, put his four hands together, and then slowly raised his right hand. At this moment, a brilliant golden light emanated from his hand. Under his feet, the golden light was like the sea, and the thousand-meter-high golden Guanyin slowly raised his head.

God's power is like a prison, and God's grace is like the sea!

"Above-level physical skills!?" Several people from the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect were stunned for a moment, and then they all exclaimed.

Wuxiang Guanyin.

"Boom!!!" The palm fell like a holy sword, and the aura swayed like stars, breaking the flying waves of Huangquan. The group of chasing shadows in front disappeared a thousand meters away in an instant! And this time... Finally, no more chasing shadows rushed up, and the surrounding chasing shadows were all screaming and dancing without a clue. The huge phantom of Guanyin and Xu Yangyi moved with him, splitting the road of life and death with one palm.

"Go!!!" Everyone shouted loudly, and their bodies were like arrows, rushing out a thousand meters away in an instant.

The soul guard turned into a golden river to guard the outside. Although the group of chasing shadow bats was in chaos, there were still many chasing shadow bats flying around in the middle. To say that there were few was for the entire Shuiyun Gorge. However... at least hundreds of thousands!

If there was a bottomless abyss in front, it was now a black veil, which was quickly shattered under the impact of all Yuanying cultivators.

However... there were still too many. Many people were like a piece of black veil. When they rushed in, they were wrapped into a huge ball of more than ten meters. They were shattered again and again, and stained again and again. The blood of bats was all over their bodies. Only Xu Yangyi was slightly better. The deceleration of the soul guard made the resistance he encountered not so serious.

Tens of thousands of meters away was not far for Yuanying. Just when they were about to rush to the mountains, a self-explosion came from behind again.

Baihu gritted his teeth, his eyes red, and he didn't dare to look back. The group rushed to the mountain in front of them with all their strength. In front of them, the layers of chasing shadow bats were becoming thinner and thinner, and they turned into a bloody rain after being hit by the angry Yuanying Zhenjun.

Twenty minutes later, everyone finally rushed to the mountain. Everyone, including Xu Yangyi, was covered in blood. It was not their blood, but the chasing shadow bats, which exuded a fishy smell.

Wang Quandao quickly combined his hands, and with his magic formula, the mountain in front of him made a rumbling sound, and a cave about ten meters in size suddenly appeared, and the stone door slowly opened.

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