
Main text Chapter 108: S-level demon cultivator (Part 2)

"Da..." As the button was pressed, a line of artificial prompts appeared: A-level Legion Xingtian Commander Xu Yangyi's account login has been detected, please check your spiritual knowledge.

A Yulin Guards symbol appeared. Xu Yangyi curled his lips and scanned it with his spiritual sense.

"Ding dong..." A sweet voice said: "The test was successful. All content above the A-level demon clan is not allowed to be spread to outsiders."

He rubbed the sun. I don’t know which company developed this function similar to scanning QR codes. It has been widely used in the spiritual world for a long time. The convenience brought by the Internet far exceeds that of flying pigeons and jade slips to pass messages. Naturally, the account number is Planting things has also become popular in the spiritual world.

He didn't have time to think about this. He rubbed the sun purely because of the discomfort caused by looking at the computer for several hours. However, he just took a sip of coffee and continued browsing.

The computer went dark. The screen was not displayed immediately, but a line of small green characters appeared.

"S-level demon cultivators are not judged by their realm. They are judged by their bloodline. Their realm may not be high. However, the bloodline of each one is an ancient relic. Most of them are even mythical creatures. It is more likely that there are ancient people who have survived to this day. The living fossils... All pictures and videos were purchased with the lives of hundreds of monks, please take it seriously."

This paragraph could not be eliminated. Twenty seconds later, the computer screen lit up and turned into the first set of pictures!

It was a monster with a head like a dragon, a body like a turtle, and wings. It had not transformed and was quietly living in a huge lake. Xu Yangyi glanced slightly and saw clearly the information under the photo.

"Dongting Lake, 1931, Yinglong bloodline, purity: 70%. Realm: early stage of foundation building. Disappeared in 1957 and disappeared without a trace."

"Strength evaluation: Awakened innate supernatural powers, water magical powers. Mild nature, no violent tendencies. The flesh has the ability to naturally weaken the spiritual energy. Preliminary rating: no dangerous demon clan."

He just glanced at it and immediately pressed the mouse.

Unexpectedly, he saw an "acquaintance" on the second page.

"Bi Bo, his birth date is unknown. He appeared in the Four Dalianchi Lakes in the Northeast in 1579, with Laohei Mountain as his nest. Historical records show that he appeared in 1207. Realm: Unknown (suspected to be in the middle or late stage of foundation building). Bloodline: Unknown, according to biology Scientists scanned it, and it is very likely that it is an ancient relic that was awakened from another generation. Bloodline purity: unknown."

"Strength evaluation: Awakened innate magical power, water magical power. Neutral force, aggressive personality. Preliminary evaluation: sub-dangerous demon clan."

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and paused slightly with his hands.

I have to admire the detailed work of the cultivating forces. I'm afraid Bibo himself didn't notice that he was being closely investigated without even realizing it.

Especially for bloodline, the only thing left to do is to figure out what species the opponent is.

He didn't hesitate and continued to click.

As he turned through the pages, he saw the huge shadow on the bottom of the sea. I saw huge eyes under a big crack during a big earthquake. I saw a bird's nest dozens of meters wide in a cave in the mountain that no one has entered for more than a hundred years...

Time passed by minute by second, and another four hours passed...

At the door, a pair of high heels stopped. Mao Baer took a look and said: "The person you are looking for has not been found. There is no name like her in the whole country. None of the names match. It just depends on luck."

"I know." The woman gently lifted her white gauze coat and sat down: "Is he inside?"

Mao Baer nodded: "I advise you not to go to him and give him some time of his own."

The woman faintly took out a cigarette: "Do you want it?"

"No, thank you." Mao Baer said in a rare serious tone.

The woman said nothing and lit the lighter with a click. He took a slight sip: "What were you... like before?"

"What's going on..." A flash of nostalgia flashed in Mao Baer's eyes, and he flicked his tail: "The first time I saw him, he was a child who loved to cry..."

"Him?" The woman was stunned and breathed out blue smoke in disbelief: "A crybaby?"

"What do you think?" Mao Baer glared at the other party: "How can an eight-year-old child not cry after witnessing that kind of scene?"

"I remember that he cried for half a year, and then he didn't speak for three whole years. He didn't say his first words about entering heaven until he was eleven years old. After that, another year passed before he spoke again."

The woman didn't answer, just puffed away at her cigarette.

"However, since then, he seems to have changed. He will never fall behind in any training. I remember at the time, when I came to Tiandao from an internship in the agent training course, I saw at a glance that he was soaked in the rain and running on the road. The little boy was out of breath and carrying dozens of kilograms of weight. "Mao Baer narrowed his eyes and sighed: "I was very interested. I asked him, was he punished? "

"What do you think he said?"

"I can't guess." The woman smiled.

"He said that he hadn't finished his training in the afternoon." Mao Baer shrugged: "I immediately felt that this kind of silly and lifelike person was too hard to find... So, I observed him for five years."

"The first year I observed him, he was the last one. The second year, there were more than 30 people in the school, and he was the 20th. The third year, he was the 15th. The fourth year, he was the 10th. The fifth year, he was the 20th. Three. After that..." Mao Baer glanced at the closed room: "He has always been number one."

The woman was silent for a few seconds and stamped out the cigarette butt: "Every unusual man has a story of his own."

"All the murderers in the school have been found, but he is the only one who has not been found. He should be so strong... this is natural... it should be..." Mao Baer felt a little emotional: "After more than ten years, he finally has the opportunity to come into contact with these things. That moment, this time, should belong to him."

The woman shook her head: "Heavenly Dao can't even find it, how can he find it?"

"That's not the case." Mao Baer rarely said seriously: "Some monster clans are too precious and cannot be touched by heaven... Some monster clans have been included in the protection list by the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, and the human race is also unable to ...For example, if a panda kills someone, will the Chinese government sentence it to death? No... His murderer is probably one of these..."

The woman didn't speak again, but looked at the door slightly in trance.

An hour later, Xu Yangyi came out, his eyes slightly red. It was unclear whether it was the entanglement of past emotions or because he was facing the computer.

His expression was as calm as before, as calm as a lake. When he saw the woman at the door, the corner of his mouth seemed to crack: "Why are you here?"

The voice was very flat, so flat that no tone could be heard.

"When I heard that you became the legion commander, I thought you had died in the chaos three years ago, so I came here to see my old friend." The woman chuckled and stood up.

She is very beautiful, not inferior to some film and television stars. Three years have not left many traces on her body. She is like a peach waiting to be picked in her twenties. Her burgundy wavy hair is draped over her shoulders. Under the white jacket, there is a navel-baring short vest, and under a white skirt, there is a pair of long, white legs with graceful curves that make men's hearts beat.

She was also very calm, not excited or sad, as if these emotions had left her.

"Sorry." Xu Yangyi nodded: "I didn't find your sister."

"It doesn't matter." Su Lianyue lowered her head lightly and pursed her red lips: "Anyway... I don't have high hopes..."

"I asked my friends to conduct a nationwide population survey, down to every village, but they still couldn't find her." Xu Yangyi looked into her eyes and said, "She is not among the people I met."

Su Lianyue didn't speak for a long time, then she raised her head and fiddled with her long hair with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, why are you talking about this? Come on, sister will buy you a drink."

Xu Yangyi looked at him quietly for a long time, and then suddenly raised the corners of his lips: "I thought you were here to tell me that you had my child."

"It's not that bloody." Su Lianyue's atmosphere seemed to come to life. She chuckled and put her hand on Xu Yangyi's strong arm: "Why, the commander of the army, don't you show your favor?"

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Let's go."

When passing by the front hall, Mudan looked at the two of them in astonishment, her lips trembling.

how come!

The leader has a woman in one day? !

How is this possible! Such a scandal broke out just after the Potato Legion was established! no! Be sure to cover it up! Maintain the image of the leader of the group!

It was a small bar, very quiet. They both ordered drinks and sat silently on their seats, tracing each other's figure in their eyes.

"You haven't changed." Xu Yangyi said lightly.

"I have changed." Su Lianyue held a lit women's cigarette in her right hand, but did not smoke: "I have become older."

"On the contrary, you are still as handsome as you were three years ago... I heard that you have a support team?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "I heard it is, but I have never seen it."

"Then..." Su Lianyue looked at the wine tray brought by the waiter and chuckled: "Has anyone used my method to ask you to find your sister?"

"Not yet." Xu Yangyi smiled lightly as he watched Su Lianyue gently put six glasses of wine on the table with her snow-white hands, and said with a smile: "What is this? I'm not proficient in things for ordinary people."

"The last man, its name." Su Lianyue smiled and pushed a glass over. The brown liquid reflected an intoxicating light under the light: "I ordered it specially for you. The standard drinking method is to drink six glasses in one go. "

A pair of silver tweezers picked up a crystal clear ice cube and dropped it into the wine glass with a "dong" sound. A splash of wine seemed to reflect the eyes of the two people.

Xu Yangyi didn't say anything, picked it up and drank it in one gulp.

One drink after another, both of them were disappointed tonight.

Those who abandon me will not be able to keep yesterday's day; those who mess up my heart will have many worries today.

No one spoke. After drinking six glasses, Xu Yangyi took Su Lianyue's hand and stood up to leave.

In a five-star hotel, two people hugged each other tightly and fell on the bed.

There is no light, only a few stars outside the house, and the night wind blows into my arms and ruffles a pool of spring water.

"I'm too weak." In the silence, Xu Yangyi spoke in a complex voice: "S-class monsters are not judged by their cultivation, only by their bloodline... However, now I am no match for even the weakest among them. …”

"When outsiders see me, I may be very strong. In fact...compared to Senior Gen Zhuji, they haven't even looked at me..."

A gust of night wind blew in through the open floor-to-ceiling windows. Su Lianyue's eyes were gentle, her hands slowly caressed the other person's back, and she said with a smile: "You are very strong."

"Who has not come through Qi training step by step? During the Qi training period, how many people can beat you?"

"At least in my eyes, you are the strongest Qi practitioner I have ever seen."

"Didn't find it?" Su Lianyue touched the prickly head in front of her and asked softly.

Nothing, just the lion licking his wounds out of sight.

When he appeared again, he was still the king of beasts.

Now, she is the lioness who licks his wounds.

Xu Yangyi did not speak for a long time before Su Lianyue heard a muffled voice: "Yeah."

With a little smell of alcohol, a little bit of difficulty in letting go.

"I will find it." Su Lianyue looked at the starlight outside the window and gently patted the other person's back.

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