
Main text Chapter 110: Aftermath (I)

He stared at the picture for ten minutes, unable to make up his mind.

If this is Lianhai. Once you enter, you are walking on the back of that terrifying monster!

No... maybe it's not a monster, just a monster in nature... I don't even believe this!

There is a big secret hidden in that lotus sea... He can only be sure of this. The place where the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra can be brought into is by no means an easy matter.

However, with great secrets comes great danger!

Most importantly, what does this picture represent?

A lotus, a flame, a pavilion, what does this have to do with the lotus burning when he left?

And what is its connection with the pavilion where the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra appeared?

Once this thought appeared, it seemed to be stationed in his heart and could not be driven out.

"No." After a long while, he took a deep breath and shook his head firmly: "If...that kind of demon body is really a demon clan, I will go there unprepared now, dead or not!"

"My advantage is that I have been to that place in advance. Only I know that there is a terrifying monster down there. Even so, I can't go there alone..." He narrowed his eyes: "I need ...its own team.”

"A true elite... at least can't be much worse than me. If too many people go down here, they will definitely disturb the giant monster. Only a small number of elites can possibly explore its secrets."

In just a moment, he solidified his idea.

He would never let go of anything that had anything to do with the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra.

Before Bibo's death, it seemed that the secret was solved, but in fact, a bigger secret was revealed. What he saw was just a corner.

Whose imperial weapon?

Who killed the emperor?

Before that emperor died, who used the Xuanyuan Sword to cross thousands of kilometers and kill him in an air raid on the Forbidden City?

Why did it come into my own hands?

If he doesn't figure it out for a day, he will have a knot in his heart. If it goes on for a long time, it will definitely become a demon.

"I've been inside for so long, and it didn't respond. It...maybe it's not that it doesn't know..."

"The reaction was very slow... I even suspected that it was in a dormant state..." He carefully recalled every detail of that time: "It didn't wake up until the lotus was fully ignited. This is impossible, if the thousand-meter demon body..."

He smiled bitterly: "More than Yuanying..."

"I'm afraid I will be discovered the moment I enter."

His eyes flickered, and only in this way could he have the slightest chance of entering the Lotus Sea - if this map marked the entrance.


He gritted his teeth and rubbed the parchment roll a little irritably.

This parchment... is broken.

It marked most of the places in the center, but the entrance was missing!

He doesn't know where to get in!

"Don't be anxious..." He warned himself again in his heart: "The lack of it means that I don't have enough opportunities. Why should I wait for the fish to come?"

"The most important thing now... is to continue to practice the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra. Nanming Lihuo has already had a slight feeling..." He pondered: "To increase the authority, S-level tasks are required. Ten tasks is too long... I, need me team.”

He looked at the parchment and the strange wooden sword in his hand: "Before I get the entrance... at least I can be prepared."

"Li Zongyuan." He is a pragmatic and hard-working person. He has a determined idea and will never hesitate for too long. He immediately called out in his spiritual consciousness.

In the Age of Ending Dharma, spiritual energy is thin and material resources seem to be still abundant, but the highest level has been suppressed in the golden elixir. The discovery and opening of any ancient treasure is an important event in the world of spiritual practice. It's an opportunity that no one wants to let go.

"Here, Mr. Xu." Li Zongyuan's voice immediately sounded. After Si Dalianchi and his party, he was almost respectful to Xu Yangyi.

"Immediately, please invite Cheng Jianfeng, Zhou Tingting and others to come over."

In less than ten minutes, the two of them stood in front of Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but sat on the swivel chair and looked at the two of them calmly. Cheng Jianfeng was not his demon pet, and Zhou Tingting was not his servant.

However, he is the master of both of them.

"Thanks to everyone for your hard work these past six months." He smiled slightly: "Don't be restrained, just sit down."

The two of them didn't dare to sit down.

In the past, they only respected him, but now, they have more fear.

They had already speculated on Xu Yangyi's strength, but who would have thought that the other party would kill the Mingshen Seed when he went out? When you come back, you will be named the leader of the A-level legion? There are also endorsements from big forces, saying it was a promise made a few years ago?

That "td-01" account is actually real!

Zhou Tingting no longer dared to talk as intimately as before, and Cheng Jianfeng even dared not raise his head. Whether it was the Mingshen seeds, the leader of the A-level legion, or several tons of spiritual stones, they were all too far away from them. The monks from these two small counties did not know what attitude to use to face Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi didn't mind whether they sat down or not, and said with a smile: "Wait a moment, if you like, please submit two forms to Yulin Guard. You can use the legion's spirit stones for your own practice."


The two of them habitually answered yes, but the next second they suddenly looked up and looked at Xu Yangyi in shock, as if they were being pricked by needles.

"I, can we join the Xingtian Army?" Zhou Tingting's breathing became rapid, and the excitement in her heart instantly overwhelmed her respect for Xu Yangyi, and she asked in a trembling voice.

"You, don't you want elites? Top students?" Cheng Jianfeng pursed his lips tightly with excitement. He never thought that he could join the Xingtian Legion!

They are fine, so they naturally know how many people are waiting for this quota! How many cultivation families sent gifts just to get a quota, but they joined directly without even taking the assessment!

Is this the shade under a big tree?

Xu Yangyi is not a big tree, at least he doesn't think he is a big tree now. However, they are still his own people. He has been practicing diligently in the past six months and has neglected them. He wants others to be loyal to him and at least let others see that there is a future in following him.

Elites are important, but his own people are more important.

"It's my business who I let in." Xu Yangyi smiled: "Why, you don't want to?"

The two looked at each other and immediately clasped their fists in ecstasy: "Yes! Of course!"

"Zhou Tingting joins to learn to be an appraiser. Cheng Jianfeng..." Xu Yangyi glanced at the other party and felt a little embarrassed. He didn't know the other party's expertise, but he had a slight impression of Zhou Tingting's erudition and memory.

"I, I am willing to join the scouts!" Cheng Jianfeng smelled the fragrance and knew the meaning, and immediately bowed.

"Okay." Xu Yangyi stood up: "In addition, I want to remind you that the position is not fixed."

The meaning is that if they don't do well, I have given them a chance, and they didn't seize it, so it's not my fault.

"Yes!" The two blushed and answered loudly immediately.

Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and the two immediately retreated knowingly. Li Zongyuan chuckled beside him, "Master is indeed affectionate and righteous. The two of them are not outstanding, but the master can still entrust them with important tasks..."

"Put away your flattery." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "The so-called genius, I am born with excellent talent, but..."

He smiled with some emotion: "Those who can't survive to the end are not qualified to be called geniuses."

"Master, you have a good idea." Li Zongyuan smiled awkwardly: "I am stupid."

Xu Yangyi was too lazy to care about this inferior flattery technique. He wiped the ring and put the two things in Li Zongyuan's hands.

"Find a suitable person to find out its age for me. The more detailed the better."

Li Zongyuan looked down and saw that it was the small box and the sheepskin scroll.

"Yes, Master, when do you want it?"

"The sooner the better." Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes. Bi Bo said very clearly that the "patterns" around the small box said "unlock its secret."

What secrets are hidden in the living emperor's weapon that appears once every five thousand years?

Don't think about anything else... He took a deep breath and calmed his thoughts. Now, everything about the living emperor's weapon seemed to be shrouded in smoke. He should not stubbornly pursue the solution, but should go with the flow. First of all, practicing the Eternal Pill Sutra is the right thing to do!

The Fire Control Art has been practiced, and he now has plenty of time and abundant resources to attack the next few barriers!

Put the medicine, make the pill, and condense the pill... The three major steps, he thought of it, and his heart was extremely hot.

This is the alchemy technique that has been lost in the world.

"Hush..." He took a deep breath and was about to ask Li Zongyuan if the advanced spirit gathering array in the practice room was finished. But the phone suddenly rang.

"Captain." Mudan's voice sounded on the other end of the phone: "The interview scheduled for tomorrow morning has been contacted with Huayi Company for you. The Chinese government has already cooperated. Please attend on time. These are the questions asked by the press conference and your answers."

A stack of information was placed in Xu Yangyi's hand. He picked it up and looked at it for a minute, then said with a smile: "I want to cooperate with the entertainment company?"

"This is the best way. Captain." Mudan bowed slightly and smiled: "The shock you caused is no less than that of the foundation-building cultivator, the blooming of the other shore flowers, and the spiritual treasure fountain. These have been seen by more than a hundred people, and have also been uploaded to Youku and other video websites. Captain, you may not know that the Internet is full of uproars now. As the initiator, according to the law of the cultivation world, you must cooperate with the local government to smooth out the impact."

"So you chose an entertainment company?" Xu Yangyi asked as he looked at it.

"Yes, Huayi Company is one of the largest film and television companies in China. There was originally a choice of Dynasty Entertainment of Qin Dynasty, but Huayi Company just happened to have a crew filming nearby. Do you have any questions, captain?"

"No." Xu Yangyi sighed, so many questions... It's really annoying...

At the same time, in a hotel, a handsome man angrily threw the information: "Why! It's so hard to get this opportunity! Why is he the male lead! Who is he! I've never heard of him!"

"Xiao Zheng, be patient, be patient." A middle-aged man next to him was also sweating profusely: "This is a notice from the Provincial Radio and Television Bureau, and the company can't do anything. Besides, it's not a press conference, it's just answering reporters' questions. There are not many reporters, it's not a big deal..."

"It's not a big deal!" Zheng Song was full of ghost fire, he had never heard of this Xu Yangyi! Who is he! After all, he debuted for seven years to get to this position, and he is the male lead in this film. What does it mean to suddenly tell him to add a male lead to this temporary interview? Why did he become the male supporting role?

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