
Chapter 1061: Secret War (Part 2)

"Junior..." "Shut up." Just as he opened his mouth, the master of Xuanzhen Peak said indifferently: "The saint has spoken, how can you speak?"

"I just want to ask you a question." He waved his hand, and a bead flew into the air, like an eyeball, with a green ball floating inside.

Yin Zun looked at Xu Yangyi deeply, and said word by word: "Are you a demon cultivator?"

"What is your relationship with the ancestor?"

The crowd below was stunned, and then went from discussion to noise.

"Is he really a demon cultivator?!" "How is this possible! There is no place for demon cultivators in Anlin City! How did he get in!" "At this time... he is still a demon cultivator, and everyone who went out with him died! There must be something wrong with him!"

Jiang Lao was so angry that his teeth were chattering.

His heart is worthy of death!

As soon as he opened his mouth, he led people to the beast tide that people were most concerned about, as if this beast tide was caused by him!

For most of the low-end cultivators who were filled with fear and panic, Xu Yangyi was the other party's outlet.

This sentence is really a sure-kill blow!

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

His head seemed to be drooping, and his eyes were looking at Si Daozi obscurely.

The changes suddenly increased, but... the timing was not right! How much shock did his words cause to the other party? He could not fail at the last moment. He had come to this step, and he was only one line away from the final goal, a sentence, a move, that's all!

The psychological battle is about endurance and induction. Before the last sentence, he had to go through this road.

Si Daozi did not speak, but the muscles on his face twitched a little.


Not kill?

Knowing that the other party was still hiding something, he did not dare to ask, because asking meant that there was only one outcome for this matter.

Bow your head to admit your mistakes, shake hands and make peace.

Isn't this just slapping yourself!

His heart was like a hundred snakes entangled, in a mess.

"This bead is called the God's Eye. There is no escape for demon cultivators in it. The green color indicates that you are a wood-attributed demon. And this time, the five demon kings gathered together, and there happened to be one of them with the wood attribute." The master of Xuanzhen Peak had no idea about this. A magnificent spiritual power had already emerged from his body. He bent a finger and pointed it at Xu Yangyi: "Do you know your crime?"

"Junior...not guilty." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and said, the hair on his back stood up. His heart was almost stretched like a full bowstring.

Make a move!

What are you waiting for! Could it be that my performance just now really did not leave a trace in your heart?

Impossible...I can see that you are definitely tempted! Then what are you waiting for?

"Heh..." The master of Xuanzhen Peak sneered: "The eyes of God are like lightning, and the heart is guilty in the dark room."


A muffled sound rang between heaven and earth. They were only a few thousand meters apart. The power of Yin Zun's finger was so huge that ripples appeared in the void in front of the master of Xuanzhen Peak. A finger bullet cut through the void and went straight to Xu Yangyi's heart!

The strong wind blew Xu Yangyi's skin. Under the clothes that people could not see, the Devouring Talisman had condensed into a thin layer of invincible defense. The scream of the God of Death came to his face, and his eyes never moved away from Si Daozi. The spiritual power was full of his body.

If he really couldn't shake the other party's mind, then... after this attack, he must escape with all his strength.

But... when this attack did not fall on him, he suppressed the cells in his body that screamed danger and stood still.

"Boom!!!" Just when the finger bullet fell a hundred meters in front of Xu Yangyi, suddenly a hundred-foot silver lotus burst out in the air, blooming layer by layer, and actually blocked this attack!

The master of Xuanzhen Peak was stunned for a moment, turned around suddenly, and looked at his side in disbelief.

The other five Yinzun also opened their mouths and looked at the figure in astonishment.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, took several deep breaths, his pounding heart returned to its place, and his palms were sweating coldly.

Here it comes...

It's finally here!

The other party finally couldn't hold it back! The advantage of information asymmetry was slowly fanned by his little butterfly, and finally caused psychological shadows on the other side.

He won this secret battle.

"Si Daozi..." The face of the master of Xuanzhen Peak darkened: "What does this mean?"

His attack was actually blocked by the other side! Is this a disgrace to himself?

There are so many people below, in front of hundreds of millions of people, does he really think that this commander is the commander? Can he control everything? Control them!

What a joke! When he followed the King of the Sea to sweep the ruins of Kunlun, Si Daozi's hair had not grown yet! !

Si Daozi gritted his teeth and looked at his hand. No one saw the cold smile of Xu Yangyi who lowered his head.

He wanted to chop off his hand, but he also knew that if it happened again, he would take action again.

The painful thing is, what should I do next?

"Commander, why don't you explain it to me? I identified him as a spy of the demon clan, but you stopped me. What does this mean?" The face of the master of Xuanzhen Peak was gloomy, and everyone could hear the hidden anger in his words.

The people below looked at each other. No one understood what was going on.

How could such a big drama happen when the time came?

"Senior..." Sidaozi felt that his teeth were about to break, and his voice became decisive because of his anger and hatred: "He is not a demon clan."

"Are you saying that I checked wrong?!" The master of Xuanzhen Peak shouted, and his anger rushed to the top of his head!

Good... very good! You really have become too powerful. I, the dignified Yin Zun, helped you to take this knife, but you came back and slapped me in the face! You are so good, Sidaozi! Do you really think that I can't touch you! ?

The angry voice made the space tremble. Sidaozi turned pale, but immediately bowed respectfully with his fists clasped and gritted his teeth: "Yes..."

Peak Master Xuanzhen looked at the sky quietly, wishing he could slap Sidaozi into a pulp.

You think about him, but in the end it is you who is not human inside and out! I sold myself in the blink of an eye! How not to be angry!

"Then what did you say...?" His voice was already a little unkind.

Sidaozi felt bitter in his mouth. He couldn't think of why it suddenly turned into a confrontation between him and Peak Master Xuanzhen. Aren't they from the same group? How on earth could it evolve into this?

No! I have done nothing wrong, this person cannot die! Everything... everything is just due to chance, and can only be explained in this way.

"Yes..." He paused for a long time and whispered: "It's innocent..."

Wow! !

There was a roar of people.

Big twist! !

Everyone below looked at the sky blankly, never expecting that Xu Yangyi was going to be slapped to death! The other party has never shown any trace of their suspicion before, so why did Lord Yin suddenly confront Lord Daozi?

Daozi doesn't give face to Yin Zun. What kind of status is Yin Zun? We usually carry people in sedan chairs, but now you don't give me face in front of hundreds of millions of people. Why should I stand by you! You really think you are the Kaikai King! Everyone gives you face because they think you have this possibility!

"What...what's going on here?" In the City Lord's Mansion, the Lord Yin who was sitting cross-legged in the void had completed his mission and was about to leave. He planned to leave after watching this scene to scare the monkeys. Unexpectedly, things took a turn for the worse, and Master Ben Lei was completely dissatisfied. It's important! Now that Peak Master Xuanzhen has come to a conclusion, Sidaozi actually refuses to come forward to oppose a Yin Lord!

On the city tower, the old woman was stunned. This was a pure psychological game. This was an unknown secret war. Xu Yangyi initiated it silently, and the reincarnated saint, and Si Daozi joined in without knowing it. Others were completely unaware of the silence. How much do they think about.

They could only see endless pauses and silence, and even a few Yin Masters frowned slightly, perhaps feeling that Sidaozi was too forward-thinking. Peak Master Xuanzhen obviously helped the other party to end all this neatly, and then Sidaozi betrayed the other party in a blink of an eye, and there was an innocent person!

He is the commander-in-chief this time! What he said was innocent, which represented the attitude of this Kaikai King army!

Then who is the Master of Xuanzhen Peak?

A backhand slap, slapped by someone else, does it hurt?

"Innocent... such an innocent person!" Peak Master Xuanzhen, who was sitting cross-legged in mid-air, suddenly stood up and stared at Sidaozi who lowered his head and said nothing: "He is undecided and hesitant to move forward! You have disappointed me so much!"

He couldn't say anything else. After all, he was the commander-in-chief, and he couldn't make the coach look too good in front of so many people. With a cold snort, there was a loud bang and turned into a blue tide, rushing straight into the city lord's palace.

The power was so powerful that it was so powerful that Sidaozi was almost unable to stand upright and was in a state of disarray.

Another Yin Lord stood up and looked deeply at Sidaozi: "Is he really innocent?"

Bloody Difficulty Peak Master!

"Yes..." Sidaozi's teeth are all broken now. He has to be innocent. If he still regrets and accuses the other party of being guilty, firstly, he dare not disobey King Jiehai's order, and secondly... he has completely offended Master Xuanzhen. Third, the impression of being indecisive will remain in everyone's mind!

Fourth...he couldn't kill this person. When he was against Master Xuanzhen, he didn't dare to take action until Xu Yangyi finished telling what he knew.

Rat-proof device.

At least if you grit your teeth and carry on now, you can still have a reputation for knowing everything.

"Hmph!!" With a cold snort, the master of Blood Difficulty Peak turned into a bloody light and disappeared, leaving only one sentence in the air: "Take care of yourself."

Below, everyone is excited!

The two Yin Lords gave up Si Daozi on the spot!

He didn't save any face at all, no... he only kept the most basic face, and didn't slap him away with a slap. But who doesn’t have a clear mind? This is a total loss of face and dignity!

"What's going on?" A middle-aged Jin Dan was still kneeling on the ground and asked the people around him in shock: "Did something else happen? What did I miss? How...why did it end like this now? !”

Seeing him rise and fall, Sidaozi, who had put up such a big battle before, as if he were a celestial being, was now abandoned by two Yin Lords in succession. This turn of events is too exaggerated!

"I don't know...hey, what's going on?" The monk next to him also said in shock.

"Do you know?" "No... I don't understand at all! What happened in this?" "What's going on? The commander-in-chief and His Excellency Yin Zun suddenly turned against each other?" "The two Yin Lords left without giving him face... ...This commander-in-chief is also..." "What a big show. Isn't this the matter of Master Ben Lei?"

For such a big battle, the whole city took a roll call, but in the end it was nothing. The thunder was loud and the rain was small, which incidentally angered several Yin Lords. This roll call... the roll call was good. It made this drama really exciting!

No one pays attention to Xu Yangyi.

No one saw that his vest was completely soaked.

The flood of discussion could no longer be suppressed, even though the millions of silent monks below remained silent and maintained the highest quality of soldiers. My face felt red at this moment.

Disgraced in front of hundreds of millions of people! In front of the entire Anlin City!

A golden elixir is nothing? You, the Four Daozi, have an army of millions and the six great Yin Lords, kill them as soon as you can. Now I have been asking for a long time to find someone innocent! what is this?

We are here to boost your morale and build this great situation. Can you take it and put it down faster?

You don’t even dare to touch a mere golden elixir?

You still dare to call yourself the Taoist of the first sect in Kunlun? !

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