
Main text Chapter 111: Aftermath (Part 2)

"No matter how angry you are, don't be angry again. I've said it from above. Strictly follow the Q\u0026A and don't say any unnecessary words." The agent sighed: "Xiao Zheng, this time it was the words passed down by Vice Governor Zhao's secretary. I don’t know why our drama has attracted the attention of senior officials of this class, but I only know that if you don’t follow what you say, we will have to pack up and get out.”

Zheng Song didn't speak, and after a long time he snorted coldly: "Brother Zhang, what is his background? Have you found out? He has a very handsome face, let alone the son of a rich man."

"No." Manager Zhang pushed up his glasses and said doubtfully: "The blame lies here... This Xu Yangyi, in terms of appearance, height, and figure, is indeed a good candidate to enter the entertainment industry. But the other party's background is... I can’t find it at all…”

"Can't find it? He doesn't have an agency? No acting resume? At least he has recommenders who have entered the industry, right?!" Zheng Song had a bad temper, and when he heard this sentence, he became even more angry. He slapped the table and shouted: " There’s no one who doesn’t make a name for himself in the entertainment industry! He has an agent, right? I can’t find out which company he belongs to!”

"No...I'm not talking about this..." Manager Zhang seemed a little scared. He walked to the door, turned the handle, and whispered: "I mean...this person doesn't even have his birth date, birthday, or any resume before the entertainment industry. Can't find's's like, it's like..."

He pursed his lips and whispered: "This person seems to have appeared out of thin air..."

Although Zheng Song has a bad temper, he is not an idiot. After hearing these words, not only Manager Zhang, but also him, instantly extinguished his anger.

"Is someone protecting him?" Zheng Song stood up and paced back and forth. After a while, he frowned and said, "He has a special identity? No, no, no, no, no, no, Manager Zhang, are we overthinking? The other party has such an identity. Why do you still come to our crew?”

"Of course something happened."


The door that had just been closed opened silently. A man in a suit, about 1.9 meters tall with short hair, followed by four young men and women, opened the door and walked in.

Although he was wearing a suit, he did not wear a tie, and the buttons were casually open. Zheng Song couldn't tell what brand he was wearing on his suit, and he couldn't even tell on his shirt. It was as if the other party just walked out casually dressed.

On the other hand, the young men and women behind him had their hair styled to suit their temperament, and the suits they wore were all from brands that cost tens of thousands of Chinese coins. Zheng Song from the entertainment industry could tell at a glance that a woman's brooch was the latest model launched by a famous designer last month.

"Mr. Zhao." Manager Zhang's eyes lit up and he immediately recognized one of the people. This time he was filming in Mingshui Province and borrowed the location near Sidalianchi. He still trusted the other person with a lot of connections. He immediately bowed and said with a smile: "Why are you here?"

Zhao Yuanjing didn't even look at him. She smiled at the tall young man in the lead and said, "It's them."

Is it us?

What have we done?

Manager Zhang suddenly felt anxious. Entertainment companies, on the surface, are very powerful among teenagers, but in fact they know their own business. If a certain province wants to block them, just saying hello is enough to give them a headache. Especially a real second-generation official like Zhao Yuanjing.

If something went wrong, he would definitely not be able to bear it!

"How come Young Master Zhao is free?" Thinking of this, he immediately cheered up, winked at Zheng Song several times, put on a sincere smile on his face, stood up immediately, and invited everyone to sit down: "Everyone, please take a seat. We are all distinguished guests. We are all distinguished guests. Wait a moment, I will make some coffee right away."

"No need." The tall man sat on the sofa, crossed his legs like a master, put his hands on the sofa, and looked at the ceiling: "I'm afraid you don't know me, so I specially called a few people I know to come over."

The donkey's lips are not the horse's mouth!

But no one dares to say otherwise!

He didn't mean to introduce himself. He walked in as if he was the owner. You could smell the dandy aura about him without looking at him. He didn't even bother to pay attention to Manager Zhang and Zheng Song, and just answered his own questions.

Manager Zhang was sweating. Which song was he singing?

His eyes were looking at the incoming person unconsciously. In the entertainment industry, he is very aware of the unique temperament of the upper class. The people who came, no matter their temperament or clothes, seemed to be calm and gentle, but he immediately knew that everyone sitting here was the crown prince and eldest princess of Mingshui Province.

Especially this one... His eyes couldn't help but fall on a young man sitting on a sofa wide enough for three people.

No one dares to sit with him!

Zhao Yuanjing didn’t even dare!

Cold sweat broke out on his palms, Zhao Yuanjing...but Deputy Zhao's son...this...

The corners of his eyes flickered and he caught Zheng Song's gaze. It was full of inquiries, and he didn't know any of these people.

He immediately gave him several hard winks. The people here... Zhao Yuanjing alone could make their crew die. So what if a famous director is in charge?

"Brother Chu was afraid that you guys were ignorant, so he came here specially." Zhao Yuanjing smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang, back then you were filming in scenic spots approved by me. Let me give you a few words, and you must remember it. Okay, tomorrow, I won’t say anything wrong.”

"If you say so, your crew will withdraw." Chu Zhaonan waved his hand indifferently, it's just a crew. Famous director? what is that?

Not to mention grandpa, my old man is still in charge of Mingshui Province. Once this is done, I can let you take pictures. If you can't do it well, why keep it? An eyesore?

Invest hundreds of millions?

Is it none of my business?

Manager Zhang was almost sweating.

Who is this person?

So domineering? This is a movie in which Huayi invested hundreds of millions! Nearly 200 million Chinese coins! Withdraw right away?

He looked at Zhao Yuanjing. Unexpectedly, I just saw the other party leisurely lighting a cigarette and smiled: "Didn't you hear clearly?"

"I know..." Manager Zhang replied immediately. Zheng Song next to him was stunned for a long time.

What the hell is going on?

"Tell your artist to keep his mouth shut. Otherwise, he won't be able to leave Mingshui Province." Chu Zhaonan glanced at the stunned Zheng Song and frowned in disgust.

How sharp are the five senses of a monk?

Long before entering the door, he heard Zheng Song chirping. Being able to talk to the other person well is considered a meritorious service to Tiandao Education.

On the plane, he kicked away everyone he didn't like. He didn't give the other party a direct kick because the other party really couldn't arouse his interest.

"Yes! Got it!" Manager Zhang replied hurriedly, not caring about Zheng Song's face turning blue and red. The doubts in my heart are getting bigger and bigger.

Who is this?

Too dandy?

An ordinary dude would never make such a straightforward threat. Everyone passed the knife privately with a smile. But Chu Zhaonan is different. The thinking of monks and ordinary people are not on the same line. For him...

Why do you want to give these people a pleasant look?

They don't have the qualifications.

"Remember." After saying this, the group stood up and left. The tasks assigned by the superiors cannot go wrong tomorrow.

"Did you give him anything?" Chu Zhaonan walked to the door and asked in a low voice.

Zhao Yuanjing was stunned: "I forgot, I'll mail it to him."

Chu Zhaonan nodded and then opened the door.

"Bah..." The door closed, and the room was silent.

"Manager Zhang, who are they?!" After a moment, Zheng Song's angry voice rang out: "So awesome!? Who does he think he is!"

"It's not who..." Manager Zhang looked at the door complicatedly and gritted his teeth: "One of them is the only son of Vice Governor Zhao."

"..." Zheng Song immediately became speechless.

No matter how popular he is, he doesn't have the guts to mess with someone like this second-generation official.

Neither of them spoke, but they thought of each other strangely in their hearts.

Who is leading the charge?

I have a vague idea, but no one dares to say it.

No, no, no... it doesn't matter. There are so many people out and it seems like they haven't said a few words. However, for a person of this status, just coming out and standing in front of them is the best warning!

Don't talk about them, even their chairman has to listen with a smiling face here!

The other party did not choose to call, but chose to come in person. Although he didn't say much, his attitude was very obvious! comes the problem.

Are they protecting the people of tomorrow?

What is the identity of that person...who can't find any ins and outs?

"We...seem to be in trouble..." After a long while, Manager Zhang sighed and said to Zheng Song.

The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning, Xu Yangyi arrived at Mingshui Provincial TV Station on time. The scheduled interview will be held here.

"Mr. Xu, I have admired you for a long time!" As soon as he entered the room, two enthusiastic voices rang: "It is really our honor to do the interview with you!"

"Hello, who are you?" Xu Yangyi asked, shaking hands.

Zheng Song and Manager Zhang both choked.

Emotions... The other party doesn't even remember who they are?

"Haha, we are the ones interviewing you this time. He is the artist Zheng Song, and I am his manager. My surname is Zhang." Manager Zhang said immediately, not daring to show a dissatisfied smile.

Xu Yangyi nodded and made a gesture of invitation. The three of them sat on the sofa.

This is the recording studio of Mingshui Radio 1, where many interview programs are held. Within five minutes, a woman walked in.

"This is the host of the popular program 'Variety Show' in Mingshui Province, Liu Yurao. He is specially interviewed for us this time. He used to be the host of the 'Decryption' column of the natural supernatural program." Mudan whispered in Xu Yangyi's ear: "In addition... …Your interview video will be put on the Cultivation Eye Video Network. They will pay three medium-grade spiritual stones for the broadcast fee.”

"Why didn't you tell me in advance?" Xu Yangyi whispered while smiling and tilting his head slightly.

"This was just negotiated this morning. The number of clicks on your video should be very high. It will also be very helpful for promoting your image." Mudan replied with a smile: "Captain, the network building in the spiritual world is very different from before. . In this era of instant delivery, even the rankings of Huayun Company and CSIB are based on the Internet, and the online image is superior to all other images. "

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$I have no responsibility to recommend a book, Rebirth of the Entertainment Tycoon, just search in Zongheng. Readers who want to read entertainment articles may wish to go here

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