
Main text Chapter 109: Harvest

Muscles like marble sculptures, very good figure, but she also has no feelings at this moment.

Her relationship with Xu Yangyi is not an ordinary relationship between men and women. Instead, it is a bit like a brother and sister. At least, in a special environment, after meeting again for several years, a strange but not repulsive atmosphere is brewed.

She is Xu Yangyi's first woman, but both of them know that the other party cannot accompany them.

Ordinary people have a short life, and no one has the intention to get in touch with love deeply. Because, in the end, it must be sad. It is better not to continue this topic.

However, he was concerned about her feelings and was surprised by the persistence of a weak woman. Among the few people he recognized, she was one of them.

No cultivation, no realm, and no life span. As she gets older, she will grow old and die. But she used her unique way to make him remember her.

The once fleeting love affair has now become a warm relationship. He doesn't have many friends, and she is the only woman. If he has any, he doesn't want to tell men or monks that she is the best choice.

Even the strongest man has his weak side. The blood feud of his parents is the hurdle he cannot get over.

The surging killing intent buried in Su Lianyue's plump chest finally began to dissipate little by little.

"My authority can only see S-level. Only after completing ten tasks or one S-level task can I upgrade my authority."

A faint fragrance came from the woman's body, which made him feel a little sleepy. He also remembered the beauty and tightness of this body, but at this moment, he didn't want to do anything else.

Holding the smooth back of the other party with a large hand, Su Lianyue patted the other party's shoulder: "How many years later, will you forget me?"

No one answered. After a long time, Xu Yangyi said in a muffled voice: "I don't know."

"I am a very cruel man."

Su Lianyue smiled and stroked the other party's prickly hair: "Then do it earlier. It's not good for a cultivator to remember a mortal for too long."

"Yeah." The answer was still the same voice. After a few minutes, Xu Yangyi raised his head slightly: "I will help you find your sister."

"I hope so..." Su Lianyue smiled and looked at the stars in the sky, although she herself did not have any hope.

"We have the same goal, don't we?" Xu Yangyi smiled.

He was talking about the black feather... Su Lianyue chuckled and patted the other person on the back: "Remember, tell her that her sister died a long time ago."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi hugged the other person in his arms and pulled the quilt. Su Lianyue exclaimed: "Don't..."

"I won't do it." Xu Yangyi hugged her warm and soft body, smelled a wisp of familiar fragrance, and closed his eyes comfortably: "Just hug."

A dreamless night.

The next morning, Xu Yangyi woke up in a burst of comfort.

Su Lianyue's little hand was touching some places that shouldn't be touched in a very unruly way, especially when that place was erect because of some physiological phenomena that all men understand.

"Why does it feel bigger again...has it been accumulating for a long time?" Su Lianyue's tongue gently touched the other's earlobe: "Don't tell me you haven't found a woman for three years."

Xu Yangyi was stunned: " you can be more forceful."

The little hand drew a circle as if it was spiritual, and Su Lianyue left with a chuckle: "Get up."

Before she finished speaking, she was pulled down. Xu Yangyi smiled and bit the other's clear collarbone: "You want to run away after fanning the flames?"

More than two hours later, Su Lianyue glared at the other who was drinking milk: "Fortunately, I also came from the Heavenly Dao, otherwise ordinary people would probably die."

"It is precisely because I know you came from the Heavenly Dao that you remember the first time you said I was more restrained?"

Su Lianyue gritted her teeth: "I really thought you were a man who would be considerate of women...I didn't expect you to be so petty."

Time passed quickly, and an hour later, Su Lianyue dressed neatly and stood up.

She didn't smile, but looked at Xu Yangyi quietly, and said for a long time: "I'm leaving."

"Yeah." Xu Yangyi gave a polite hug.

"Don't miss me." Su Lianyue smiled in his ear: "I won't miss you either."

"Goodbye." She walked to the door and paused: "If nothing important happens in the future, we will never see each other again."

Xu Yangyi was silent for a few seconds and nodded deeply.

This is a cruel truth.

Su Lianyue will only grow old slowly. Perhaps, when Xu Yangyi comes out of seclusion next time, she will have gray hair.

Her youth lives in Xu Yangyi's memory. She doesn't want to, and doesn't want to let her first man see her when she is old and ugly.

It's better to forget each other than to support each other.

Perhaps, in Xu Yangyi's long years of cultivation, he can remember that there is a person like her...that's enough.

At least there is evidence that he has walked in the world.

Xu Yangyi didn't stay. This is the other party's choice and the other party's self-esteem.

He just looked at the other party's back with fluctuating eyes.

"This is what a monk is."

"Lonely, lonely, like a seeker on a long road."

"Watching loved ones leave one by one, I reached the pinnacle of power. No wonder all monks are ruthless. They only care about benefits."

"Life and death are indifferent, smoke and clouds pass by, and only the self is left, fish and bear's paw, an eternal topic."

He sighed, but calmed down.

He knew very well that some of this was clearly explained in the Heavenly Dao.

This is called heart block.

A monk must go through this, or rather, a monk who wants to stand on the top of the world must go through this calamity.

I smiled at the sky with my sword drawn across it, and looked around with a confused heart.

Although they are not the same poem, Xu Yangyi feels at this moment that these two sentences are extremely appropriate.

The monk itself appears to people, but is detached from people. When he picked up this power, he was destined to be unable to live like ordinary people.

How to deal with it and analyze your own psychology. Tiandao taught a lot, but he didn't remember any of it.

However, now, he seems to understand a little more.

The feeling Su Lianyue gave him was very unique, similar to love, but definitely not love. It was said that it was caused by temporary hormones, but it was also mixed with emotional factors.

It's very complicated. It's a pity to lose him, but he probably won't stay for too long. Just like the other person, even though he knows it's impossible, he won't stay with him for too long.

"This...maybe is the so-called Taoist heart..." A trace of confusion appeared in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by determination: "But, at least, I will not stop for anyone until I find my parents' enemy. "

He was silent for a long time and then said calmly: "Try not."

He just sat in the hotel room, sipping milk, and after another ten minutes, he suddenly smiled: "I thought I was a cold-blooded person."

"It turns out it's not."

After a long time, he finally calmed down. He took a deep breath and looked at his fingers.

The harvest this time is undoubtedly huge.

Thousand-year-old demon, Mosasaur blooms on the other side of the blue wave. One of its inner elixirs is worth the sum of everything else!

If this harvest is not big enough...

He smiled and touched the ring on his finger.

Everything here is enough to make up for all his losses!

What's more... the most he lost was flesh and blood and spiritual energy.

"Three thousand pieces of low-grade spiritual stones, one hundred pieces of medium-grade spiritual stones, three pieces of high-grade spiritual stones..." He couldn't help but invade his spiritual consciousness into the storage ring again: "One hundred and eighty bottles of various elixirs, talismans One hundred ways, the most important thing is..."

He took a deep breath, waved his hand gently, and the next second, a tattered roll of parchment appeared in his hand.

This is what Mingshen asked Bibo to decrypt that day.

At that time, the ferocious aura that seemed to come from ancient times shocked everyone. Everyone knows in their hearts that this is a treasure.

Mingshen was dead, and he really didn't have time to get the other two rings. The situation was too complicated at the time, but he asked Li Zongyuan to aim at the opponent's middle finger and grab this one.

"Any monk's storage equipment will naturally collapse after the owner dies..." He played with the parchment thoughtfully: "Not to mention this parchment, just this twenty-square-meter storage ring, I That’s a lot of money…”

Suddenly, he frowned slightly.

The feeling in my hand is wrong...

As a parchment roll, it was too heavy, so heavy that... Xu Yangyi wanted to toss it gently in the middle of Qi training, but couldn't!

Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and unfolded the parchment little by little, and a "wooden sword" that looked like wood but not wood suddenly appeared in the parchment.

It is about three inches long and two fingers wide. The hilt is not an ordinary sword hilt, but a ring. The whole thing is made of a material that looks like gold but not gold, and looks like wood but not wood. A feeling of vicissitudes of life rushed over my face, but the entire sword body was not damaged at all, and it slowly looked like new.

This sword... Mingshen did not decipher the secret to Bi Bo.

He pondered for a moment and tried to pick it up with two fingers, but was surprised to find that he couldn't pick it up at all!

The weight of this wooden sword was completely beyond his imagination!

"What kind of material is this?" He cautiously took a glove, put the small sword in his hand, and then reluctantly picked it up.

"That day, Bibo said it was a big opportunity." He pondered for a moment and unfolded the parchment.

This parchment scroll is not complete. It is full of cracks. It was obviously searched from different places and finally put together. However, even so, it is still missing one fifth.

He lit a cigarette, squinted his eyes, and looked at what was drawn on it.

This... is a map.

Maps popular in the spiritual world are definitely related to ancient secrets. Perhaps it is the dojo of a powerful person, or the tomb of a certain senior. The parchment scroll is full of twists and turns, but there are three icons on it, which are extremely eye-catching.

First, it is a lotus flower. Second, the sky is filled with flames. The third is a pavilion.

"This is..." Xu Yang's eyes suddenly opened wide and he clutched the sheepskin tightly!


This is Lianhai!

He has been to the lotus sea before, whether it was a dream or the real lotus sea!

He wasn't sure, but his intuition told him that he had to go take a look!

He cannot let go of anything related to the Eternal Alchemy King. This is his biggest secret and his biggest support!

However, he never thought that something like Lotus Sea actually existed in the world!

"Isn't it the entry of my spiritual consciousness?" He looked at the incomplete map complicatedly: "But... I was really in that space at that time?"

"No, if so, how to explain the giant fish?"

"It is impossible for such a large demon clan to exist in the world. A thousand-meter demon body... what kind of realm is that?"

"But, how to explain this picture? Maybe it is not the lotus sea? If it is... where is it?"

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