
Chapter 1051: Adding insult to injury

/p\u003e Everything in Anlin City remained as before. The troops at the top of the city did not evacuate at all, but seemed to be more numerous.

The black robe of Jiuzhen Jiunanmen was put into the storage ring by him. This magic weapon is good.

Back at the inn, which was as magnificent as a palace, Mr. Jiang was reading a book. A maid occasionally picked up some fruit and fed it to his mouth. He was living a very leisurely life.

Beneath Mr. Jiang, there was an extraordinary monk sitting, sipping tea leisurely, but always looking outside the door, obviously he was in Cao Ying and his heart was in Han Dynasty.

Ou Fangyu arrived.

"Elder brother." Seeing Xu Yangyi's return, Ou Fangyu seemed to let out a long breath. He immediately stood up and held his hands in his arms, with an extremely sincere smile: "You are finally back."

The moment Xu Yangyi entered the room, he returned to his original appearance - the appearance that the stargazer had changed on the plane shuttle.

"What do you mean?" Before Xu Yangyi could speak, Mr. Jiang snorted coldly, which immediately suppressed Ou Fangyu's arrogance. I just heard Mr. Jiang banging the table and shouting: "It's your honor to have me personally guide you! What? You still look unwilling?! Who in Tianjian Villa has such good luck as you! If it weren't for your talent and intelligence... …”

"Aren't you happy that the teacher is teaching you?" Xu Yangyi also looked at Ou Fangyu in astonishment. Yin Zun pointed out, what a good opportunity this is, although this Yin Zun could not tell that he was in the realm of a saint...

Ou Fangyu's handsome face was about to turn upside down: "What he pointed out was the alchemy path... My spiritual consciousness is only half a percent higher than the same level..."

Xu Yangyi was speechless.

He thought that he might have accidentally awakened Mr. Jiang's teacher soul. During the days when he was out, Mr. Jiang was bored, and Ou Fangyu happened to bump into him. Come on, don’t even think about leaving now.

"Teacher." He coughed lightly, decided to let go of the bad relationship between these two people, and said.

Mr. Jiang looked him up and down, and when he saw that there was nothing wrong, he waved his hand: "Just come back. I only found out about this after going to the Alchemy Hall in person. What's going on?"

Xu Yangyi pretended to collect his thoughts. This matter was no longer as simple as refining the Holy Flame. The acquired spiritual treasures, the seven great talismans, the road to immortality, and the legend of Quetzalcoatl, all of them were definitely above the Tianjian Villa. After a while, I felt that nothing could be seen from these things, so I spoke clearly to the two of them.

Mr. Jiang's expression became more solemn as he listened, and after pondering for a long time he said: "In other words, the Holy Flame of Spirit Refining may have its own spiritual intelligence? And there are five demon kings guarding the door?"

Xu Yangyi nodded.

Mr. Jiang pondered for a long time and raised his chin to Ou Fangyu: "Sidaozi also happened to go and do some detection, although he didn't go as deep as you. However, the Holy Flame of Spirit Refining has existed in Tianjian Villa for tens of thousands of years, and there are some special detections. Using this method, I found something."

Ou Fangyu pursed his lips and said in a deep voice: "Ou arrived a month ago. Within this month, I used the sect's God's Eye Array to detect the entire Shuiyun Stream. First of all, the number of peripheral monsters increased sharply. I'm afraid It has reached hundreds of millions, but it is just ordinary monsters at the Yunshui Basin. It is very much like a precursor to the outbreak of beasts, so it is no wonder that Anlin City is so nervous."

"Now that I heard what Senior Brother said, I'm afraid that's not the case. These are all the armies that the five demon kings can mobilize. They are to protect the existence of the dragon's shadow. Ou suspects that this matter may have been instructed by the ancestors."


This was the second time Xu Yangyi heard this word.

"Indeed, it doesn't nod, Shuiyunjian... No, there is no demon king in the entire Tengleize, or even in Kunlun, who dares to mobilize such a huge army. How many demon kings are there in Tengleize? Five came this time . The number gathered is huge, accounting for one-fifth of all the monsters in Tengleize!" Mr. Jiang said thoughtfully, tapping his slender fingers on the table. After a long while, he frowned and said, "Anlin City... is about to be in chaos."

Before the two of them could speak, Mr. Jiang waved his hand: "You are still not at your level. You have never been to the Chain of Seven Realms, and you cannot reach the true core of a monk, so you don't know some things."

"Teacher...have you also been to the Chain of Seven Realms?" Xu Yangyi was stunned.

"Of course...wait a minute! What's going on with that expression of yours! And what does that word mean! Hongchen! Come out! Someone's skin is itchy!"

Boom boom boom! Hong Chen, who screamed strangely, hit him three times with great excitement. After a few seconds, seeing Xu Yangyi covering his waist and groaning, Ou Fangyu swallowed his saliva and moved one meter away calmly.

Too cruel...

"You can think about some things, but the right to speak is always in the hands of the powerful. Do you understand?" Mr. Jiang smashed it once, felt physically and mentally comfortable, picked up the teacup and said with a smile.


"...Evil are really thinking! Hongchen! Come on!"


Behind the door, Mao Baer and Wangchen watched all this cautiously, for fear of being involved in a disaster.

After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi sighed, patted his clothes and stood up, his hair not messy, his clothes not messy, and his expression not messy.

Ou Fangyu admired him, this was the experience gained from being tortured...

Jiang Laogan coughed, and for some reason... suddenly felt refreshed... He was about to speak, when his eyes suddenly lit up: "Your cultivation level..."

The figure suddenly disappeared, and the next second, Mr. Jiang was standing in front of him, with his hand on his chest. A few seconds later, the old man's eyes opened, and a flash of astonishment flashed across his eyes.

"Your cultivation... actually has a hint of saintliness! Has the field you constructed been put into practice? And is it completely correct?"

Only when the domain has been constructed can one step into Zunsheng. Before going out, Xu Yangyi clearly constructed the theory, but now it is so rigorous! Mr. Jiang could even see a little bit of the rules of heaven and earth running through the opponent's meridians.

This cannot be achieved in one or two battles...

It must be a long-term battle, perfecting the field bit by bit, or a life and death battle, and suddenly awakening.

However, Xu Yangyi didn't mention it just now.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly. He didn't expect Mr. Jiang's eyes to be so vicious, and he actually inferred from his cultivation that he had something to hide this time.

Mr. Jiang's eyes met his, and he immediately laughed and said: "Good thing, this is a good thing. By the way, where did I just say it?"

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party had no intention of asking.

"Say we don't know?" Ou Fangyu took advantage of every opportunity.

"Yes." Mr. Jiang's expression became serious, he suppressed his smile, and said solemnly: "The relationship between monks and monsters is very complicated. They have fought side by side, and they have also turned against each other. In short, such a large-scale mobilization of monsters cannot be hidden. Those lofty and powerful eyes.”

"This is a provocation." He said with certainty: "And Anlin City is directly under the property of Jie Haiwang, and it is a huge piece. He will never allow this kind of provocation, even if it is for the so-called dragon spiritual energy, the demon clan has reasons . And the human race cannot tolerate their territory advancing even half a step."

Xu Yangyi nodded and said thoughtfully: "When there is a provocation, you need to fight back. This is the two major forces flexing their muscles and intimidating each other. So..."

Ou Fangyu took a deep breath: "The number of people coming this time... will definitely not be small. The level will definitely not be low either."

"They are most likely the direct bodyguards of Jiehai King." Mr. Jiang grinded his teeth: "The other party has dispatched five demon kings, and the ancestors are watching behind them. How can Jiehai King be weak at all? This time... four demon kings are on the surface. Daozi, the Holy Lady of Reincarnation is here in person, but behind the scenes is Taiyi Pope Shen Shenyang and Shen Guolao, fighting with their ancestors, the King of Jiehai."

"The people coming... will never be less than five Yin Sages, or even more! It is possible for Yang Sages to come!"

He stood up and looked solemnly at the blue sky and white clouds outside. At some point, a wisp of dark clouds had covered the white clouds.

"The great situation is coming. Any ethnic group has to move their whole body to survive in these seven realms... it is not easy. Without great wisdom and courage, they would have been dead bones in the grave."

Xu Yangyi was thoughtful. There was a burning feeling in my heart, like maggots in my tarsus, that couldn't go away.

He doesn't care at all, and he can't care about the struggle between Taixu and Mighty Power later on, but... if someone comes to this level, walking around the golden elixir-filled Anlin City without seeing a single Nascent Soul, it will definitely cause a huge wave.

This whirlpool is getting bigger and bigger. It's just the Saintess and Daozi who still have hope of getting something out of the fire, but now it's not just them involved. Can they really do it?

"Damn it..." He cursed fiercely in his heart and asked Ou Fangyu, "Fellow Daoist Ou, is the Holy Flame of Soul Refining still refusing to allow the Saint to enter?"

Ou Fangyu nodded: "It's still the case, but... the seal is a lot looser now. I don't know why, but now... I'm afraid it can accommodate false saints to enter."

"False Saint?"

"Borrow other people's routines and apply them to your own domain. Although you are promoted to a saint, your strength is far inferior. This kind of person is called a false saint and is not counted among the five thousand saints at all. But such a person...approximately Ten thousand or twenty thousand." Mr. Jiang snorted coldly: "The Song family... If anything happens to Tianjian Villa because of this, I will definitely want you to know the power of the Grand Master!"

"I can't overthrow you... but I will make you suffer for a hundred years!"

Silent, Jiang is still old and spicy. When Jiang Lao pointed out the current situation, everyone was a little helpless.

"Now that things have happened, you two have the Grand Master's Order and the Sect Master's Order, etc."

"When the two major forces arrive, go see them immediately. No matter what, the Holy Flame of Soul Refining cannot be touched. For other things, we at Tianjian Villa will not take any money. Si Daozi, you immediately contact the trustworthy people in the surrounding sects, at least Jin Those who are in the middle stage of elixir or above, it would be better if they have Nascent Soul here."

He paced around the room a little irritably: "Just the two of you, if they really have evil intentions and are eager to see the treasure, they can be excused by killing you. But a large number of monks from Tianjian Villa have entered and worked for them for free. No other charges are needed." , only to protect the Holy Spirit Flame, no matter how passionate they are, they don’t dare to take action.”

Xu Yangyi confirmed that Mr. Jiang had indeed been on the Chain of Seven Realms.

In a short period of time, I thought so thoroughly that I even understood the situation inside clearly. If I hadn't experienced this situation countless times, I would never have understood it so well.

But... this really makes things worse for me.

His Su Xingyao alliance competes for time and information asymmetry. Mr. Jiang's words were equivalent to blocking their chance to take the lead. There was no way that he could enter Shuiyun Stream first under the nose of Mr. Jiang.

Because he couldn't say it at all.

Saying that you want to go in first for a secret treasure? Ignoring the sect’s special mission?

Mr. Jiang is a native monk of Tianjian Villa. This kind of behavior is tantamount to betraying the sect. What does the Ten Thousand Levels Saint Lord think? What do the tens of thousands of monks in the sect think?

If you keep to yourself, you are an alien. If you are an alien, you will be rejected. He still wants to survive in Tianjian Villa, and hundreds of years later he wants the other party to raise a flag and shout to help him break into the world of great strife, so he must not say this.

(End of chapter)

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