
Chapter 1060: Secret War (I)


Mr. Jiang's eyes suddenly raised. Looking at Xu Yangyi in surprise, such a strange movement immediately attracted the attention of Sidaozi and the reincarnated saint.

"Snake-headed monk?" The two looked at each other again without any trouble. There was no fool. The next second, when they contacted Mr. Jiang's eyes, they immediately remembered something.

"Tianjian Villa!!" The two people's spiritual consciousness came out at the same time, and they said these four words at the same time.

Tianjian Villa...the Patriarch of Tianjian? Descendants of Feixian?

From Mr. Jiang's reaction, it was obvious that the other party didn't know either, this what this kid has been hiding?

Smart people always think too much. In an instant, the two of them immediately thought of their ancestors.

Why did the ancestors act strangely?

Quiet and restless?

They didn't think it was possible. On the battlefield of Taixu, regardless of victory or defeat, the casualties were too great. They had all been on the Chain of Seven Realms, and they all knew that there was no real winner or lose in the battle of Taixu. Why did the ancestors raise up all the demons of Tengleize and surround Anlin City?

However, Xu Yangyi did not continue talking, as if he was worried about Mr. Jiang's presence, but said: "Go through this mirage..."

"Wait a minute." The reincarnated saint who had never spoken before finally spoke, interrupting Xu Yangyi for the first time: "Speak more clearly."

No one knew that Xu Yangyi's blood was almost boiling at this moment.

For some things, psychologically speaking, what you say is never as good as what others ask.

If I tell you about my current situation, will others believe it?

Would others think he was just making it up to survive?

This is a bad idea.

Only by half-covering your face, half-covering your face as if holding a pipa, letting the other party ask, letting the other party preconceptions, and arousing the other party's curiosity, can the other party think it is true.

And this "thinking it is true" is related to the final result of this game of changing the sky in front of hundreds of millions of people.

Accumulating step by step, accelerating bit by bit, in the end, they recognized that this was the Heavenly Sword Patriarch, while he said nothing.

Xu Yangyi was silent.

"Say!!!" Sidaozi suddenly spoke, his voice booming in the sky, and he looked into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "You... are you still hiding something?"

Ahem! Xu Yangyi suddenly coughed again, coughing so fiercely that he even broke into a cold sweat, finally soothing his racing heartstrings. Deliberately avoiding Sidaozi's gaze: "Actually...I didn't see clearly either. Fuzzy is a snake demon..."

"Snake demon?" The saint took a step forward and looked deeply into his eyes: "Is it true?"

Xu Yangyi avoided her gaze again and nodded immediately.

The small micro-expressions were so eye-catching in the eyes of the two people who were staring at him. Suspicions gradually arose in their hearts, and everyone felt that there was something wrong with him. ,

He's hiding something.

"It turns out to be a big fish..." Sidaozi rubbed his hands gently behind his back: "No wonder he didn't dare to come out..."

There was silence on the scene, and everyone was secretly planning in their hearts. Xu Yangyi is not relaxed at all. Now, the seeds of suspicion have been planted, but there are two more twists and turns later! As long as one mistake is heard, even if the swallowing talisman is turned on today, there is no way to escape.

"Go on." After a long while, Sidaozi said noncommittally.

Xu Yangyi nodded and continued.

A few minutes passed and he reached the passage. No one in the cave survived the strange sect order. He paused.

He had a feeling that the fish had seen the bait, but was wandering around the hook, unsure whether it should bite.

"Then...I'll give you another acceleration!"

He pursed his lips, suppressed the boiling of his blood, and hissed: "But... they seem to have dug up something else..."

"What is it?" Sidaozi asked immediately.

Xu Yangyi was silent for a long time, then slowly said: "Bones..."

"There are several corpses, as if... they were dug into tombs."

Without speaking, the eyes of Sidaozi and the reincarnated saintess flashed, judging whether this sentence was true or false.

After a silent psychological game, Sidaozi finally spoke slowly in his spiritual consciousness: "Seniors, is what this person... said true?"

He was already feeling a little uneasy. If this was true... Xu Yangyi's positioning would completely change. The reason why everyone in their group died was not because they saw the Demon King, but because they saw something more terrifying than the Demon King. thing!

For example...the Heavenly Sword Patriarch's...

He didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't want to think about the situation where he had built such a big platform, only to end up doing it in vain.

"There is no change in the heartbeat, and there is no change in the pulse. There should be no doubt. If it is fake, this person is too tolerant. I don't think Jindan can do this." Master Xuanzhen said solemnly: "What are you doing? What to do?”

"Why listen to his nonsense? Just kill him. I will naturally find a way to make him confess and be executed."

Sidaozi hesitated for a moment, but shook his head deeply.

No, Master has secretly ordered all Taoists that once all traces of the Heavenly Sword Patriarch appear and are confirmed, they must report the truth truthfully without delay. This is a top-secret order shared by all Taoist saints.

Another hit!

Xu Yangyi guessed that the mystery of the Flying Immortal of the Heavenly Sword Patriarch was a big secret in the Taixu circle, and he must tell everyone to pay attention to it, and it turned out to be true.

The secret psychological battle, the balance of victory and defeat, finally began to tilt a little.

Xu Yangyi didn't say anything. He had quietly activated the Devouring Talisman. Originally, he thought he could control his heartbeat and pulse, but when he really spoke in front of hundreds of millions of people and faced the two great Taixu forces, he understood the pressure. The silent pressure could not keep anyone calm. If it weren't for the Devouring Talisman swallowing the extra sounds of the heartbeat and pulse, everyone could hear his heartbeat like a drum.

He was waiting.

Waiting for this crucial second speed-up. The first time, if the story was still a seed, the second time was when the seed sprouted and the other party was completely suspicious. By the third time, it really grew into a towering tree.

He had done the best he could, but the human heart was unpredictable. What the other party thought was not something he could control at all.

In the dead silence, I don't know how long it took before Si Daozi spoke as if he didn't care: "What kind of corpse?"

It's bitten!

Xu Yangyi sighed in his heart. If the other party didn't ask, he would have been ready to rush out of here with all his strength. But the other party finally asked.

He didn't lie.

There are indeed corpses. All the people of Taiyi Sect died there. How come there are no corpses?

The pinnacle of lies is nine truths and one lie. It is not completely false. In fact, it can no longer be considered a lie. It is some concealment and a little misleading, but accumulated, it is enough to change everyone's impression!

He shook his head: "I... was too nervous at the time and didn't have time to look carefully."

"Continue." Si Daozi said expressionlessly.

Xu Yangyi cleared his throat and continued to talk about the sudden change of the scene, and everyone was hanged.

"Then... I saw the five demon kings."

Here, he paused. Then he said: "After that, I fainted. When I woke up, I didn't know why I was already outside the city."

It's over.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, and his spiritual power was already full of his body. If there was any problem, he would immediately try his best to escape.

This end is for the real beginning.

What should be done has been done, and the only thing left is to see the other party's reaction. Between life and death, just wait for the other party's words.

Si Daozi also closed his eyes, and the reincarnated saint was silent.

The hearts of the two were full of doubts at this moment. They were also full of hesitation and embarrassment.

To be able to reach their level, they were definitely not stupid. The ancestor moved the beast tide tomb of the Tianjian Patriarch. This line seemed to be obscure, but it was clear in the eyes of the two insiders.

They are smart.

Smart people tend to think too much. People's imagination is infinite. Xu Yangyi's blank space that he wanted to say but stopped gave them too much room to expand their imagination.

"How to do it?" The reincarnated saint whispered in her mind: "This person... has not finished speaking. He did not mention the most crucial part!"

"I know..." Si Daozi gritted his teeth, wishing he could slap Xu Yangyi to death: "But once he finishes speaking... do you think we can still kill him? And still establish this prestige!"

"You and I are not the first sequence. This time, you can appear here, and the price you paid must be no less than mine... This opportunity for this operation is hard-won. If we cannot establish prestige here, we will even have to swallow our own spit. This silent slap almost wiped out our prestige! Can you bear it?"

The reincarnated saint gritted her teeth: "You have to bear it even if you can't bear it. Don't forget what our master has told us? There are so many people on the scene, and there are six saints. Can you make them all shut up? Well, if you can, I will kill him first without saying a word!"

Si Daozi was in a mess.

If what this person said is true, then he must not be killed. Then what is the stage he has pulled out now?

After all the calculations, he never expected that the Heavenly Sword Patriarch would suddenly appear here!

Did he do it on purpose?

This thought flashed through his mind and he gave it up immediately.

Even they didn't know the truth, how could this person know it!

Unable to decide... his own face and the master's instructions were put on the scale at the same time. He already regretted why he chose to use this person to establish his authority!

Now he couldn't go up or down, what should he do!

"Pa pa pa..." At this moment, a round of applause came from the void, and the master of Xuanzhen Peak finally couldn't help it. He was also anxious in his heart. What a big deal, it needs to be so complicated?

The six of us will support you, not to mention a golden elixir, even if it is a Yuanying, it will be killed. He is tired of being indecisive and looking back and forth.

It's time to end.

"The beast tide is about to break out, and you just happened to come here, just happened to join the vanguard, and just happened to be the only one back, what a coincidence..." He said lightly: "Sweet words, sweet talk, do you think there is no evidence?"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyes and looked at the other party as if he was a little stunned.

The master of Xuanzhen Peak glanced at him without a trace of emotion, and sighed in his heart.

It's not that you are wrong.

It's just that you happened to be there.

In the next life, you will be reborn in a good way.

Since Sidaozi is indecisive, then I will force him to fall with this knife!

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