
Chapter 1056: Dark Clouds Over the City (Part 2)

He opened the light curtain to communicate with Su Xingyao. Seeing his solemn expression, Su Xingyao frowned imperceptibly.

He told the other party everything that happened in Anlin City, and then there was silence. After a long time, Su Xingyao said slowly: "I didn't expect that it would cause such a big shock."

"I have to go. My domain can go directly below, but that's it. I've already tried it. There is an extremely powerful force below that prevents me from changing space inside." She pondered for a moment and said. : "Perhaps, you can change your mind."

"During this period, I have been greatly affected by the desire talisman. Let's put aside the surface and look at the essence. This time it is just the desires of the two forces."

"The ancestors hope to gain more land, and the Sea King will never give in. As the spirit of all things, the pride in human hearts will never give in to monsters. Once he gives in, he will be targeted by thousands of people. So, don't even think about it. Let’s resolve it at the root.”

Xu Yangyi nodded thoughtfully. These few words dispelled some of the haze in his heart, but not enough to see the sunshine behind the clouds.

"This is their desire, but... once a desire overwhelms this desire, humans will unconditionally choose a stronger desire. This is the natural profit-seeking nature of animals, derived from desire, called instinct. It is inevitable "

Xu Yangyi rubbed his chin and pondered: "You mean... we want to create a desire that surpasses the battle between the two Great Void, and surpasses the battle between humans and monsters?"

It sounds impossible, but now, it's the impossible.

"What do you think?" he asked.

Su Xingyao shook his head: "I'm just telling the essence of this matter, and this is the source of the power of the Desire Talisman itself, so I can be so clear. As for how to do it, it's your business. After all, it's not that I can't get in. "

"Ha..." Xu Yangyi gave a bitter smile. Beyond the desire of the two Taixu to compete for power, I am afraid that there is nothing else but becoming an immortal.

At this moment, he was stunned for a moment, and then stood up suddenly.


correct! !

right here! !

In my mind, a door was opened, and a ray of brilliance finally shot into the confusing black cloud!

What is the purpose of spiritual practice?

Eternal life, power, truth... these are all possible, but these are only purposes, and their expression is the enhancement of the realm!

The highest state known so far is not being alone, but... soaring in the daytime!

Once there are clues about Ascension in the Day, both the ancestors and the Sea King will probably stop fighting and shake hands to make peace.

They can kill sentient beings for their own desires, and they can also turn hostility into friendship for an illusory possibility.

It's just so ridiculous.

Su Xingyao was stunned for a moment, but she was so smart that she reflected after thinking for a few seconds, and almost said at the same time as Xu Yangyi: "Grandmaster of Tianjian!"

That's right... the Patriarch of Heavenly Sword, a mystery in the Seven Realms, the last flying immortal monk in the Seven Realms, what if... its legacy is found here?

The battle may be fought, but it will change in a different way immediately!

"Now, the King of Jiehai will not come, but Daozi and the Saint are coming. And there is no way they can immediately inform Taixu behind them of this kind of news. If it is false, they can't just take it for granted! Only they can verify it personally. Only then will he report it! Master Tianjian... these four words may not be clear to Zun Sheng, but they must know that they represent a broken path to immortality!"

"Similarly, as their true disciples, they may not know about it, but they will most likely be notified. Once any inheritance of the Heavenly Sword Patriarch is discovered, they must be inspected and reported immediately!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes became intense: "In other words, this time, our opponent is only Si Daozi, the reincarnated saint."

The goal is clear!

"How can you be so sure?" Su Xingyao asked indifferently without refuting.

"Because of the Immortal Mountain!" Xu Yangyi replied affirmatively: "The Immortal Sage, the pinnacle of the Seven Realms, even if he has been driving nails into the Tianjian Villa for thousands of years, if he hadn't been concerned about the descendants of Feixian and his own reputation and status, he would have been destroyed long ago. I ate Tianjian Villa in one bite!”

"The Great Sage Immortal is like this. The Five Kings and Two Queens may not have understood it before, but how could they not notice it for thousands of years? After reaching their status, don't they want to go further? The last Flying Immortal, such a name hides How many secrets? I bet that the topic of Master Tianjian is definitely the most eternal topic in Taixu circle!"

He smiled brightly at Su Xingyao: "As you said, this is desire. Overriding desire. It is inevitable. Because it is instinct."

Su Xingyao's eyes flickered slightly: "Suppose, Sidaozi, the reincarnated saintess will definitely go to investigate after hearing this news, and it is very likely that she will investigate in person. As long as... you join their team, you can walk into the water with me. Under the cloud cave?”

"But how do you get in?"

Xu Yangyi smiled even more sinisterly: "Have you forgotten? Back then, Bai Hu made a teleportation circle in the tunnel dug by Taiyi Sect?"

Su Xingyao was silent for a moment. When she raised her eyes, her eyes were already filled with light!

The road is open.

There are ways to enter, there are motives to enter, how can the spokespersons of the two major Taixu forces avoid falling into the urn?'s scary to think about it.

In the gap between several major Taixu games, two Nascent Souls seek Taixu on their own! is extremely likely to succeed!

Once Taixu finds out about this... they will surely die!

"We need to clean up the scene." Su Xingyao said lightly: "Leave the reincarnated saint to me, I will make her regret coming to this world."

"Then I won't be polite to the four Daozi." Xu Yangyi also sneered.

Transcend the general trend!

With the invisible transformation of identity, these two drops of water have the hope of rushing out of the tsunami and joining a torrent that is completely different from the tsunami.

Although it is still dangerous here, they will still face one of the two successors trained by Taixu himself, but... it is not like the general trend, they can only go with the flow.

Once you enter the big tree, that kind of divided space, a master of the Devouring Talisman, a Zhenwu Dragon-slaying style body cultivator. A master of the Space God Rule, and can slightly connect with the Desire Talisman...

They have the hope of taking millet from the fire!

But... in the end, except for them, everyone must die here.

"It's too early to talk about this now... Let me think about it for a while. When the four Daozi and the Saint arrive, how can I make them sure that there is indeed the treasure of the Heavenly Sword Patriarch underneath." Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and said.

"Everyone else is dead, only you, you can say whatever you want. I just want to remind you one last thing..." Su Xingyao looked at him deeply: "Your plan is related to our success or failure. As long as there is a little omission, what awaits you is the thunderous wrath of Taixu. With your and my realm, planning Taixu is to seek death."

"By then, there will definitely be several saints to verify your words. If you make a mistake, you will be torn into pieces on the spot."

"Take care of yourself."

After saying this, the light curtain slowly disappeared.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes. Sometimes, to pry the earth, only one base point is needed.

"Little guy..." Yuchang sighed in his mind: "You are really too bold..."

"Taixu... What is Taixu? It is an existence that can destroy a plane, the top of a star field. You are a Yuanying, the peak of the lower four realms, and you dare to attack Taixu... It's really... Zhu Jiu clan can't describe the madness of this plan."

It took a deep breath and didn't know what to say. But it is undeniable that this plan is feasible! And... It is very tempting!

"Let me think about it again." Xu Yangyi sat in the house, supporting his chin with both hands, with bloodshot eyes, which was caused by great excitement and adventure.

"To do this, I must meet Daozi in person. My status is far from his..."

"But he will definitely meet you." Yuchang said in a deep voice: "The investigation of the vanguard and the location of the teleportation array, these are only known to you. Even if you don't see him, he will definitely come to you."

Xu Yangyi did not answer. Bodhizi, with his photographic memory, was fully activated to complete this crazy plan. There must be no mistakes. Every expression and every word must be just right. There is a reason why it must exist.

Two, more than one million and one hundred thousand.

In the layers of dark clouds, this ray of dawn has been grasped by them. Although it is weak, if they follow it, maybe... maybe... there is hope to see the sun behind.

Time passed quickly. He has not left the room for the past few days. The Saint of the Nine True Nine Difficulties will arrive in a few days. After building the super teleportation array, a month later, a million monks will be led by the Four Daozi and the reincarnated Saint to reign in Anlin City. His time... is running out.

Every situation must be imagined, what the other party might say, how to respond, all must have countermeasures. All the loopholes in the last team's exploration must be filled. He now feels that there is too little time.

The fourth day after the imperial edict came.


Xu Yangyi has not gone out for three days and refuses all interruptions. The handwriting in the space is densely written and then erased. In the past few days, he does not know how many times he has denied the plan.

At this moment, golden rays of light shot down through the ban, and at the same time, the noise that had been boiling around for several days suddenly settled.

He seemed to sense something, and with a wave of his hand, his somewhat sloppy appearance became handsome again. He whispered: "Wang Chen."

"Here." Wang Chen has been guarding the door these days. Although he doesn't know what happened, he can't let others disturb his master. This is his mission. Even Ou Fangyu was stopped several times.

"Is it... a storm coming?" Xu Yangyi stood up, squinting his eyes slightly, and the light was a little dazzling.

"Storm?" Wang Chen looked at the sunlight outside in astonishment: "No."

Xu Yangyi walked to the window calmly, and the window opened without wind. As soon as it was opened, a sea-like spiritual power rushed in like a hurricane.

His black hair fluttered, his hairband danced wildly, and on the gloomy sky outside, a golden door was slowly opening. The originally gloomy weather turned into white clouds and blue sky at this moment, as if the sky was afraid of this door.

"It is indeed a storm..." He leaned against the window frame and sighed.

Arrived as promised...

The Holy Maiden of the Nine True and Nine Difficult Sect, Hua Xiangrong, came in person with the Sea Seal of the Realm!

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