
Chapter 1044: The Dream of Reincarnation

/p\u003e        Everything was carried out in Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness. No one knew what he did, and no one saw that an invisible butterfly had shuttled through the void and flew above the tree.

It just hovered there, not moving, but no one could feel it.

"Everyone." Xu Yangyi seemed to come to his senses and said in a deep voice: "Should we go down and take a look?"

It was useless to speculate. In order to make these big sects pay attention, they must see something for themselves. And more importantly... he must confirm it.

Is it a talisman?

Everyone came back to their senses and looked at him in astonishment. Although they did not directly refute, the words "you are crazy" were obvious in their eyes.

Only a madman would want to explore under the surveillance of the five demon kings.

"It's not that there is no chance." Xu Yangyi said slowly: "The Escape God Talisman can still be used. Moreover, there is no time to scan other things now. Even if there is spiritual power staying, it will never be so detailed. We just go down and take a look, not to the tree."

It is impossible to go under the tree. Although he wants to, it is the focus. Before the large forces of Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect and Taiyi Sect arrived, there was absolutely no chance.

"It's true that there is no chance." Baihu weighed his words: "It's not impossible. It shouldn't be dangerous to stay away. But..."

"There's no need for that."

"We don't know these things at all. We just need to report them and someone will naturally answer them."

Xu Yangyi nodded, turned around, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He just started this.

The real killer is still behind.

He expected this result. It was precisely because no one knew about these things that no one was willing to take a look. Because they couldn't understand them, it was better to report them.

Then... what if they could understand them, and the superiors might order a strict review?

He raised his mouth slightly and nodded slightly at the red line in the sky.

In the basin, the huge dragon was sucked by thousands of monsters. This situation is very rare. For monsters and even monster kings, this is a rare opportunity to improve. Maybe the ancestors will know it in a few days. So it's urgent. Besides, the other party was also in the form of a demon beast. This was a priceless opportunity for visualization, and no demon beast was willing to let it go.

It was as quiet as death, with only the sound of breathing. However... suddenly, all the demon kings opened their eyes and looked at the tree in shock.

"This is..." "There is more?" Everyone in the passage was also stunned.

In the basin, the tree suddenly burst into a radiant light, and the same scene as before appeared again!

Countless spiritual lines projected from under the soil, passing through the big tree, outlining the big tree, and the disappeared sea of ​​spiritual energy appeared again in all directions! Forming a magnificent vortex!

Lines of spiritual lines ran over the top of the big tree, and another drop of water quietly condensed.

"Roar!!" The giant flame tiger stood up first and looked around in confusion.

Which demon king who can cultivate to the level of a saint is not extremely smart, but just has not transformed, or is willing to remain in demon form. The people in the passage did not dare to let go of their spiritual senses because of their existence, but they could.

Because of this, they clearly felt...

No spiritual power!

The same scene as before, but there was no spiritual power at all!

"Roar, roar!" It roared at the giant snake twice, and the other party was also full of doubts, shaking its huge head, indicating that he did not feel the spiritual energy either.

The five demon kings all looked at the tree vigilantly. No one could have thought of the Luotian Fantasy Butterfly that had been extinct for tens of thousands of years.

In their impression, only Taixu could create such a real illusion without being discovered, but Taixu no longer needed this thing. If it was a saint... they did not believe that a saint could turn the world upside down with the five people joining forces.

Of course, ideas are ideas. When the drop of water was about to fall, the five demon kings all became solemn. Their eyes flickered.

Similarly, no one felt the movement of the Holy Spirit Refining Flame below.

Without spiritual energy, it could not attract the other party.

This is the horror of illusions. Knowing that it is very likely to be fake, but the eyes have been deceiving themselves.

"Swish..." The water drops fell, and in full view of the crowd, a ding sound resounded through the basin. Everyone in the passage had their eyes wide open, unwilling to let go of even a little bit.

Xu Yangyi was the same, but a smile rose faintly at the corner of his mouth.

Don't want to go?

Then I'll make you willing!

This play seems to be sung to all the demon kings, but in fact, it is only aimed at the few survivors.

"Swish!!" The sky-high light shone, and after the light, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This... How is this possible!" "How could he be here?!" "This is impossible... I don't know how far this place is from Tianjian Villa!"

Tianjian Patriarch!

Just like the trapped dragon spirit just now, now... the Tianjian Patriarch is transformed!

Snake head, human body, coarse linen clothes, Xu Yangyi believes that even the Bulao Mountain is tempted, and the forces behind these people will never let go!

Simple means.

But used just right.

There is no such thing as a simple or complicated strategy. A good strategy is one that works.

The shadow of the Heavenly Sword Patriarch was completely made of white gas, exactly the same as the trapped dragon spirit. The seemingly thick white gas was scattered everywhere, and the five demon kings immediately tried their best to absorb it. They could feel that this demon cultivator... was even more powerful than the dragon just now!

However, when I inhale with all my strength, only air is taken into my lungs.

The five demon kings immediately opened their eyes and glanced at the shadow in astonishment. They didn't believe their own feelings at all and sucked in with all their strength again.

Still air!

"Sisi!!!" After three mouthfuls, the giant snake looked up to the sky and roared. Several other demon kings also roared with extreme regret and continued to absorb the dragon's spiritual energy.

There was silence in the basin, but... the real drama had just begun.

In the passage, the people from the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect and Hall Master Wang looked at each other, and both sides understood what they were hesitating to say.

The Patriarch of Heavenly Sword...the last Feixian monk, they don't care what the water droplets in front of them are. But the Heavenly Sword Patriarch...if there are traces of the other party here, if there are any legacy of the other party, then we must find out!

Xu Yangyi guessed correctly.

They never thought it was an illusion. Who could be so clever as to create the illusion of the Heavenly Sword Patriarch? And it’s still not being discovered in the eyes of the Digital Nascent Soul?


There is no such person, and most importantly there is no such motive.

Xu Yangyi's previous proposal flashed through their minds like lightning. Although it was only for a moment, it took root immediately.

take a look……

Just below... take a look from a distance.

Just one glance to confirm the authenticity! It will definitely be a great achievement after returning!

"Fellow Taoist." Wang Quandao bowed his hands to Xu Yangyi thoughtfully: "It seems that we must go down there."

Xu Yangyi's fighting power was there, and they never wanted to let him go.

"Ah?" Xu Yangyi frowned: "You shouldn't go down. It was me, Meng Lang, just now. Down there... it's too dangerous."

Bai Hu breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly: "It's not that we have to go down, but... the situation has changed. Once the image of this person appears, no matter what, we must investigate clearly."

"I don't want to go down." Xu Yangyi sighed: "I regret it. It was just impulsive."

"Oh~~ You are so arrogant." Yuchang sneered in his mind: "You are pretending to be the same, you graduated from the drama school?"

...You must not let Cat Baer talk too much in the future! The fish intestines have been damaged!

"Fellow Taoist." Bai Hu was anxious, but his words were extremely restrained: "As long as we go down together, once we come back, we will definitely have a good word with King Jiehai."

He said with temptation: "Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Gate, the inner gate. The orders for the elixirs needed every year are in the hands of a few of us. As long as one leaks out, fellow Taoists will not have to worry about food and clothing, even if they spend a lot of money. Relationship. More importantly, the inner sect master is directly protected by His Excellency Jiehai Wang. Even if you walk sideways in Kunlun, few people would dare to say no."

"Oh?" Xu Yangyi seemed to be tempted: "Then..."

"Let's go." Hall Master Wang's eyes flickered: "As long as you keep silent afterwards. I will definitely report this matter to Mr. Shen. Within the Great Xia Dynasty, Taiyi Sect can protect you."

The urgency in the hearts of the two sects can be seen no matter how hard they try to cover it up.

After hesitating for a few minutes, Xu Yangyi frowned as if he had made up his mind to risk his life to accompany a gentleman: "Let me tell you first, if the momentum is not right, I will leave immediately. But I will not leak the things here."

Wang Quandao and Bai Hu looked at each other, a flash of ecstasy flashed in their eyes. With a main combat force like Xu Yangyi joining them, they can explore deeper!


The escape talisman was attached again. This talisman is time-limited. Once it appears automatically, it will take a day for the next time. It can be used again now.

Getting closer and closer...the closer I feel, the more obvious the billowing demonic energy is. The monks from the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect all showed their demonic shapes, and Xu Yangyi and the other three were lying on each other's back among the hair that was half a person's height.

His heartbeat almost slowed down, and he quietly approached the edge of the mountain. Rows of monster beasts could be seen in front of him. The ones at the end absorbed less spiritual power. These were all Jindan level monster cultivators.

They dare not enter the demon cultivator.

The group of people walked slowly around the mountain wall, looking for the most suitable angle. Rows of towering old trees stand all around, becoming their best protective color.

The further he walked, the faster Xu Yangyi's heart beat.

That's right...

It feels clearer here! It’s the talisman!

The kind of throbbing that comes from the bottom of my heart cannot be explained. Like a thirsty desert traveler suddenly seeing an oasis.

The swallowing talisman was neighing, and his hands tightly grasped the hair on the white tiger's back. At this moment, Bai Hu suddenly stopped.

"Wait a minute." It looked in front of it in disbelief: "What... is this?"

Everyone quietly jumped off their backs. Xu Yangyi took a closer look and his pupils suddenly widened.


A clear footprint was printed right in front of them!

Here is the mountain wall.

And this footprint is imprinted on the ground of the mountain wall! Caught a few inches!


"How could it be?" Bai Hu looked around in shock and vigilance: "There...are there people here?"

"The footprints are very fresh. This person... seems to have been sitting here just now, and he told us that he was here! But we didn't see a single figure at all!"

"Who is it?"

If it weren't for the countless demon cultivators below, he would have shouted in horror.

dark night.

Thousands of monsters are waiting for you.

The strong wind blew everyone's clothes, and everyone felt cold in their hearts.

All this...what's going on!

(End of chapter)

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