
Chapter 1059: Killing the chicken to scare the monkey (Part 2)

The entire Anlin City was filled with deathly silence.

Everyone's eyes met, and many people were already whispering, "Who is this Ben Lei?" "Never heard of it? He... entered the vanguard army with the Jiu Zhen Jiu Nanmen, and everyone else died? Only He came back alive? "There must be something wrong with this person!"

Some people disagreed: "Didn't you hear? That's a distinguished disciple."

"So what? Count how many saints there are now?" "The number and splendor are unseen in a lifetime... There are six saints in the sky, and they are all the top saints of the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect." "It's so shameful... I have to be humiliated like this before I die, so why not end it on your own." "What if someone else is lucky?" "Hahaha... you still can't see it? Even if he is lucky today, he There is no way to escape, even if you are a disciple of the Saint, you will not be able to escape."

Xu Yangyi stood quietly at the door and took several deep breaths, but could not suppress the rage in his heart.

The blazing anger almost turned his face red.

Have you ever been treated like this?

Never, not even Tengebal that day! Now it happened to a monk in the same realm!

He was called out in public and reprimanded in front of hundreds of millions of people that he "had a ghost in his heart" and was "doomed."

who do you think You Are!

"Bear it! Be careful and be patient!" Yuchang was already shouting: "You cannot break today's situation! I understand, I understand that your character would rather break than bend, but now you can't hurt the other party even if you break it. Damn it! If you don't calm down now, you will die in vain!"

"Think about Angel, she trusts you so much and is still waiting for you in the Tower of Babel! Can you bear it?"

"There are only a few monks on earth. If you die, who will resist this banner!"

"Don't you want to see the earth return to the fairyland? Don't you want to see the reality of the universe? Don't you want to know why the war between the two fairyland suddenly broke out back then?"

"That's enough!" Xu Yangyi suddenly drank in his spiritual consciousness and opened his eyes: "I understand."

"I...have not yet completely decided to give him this great gift." His smile has turned cold: "However, tigers are not harmful to people, and tigers are harmful to people's hearts. This road of spiritual really walking on thin ice."

"Just watch."

In the sky, the Four Daozi stood with their hands behind their backs. On the roster, there was only a golden elixir. There is nothing better than a mere golden elixir monk killing this chicken and frightening the monkeys in the city. Golden elixir... He shouldn't feel bad if he kills the Alchemy Saint. Even if he feels distressed, unless he reaches the level of Alchemy Master and starts to attack the Alchemy Saint, his status really has nothing to worry about.

Even if he is worried, today's situation will require the opponent to knock out his teeth and swallow his blood.

"Cowardly, hide your head and show your tail." He sneered, his voice like a bell: "Check."

"Search the entire Anlin City to find this person."

"The true Lord suspects that he is colluding with the demon clan and having an affair with the ancestors. Collaborators will be killed without mercy. Otherwise, how could a mere golden elixir survive with the participation of eight guardian armies? Is this the only one?"

"Now, what this person says is white, and what he says is black is black. His words are uncertain, and he makes trouble. Even if he tells the whole story, he can only believe three points. He has not shown up for so long, and there is something wrong in his heart." His eyes were like lightning. He glanced at the whole city and said: "The eyes of the gods are like lightning, and the dark room is full of heart. Even if you are as scared as a cicada now, I can find you the right way to sacrifice the spirits of the eight guardian armies in the sky."

"It's actually the Guardian Army!" "Eight Guardian Army members participated, but they were all wiped out. There must be something wrong with this kid!" "This kind of person must have collaborated with the monster clan, and he shouldn't stay in the world!" "Say Maybe it’s a demon cultivator! Humph! There are no demon cultivators in other places, but have you ever seen one in Anlin City?”

Suddenly, discussions surged.

"I, the disciple of Venerable Wu Xiang, have been blamed for this without even saying a word!!" At this moment, there was a roar of thunder, and the mortal world didn't even stop him. Mr. Jiang had already risen into the sky.

As if he did not expect that a venerable saint would actually stand up for a golden elixir, Sidaozi was stunned, but he bowed his hands politely: "It seems that your Excellency is the venerable Wu Xiang in front of you. As for whether it is true or not, please come out, noble disciple Just make it clear in front of so many people. Ben Zhenjun just said it was possible."

"After all, the noble disciple is too suspicious." The reincarnated saint who had been silent for a long time also said calmly: "At that time...but there were also Hall Master Wang from my Secret Hall accompanying me, four Nascent Souls, eight Golden Pills, and disciples of the Venerable The lowest level of cultivation, but he came back alive, I am really curious. "

Should my disciple with low cultivation level be buried with those idiots? !

Jiang Lao's beard was shaking wildly, but even he couldn't reverse this situation. Just as he was about to speak, a weak voice suddenly came: "Teacher, calm down..."

People are coming.

The eyes of Sidaozi and the reincarnated saintess flashed, and the chicken was finally frightened and came onto the table.

Sidaozi glanced at the person coming over, with a flash of disappointment in his eyes. This chicken... also looked a little too weak. It was obviously pretty, but its face was pale, as if it was just recovering from a serious illness. He looked upset at the weak chicken's appearance.

He also thought that the opponent was a character who could struggle a little, so that he would be more intimidating when killed. He never expected that Zun Sheng would actually accept such a disciple.

It seems... this teacher is also average.

He glanced at Mr. Jiang with a hint of contempt in his eyes, and said to Xu Yangyi: "Come here."

Jiang Lao was furious. In front of hundreds of millions of people, in front of his Grandmaster, he ordered his disciples around. Not only did he treat Xu Yangyi as a dead man, but he also didn't give him face!

However, before he could move, six sharp spiritual powers like knives were fixed on him.

He understood that even if he issued the Grandmaster Order now, no one would come.

This time, he was completely different from the Ghost Face Monk.

"You... explain it carefully." He gritted his teeth.

Xu Yangyi seemed to be seriously ill. He gritted his teeth and struggled to sweat. He almost dragged his body to fly into the sky. He barely saluted and panted.

During this process, the eyes from all directions below were engraved on him like a brand. The murderous intent in his heart had boiled to the extreme. His nails scratched his palms, and he endured it.

Since he was on the stage, he had to do the whole show.

"Speak." Si Daozi stood with his hands behind his back like a high king, with golden light shining on him. He glanced at Xu Yangyi from the corner of his eye: "What did you encounter and how did you survive? If you tell a lie, His Excellency the Sea King will not let you off easily."

Xu Yangyi opened his lips several times, but he started coughing as soon as he opened his mouth. During this short cough, time seemed to slow down in his mind, and he recalled his response word by word.

Stealing the sky and changing the day... right now!

In front of hundreds of millions of people, in front of a trend that Si Daozi thought he could never reverse!

It is still unknown who will win.

"Speak." An indifferent voice came from the side of Daozi. The voice was very light, but it pierced the heart: "Didn't you hear the fourth Daozi asking you a question?"

"How dare you be so rude in front of the Daozi of Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect?" Another venerable also spoke calmly: "For this reason alone, you are not worthy of being a cultivator. You don't know the difference between respect and inferiority, and you don't know how to advance and retreat. You are destined to be mixed in the mortal world."

After coughing for a full five seconds, Xu Yangyi laughed bitterly in a low voice: "That day... I, I was forced to join this team, and then..."

It started...

His pounding heart suddenly calmed down. He even carefully arranged the speed of speaking. The power on Earth may not be as good as that of the Seven Realms, but there are some things that are definitely not owned by the Seven Realms.

For example... psychology.

He is talking slowly now, not thinking, but laying the groundwork.

Laying the groundwork... is to wait for a while to set the hook step by step and lure you into the trap.

He is waiting for a speed-up node.

It is also the first place where the plot changes.

The plot he created. Perfect in the incomplete, now only by relying on his own quick thinking can he escape this disaster and move the world.

To plan Taixu, courage is not enough, but wisdom and courage are required. Even if he is forced to a dead end today, he will jump over the dragon gate.

His speed is very slow, and the narration is very clear, and everyone can hear it clearly. One link after another, when he heard the swarm of chasing shadow bats in the sky, Si Daozi's eyes met with the reincarnated saint. The other party nodded hesitantly and shook his head again.

His eyes looked at the other saints again, and a Yin Zun whispered: "If what he said is true, there may be something strange in it."

"There must be something strange when the ancestor goes out." Si Daozi smiled and said: "The junior just wants to know if I can land this knife."

"Don't worry." The master of Xuanzhen Peak slowly said: "If you can't land it, I will help you land it."

Xu Yangyi couldn't pretend to be afraid. Now that he was seriously injured and had not recovered, it was his limit. He was very organized and eloquent. When he said thirteen footsteps and mirage, he clearly felt that Si Daozi's spiritual consciousness fluctuated.

The hair on his back had stood up. Here... was the first turning point!

It didn't matter what the surrounding eyes looked like. Once he succeeded, he would not let Si Daozi die easily. He and Su Xingyao, two drops of sea water, would truly escape this trend, and the situation would tilt towards them.

They... would become the only two Yuanying chess players on this Taixu chessboard.

"This mirage... is very strange..." He seemed to be a little concerned about Jiang Lao, and glanced at him. Si Daozi followed his gaze and said calmly: "Just say it. Now, I will judge whether what you say is true, not others."

Jiang Lao gritted his teeth and said nothing.

What a shame!

As a master, he was actually classified as someone else! In front of hundreds of millions of people, he lost face!

"It...shows...a snake-headed monk." Xu Yangyi lowered his head, and no one could see the cold light flashing in his eyes at this moment.

The preparation is over, and the speed begins!

The counterattack that no one knows about, the big hand that turns the situation around, planted the seeds of doubt for the first time.

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