
Chapter 1057: Changes in the elbows and armpits

/p\u003e Carved with countless patterns. It was hundreds of meters in size and looked like a divine door. As the gap in the door finally opened, a white light filled the sky.

Soft and clear, at the same time, countless rich spiritual energy floated out like auspicious clouds, filling the sky, and pieces of extremely sweet fairy music played. Following the fairy music, those spiritual auspicious clouds turned into countless spiritual beasts, surrounding the gate.

Anlin City was silent for a few seconds, and then the sound of a crowd suddenly burst out.

"The Xuanzhen Gate of the Jiuzhen Nine Difficulties Gate!" "Look... behind that is the Xuanzhen Cave of the Jiuzhen Nine Difficulties Gate. This time... we are really going to do something serious!" "Xuanzhen Peak has appeared, What a big battle this time is! "" Things are going to change here..." "Are you really planning to fight with the ancestors... I shouldn't have come to Anlin City!"

Countless complicated emotions and complicated words were mixed together, but they still could not stop the golden gate of the void from opening wider and wider. As the two huge doors completely unfolded, a golden road shot out from the door. Two rows of black monks, feet The green lotuses flew out of the sky uniformly.

The goshawk is suspended in the sky, a long snake formation is formed, the golden light shines, and the sea and sky are vast.

Swishing, swishing, one after another, figures stood in the void, holding swords behind their backs. Then they all knelt on the ground and shouted neatly towards the golden gate: "Welcome the Saint!"

Immortal music was swaying, white clouds were misty, and in the golden light, a fifty-meter-long honor guard slowly opened up. Hundreds of stunning female foundation-building cultivators walked around, stepping on green lotuses, canopies, necklaces, jasper trees, longevity flowers... If the stars were shining, and among the stars, a famous moon hung high. Incomparably noble, lotuses grow at every step.

"Plop..." I don't know who it was, but was frightened by this shocking scene and knelt on the ground. Immediately afterwards, countless low-level monks all knelt on the ground. In an instant, the shouts of paying homage to the saint were earth-shattering. Coupled with the fairyland-like scene in the sky, it only makes people feel chills running down their spines.

"Is this the pomp of the top-level forces..." Xu Yangyi didn't know when he had sat on the roof and licked his lips: "What a great gesture."

bring it on……

Let the prelude to this storm be more violent...

Anyway... everyone has no choice but to retreat, and no one wants to retreat.

Hua Xiangrong's whole body was surrounded by a golden light, and he couldn't see the lineup clearly at all. He could only see a jade hand raised and took out a golden scroll with a golden dragon and auspicious clouds engraved on it. The moment he took it out, a A magnificent force that had never been felt before filled the entire sky in an instant.

This is magnanimity and intimidation.

He is aloof and noble, but all the people are just ants.

This is Kai Haiwang, the real controller of this world.

"Meet the envoy!!" At this moment, the only voice left in Anlin City shook the heaven and earth.

"Here's an edict." Hua Xiangrong's voice was as melodious as music. With a slight release of her hand, the red lines on the scroll scattered and flew into the air: "Shuiyunjian and Tengleize will enter the state of ban from now on. If you still Those who stay there will find their destiny."

As soon as he finished speaking, the scroll was fully unfolded. In an instant, the black clouds in the sky were dyed into a pale gold, like another sun, bursting out with infinite brilliance. A heart-shaking spiritual power instantly filled the entire Anlin City.

Over the entire thousand-mile area of ​​Anlin City, the spiritual power was crazily distorted. The glazed tiles on all the roofs creaked, the wind roared, and the endless golden spiritual energy actually formed a giant palm that held up the sky!

I don't know how big it is, and I don't know how wide it is. Wherever you look, everything is within the palm of the King of Sea, spanning the Milky Way, laying out the universe, and controlling the universe. The next second, the golden wave rushed through Anlin City and headed straight for Shuiyun Stream!

"Is this the Jiehai Seal?" Xu Yangyi took a breath and looked at the endless palm in the sky with some obsession: "This is not a seal... but one of his palms, a mark."

"His mark is imprinted on everything he touches, touches, and prints..."

Yuchang's somewhat shocking voice also sounded from his spiritual consciousness: "Qiuji Heavenly Man..."

"More than that..." Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the giant palm that had gone far away: "He... wants to seal Teng Lei Ze away from countless thousands of miles away with the palm of this poor heavenly being!"

How domineering and confident!

There was deathly silence in the city, and everyone's eyes, as long as they could see, were directed to the horizon, which had become a golden ocean. The applause was too terrifying, reminding everyone once again who asked them to stay here and who gave the order.

No matter how strong the rebellious mentality was, it was completely wiped away by this palm.

The moment the giant palm came into contact with Shuiyunjian, a shocking roar suddenly erupted from the depths of Tengleize!

That was not a human being... not even a monster beast recorded in any record. On the horizon, with this roar, it stirred up the wind and clouds thousands of miles away, and the indestructible golden palm collapsed in an instant!

God, things have changed.

All the clouds in the sky flew away from the center of the roar in all directions at an incredible speed. The entire sea of ​​trees in Shuiyunjian, and the towering ancient trees hundreds of meters high, all moved outward from the center with this terrifying roar. Lean back! Even countless big trees were blown down instantly! Thousand-meter-long tree crowns are flying everywhere like fine sand and gravel!

This is...a shock wave of sound!

"Silk..." Everyone in Anlin City who saw this scene gasped at the same time. The storm of countless green leaves even formed a long green river!

Endless golden spiritual energy filled the air, without any fluctuations in spiritual power. Xu Yangyi breathed a long sigh of relief and jumped off the roof.

The Saint has arrived, and the Sea Boundary Seal has given him a great shock. As for the effect of the other party, he doesn't want to care. He just knows more clearly what kind of existence he is planning!

"Not watching anymore?" Yu Chang felt a little regretful.

Xu Yangyi shook his head and looked deeply at the Saint in the sky: "The more I watch, the clearer it is that that palm can actually shake my confidence a little. Just now, I even thought about giving up for a moment. Planning such a monster, I really want to die."

"Then?" Yu Chang asked with a smile.

"No then." Xu Yangyi's eyes became hot again, and he walked into the house with a smile: "Then, I was thinking about how to make this game within the game more perfect, so that there will be no trouble. This palm came at the right time."

"There is still one month, let me... give this Fourth Daozi a big gift."

At this moment!

Buzz... A slight vibration suddenly resounded throughout Anlin City. The audience who were stunned just now woke up at this moment.

"What's wrong?" "What happened?" "What's going on?"

On the tower, the old woman looked up suddenly, looking at the sky in disbelief.

In the city lord's mansion, the young monk frowned, also looked up at the sky, and murmured: "So that's it..."

In the hall, Jiang Lao's eyes flickered, and he immediately raised his head. After being stunned for three seconds, he slapped the white jade table hard.     "This old liar! Damn it!"

At the moment when the giant palm collapsed, it instantly turned into talismans all over the sky. These talismans flew into the sky like golden butterflies. In just a moment, they spread from Shuiyunjian thousands of miles away to the entire Anlin City! With Anlin City as the center, a golden world with a radius of ten thousand miles was formed!

In the golden world, it seemed that the eight trigrams were rotating and the four elephants were soaring. They desperately combined and twisted. In just ten minutes, a super large formation with a radius of ten thousand miles, with Anlin City as the center of the formation, covered this vast land.

Xu Yangyi, who was about to enter the house, suddenly turned around, staring at the talismans covering the sky.

His attainments in talismans were not low, and he could see that... many of these talismans were teleportation talismans!

"Super long-distance... super-large-scale teleportation array?!"

At this moment, he understood the thoughts of the Sea King.

Speed ​​is of the essence in war!

Even the edict to the Venerable Saint had a false message... that is, when the Saint brought the Sea Seal, it was the time when the two great Taixu and millions of heroes arrived!

Race against time!

The other party actually planned to launch the attack before the monsters had gathered!

"Fuck!!!" He finally couldn't help cursing.

It was impossible to guess Taixu's thoughts, but before he gave this great gift to Si Daozi, the Sea King had already given him a huge surprise in advance!

The real purpose of the Sea Seal... was to set up this super array! In other words, he didn't have a month at all!

He had only a few hours left!

The wind howled, and before anyone could think about it, a magnificent spiritual energy descended upon the entire Anlin City.

Not just one person, but tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, and boundless.

The magnificent spiritual power gathered by millions of cultivators!

"Swish..." A few minutes later, there was a sudden flash in the sky, and a silver light fell on the formation.

It was like a horn, and then, with Hua Xiangrong's Xuanzhen Sect as the center, endless silver light, like mercury pouring on the ground, like the stars pouring down, fell madly from the sky.

Swish... Endless silver lines pulled out a huge rain curtain between heaven and earth, and countless chess pieces landed on this chessboard. In the silver light, figures loomed, forming a black frenzy and white waves.

The entire Anlin City, after five minutes of dead silence, was in an uproar!

"Super teleportation array!" "Super teleportation array covering thousands of miles! Is this, are the armies of the two great Taixu coming?!" "So fast? How could it be so fast!!" "Have the monsters assembled yet?!" "Too fast... The boundary sea seal is actually the talisman that makes up the array... This move is too incredible!" "The merit is beyond imagination... Is this battle going to start like this?"

The whole Anlin City was boiling, and the golden array raised a thousand-foot wind and waves, blowing everyone almost unsteadily.

In the room, Jiang Lao retracted his shocked gaze, and took a breath of cold air after a long time: "Ou Fangyu."

Ou Fangyu, who was also in the same room at the moment, did not answer. He was also stunned by this sudden scene.

The Taixu mind was as deep as the sea, like a cloud dragon reaching out its claws, and there was no way to guess it.

"Four Daozi!!"

A loud shout woke him up. Ou Fangyu had no joke on his face, and immediately half-knelt and said solemnly: "Only the order of the second elder!"

(End of this chapter)

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