
Chapter 1050: Unfathomable (Part 2)

Su Xingyao stood aside indifferently, looking here from a distance, and nodded slightly.

If not, he wouldn't be the man he knew.

"No one who can participate in this top-notch showdown is mediocre." She said slowly: "Keep reading. I promise, this is just the beginning."

"Down there...there is something even weirder than the Tyrannosaurus King. And whoever can crack it is an understatement."

Xu Yangyi nodded, his eyes were like fire, and he continued to read.

The third picture is a road that leads from the ground to the sky.

The third of the legends of the seven realms, the road to heaven! Deep blue.

This is the most ordinary painting. The only difference is that at the end of the road, there is a cloud of auspicious clouds and a fairy palace. Other than that, there is almost no magic.

There is neither the mystery of the outer body nor the domineering power of the Tyrannosaurus King.

When Xu Yangyi saw it, the swallowing talisman in his body immediately responded.

It was his own talisman. He didn't look at it too much and fell on the next stone tablet.

There, a bird is drawn, a bird whose whole body is on fire.

It flies around seven planes, exactly the seven realms!

The Fourth Legend of the Seven Realms, Chongming Bird, Deep Blue.

"The Chongming Bird has existed in the Seven Realms for 30,000 years. Thirty thousand years ago, it was born from outside the sky and surrounds the Seven Realms like a satellite. It has no realm. There are top monks who plan to capture it. However, none of them succeeded."

"The special thing about this bird is that anyone who comes within five hundred meters of it will have its cultivation level immediately halved. Then calculated based on ten meters, the cultivation level will be halved again every ten meters, infinitely attenuating, even if you are walking alone."

"Furthermore, it is extremely poisonous, and it gives even Taixu a headache. It is almost something that humans cannot control. No one knows what magic it has."

Xu Yangyi shook his head and sighed with emotion.

How on earth could this be cracked?

The ever-decreasing cultivation level and the extremely poisonous realm get closer, and the cultivation level cannot be maintained, and it can only fall into space. And even if someone does use various methods to get within a hundred meters, there... is already a sea of ​​poison. It is impossible for a monk without cultivation to resist this kind of poison!

Approaching - loss of cultivation - approaching again - the Poison Sea.

Perfect area!

A puzzle that cannot be solved in theory!

But has been cracked!

Even if he closed his eyes and used two bodhi seeds to deduce together, he couldn't get a clue. This is something that is theoretically unsolvable and simply untouchable!

"Nothing is mediocre." He said deeply, licking his lips with a hint of excitement.

"Anyone who is a flying immortal is the most outstanding person among all the heroes. He is an extraordinary genius. He is the son of destiny in our time. And we are the seven worms in this gu basin." Su Xingyao said.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and continued to look down.

The fifth picture is a deep night sky without the sun. It was impossible to see where it was, but three moons were clearly hanging in the sky.

Legend of the Seven Realms Part 5, Eternal Night!


Xu Yangyi didn't pay too much attention. He already fully understood the difficulty of the seven legends. No one had cracked it yet. There was absolutely nothing he could do about it now. There was no need for him to spend this effort.

He looked at the second to last piece.

This one is equally simple.

They were eyes made of lines, with countless complicated runes in them, densely packed and intimidating.

Under his eyes, countless people were wailing, countless people were angry, and countless people were happy... Xu Yangyi glanced at Su Xingyao calmly. If it is correct, the talisman of Shuiyunjian is it.

The sixth talisman of the seven realms, Tian Lingzi. Corresponding to the original desire, the dark side is the river of flowing fire.

This stone tablet is also gray.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi paused in his mind.

If he remembered correctly, Su Xingyao seemed to have said that she was the Immortal?

Seeing his gaze, Su Xingyao said lightly: "The first ancient name that awakened in my mind was Luan Xian. My name."

Then who is pressing down under the river of flowing fire!

No... Xu Yangyi seemed to realize that the so-called talismans were not just objects. The astral beasts of the dark side... are not the kind of giant beasts that span the starry sky!

The yang side, could be a person, or even a puzzle. And the astral beast with the dark side is more likely to be a person!

Word games.

No one has stipulated that astral beasts cannot be in human form, and no one has said that the yang side must be an object.

He used his photographic memory to see all the stone tablets and looked at the last one.

The Seventh Legend of the Seven Realms, Nine Flying Stars!

"The talent is at the ninth level, and the stars are at the ninth level. The nine-day flying star is rumored to be the left eye of Tiandao. According to legend, Tiandao may be the world spirit of the seven realms. It may also be the rules of the plane. Its left eye maintains calmness and order. Wisdom. The right eye maintains killing, courage, and versatility.”

"To obtain the Nine Heavenly Flying Star, you can only obtain it by gaining the approval of the world spirit. Only the incarnation of the left eye that defeats it, representing calmness, order, and wisdom, can be obtained."

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi sighed with a smile.

The incarnation of heaven...

Someone actually defeated it!

This is a negotiation with the will of the seven realms and the rules of the plane. The danger and difficulty are no less than those of the Chongming Bird and the Tyrannosaurus King.

Finally finished reading...

He turned around, feeling nervous but also excited.

Nervous about the strength of his opponent, what Jiang Lao and himself encountered that day was just the tip of the iceberg.

Excited by the excitement of this journey and unlocking reality, you will surely encounter countless thrills. This is the best seasoning for the dish called "reality".

Adventure factor?

He didn't know, he only knew that now he finally knew the appearance, names, and characteristics of the seven legends. In this confused game, he finally had a goal.

"Aren't you afraid?" Su Xingyao walked over slowly, waved her hand lightly, and a white jade case and two seats floated out of the storage ring. She poured a cup of tea for Xu Yangyi with her own hands. Red sleeves add fragrance.

"What are you afraid of?" Xu Yangyi picked up the tea cup, and the fragrance filled his nose, dispelling any fear in his heart.

"That's right, so am I." Su Xingyao raised her glass slightly, the two of them touched it lightly and drank the cup of tea that symbolized the formal alliance.

He was very satisfied with Su Xingyao's certificate of submission.

"Then, let's discuss what we should do in the future." Green tea floated gently from the teapot. In the endless void and the yellow sand desert, a fairy-like woman sat opposite a rich and handsome man. And drink. I don’t know if it’s heroic or weird.

"It's very simple..." After seeing how powerful the other party is, this is just themselves, the forces behind them have not yet been calculated. Xu Yangyi calmed down completely at this moment. He turned the tea cup around a few times and said in a deep voice: "There is no big plan, but the first step is to get the Desire Talisman."

Su Xingyao nodded slightly: "It's in Shuiyun Stream, I'm sure of it."

"I came here specifically because I felt its presence. And I killed Risheng, and I took his place. Because I felt an extremely powerful aura here, and I didn't expect it to be five demon kings. With my strength, I couldn't past."

She raised her head, her eyes clear, and reiterated word by word: "I need your help."

"No matter which one of us finally gets the original desire, we must both enter it."

Xu Yangyi sipped the tea gently and did not speak immediately.

This matter... isn't that simple.

Su Xingyao didn't know many things, and he had no intention of telling the other party. This was the right of the victor.

The legend left by Quetzalcoatl, the butterfly mother breaking through the world in the dream, the huge dragon world spirit, and finally the mysterious little dragon man. actually starts from Tianjian Villa and forms a loop in Shuiyun Stream!

There are still a few puzzle pieces left in the middle...

Perhaps, this Shuiyun Stream contains one of them.

He turned the tea cup quietly and looked at the tea leaves floating in it. After a long time, he said in a toneless tone: "Two months later, the reincarnated saintess of the Taiyi Sect, the Four Daozi of the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect, will arrive soon."

After a brief sentence, the two looked at each other and saw the determination in the other's eyes.

Snatch food from the tiger's mouth!

Once these two behemoths arrive, they will definitely dig deep into the ground. When the time comes, Fengyunji will come to the city, and the secrets of Shuiyunjian will be revealed bit by bit. It will be too late to do anything.

"Information, time." Xu Yangyi raised two fingers and said.

Information is their only advantage. No one knows what's inside except them.

Time is the sword they used to break through the advantage and ride the wind and waves. They can rush into Shuiyun Stream before the two giant beasts arrive. Only then can they have a glimmer of hope.

"As long as we get the talisman, I can send us away." Su Xingyao said indifferently: "The divine rules of space are everywhere. As long as I have been to places."

Xu Yangyi took a sip of tea and raised a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

Easier said than done.

The Holy Flame of Spirit Refining is also below, and it has obviously gained spiritual intelligence. There are still five demon kings guarding outside. If they don't follow the two major sects in, they won't even be qualified to enter the basin.

After their trouble, it is conceivable that the five demon kings must have heavily guarded the basin. If anyone dares to break in, even the two major sects will dare to fight.

But...if you follow these two large troops in, how do you get out? Where is their share?

Infinite loop.

"Take the first step." No more thinking, instead of sitting here, it is better to go to Anlin City to see what changes have happened.

Su Xingyao waved her hand noncommittally, and a platinum door opened in front of Xu Yangyi, and a white jade talisman flew into his hand: "You can use it to contact me at any time."

Xu Yangyi put it away and stepped into the door. The light and shadow changed, and he had appeared on the cliff outside Shuiyun Stream.

"It's so convenient." He shook his head and sighed. There were some things that he couldn't envy.

"She didn't tell you the truth." Yuchang said softly, "At least she didn't finish it."

"That's right." Xu Yangyi looked behind him thoughtfully: "I didn't say anything either."

Even if they are in an alliance, no one will tell the truth.

Su Xingyao obviously did not tell Xu Yangyi one fact, and that was...

She can touch the Talisman of Desire.

Although it cannot be deployed, Xu Yangyi speculates that the other party can use some slight abilities. Along the way, the mirage may not have come from her hands, but the strange footsteps and the sect orders typed by the dead. All for one purpose.

Just to get her here.

When you see it, you can erase the space. She can exist here forever, and even the Demon King doesn't know about it.

For some things, you don’t need to speculate on the process, just look at who the final beneficiary is, and it will be clear at a glance.

"Mirage...the phantom of the dragon..." Xu Yangyi looked up at the sky where the sun was hunting, and suddenly smiled: "Let's go."

"I'm afraid that Anlin City will soon be invaded by a large army. The Taoist Saints are here, and the forces from Taixu Armor... How can I miss such a grand event?"

“I have a feeling that some things cannot be explained by the Desire Talisman alone. I am afraid that the dream that Quetzalcoatl showed me that day was a cycle between Tianjian Villa and Shuiyunjian, and this is the end point.”

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