
Chapter 1043: Fire turns to ice, trapping the dragon spirit

Not only that...

In all directions, throughout the Yunxia Mountains, green, golden, red... eyes lit up like lanterns! In the mountains, densely packed, like stars in the sky!

That's a demon beast.

At least a demon beast in the late Jindan stage, mixed with hundreds of Yuanying-level spiritual energy, accompanied by their king soaring into the sky, just a moment, it formed a five-party trend!

"Demon beast..." Baihu said in astonishment: "This is, it is a demon beast directly under the five demon kings! What are they doing? They actually brought all their demon beasts out!!"

"Don't they want their nests anymore!"

Any demon king, regardless of the order of enlightenment, but there is always an opportunity to achieve enlightenment. The nest of each demon king must be a blessed place, otherwise it is impossible to support the demon king's breathing. But now... not only did they come out in person, but also brought all their important subordinates. Baihu couldn't figure out why.

"Too many..." The red snake looked at the endless roars from all directions in surprise. This was to cheer for their king. They had not felt the interference of the demon king's spiritual energy before.

The roar of the beast shocked the world, the destruction of the demon beast country, the ocean of demon beasts, and the wind and clouds of the majestic spiritual energy that rose and fell one after another. In this roar that shook the earth and the sky, the demon king in plant form finally took a step forward quietly, and countless branches and leaves on his body stretched out.

Rustling... Ten thousand trees are in spring, forming a cage of thorns, but in an instant, the area around it is tens of thousands of meters, surrounded by a blood-red thorn that is more than ten meters thick. Like a bowl turned upside down on the ground.

"Roar!!!" The tiger roared in the mountains and forests, and the flames all over the body of the giant tiger roared, and the flames all over the body suddenly formed a pillar of fire that soared into the sky. The body crouched low, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, while defending against other opponents with all his strength.

"Sisi!" The silent giant snake roared to the sky, and the scales on its body were peeled off piece by piece, and countless small snakes crawled out. In an instant, the area nearby had become a sea of ​​snakes.

On the other side, the white giant elephant stepped on the ground, and a majestic elephant roar came out. Countless golden talismans appeared in the air from all directions, surrounding layer by layer, like a nine-story golden pagoda.

In the river, the waves were shocking, and the giant fish stirred up waves. Every demon king was using their own way to warn the other party not to act rashly. This was a primitive but direct deterrence, and this was a warning method belonging to the demon beast saint. Full of murderous intent, but extremely straightforward.

The next second!

A piece of light burst out from the cave under the tree, spreading along the entire tree, one strand after another, with a little starlight. In just a few minutes, this towering tree was covered with spiritual lines, as if it was outlined by spiritual light.

"Swish!" The strong wind swept across an unknown basin, and even the cave where Xu Yangyi was was not spared. His clothes fluttered wildly, his hairband and jade pendant rustled, and he flew back almost vertically. The strong wind entered his chest, and he felt that all the pores in his body were stretched a little.

"This is..." Yuchang felt it doubtfully, and said in shock: "What a refined spiritual energy!"

"It's almost comparable to the Qin and Han dynasties! Here... the celestial phenomena here are changing! Changing the world?!"

It looked at the basin in astonishment, and it was hard to believe its eyes. If the situation did not allow it, it would almost rush out of Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness. Changing the world is a natural feature that takes thousands of years to form, and this basin... actually transformed itself under the moonlight?

Condensing thousands of years into a moment... How could this be possible!

In the basin, countless spiritual light points have begun to float up, forming a vortex, slowly rotating with every spiritual line of the tree, faster and faster, and more and more quickly. Ten minutes later, a spiritual tornado suddenly rose in the basin! Finally, it rushed towards the tree with a bang.

"Swish..." The white light was so bright that everyone closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes again, everything was the same, but the atmosphere in the basin was completely different.

The five demon kings were like arrows on a string. The extremely tense atmosphere made everyone's breathing difficult, and the roars of demon beasts all over the mountains and plains around them had disappeared.

Under the attention of the crowd, the giant tree shook gently, and a drop of crystal water swayed gently, reflecting the moonlight and falling.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi felt that the figures of several half-human and half-demon cultivators of the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect moved together. I don't know how much endurance it took to suppress this impulse.

Even though they were so far apart, he could feel how terrifying the spiritual power contained in this drop of water was. Even Jiang Lao's elixir was less than one-tenth of it!

As it fell, every minute, a circle of ripples appeared in the void. In these few short seconds, everything was silent.

Whether it was people or monsters, all of them were looking at the field. However, what surprised Xu Yangyi was that the five demon kings were not looking at the water drop, but staring at the cave entrance.

The water drop was still one hundred meters away from the ground... ninety meters...

Just as it entered the fifty-meter range, suddenly, a pale glow appeared in the cave, and in an instant, it condensed into a giant flaming hand the size of a meter, rushing out madly!

"The Holy Flame of Refining Spirits!" Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he murmured.

The Holy Flame of Refining Spirits... was actually in the center of the encirclement of the five demon kings!

And... he wanted to snatch this drop of water with the body of the acquired spiritual treasure!

"Here we go again... looking for... death!!" The giant snake's eyes flashed with fierceness, and it actually spit out five vague words. With this roar, the power of the saint exploded without concealment, and tens of thousands of black shadows rushed up like a tide.

"Roar!!" The giant flaming tiger roared to the sky, and endless waves of fire erupted, and the sky and the earth changed color!

On the other side, two purple rays shot out from the white elephant's eyes, slashing through the void. The vines of the plant demon king flew and turned into a light curtain all over the sky.

The five demon kings attacked together, but the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits, as an acquired spiritual treasure, had its own magical powers. But the pale fire gushed out all over the place, but in the blink of an eye, it was frozen for thousands of miles!

"What is this!" Seeing this breathtaking scene, the people in the passage exclaimed in unison. It was too mysterious. The five demon kings fought against the acquired spiritual treasures, and the vision was thousands of miles away. Ninety percent of the cultivators would never see it in their lifetime.

"Boom!!" A circle of terrifying air waves erupted. The power of this collision was so terrifying that the entire basin seemed to have experienced an unprecedented earthquake and shook endlessly. It was like a nuclear bomb exploded over the basin, the grass and trees shook with murderous aura, and the stars lost their luster.

With a whine, the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits collapsed instantly, and the ice on the ground quickly faded away as if the tide was receding. The flaming giant hand also disappeared without a trace.

Xu Yangyi nodded. He could feel that the Holy Flame of Refining Spirit was only half a step away from the level of the Saint, and was still far from the five demon kings. He dared to attack because, first, its habitat was under the big tree, close to the water. Second, relying on the spiritual power of the acquired spiritual treasure, it was almost immortal.

"I don't know if you can still be so fearless when you encounter the Nanming Lihuo..."

However, this idea was just a thought. He had no confidence in breaking through the blockade of the five demon kings.

"Ding..." A crisp sound resounded throughout the basin. The moment the Holy Flame of Refining Spirit collapsed, the water droplets fell to the ground. Everyone could see that the remaining traces of the Holy Flame swept away one-tenth of the water droplets. The other demon kings roared in anger, but they could do nothing.

It was clearly a water drop, but the sound of it falling to the ground was as clear as a bell. All the demon kings showed an uncontrollable excitement in their eyes, and the next second, the sky was full of brilliance.

The water droplets splashed countless smaller water droplets, each of which bloomed with infinite light, like stars falling to the ground, like the Milky Way washing stars, more and more, brighter and brighter! Ten seconds later, the entire basin turned into a brilliant ocean!

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's heart was shocked and he almost rushed out!

"This is..." He bit his lips tightly and looked at everything in front of him in shock: "How is it possible... This is impossible... How can it be here!!"

His thoughts were too small in front of this scene. The moment when the water drops turned into ice and the water drops turned into the sea, a shocking roar rose from the sea of ​​spiritual energy!

From ancient times, or... it was ancient times. This sound only made people feel awe, as if... facing the history of a plane.

As heavy as a mountain.

"Hua La La..." A huge figure, composed entirely of spiritual energy, slowly rose from the sea. Xu Yangyi and Yu Chang only took a look and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Boundary Spirit!!"

It's not the Seventh Realm Spirit.

But... the bounded dragon spirit that I saw in the cave of Tianjian Villa!

The Jiaolong that almost turned into a dragon! Taixu who fought with Nanhua Butterfly Mother! The father of the little dragon man!

It... actually appeared here in the form of a spirit!

In all directions, there was silence. All the demon kings and demon beasts finally took action, greedily sucking the spiritual power. From the bounded spirit, white gas was swallowed by countless demon beasts. In less than half an hour, a small part of its figure had disappeared.

Xu Yangyi stared at all this in a daze.

This scene was too beautiful and too mysterious, but it could not cover up the turmoil in his heart.

At the moment when the bounded spirit appeared, his devouring talisman began to spin wildly and respond wildly!

The first... ownerless talisman that I saw in person!

It... is in this basin! Under the big tree!

The source of those spiritual lights, pouring into the big tree, forming the source of that drop of water, is this talisman!

His eyes immediately opened the second line of sight. His position was still outside Anlin City, and the next talisman did not appear.

"It hasn't really appeared yet, so you don't know?" He suppressed the excitement in his heart and stared at everything in front of him. In his heart, a sense of anxiety has emerged.

How to get down?

The five demon kings have sealed it, and the net is everywhere. It is impossible to go down!

The Holy Flame of Refining Spirits... Perhaps it is because of this talisman, plus Song Ziyu's mobilization, that there is a change now.

Why the trapped dragon world spirit appeared here, he no longer thought about it, and now the only idea is... to get it!

Hold it in your hand, see its memory, hear its "truth!"

"Calm down!" Yu Chang's voice echoed in his mind: "No matter what you think, now is definitely not a good opportunity!"

"If you go down now, you will die!"

"I know!" Xu Yangyi took a few deep breaths and replied: "I can't get in by myself..."

"But... a few months later, the four Daozi of Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect and the reincarnated saint of Taiyi Sect will come. This opportunity will allow me to get in!"

"I don't know what this talisman represents, but only I know it now!"

Yuchang took a deep breath: "What are you going to do?"

Xu Yangyi's mind has never turned so fast. He looked at the demon beast king who was intoxicated with the spiritual energy with a fiery gaze, and said in a deep voice: "First... we must make these two super powers really pay attention."

"Only if they pay attention will they come to this muddy water, and I can fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the fire."

"Now, it's not enough."


Xu Yangyi's mind flashed with lightning, and he finally smiled and licked his lips: "Red line."

"Come on... Now it's time for you to show your skills."


Hmm... It seems that it will be difficult to start with 2 this month... I am already 38 now...

I am still very confident about the recent plot. In fact, you don’t know that every time I finish writing, I will send it to readers to take a look first. Just when everyone was celebrating the National Day, there were 4-5 chapters. I revised each one 3 times, and even two of them were revised 4 times before finalizing them.

I feel that my attitude is still worthy of these monthly tickets~~SO, please vote enthusiastically~ Please fulfill your wish, just simply end with the beginning of 2

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