
Chapter 1055: Dark Clouds Over the City (I)

"The decree has been declared." Master Yuan Ling closed the decree, and the countless golden auspicious clouds behind him suddenly disappeared.

"Old friend, the situation is low, please take care of yourself." He twirled his beard: "Without you as my opponent, I will be very lonely."

"Hypocritical." Mr. Jiang snorted, but still asked: "What happened?"

Master Yuan Ling glanced at Xu Yangyi, and Mr. Jiang said: "He is my disciple, but it doesn't matter."

Master Yuan Ling nodded and said: "Only the saints are qualified to know this matter. Since you don't mind, I won't refute your face."

He pondered for a few seconds and said in a deep voice: "Three days ago, the Ten Thousand Demons Valley in the center of Tengleize was launched."

Mr. Jiang was stunned: "Ancestor?"

Master Yuan Ling nodded solemnly: "The target is Anlin City. The number of monsters gathered around Anlin City is no less than 500 million, and it continues to increase. The five demon kings are gathering near Anlin City. I'm afraid... a tide of monsters. On the verge of breaking out.”

Jiang Lao glanced at Xu Yangyi calmly: "This time... what is the army sent by His Excellency King Jiehai?"

"An army of 800,000 monks." Master Yuanling said this, and he breathed a deep sigh of relief: "200,000 golden elixirs, 600,000 foundations, among which there are 500 Nascent Souls. Six Yin Lords."

"Eight hundred thousand troops..." In his spiritual consciousness, Yuchang took a deep breath, sighing with a hint of helplessness.

Xu Yangyi's face was calm, and his heart suddenly sank.

This is the general trend.

There is no real trend that can be changed by a Nascent Soul, Zun Sheng, or even an ordinary Taixu.

"Is the Jiehai King determined to take action against the ancestor?" Jiang Lao pinched his beard tightly, the muscles on his face were trembling, and his voice was hoarse: "Once the two of them fight, Anlin City will be completely destroyed, and thousands of kilometers around it will be destroyed. Not even a blade of grass will grow, and... it is said that the ancestor's power is stronger than that of the five kings and two queens..."

Master Yuanling smiled: "Xu Kunlun does not need a second five kings and two queens."

Xu Yangyi suppressed the depression in his heart, listened carefully, and secretly cheered.

How can you allow others to snore next to your bed?

"Moreover, the Taiyi Sect's 100,000 followers and the 200,000 coalition forces of the Great Xia Dynasty have been deployed from Longque City, the capital of the Great Xia Dynasty. A total of 1.1 million monks, Anlin City should be safe." Yuan Ling The Master continued: "We and the three sages, as the last troops, will be stationed in Anlin City before the arrival of the saint. This edict is only issued to the sages, Mr. Jiang, be careful, this war is about to break out. No one can guarantee a safe escape.”

Mr. Jiang nodded: "Is everything okay? Get out of here."

Master Yuan Ling smiled and turned into a stream of light and floated away.

Mr. Jiang did not discuss this issue with Xu Yangyi, and the room was quiet. Countless people were already shouting outside.

"Why?" "Beast tide? This is impossible! There hasn't been a beast tide in thousands of years!" "Five demon kings? Ban Teng Lei Ze? Are you kidding?" "Fellow Taoist... look at the top of your head! Look again! City gate!"

Xu Yangyi was so confused that he forced himself to calm down and cupped his hands, then turned into a stream of light and flew away.

Mr. Jiang said nothing.

Dark clouds are closing in on the city, and the big chess game has already been played. The three Taixu sitting above them don't care about the life and death of others at all. They hold the pieces in their hands and are looking at the overall situation.

But where can I get on this game of chess?

As soon as he saw it, the entire Anlin City was in chaos. He silently looked at the city gate. Countless people had gathered there, and it was completely dark. They didn't dare to take off due to the air restrictions, but there were countless people in the vast sea of ​​people below.

"Why!" "You just gave the order that you can't go out?" "I'm just here to do business! Our Huang family is just a small chamber of commerce, so we still need to ask for a clear warning!" "The tide of beasts is coming, and the five demon kings... …Oh my god, whoever is willing to give way, I am willing to pay ten thousand spiritual jade!”

The noise was overwhelming, but opposite them was a torrent of silent steel.

Rows of shield walls are connected by talismans to form a silver tide. Behind him was a hundred-meter-high city tower. Behind the shield wall, a forest-like spear stretched out, aiming at the surging crowd ahead with the smell of iron and blood. What's even more frightening is that on the city wall, there are countless defenders standing all over the city wall, all with their bow-shaped magic weapons in their hands. The silver arrows reflect the light of the scorching sun, making it very cold.

In the center of the city tower, the pressure of the holy realm rose into the sky. An old woman was wearing a red gold phoenix robe, and around a dozen white-clad golden elixirs stood with swords in their hands, their eyes fierce. Like a sharp sword that drinks human blood. However, even if her coercion covered a radius of 10,000 meters, she could not contain the panic at the city gate.

"Anyone who crosses the boundary will be killed without mercy." The old woman's cold voice sounded clearly throughout the audience: "Anyone."

Following her order, countless crossbows and bowstrings on the tower instantly tightened and rattled.

Xu Yangyi withdrew his gaze and looked around. The entire Anlin City was already shrouded in a blue shield. In the four directions, the four phantoms of the green dragon, white tiger, red bird, and Xuanwu rose into the sky. The most eye-catching thing is the hundreds or thousands of notices from all directions.

"The beast tide is about to break out. The five demon kings are coming to Shuiyun Stream. Shuiyun Stream has become a demon beast hell, with more than 500 million lurking demon beasts. Anlin City is in danger. Today, Jiehai King, Taiyi Sect, and the Great Xia Dynasty jointly sent troops to Arrive in one month. The reincarnated saint of the Nine Realms and Nine Difficulties Sect will lead the entire army. I hope all monks and mortals will guard the city together with the city lord to ward off evil spirits."

It was chaotic... it was all chaotic... These signs of chaos rushed into his heart, as if countless hands were messing with his mood. Even he felt extremely uneasy, a feeling like a ray on his back, making every nerve in him tense.

Who would have thought that under the general situation, two small moths were flapping their wings desperately.

He sat quietly on the roof of an attic. There were countless people like him around him. Most of them were in the Golden Core stage, but there were also several Nascent Soul auras among them.

Everyone can see that this is no joke, and a battle that will determine the outcome of one side is about to begin. Even the hidden Nascent Soul can no longer sit still.

The strong wind blew his clothes and clothes flying, and his mind was like a dead leaf in the air, swaying in the wind.

He even smelled the rusty smell of blood in the air, and the suppressed fighting spirit that was about to come.

"Damn..." He gritted his teeth and turned his eyes to the horizon. Anlin City occupies a huge area. At the end of the sky, you can see a towering attic.

City Lord's Mansion.

But at this moment, huge military airships were already arranged in a formation of 10,000 meters long and wide, surrounding the entire city lord's palace. Several large flags fluttered in the wind. The Gu family, the Chen family, the Li family...the famous surnames in Anlin City are engraved on them, making a hunting sound.

In the sky, the military formations were in full formation, and there was a scene of solemn killing. On the ground, countless law enforcement teams and city guards rushed into the chaotic flow of people like a tide, making people panic.

A majestic spiritual power roared in the air, and Skynet looked at the crowd below indifferently.

That spiritual power came from a young man with red hair and golden eyes. His spiritual power was on par with that of the old woman in the city tower.

He just sat quietly in the empty space, among tens of thousands of flying boats, and no one around him dared to approach.

Another saint!

The moment the edict arrived, Anlin City had been completely taken over.

Taking a deep breath, he returned to his room. Wangchen and Mao Baer immediately came over: "What happened?"

"The beast tide is about to break out, and an old monster in the center of Tengleize is still thinking about it. The Great Xia Dynasty, Taiyi Sect, and the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect have jointly taken action to use the thousands of miles around here as a battlefield." He gritted his teeth. said.

"There is no doubt that the edict from the Sea King of the Nine Realms and Nine Difficulties Sect Realm has arrived. I am afraid that the edict from Taiyi Sect Elder Shen will be here soon... You go out and see the city lord's palace. All the troops are ready for war. Here... it will be transformed soon. It’s hell on earth.”


Close your eyes and take a deep breath. The desire for strength is rushing into my heart at this moment.

If you are also Taixu, at this moment, if you want to get the Talisman of Desire, you can just go in and negotiate with your ancestors. How can it be like now, unable to do anything under the millstone of the general trend.

"We must enter the Third Middle Realm as soon as possible! We must advance to Yangsheng as quickly as possible!"

"Then let's..." Mao Baer seemed hesitant, but actually asked happily.

It's so nice not to have to take risks.

"What's the hurry!" Xu Yangyi took a deep breath several times before calming down and sneered: "No rush...I will never let go of this thing. Even if Su Xingyao is its other half, it's still a matter of course if he doesn't get it. This is the key to reality. Don’t give up until the end.”

"Go out first, I want to be quiet."

The two nodded and left.

In the room, he sat cross-legged in silence with his eyes closed. The noise around him was like a sea tide rolling past his ears, and he ignored it.

Forced himself to calm down, Yuchang said softly: "You are upset."

"Can I help?" Hongxian asked timidly.

Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly and shook his head. This is a general trend. For example, a tsunami is formed by countless drops of sea water, but once it is formed, as a drop of sea water, it can no longer change its roaring momentum.

"Don't be anxious, everything has two sides. It seems to be taken over now, but... as our weakest party, the more chaotic we are, the more opportunities we have." Yuchang mentioned.

"How could I not know." Xu Yangyi finally couldn't bear it anymore, punched the floor with his fist, and gritted his teeth: "Once it starts, the Shuiyun Basin will be the core of the monster beasts, and we will never be able to cross hundreds of millions of monster beasts to enter!"

He took several deep breaths and recalled his records bit by bit in his mind.

Is there anything that can quietly change the situation of the war?

The noise in his ears went from violent to continuous, from continuous to fading, and an aura of panic filled the entire Anlin City. He sat like an old monk, turning a blind eye.

From sunrise to moonset, from moonset to sunrise. He sat cross-legged in the room, and after a full day passed, he sighed: "Manpower is sometimes poor."

Facing this huge wave, even if he is the talisman holder, there is nothing he can do. Let alone him, Venerable Hanxue and Young Master Mianfeng are also helpless here.

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