
Main text Chapter 113: Aftermath (Part 4)

Zheng Song's heart was surging, and he said with emotion: "I really didn't expect that this, this happened..."

"You mean! These things are not special effects of the crew?" Liu Yurao felt hot and asked immediately.

"Bang." As soon as he finished speaking, the cameras and cameras all started to smoke.

"What's going on?" "What's going on?" There were exclamations one after another, but everyone stood up and the frost-covered peony, as well as the gesture of snapping her fingers in her hand, all closed quietly. Mouthed.

"Get out." Mudan said to the photographer, and the people from the program team immediately walked out without saying a word.

Although I don’t know what’s going on...but I don’t know why...

In the room, Peony's high heels made a "knock" sound on the floor, like an elegant piano, but no one thought she was elegant now.

Liu Yurao, Zheng Song, and Manager Zhang all pursed their lips and looked at Mudan as if they had seen a ghost.

So...this woman is the real mastermind?

No wonder this man can't act. It turns out he doesn't know anything?

Just now, whether it was a coincidence or not, Liu Yurao was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

In her two-year decryption career, in order to make a good show, she has traveled to many magical places, and she has actually seen one or two supernatural events!

"How many times have I said it." There was no smile on Mudan's face: "I said it yesterday, and I said it today. Do you take it to heart?"

"I don't care what you think. Let me remind you again." Peony put her hand gently on the table and tapped it slowly: "What should be said and what should not be said. Just clarify it for me."

"Otherwise, you won't want to know the consequences."

"Bang!" When she raised her hand, a large corner of the table hit the ground with a hard "thud"!


The three of them opened their mouths into an O-shape and looked at Mudan in astonishment.

I simply can’t believe it. This horrible woman is out of luck, right? Just touch it, right? I am not wrong, right? Is the table new?

Just fucking cut it off like this? !

The incision is like a knife, but this is still not a human being!

Liu Yurao held the chair tightly with her hands. She had already half stood up. In everyone's mind, she was the most complicated one!

Really supernatural!

At this moment, she knew that she had encountered a real supernatural being!

The government is covering up...absolutely! The news about Sidalianchi is true! This crew is fake!

Her mind was extremely chaotic. Suddenly, many things in the past, which started to be very violent and then slowly died down, slowly appeared in her memory.

In this world...what is the government covering up?

Cold eyes swept across the dull three people, and everyone shuddered. Peony pushed up her glasses with satisfaction. The next second, she bowed immediately. The frost on her body melted away in an instant. She smiled softly like a spring breeze and said, "Captain, are you satisfied with this?"

In the end, it was this young man who was behind the scenes? !

Everyone was confused.

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded: "Well done."

The male god praised me! The male god praised me! Mudan raised the corners of her mouth, pursed her lips gently, and stood up gracefully: "Commander, please continue, I will make you some coffee."

Everyone continued to be stunned. The transformation from Supergirl to maid was too fast for them to react.

"Ahem..." Xu Yangyi coughed lightly, and everyone's blank gazes focused on him. He smiled: "I won't hide it from you now. That night, the military headquarters had some small operations there. . It may have caused some disturbance to the public. I hope you will cooperate actively.”

One plays the bad side and the other plays the red side. Don’t be too skillful.

"Let's start over..." Liu Yurao 100% disagreed with their statement, but now, she had to agree.

The interview went very smoothly. After getting familiar with Xu Yangyi once, the rest was easy.

"This is just a movie shoot," he told the camera with a smile.

"Mr. Xu and Mr. Zheng are filming a 3D special effects movie with the largest investment in China at present, The Legend of Demon Slayer." Manager Zhang understood the elegant meaning and immediately added: "This is a movie invested by Huayi Company with 230 million Chinese coins. A historical blockbuster, because the scene was too grand, we had to use some special methods. As for the final scene, please see the behind-the-scenes.”

"Mr. Xu and I are both the protagonists of this film. Fans please continue to look forward to it." Zheng Song replied with a smile.

No cameras will catch them holding sweaty palms.

Several seemingly important questions were prevaricated by the two people with "trade secrets" and "trivia". After editing, the entire network will be covered in an overwhelming manner.

As for the more than 100 people who hold the "truth" video in their hands?

It doesn't matter. China has more than a billion people. How can the influence of more than a hundred people compare with the government's action capabilities?

The half-hour interview went very quickly. After the interview on the show, Zheng Song and Manager Zhang left the place almost as quickly as possible.

Liu Yurao did not leave.

"Mr. Xu..." She hesitated for a long time, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "Can I invite you to lunch?"


Mudan's nose was so angry that I didn't even eat it. How could it be your turn, a yellow-faced woman!

"Sorry, our schedule is very tight, next time."

Liu Yurao opened his mouth several times, but finally did not speak.

Is it true?

She wanted to ask.

However, she knew very well that if there was, it was best not to ask.

She walked towards her office, walking faster and faster, and finally, she even broke into a trot.

She...must watch all relevant videos on the Internet immediately and completely. She knew very well that in a few days, these videos might no longer be found!

Liu Yurao, female, 42 years old, after she had stayed away from decryption, she finally came into contact with some truths about the world by accident.

Although this truth was not recognized, she was satisfied.

"Captain, we made a small profit this time." As soon as they got in the car, Mudan said with a smile: "Two medium-grade spiritual stones are needed to settle this matter, totaling more than four million Chinese coins. And this time we made a profit A medium-grade spiritual stone. However, the missions of the Xingtian Legion will become increasingly difficult in the future. In order to avoid similar situations, the leader should be more careful."

Xu Yangyi opened his resting eyes and said with a hint of confusion: "Why do we have to pay two middle-grade spiritual stones?"

One hundred yuan of low-grade is equivalent to one piece of medium-grade, and one yuan of low-grade is 20,000 Chinese coins, but two million yuan cannot buy one piece of medium-grade!

He paid two hundred low-grade spiritual stones for no reason. This is not a small amount.

"Captain." Mudan said helplessly: "Anything like this needs to be held responsible by the monk community...otherwise the country will not be able to bear it. Once, Dean Tianzai, Master Dou Fa Shanjun, visited the South China Sea in person. At that time, there was a level 10 tsunami. Afterwards, Dean Tianzai paid tens of billions of Chinese dollars in compensation... This time we rented a provincial station, cooperated with the media and asked trolls to pour water on us, erased the video, uploaded our video, etc. It all cost a lot of money... The law stipulates So, let’s talk…”

She coughed lightly: "You have to wipe out the trouble you caused, right..."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Yes."

"We are lucky this time... Next time, if after the legion is established, more than ten people who are in the early stage of Qi training can level a small town. If you are not careful..."

Mudan looked at Xu Yangyi with unfinished thoughts. Xu Yangyi smiled and said, "I will be careful for the sake of Xingtian's treasury."

"However, if the Xingtian Army becomes famous, it will actually make money, just like this time." Mudan continued with a smile: "There is only one TV station in the cultivation world, which is CSIB's 'Cultivation Comprehensive TV Station 1-4,' which is dedicated to monks Satellite. There is a very famous interview program on it, "Did you smash the pot today?" It is dedicated to interviewing the monks after the demon slaying, and they bought our content this time."

"Which video network are you talking about?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows.

"The video will also be broadcast on TV... Captain, these are menial tasks, so you don't have to worry. Please believe me, as long as the reputation of the Xingtian Legion increases, we will still make money even if we fail."

Xu Yangyi smiled lightly and closed his eyes to rest.

The development of the cultivation world has long surpassed that of the previous ancient cultivation. Although the realm is not as good as before, the ancient cultivation of a thousand or thousands of years ago would never be able to imagine the splendor of today.

However, Peony will never let go of this opportunity to be alone. She coughed lightly and then said: "There is one more thing..."

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes and nodded.

"Captain, although on the surface ordinary people, monsters, and monks are peaceful, the cultivation world has never canceled wanted orders and bounties. The monsters also have wanted orders against the human race. This is acquiesced by both parties. Die in sorrow and happiness..." Mu Dan pursed her lips and opened the ultra-thin handbag with a smile: "I think... the leader will be very interested in this thing."

Her fingers flew like butterflies on the keyboard, and in less than two seconds, a website appeared on the computer.

The Hall of Ten Thousand Demons.

Xu Yangyi's expression became more solemn. This was the Monster Clan's "Chinese Cultivation Network." It had a great reputation. Likewise, bounties for human monks were flying all over the sky.

Mudan skillfully opened a list, "Reward List for New Human Race Monks."

She pointed to a name: "Captain, you are wanted..."

Xu Yangyi looked at it carefully and smiled.

There are about a hundred people on this list. He looked at his ranking: ninety-nine.

The bounty... ten high-grade spiritual stones!

"Except for you, all the top demons on this list are foundation-building demons." Mudan explained: "However, the list is based on bounty money, not cultivation. Leader, you are the second Qi-training monk in the past century. The monks who made it to this list!”

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but gently took it over.

"Xu Yangyi, male, twenty-four years old. In the middle stage of Qi training, he has the golden elixir technique and hidden killing moves. The cultivation progress of the Hundred Solutions to Heaven is after the eightieth solution. He is as powerful as ordinary demons. He has a demon pet. Now he is Yu Lin Wei, commander of the Xingtian Corps of Mingshui Province."

"Crime: Beheading the 18th sequence seed of my Ming family's Mingshen in Sidalianchi. Looting my Ming family's property. Treat every piece of it as Ling Chi."

"Bounty: ten pieces of high-quality spiritual stones. The Ming family will not take a penny from the other party."

"Exchange method: Come and meet me in advance."

"Special note: If anyone is caught alive, the reward will be doubled."

High-grade spiritual stones... ten thousand low-grade spiritual stones! At least two billion Chinese coins!

He even competed with a human monk below him!

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