
Chapter 1042: Five Demon Kings

However, the moment they rushed forward, there was nothing behind Wang Quandao!


"This..." White Tiger swung his huge body around and looked at the land in astonishment. Even he felt that his heart was hairy.

The four giant beasts looked at each other, no one knew what happened just now.

Wang Quandao's face was pale, his chest was heaving, and he was groping with his hands behind his back. After a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and said, "Leaving?"

Xu Yangyi looked around warily: "I don't know."

Silent, after a few seconds, Bai Hu said: "No matter what, the mission goal is right in front of us, so I don't need to say more. Since this passage runs through the entire Yunxia Mountain, you will understand it when you see it."

"This trip is too weird. We will observe from a distance and set up the teleportation circle. We will never go down."

Everyone agreed, and the group cautiously walked toward the end of the passage.

The weird footsteps finally disappeared completely. They sat on several giant beasts and walked like flying. Even so, they ran for three days before finally seeing the stone gate at the end.

Of course, it’s not just Shimen.

More than a dozen corpses were lying there in a jumble of shapes. The corpses of the monks were golden and would not corrode for hundreds of years.

"How is it possible..." Wang Quandao looked at everything in front of him in astonishment. He rushed over like crazy and looked at all the corpses: "All dead? There is no damage around? How did they die?"

"Who is giving me the signal!"

The fog was thick, and the people of Taiyi Sect had long been dead, but they saw the sect's signal and couldn't explain it at all.

Xu Yangyi also jumped down and looked at everyone carefully. It was determined that they had been dead for at least five days, and everyone had extremely horrified faces. The stone door behind them was covered with scratches. One can imagine how crazy they were before they died.

"This... is simply unbelievable." Yuchang exclaimed: "The monks do not respect ghosts and gods. Only the self is real. What on earth can scare them like this? Even scare them to death?"

There is only one answer.

Terror beyond the known.

"This matter is not something we can solve." Bai Hu said solemnly: "I suggest reporting it to the sect immediately."

It spit out a golden scroll, which was inserted into the ground like an iron rod. Suddenly, the infinite talisman unfolded.

"Within one day, a miniature long-distance teleportation array was established. After it was built, we evacuated immediately." It nodded towards Wang Quandao: "Master Wang, open the door."

"At least we have to report what's going on inside."

Wang Quandao nodded, and with his hands clasped together, the door slowly opened.

Rays of sunshine came in, and it was daytime outside. A dense aura suddenly rushed in, almost turning into white mist. Everyone walked forward and took a look. Suddenly, everyone's heartbeats accelerated crazily.

Below is a huge grassland.

The Yunxia Mountains forming the basin can be vaguely seen in the distance. In this grassland, it seems to be isolated from the world. There aren't many monsters at all. But...a dozen huge figures were lying quietly on the grassland.

To the east is a white elephant, twenty meters tall. The whole body is white, and the ivory is like antlers, huge and crystal clear.

It doesn't seem big, but...the terrifying fluctuations on the other party's body can be felt even from far away!

"Holy Saint... Demon King!" Bai Hu gasped and took a few steps back with his huge body: "Surprisingly, he is actually a Demon King at the Saint level!"

Around it, there was nothing. There were only a few late-stage Nascent Soul and peak-level white elephants pacing leisurely.

The king's territory rejects all living creatures.

To the west, there is a big snake with a single horn on its head and four unfinished little legs hidden under its body. Its whole body is blue. Where it is, the ground is pitch black and it is obviously highly poisonous.

"Transform a snake into a dragon!" Yuchang took a deep breath: "This snake has a higher level of cultivation than the white elephant!"

In the south, a giant tiger whose whole body was burning with flames lay sleeping on the ground. Around it, there were a group of giant tigers of various colors, some with scorpion tails, and some with wings on their backs. Some are covered in bone spurs. Also lying around.

In the north, a huge plant entwines the face of a man, meditating quietly. Around it, all the vegetation is thriving, but in this prosperity, there is an indescribable weirdness.

There is also a sail-like figure in the river, and a huge fish that is probably a hundred meters long is swimming in it. The spiritual power on it is still at the level of a saint!

"The five demon kings..." Wang Quandao took a step back and murmured: "How is this possible... Only when Shuiyun Stream is close to Tengleize will there be demon kings by chance. According to statistics, there are only eight demon kings in Tengleize. Five people came here at once!”

"Any demon king will fight to the death when they meet, but usually no one will cross the other's territory... But, now that the five demon kings are gathered together, it is so peaceful?!"

Xu Yangyi did not speak. In his mind, Yuchang was explaining in detail.

"If we say that the lower four realms are the pinnacle of spiritual power, then the middle three realms, at least the sage realm, are about lifting a weight with ease and being skillful but clumsy."

"In the realm of Yuanying, a move can easily reach a range of ten thousand meters, but Zunsheng is different. You may see a move that is fifty meters or a hundred meters away. The power generated is probably far less terrifying than that of Yuanying. But the more this happens, the more It shows that this person has a very high level. When all the spiritual power is gathered in one place, the lethality produced is far beyond that of Nascent Soul."

"Holy Saint, the power of supernatural power can be large or small, and it can be used freely. The same is true for the demon body. Their true bodies are probably thousands of meters in size, but when they really step into the holy step, they discard the useless impurities in the demon body and concentrate the essence. Don't look at them as being only 20 or 30 meters in size. In fact, even if it is a piece of meat, the spiritual power contained is probably enough to kill you."

Xu Yangyi nodded. Even if Yuchang didn't say it, he wouldn't judge with his eyes.

The strength of the five demon kings is too terrifying. This huge basin seems to be covered by their spiritual power. The movement of spiritual energy feels extremely obscure. If it weren't for the hand of the holy saint here, they would probably be discovered immediately.

"Is the beast tide really going to break out?" Red Fox gritted his teeth and said, "When the beast tide breaks out, it will be a disaster. Even if Anlin City is defended, it will be severely damaged! No wonder... No wonder the shadow-chasing bats were driven to the outermost part. Faced with such a strong demonic aura, ordinary demon beasts dare not stay here at all."

"Most demon beasts live in groups. The ones here are the shadow-chasing bats, and other places may be other groups of demon beasts..." White Tiger's eyes flickered, and he was anxious: "They... They are hoarding troops... There are more than one billion demon beasts gathered around Anlin City. Shuiyun Fudi itself is a basin, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. This place... I'm afraid it's their headquarters."

High-level demon beasts, especially those who have entered the Saint, are very smart and are definitely not stupider than humans. Even some old demons are much smarter than humans. A group of demon kings who have never met each other in life and death are located here, but there is no battle. Apart from discussing how to attack the human town, they can't think of anything else.

Peaceful sunshine, silent solemnity.

The intersection of the two atmospheres makes this place solemn and murderous.

"Maybe... it's not the beast tide." At this moment, a voice of spiritual processing sounded.

It was Risheng who had never spoken.

"Look there." Without waiting for everyone to be confused, he pointed to the center of the basin. Everyone looked carefully and finally found something different after a long time.

In the center of the entire basin, under the layers of weeds, there was an extremely inconspicuous cave entrance, and it was under a towering tree. The cave entrance was estimated to be ten meters in size, but it was blocked by the tree canopy and was very difficult to see.

"Everyone, take a look at the position of the demon kings."

After careful observation for half an hour, Wang Quandao said in astonishment: "They... are all targeting this cave entrance?"

Every demon king must sweep the spiritual consciousness once within ten minutes. Five majestic and boundless spiritual consciousnesses intertwined in the blessed land, and even the sound of metal clashing could be heard, and the target... all looked at the cave entrance.

It was as if... there was some peerless treasure hidden inside.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly and glanced at Risheng calmly.

He thought he had a very high observation ability. He didn't see the details of the details, and no one noticed it. But Risheng saw it.

Sometimes no one has a better observation ability than him, but in fact, he has been concerned about Risheng since he entered the passage.

At that time, he didn't feel that there was someone behind him. Cao Yiming was kicked to death by him, and Risheng was behind him, but Cao Yiming died, but Risheng didn't.

Moreover, Risheng's realm is also the late Jindan, how can he keep up with his speed? Rushing in with him?

More importantly...

Too clean.

When he entered the passage, even if he was covered in blood and stained with the blood of the shadow-chasing bat, Risheng didn't.

So clean, spotless.

These are the details he saw. If Risheng also noticed it, at least there would be an explanation. But no, but the other party discovered the difference now, which made people puzzled.

"Let's see first." The white tiger sat down and said in a deep voice: "No one wants a beast tide to break out. Once it breaks out, Anlin City will take shelter from the Nine True Nine Difficulties. At that time... I'm afraid it will be a battle between the Sea King and the ancestor..."

"Ancestor?" Xu Yangyi said in astonishment.

The red fox stared at the bottom and said: "You and I both know that the strength of demon cultivators is 30% stronger than that of cultivators of the same level, and they are born with physical cultivation. Occasionally, a demon cultivator is lucky enough to transform. Two thousand years ago, I learned from a transformed demon cultivator that there was a rumor that there was a demon cultivator supreme in Tenglei Ze, whose cultivation was unparalleled and only a little bit away from reaching the level of uniqueness. His strength was only stronger than the five kings and two queens. Therefore... Tenglei Ze is regarded as one of the forbidden areas. No one has ever entered the depths."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath.

There is still such an old monster?

The size of the Seven Realms and the complexity of the forces are indeed far beyond the current Earth.

Everyone sat quietly at the entrance of the cave, waiting for the construction of the teleportation array. The sun set and the stars rose, and gradually, the surrounding sky darkened.

Stars leaped up one by one, and time passed by one second. Just in the early morning, his eyes flashed and he stood up suddenly.

I didn't know it was him, but everyone around him stood up in shock. Looking around in disbelief.


Extremely rich aura!

Without any signs, it suddenly rushed into the sky from all directions! Endless milky white light spots jumped between heaven and earth, like fireflies on a summer night, magnificent!

At the same time, the five demon kings finally ended their nap and all stood up. The terrifying aura broke out without any concealment, confronting the aura of the other side!

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