
Chapter 1058: Killing the chicken to scare the monkey (I)

"Have our people arrived?"

"...No..." Ou Fangyu gritted his teeth.

"Good...very good! What a quick method! The soldiers are so fast that they can't cover their ears..." Old Jiang held the window lattice tightly with his hands, and the strong wind blew his white hair. He was completely unaware of it. After a long time, he said: "Four Daozi...I'm afraid only you and Daozi will go down this time, and you may die...but...I beg you..."

He turned around and looked deeply at Ou Fangyu: "No matter what, we must protect Daozi from coming out."

"Afterwards, I will ensure that your whole family will be prosperous for the rest of your life! And I will ensure that you are my direct disciples by blood!"

Ou Fangyu looked at the old man in front of him, the muscles on his face were trembling.

This is... allowing myself to sacrifice myself as a last resort to protect Xu Yangyi!

He understood, he knew that he was inferior to the other party in terms of qualifications and strength, but having such an unspeakable thing exposed in person still made him blush.

"Remember your words!" Grinding his teeth, he took a deep look at Mr. Jiang and turned into a stream of light and flew away.

No one expected that King Jiehai was so deep-minded that he even gave false instructions to the sage. A million-strong army expected to arrive in a month would suddenly appear in the sky above Anlin City. He... must seize all the time to prepare.

In Anlin City, after the sudden noise, there was a dead silence. Everyone was watching this scene that they may never see in their lifetime.

Stars fell like rain, and endless silver beams of light pulled out silhouettes on top of the formation. For a full hour, the formation suspended in the sky finally stopped. Instead, millions of soldiers are standing on top!

Countless puppets hundreds of meters tall, with several meters of brilliance shooting out of their eyes. There are also group-killing magic weapons dozens of meters high, imprisoned and pulled by countless talismans, and even more are densely packed with monks whose heads can't be seen.

With the long sword in his hand, he stood proudly against the evil wind in the Shuiyun Stream. The vast and neat sea of ​​​​people, the murderous aura that almost turned into reality, shocked everyone and made them unable to say a word.

Still here...

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes in pain. The step to escape from the entire situation has not been fully planned yet, but something went wrong and now he has no time.


Still not going?

At this moment, my heart was in a state of confusion.

"Woooo" the desolate horn sound resounded through the sky, and millions of people stood in the sky above Anlin City like javelins, in uniform order, and the aura of iron-blooded killing spread across the sky. Countless figures cover the sun and moon. Just as the horn sounded, the entire void shook, and countless talismans transformed out of thin air, tangled into eight magnificent gates.

Xu Yangyi's expression was unclear, and he pursed his lips slightly. No matter how reluctant he was, he stared at the magnificent scene in the sky.

The more now, the more clearly you need to see the strength of your opponent.

"Dongzhen Gate, Fusheng Gate, Blood Nanmen Gate, Chenming Gate... eight gates opened at once?!" Shocking voices could be heard in the dark crowd, "Nine True Gates, Nine Nan Gates, eighteen gates in one sect, plus the previous Saintess The Xuanzhen Gate... was opened halfway at once! "Oh my god... is this a fight to the death with Teng Leize?" "Is this... the arrival of the sage?"

The monks below were already half-kneeling on the ground in front of the overwhelming, cloud-blocking army.

"Kara..." A slight voice came, and six of the doors opened gently. At the same time, the noise was silent for an instant, and you could hear a pin drop between heaven and earth.

Kakaka, with the sound of door knocking, six extremely powerful spiritual powers slowly emitted from the six gates. One of the gates suddenly erupted into tens of thousands of flames, forming a red flame fire dragon, roaring between the heaven and the earth. When the fire dragon was extinguished, an old man in red robes flicked his fly whisk, stepped on the void, and said slowly: "Under the Jiu Zhen Jiu Nan Sect, the Master of Dong Zhen Peak."

Countless shocked, admired, and surprised eyes focused on the sky. I don’t know how many foundations, golden elixirs, and Yuanyings were turned red with excitement at this moment.

From the silent silence, it gradually became turbulent, and finally turned into chaotic discussions that resounded throughout the space, and finally turned into a neat shout: "Meet the Venerable!!"

The whole city is the same.

This is the momentum that a real trip of five thousand saints should have.

Xu Yangyi's face turned blue.

Yin Zun...

Late stage of Yin Zun!

And...this is just one of them

The next second, there was a roar of a beast, a giant beast that was a thousand meters long, like a unicorn, with six eyes and eight hooves. Every time it moved, countless lotus flowers emerged from the void to support its walking.

The beast was huge, but the woman in red without a bun on its back was extremely small. But when she appeared, the exclamations in Anlin City were louder than before!

"Master of the Blood Difficulty Peak!" Mr. Jiang sighed: "It is said that the strongest peak master among the eighteen peaks of the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect has heard about Yin Zun's Great Perfection. He has already tried to attack Taixu."

"Your Majesty King Kai are so courageous this time."

As the whole city knelt down to greet the venerable one after another, the doors opened one after another, and figures that could change the color of the world appeared in the air, towering over millions of heroes, facing the Shuiyun Stream.

An old man in black robes turned into countless crows and flew out, and then condensed in the black clouds. There were thousands of phenomena, nothingness and mystery.

The master of Fusheng Peak, ranked sixth among the Nine Truths, Nine Difficulties and Eighteen Peaks. The middle stage of Yin Zun.

A young man didn't have any supernatural powers, but when he stepped out of the door, the whole city's swords buzzed, and even the fish intestines trembled twice.

The ultimate swordsmanship!

The master of Jianxin Peak, ranked fifth among the Eighteen Peaks, and in the middle stage of Yin Zun.

The six gates opened simultaneously, and the majestic air pressure of the six Yin Lords made it impossible for everyone in the city to lift their heads.

This is the undisputed strength of the Nine True and Nine Difficulties Sect, the largest sect in Kunlun.

At this moment, most people who had been in peace for too long and only used Jiehaiwang as a name again thought of the legend of Jiehaiwang in Kunlun, Junlin Ruins.

He emerged from a time of great strife, succeeded five kings and two queens, and sat there for a thousand years, untouchable by anyone.

"Just give me another month!" Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and looked at the six figures in the sky: "One step slowly, every step slowly!"

"Am I going to give up on the Talisman of Desire like this?"

"With a swallowing talisman, I can challenge the divine law. If I get another talisman of desire...three hundred years later, I will raise my arms and say, there is nothing to fear in this age of great strife!"

Listening to these depressing words, Yuchang sighed: "If things don't go as one wishes, it's not a crime of war."

At this moment, two loud noises sounded in the sky again.

The two central gates finally opened slowly.

There is no pomp, no magical power, but the fact that these two people can appear after the six saints is a kind of pomp in itself, a silent pomp, and a manifestation of status.

The golden and silver brilliance slowly walked out from the huge door. Compared with the door, it was so small, but no one dared to despise it.

The black robe is sparkling with light and has six golden dragons painted on it. Wearing a purple gold crown on his head, a white jade belt hanging from his waist, gold and silver eyes, and a head full of red hair, he was born with a strange phenomenon.

"It's approaching the realm of Yin Lord." Yuchang affirmed: "He is extremely powerful. I feel at least three spiritual treasures from him that are no less than mine."

The Four Ways of the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties.

At the same time, the door on the right also opened, and a fiery red figure stepped lightly into the field. In an instant, an extreme force of flesh and blood, with countless fluctuations of spiritual power, spread into everyone's hearts.

It is not physical cultivation, nor is it illegal cultivation. Extremely weird.

Taiyi Zong, the reincarnated saint.

Xu Yangyi vaguely felt that the threat this saint gave him was even greater than that of Daozi.

There was no abnormality in the appearance of the two people. The only abnormality... was probably that the Six Great Yin Lords nodded deeply at them.

Eight people standing and two in the middle says it all.

"From now on, Anlin City will be taken over by the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect, and Lord Benzhen will be in charge of all affairs." Sidaozi glanced at the City Lord's Mansion: "I wonder if the City Lord has any opinions?"

"I will obey the order." Immediately, a loud reply came from the City Lord's Mansion.

"Okay." Sidaozi scanned the scene lightly: "Where is Master Ben Lei?"

Xu Yangyi was stunned. The other party actually called his name in front of the whole city as soon as he came up?

"Tianjian Villa, Master Wuxiang's disciple Ben Lei." He didn't know when a gray file appeared in his hand. It was the name list where Xu Yangyi wrote the word "Ben Lei": "Can't you hear it?"

What a high momentum!

What a powerful Shengwei.

This kind of roll call in front of the whole city is nothing more than two types, one is to perform meritorious deeds, and the other is to receive deeds. Xu Yangyi knew what the other party was going to do just by looking at him.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey!

Any person in power must have some means. Sidaozi, who leads the army as Yuanying, must stand at the south gate, but he never expected that the other party would choose him.

"This bastard!" Yuchang couldn't help but yell angrily in his spiritual consciousness. This move was too cruel. In front of everyone in the city, he called Xu Yangyi's name and asked why all the people in the team died and only him. alive. If you can't answer the question, you will definitely cut off the sacrificial flag.

With such a trend, even Mr. Jiang couldn't protect him. Due to emotions and reasons, Anlin City's hundreds of millions of people are watching, but they can't say a single word "no"!

"Don't dare to answer? Or don't want to answer?" Sidaozi glanced around the audience coldly, and suddenly raised his voice: "Is there a ghost in your heart? All the twelve-man exploration team were killed! Only you survived! Don't you make it clear today? , no one can protect you!"

In one sentence, Mr. Jiang's road was blocked.

The situation is in control. He can only kill a chicken. No matter how the chicken flutters, if he wants it to die, he will die.

"answer me!!"

The sound was like thunder, blowing over the entire Anlin City. In the room, Mr. Jiang's face turned red. He stood up several times and was pushed down by Hongchen several times.

"What are you doing!" "Are you crazy! This kind of posture is obviously that the Four Dao disciples want to establish their power! Your disciple is the best target! Join the vanguard team, the only one who comes back alive, the road is unknown! What a ruthless method... I finally understood why they didn’t care about the vanguard team even though they knew they were dead, they were just waiting to show off their power to the Four Daozi!”

"Can't I, the disciple of the great master, give him a Nascent Soul of the same realm to establish his authority?!" Mr. Jiang suddenly stamped his foot angrily, causing cracks on the ground.


Not only to Xu Yangyi, but also to him, Xu Yangyi also has the identity of a disciple of the sage! What better person to establish your authority than! Once Xu Yangyi couldn't answer four, five or six, Sidaozi would immediately let the whole city see what orders and prohibitions were and what Taixu's power was.

Veins on his forehead popped out with anger, and he stood up suddenly: "No, I..."

"Sit down!" Hong Chen was also angry: "This is the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect! The sect of Jiehai King! The super sect of Xu Kunlun! We can no longer use armor to count!"

"Do you think you can protect him?! Impossible! The other party has already told you that they will not let this go by naming them in front of hundreds of millions of people! You have made a fool of yourself in the past!!"

"Now what!"

"I can only pray..." Hongchen gritted his teeth and sighed: "Pray... your disciple can endure the humiliation and bear the burden. The humiliation on the crotch today will be repaid a hundred times in the future!"

"The premise is...that there will be a future..."

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