
Chapter 1052: Combat Skills: Dragon Slaying Style (I)

The only good news is that the enchantment of the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits has not expanded, and the real Saints are still unable to enter.

Among the countless bad news that made the situation worse, the only remaining fire.

What to do?

"Go first." Seeing that the two did not speak, Jiang Lao waved his hand and signaled Ou Fangyu to go first. At this point, they also have to seize the opportunity.

Ou Fangyu nodded and left, leaving only two people in the room.

"Go ahead." After a long time, Jiang Lao tapped the table with his fingers: "What else did you encounter this time?"

Xu Yangyi was silent for a long time, and suddenly half-knelt on the ground, and said sincerely: "Junior found a secret treasure that is extremely useful for the construction of my field. But..."

He didn't finish. None of those who have cultivated to the Saint are fools. Although Jiang Lao usually looks unreliable, it does not mean that the other party is not smart enough.

Sure enough, Jiang Lao just pondered for a moment, and then said faintly: "Are you worried that once you go in and get discovered, you will never have this opportunity again?"

"You want to go in early?"

Xu Yangyi was silent.

Some things are better to be open and aboveboard than to hide, especially... the current situation has pushed him to a dead end. In the fight for the immortal road, one part lags behind step by step, while others have strength and power, and have people and money. If he can't grasp the time and opportunity, let alone the fight for the immortal road, he can't even enter the world of great competition.

Only by striving for the first place in everything can you fight for the immortal road.

"But have you ever thought that the Holy Flame of Refining Spirit is the foundation of the sect. If you don't go in, the cultivation strength of the four Daozi is far inferior to yours. What if he is robbed by the black?"

"Once the two great Taixu Jia forces see the Holy Flame of Refining Spirit, what will happen if they don't care about Tianjian Villa?"

"Only you can calm the situation at this time, because you are in a different position. They may dare to kill a four Daozi, but they are absolutely unwilling to kill a Daozi of the first sequence, especially a disciple of a grandmaster."

Xu Yangyi nodded sincerely on the surface, but sighed in his heart.

This is the different standpoints.

Old Jiang is devoted to the sect, and he is looking for the road to immortality. The starting point is completely different.

"But..." Old Jiang changed the subject, and his eyes lit up quietly.

"You can hire mercenaries and go in with the two major forces." Old Jiang held the teacup and said faintly: "Help each other, I don't care what you do in there, but you must complete the special mission of Tianjian Villa, and I won't ask anything else!"

Silent sigh, although not perfect, but better than nothing.

At least... there is a force of his own.

He had the idea of ​​hiring mercenaries a long time ago, but he couldn't do it without Old Jiang's words. There are so many people in the sect, and you, as the first Taoist, hire a mercenary group. What's the matter?

It means that you don't believe in the sect, it means ulterior motives, it means estrangement, and it means becoming a "heretic" in the eyes of everyone.

Any heresy will not be accepted by the large group of cultivators. Not to mention the sect.

He didn't continue to argue, and he could give in here. He knew that this was the other party's biggest limit.

"Thank you, teacher, I understand." He nodded, bowed, and walked towards his room.

In the hall, Jiang Lao flicked his teacup quietly, and after a long time, he said lightly: "This kid... still has no heart to return to the sect, no sense of belonging."

"It can't be helped." Hong Chen's voice floated slowly: "He is not a native of the Seventh Realm. The sense of belonging of the ascended cultivator is only in his own plane. Who hasn't been like this for so many years? He can tell you six or seven levels in this situation, which means he already regards you as a teacher."

"Hey..." Jiang Lao smiled and said: "I don't just want you to regard me as a teacher."

"If it weren't for Tianjian Villa, how could I be here today? My disciples, Jiang Shengping, must not only be masters of alchemy, but also have a sense of belonging to the sect."

This time, Hong Chen did not agree.

After a long time, it smiled and said, "People's hearts are not toys, it's best to let nature take its course. He respects you as a teacher, you have such a good disciple, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?"

"Be content with what you have."

Back in his room, Xu Yangyi immediately saw Mao Baer and Wang Chen coming out of retreat, scanned their auras, and nodded with satisfaction.

After telling them about this, Wang Chen immediately expressed his willingness to go, and Mao Baer pretended to be dead, and was coaxed by Xu Yangyi's sweet words so that his ears stood up. In the end, he agreed half-heartedly.

The spiritual jade and elixir in the storage rings of several dead people from Wang Quandao and Jiuzhen Jiunanmen were distributed to these people. He didn't need these things at all. As he deepened his knowledge of the alchemy, he would sooner or later become a mobile vault, and the elixir would be from Jiang Lao. These Nascent Soul-level elixirs were no longer important to him.

If outsiders knew that a cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage disdained Nascent Soul elixirs, they would probably come up and bite you to death! The rich don't pretend, we are still good friends!

After packing up everything, he finally calmed down and locked himself in the room to meditate.

He didn't practice. Two months of practice was too short for a retreat that usually lasted for ten years, and nothing could be improved. It would be better to calm down and think about how to make himself stronger in these two months.

At this point, it was impossible to change his mind. He could only follow the two major sects into the secret realm. No plan would work. It was all about information asymmetry and improvisation.

If he wanted to snatch food from the tiger's mouth, his strength must be improved. Any Taoist son, saint girl, especially this kind of A-level genius trained by Taixu himself, must not be messed with.

Now, it's not enough.

"In such a short time, if you want to become stronger, you can only start from the side door." He quickly sorted out his thoughts and murmured: "Dansha, talismans, magic weapons, these are the most important. Magic weapons can be delayed. I only heard from my master that Dansha was once refined during the Earth period. This master should have it. Then, what I need to prepare is talismans."

"In addition..." He frowned and waved his hand, and several jade boxes appeared in front of him.

"The Holy Spirit Pill given by the Third Elder is not used until you become a saint." He took back a jade box. Looking at the next one: "The sea, land and air ticket of the beast taming way... I can go anytime, but it can't improve my cultivation the fastest. Hold off."

"This... Master Yuan Ling's... cough cough... a sexual potency pill... seems to be ready to eat..."

I felt embarrassed, coughed twice, looked at the last jade box, and was a little confused: "Why is my savings so small?"

He swallowed the golden pill with a guilty conscience, and there was nothing unusual, but a warm current rushed into his lower abdomen and lasted for a long time.

Where's the golden gun that was promised to be infallible! Where's the stallion and horse mutation!

Damn... fake!

I couldn't help but complain a little and relax. When things come to an end, there is calmness. This matter has developed to the point where it is no longer under his control. Instead of sighing, it is better to catch up and relax.

"The collections in the past are all on Earth. Now most of them have become scrap metal and cannot be sold. It's a pity." He put away the storage ring from the Earth era with regret, and opened the last jade box with his spirit. An extremely old piece of wood appeared in it.

A sense of vicissitudes of life emanated from it. His eyes also became more fiery. This thing came from an improper place. It was the combat skills that the fourth young master presented before his death.

"Senior Yuchang." Xu Yangyi played with the piece of wood and said in a deep voice: "Are you familiar with combat skills?"

"Of course. Are you wondering why no one mentioned it to you? Even your Master Jiang disapproved of you learning combat skills?" Yuchang's voice floated: "He is right."

"The so-called combat skills are very similar to the martial arts of ordinary people, just like a master of internal skills, he also needs martial arts, which is a channel. Just like the master of Yihua Palace in the storybook, who has the ultimate internal skills of Mingyu Jue, doesn't he still have to use Yihua Jieyu and Wanmu Tongchun to fight it out?"

"Have you read The Twins of Heroes?" "Of course, it's well written, much more interesting than the storybooks we had at that time. For example, Yulang Jiangfeng, he..." "I like Yaoyue more." "Oh? You like this type of woman? How about Shi Guanyin?"

A minute later, the two people looked at each other with great interest. Xu Yangyi coughed dryly: "Cough, senior, please continue."

What do you mean I should continue! Who brought up the topic of The Twins of Heroes! I just made a metaphor, okay!

Yu Chang glared at him fiercely and said with a little embarrassment: "Any combat skill can be practiced very quickly, but the combat skills that the human body can practice are limited."

"What do you mean?"

"The Du Meridian, Ren Meridian, Chong Meridian...etc. are called the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and the Three Yin Meridians of the Hand, the Shaoyang Triple Burner Meridian of the Hand, the Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian of the Foot are called the Twelve Main Meridians. Combat skills are domineering, and they are a must-do for physical practitioners in the future. However, each combat skill will move a meridian. What's more, some advanced combat skills occupy three or four meridians. Therefore, the combat skill capacity in the body of a physical practitioner is limited."

"Do you think that what the Fourth Young Master gave you is complete? Is there anything wrong? Is it a fragment? The combat skills are not all exquisite, and there are also good and bad ones. The high-level combat skills that occupy three or four meridians at one time are extremely rare. The Fourth Young Master can't give you this. If you practice what he gave you, you will have less space for a combat skill. Your hand You need a combat skill that targets it, right? You need it for your legs, right? For physical cultivators, elbows, fingers, knees, and even feet are all great weapons. Missing a combat skill will have a huge impact. "

Xu Yangyi frowned: "Can't it be erased?"

"No." Yu Chang sighed: "If you can choose repeatedly, physical cultivators are too unsolvable. The way of heaven will eventually be known. Therefore, any physical cultivator with a strong backing will be extremely cautious in choosing combat skills. Master Jiang doesn't let you practice, it should be the top combat skills that you can practice after you become a saint."

Xu Yangyi was silent for a few seconds and asked: "How long does it take to practice combat skills?"

"At most one or two months. Don't rush for quick success. You can't experience the great impact of combat skills on physical cultivators now. Your tactic is to directly burst your spiritual power. With combat skills... what do you do? !"

Yu Chang's voice suddenly rose in the last few words, and he looked at Xu Yangyi in amazement.

The other party has already taken the piece of ancient wood and started to study it.

"Can I still care about these things now?" Xu Yangyi said calmly: "The Desire Talisman is right in front of us. The alliance between Su Xingyao and I is the most fragile and the weakest. The Desire Talisman and the combat skills, you choose."

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