
Chapter 1041: Whose signal?

At this moment, the sky suddenly turned dark.

"They're catching up!!" Red Fox was stunned, shouting hoarsely with cold sweat all over his body.

"As long as our breath is cut off, it will be fine!!" Wang Quandao opened the stone door slowly and shouted hoarsely: "Everyone! Life and death are determined by fate, destiny is in the sky!! Charge!!"

With a loud shout, his figure suddenly flashed, turning into blood and exploding in the sky. The next second, he flashed and appeared a thousand meters away!

"Swish, swish, swish!" Other people in the Jiuzhen and Jiunan Gate had two pairs of bat wings growing out of their backs. One of them could span a thousand meters.

Xu Yangyi also did not lag behind, using all his strength, he finally rushed in before the stone door was completely closed.

At the same time, a white light rushed in after him.

It's a birthday.

"Kalala..." The stone door slowly closed tightly. In the last ray of sky, everyone turned back and looked at the demonic hell scene outside.

The sky is not the sky, the earth is not the earth, there is only infinite black between the sky and the earth. After all, they are just Dingshang monsters, and they are still some distance away.

"Stuck..." The stone gates were completely closed together, and no one spoke. Ten seconds later, there was a loud "Boom!" and the whole mountain was swaying. Everyone's expressions were extremely solemn.

The waves crashed against the shore, the sound of endless shadow-chasing bats crashing into the mountains.

The shaking sound resounded for several minutes and finally slowly dissipated.

"Huh..." Wang Quandao breathed a deep sigh of relief, leaned against the wall as if he had lost all strength, and slowly slid down to the ground.

"Huh..." The same is true for the white tiger, red fox, black snake, and blue dog, the only four people from the Nine True and Nine Difficulties Sect.

Just after walking through tens of thousands of meters of mountain forest, one-third of this elite team disappeared.

"Fellow Taoist." Bai Hu cupped his hands towards Xu Yangyi: "It depends on the master craftsman."

Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and several Nascent Soul level Ziyun Dan flew out. Everyone took it and swallowed it, and they all adjusted their breathing.

No one spoke, no one was in such a mood, and they were left with lingering fears for the rest of their lives.

Risheng didn't say a word, and it was the same.

Ten minutes later, everyone opened their eyes. Wang Quandao sighed: "The magic pill... In just ten minutes, the spiritual power and physical strength were all restored to their peak. I have never seen such a pill on the market."

The refining method of Ziyun Dan is very complicated and surpasses all elixirs in the same realm. If it were not for his superior spiritual knowledge, I am afraid that only a master can refine it. But the masters are refining elixirs of the sage level. Who would refine Ziyun Dan?

Therefore, it is normal not to see it on the market.

There was flattery in his words, but Xu Yangyi did not smile, but remained silent.


There's about this place.

Is the other party angry about his previous attitude? A series of shocked eyes looked at Xu Yangyi silently. Wang Quandao looked at Xu Yangyi's face and cupped his hands: "I wonder which sect my fellow Taoist comes from? Such a genius, Ben Zhenjun is really ignorant."

On the way to the attack, Xu Yangyi's combat power was thrilling to them. No one expected that the other party's spiritual energy was hidden so well. I didn't even expect that the other party was so strong.

Especially the last attack from the armor-based physical technique, they paid for it themselves, and no one could completely block it one-on-one.

"The small sect is not worth mentioning." Xu Yangyi naturally would not mention himself in front of the Taiyi Sect, he frowned in thought and said casually.

Where no one was looking, his hand had relaxed. The spiritual power held in his hand quietly dissipated.

Wang Quandao did not recognize himself.

Thinking about it, his existence is related to the innate spiritual treasure. It is impossible for Mr. Shen to let too many people know about this kind of thing. He must have sent elite monks to search for him. I am afraid that the incense master cannot reach this level.

However, if Wang Quandao had made any changes just now, he would never show mercy.

Including everyone here, he couldn't let the other person get out alive.

"I'm afraid it's not a small sect, right?" Red Fox said with a smile: "The appearance of a monk will change as the years of practice increase. Unless you have taken the Dingyan Pill, I have not felt the existence of the Dingyan Pill. "

"Looking at my Taoist friend's age, I'm afraid he has only been practicing for four or five hundred years. He is in the late Nascent Soul stage, at the peak of his physical cultivation, and is still an alchemy master. My Taoist brother's future is limitless. I would like to wish my Taoist friend a bright future..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi looked at the ground thoughtfully and said in a deep voice: "Where are the disciples of Taiyi Sect?"

Don’t know how to praise!

Wang Quandao snorted in his heart. He wanted to form a good relationship. The other party was too strong and would definitely not be an unknown person in the future. However, the other party didn't give him any face. He didn't want to answer, but when he thought about it carefully, white sweat immediately appeared on his back, and a look of fear quickly appeared on his face.

Not just him, everyone was stunned for a second, and then gasped and looked around with their hearts beating wildly.

A piece of spiritual jade is embedded in the top of the head, emitting a soft light.

This is a passage about fifty meters wide and seventy meters high, winding and winding with no end in sight. There is no decoration either.

Under the light of the spiritual jade, every detail was perfect, without any concealment, but... a coldness arose in my heart.

"Fellow Daoist Wang..." Bai Hu's voice was suppressed, and he was breathing heavily: "This mountain, if I read it correctly... is Yunxia Mountain, right? This passage should open up the entire Yunxia Mountain Range, and behind it... but the water The center of Yunjian, Shuiyun Blessed Land?”

"That's right..." Wang Quandao shivered silently and said in a trembling voice: "In order to cooperate with Guizong, the Secret Affairs Hall specially invited the Grade B-level spirit beast Digging Dragon. Only it can open up this mountain in such a short time."

"How long will it take us to walk over?" Chihu felt his lips dry. Several survivors had unknowingly walked much closer. It was as if an invisible demon was hiding around.

"Three days..." Wang Quandao hissed.


Everyone's spiritual power was fully opened, and they looked around with great vigilance.

No... No! Too weird!

Three days... If the disciples of Taiyi Sect were still there, then they would not be able to see the signal from this side of the mountain. As long as they could see it, it meant that they must be in front of this door!

Psychologically speaking, they were trapped here, looking forward to the rescue of the sect all the time, and they must be guarding here every day. Even if someone was still at the back door, there must be someone in front.

Second, they couldn't have seen the signal and went to the back door.

Then... why is there no one here!

Even if they had to leave for something else later, they had been adjusting their breath for so long, the other party should have arrived long ago, but now... there is still no one!

A deep chill filled everyone's heart.

Who sent the signal?

Just now... who made them walk here!

Xu Yangyi looked around solemnly, he had a feeling that someone wanted them to come here! From the beginning, they fell into a trap.

"Let's go and have a look first." Wang Quandao was unwilling to give up, and gritted his teeth and said: "Everyone, in order to deal with emergencies, there is a no-fly ban set up here by the hand of the saint, and we can only walk over."

Even if walking, the cultivators are much faster than ordinary people. However, just half a minute after they started, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he immediately left the crowd, and his spiritual power surged and fell to the back.

"What's wrong with Daoyou?" The others asked in confusion.

"Don't come over." Xu Yangyi stared at everyone, his heartbeat accelerated. Baihu frowned and took two steps forward: "You..."

"I said, don't move." A spiritual power that made everyone feel extremely dangerous suddenly arose, and everyone's skin felt cold. Only when they really faced this person did they feel how strong the other party was.

After killing his way out of the sea of ​​chasing shadow bats, no one dared to point fingers at him.

At this moment, Risheng also walked out slowly and stayed away from others: "You, don't get close to me."

Xu Yangyi's ears moved slightly and nodded to Risheng. The others were full of doubts.

He stared at Wang Quandao, his palms full of cold sweat, and said in a deep voice: "Master Wang... Who else did you bring?"

"Just the twelve of us." Wang Quandao suddenly felt creepy. Thinking of Xu Yangyi's actions, a chill in his heart rushed straight to the top of his head. He took half a step forward without making a sound, but felt...

His cloak was pulled by someone.

"Tick..." His face suddenly became extremely solemn, but his hand was naturally raised. He opened his mouth several times, but couldn't say anything.

However, he still couldn't move.

"In the forest, I heard the footsteps of the thirteenth person." Xu Yangyi looked behind Master Wang vigilantly: "But... it didn't leave."

"Right here, there is another person!"

Just now, he heard the ninth footsteps again!

"Swish, swish, swish..." Everyone around took a breath and retreated a few meters. As this sentence fell, everyone close to Wang Quandao saw... Under the other person's figure, I don't know when, a blurry, small figure squatting on the ground, like a child, was tightly pinching the corner of Wang Quandao's clothes!

Just so quietly, without saying a word, no one can be seen, only the pale hand can be seen.

No one spoke.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, the mountain top under the moon, the sea of ​​trees in the clouds, the Taiyi Sect disappeared for no reason, the seemingly true beast tide, the whole city of Anlin City was under martial law, the pale hand in the shadow... Everything seemed like a demon, opening its bloody mouth.

Devouring the world.

Wang Quandao is indeed the head of Taiyi Sect. Although everyone can see that he is sweating profusely, his voice is trembling, but he does not scream. His eyes convey information, and he said in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

No answer.

"I have no grudges against you..." Wang Quandao's eyes almost became real, suppressing the pounding of his heart, and stared at Baihu. However, before he finished speaking, a cold and tender child's voice sounded behind him, almost close to his ear: "Will you play with me?"

Wang Quandao felt that the hairs on his ears were moved by the wind, and he forced a dry smile on his face: "Yes... Cang Quan!!!"

The moment he shouted this sentence, his figure exploded with blood on the spot, and instantly appeared a hundred meters away. At the same time, a piece of extremely cold spiritual power burst out, and mercury poured out.

The eight people from Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect have completely fallen to the ground, not like human form at all. Their clothes cracked, and inside appeared a piece of scales or fur.

Their eyeballs began to turn red quickly, and their nails also grew faster and faster. In just a few tenths of a second, the white tiger, the three-tailed red fox, the gray-haired dog... eight monsters as big as houses, rushed over like lightning the moment Wang Quandao escaped using his secret method!

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