
Main text Chapter 114: High-level Spirit Gathering Array

After watching for five minutes, Xu Yangyi returned the bag to Mudan.

"Who is the first place?"

"Senior Mie Ri. Captain." Mudan said with a hint of longing: "In the first year of his debut, he was on the bounty list. Within ten years, the bounty climbed to the 80th place. Now, he has been the first place under the bounty gold elixir for decades."

It's him again...

He is already familiar with this name. He has been hearing it since the qualifying round. Whenever genius is mentioned, the other party's name must be mentioned. Whenever glory is mentioned, it seems to be the other party's companion.

What kind of person is this? He closed his eyes and began to rest, or long sleeves fluttering? Or wearing camouflage like himself? Or like an ordinary passerby? Or, dressed like an elite who drives in and out of luxury cars?

He admitted that he was curious.

He thought he was talented, but his full-strength burst only caused a big crack in the stone tablet of Mie Ri.

"There will always be a chance to see it." He smiled and murmured: "If I don't die."

The car quickly drove back to the branch. As soon as Xu Yangyi got off the car, Mao Baer and Li Zongyuan came up, their eyes crossed, sparks flew.

Here comes another one to compete for favor!

They are all monsters!

Damn, the master is becoming more and more shameless!

"Master..." "Yang..." Two voices sounded at the same time, and then disappeared at the same time. They looked at each other hatefully and snorted coldly at the same time.

"You haven't even transformed yet, what are you so proud of?" Li Zongyuan whispered disdainfully.

"Hehe... I don't want to transform, your monster form is hated by everyone, but I can sleep on a potato bed. What's the difference? This is the difference!"

"You..." Li Zongyuan's monster form is always his weakness. He gritted his teeth and spoke first: "Master, the advanced spirit gathering array is about to be drawn. We hired the most famous talisman family in Mingshui Province to settle down. Please accept the master."

There is even this trick!

Mao Baer stared at Li Zongyuan, who had lost his bottom line in an instant, with his eyes wide open. He could not call Xu Yangyi the master no matter what.

In the first round of confrontation, the two people who met for the first time were equally matched.

"I have been selecting tasks suitable for you." Mao Baer immediately said: "If you want to accept it, I will contact the task publisher immediately."



The toad and the dog cursed each other in their hearts and looked at Xu Yangyi.

Xu Yangyi ignored the two people's thoughts and fell into deep thought.

There seem to be many things now, but the most important thing is cultivation. What he wants to know most is the truth of Lianhai.

In addition, the living emperor weapon not only brought the Eternal Pill Sutra King, but also an incomplete version. He really wants to know what secrets are hidden in what Bi Bo once said, "Unlock its secrets."

"Don't accept any tasks for the time being." After thinking for a moment, he said to Mao Baer: "I will be in seclusion for a period of time, the time is uncertain, two years or more. After I come out of seclusion, I will consider other tasks."

Without waiting for the two to continue to fight, he nodded to Li Zongyuan: "Take me to see."

The practice room was built by him at a cost of 5,000 low-grade spirit stones. Not only is it completely soundproof and shockproof, but more importantly, it is made of a material called Shenyin Stone. Even the vibration of spiritual energy cannot be felt outside.

Pushing open the door, what appeared in front of him was a room of nearly 400 square meters. There was no swimming pool, no sofa, only a one-meter-wide futon and a black wave.

Xu Yangyi's slender fingers passed over the black rocks that seemed to be one, and nodded with satisfaction. This condition and facility is more than a hundred times better than the practice room he used to have.

Of course, that was Zhou Tingting's cellar... This is a real practice room made of 5,000 spiritual stones...

His eyes did not linger for long, and immediately placed on the group of people in the center.

This is the real essence here!

The high-level spirit gathering array costs 400 middle-grade spiritual stones to carve!

He searched for 3,000 low-grade spiritual stones, 100 middle-grade spiritual stones, and 3 high-grade spiritual stones in Mingshen's ring, with a total price of 700 middle-grade spiritual stones. Now, it is empty.

However, he is very satisfied.

In the whole room, there is another color besides black.

Bright blue.

Blue stripes formed by countless crystals spread throughout the room! It is completely different from the unique small spirit gathering array in the world! Now, in the sky, underground, and on the walls, every piece of Shenyin Stone is engraved with runes.

The extremely mysterious talismans spread around like vines, making this place look not dead, but with a sense of mystery.

This room costs two hundred middle-grade spirit stones. However, these arrays are worth five hundred middle-grade spirit stones!

Even the foundation-building cultivators may not be able to afford it!

Their cost will not exceed fifty middle-grade spirit stones. The huge profits are outrageous!

There are five people busy in the room now. A man holds a precision instrument in his hand, like a microscope, to measure the horizontal line. In the air, several flying swords come and go, delivering what is needed. Next to them, a woman is holding a computer to check the exact position of each line.

All the talismans gathered in the middle, forming a bright talisman circle, like all rivers returning to their source!

Xu Yangyi nodded to the busy technicians and stood on the light circle impatiently.

Even though it was not finished, he could feel waves like sea tides coming from all directions. However, he could not absorb it into his body.

Compared to these streams of spiritual energy, the unique spirit gathering array in the world can only be regarded as a stream!

"How long?" he asked calmly.

"The last seven hours." The woman said reflexively without raising her head, concentrating on it: "In addition, I would like to remind my employer that high-level spirit gathering arrays are generally used on foundation-building seniors. Because only their financial resources can afford it. "

"Each activation requires a burst of 100 Newtons of spiritual power. This is equivalent to five kilograms of spiritual stones burning at the same time. Moreover, the advanced spirit gathering array does not accept spiritual stones below the intermediate level."

"In addition, to maintain the operation of the spirit gathering array, one hundred thousand oxen of spiritual power is consumed per month. It is equivalent to a thousand medium-grade spiritual stones to continuously provide energy."

Xu Yangyi also secretly felt pain in his heart. However, he has no regrets.

Things like the Spirit Gathering Array are like taking drugs. Once you taste it once, you will never forget it again.

He was already eagerly waiting for the time to activate this huge talisman array.

At that time, the absorption of spiritual energy like in the eye of a storm will definitely make him intoxicated... and it will also be able to provide the spiritual energy that the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra needs!

"Fellow Taoist, I hope you can ensure that you can afford the operation of the high-level spirit gathering array." The woman finally raised her head and took a deep look at Xu Yangyi, but her eyes were a little complicated, as if she was looking at another humanoid self-propelled spirit stone.

Xu Yangyi smiled and said nothing.

Even if he wanted to open it for fifty years, I'm afraid it would be fine.

What kind of terrifying spiritual power does the inner elixir of the thousand-year-old demon, Master Bibo, contain? To activate this advanced spirit gathering formation, it is simply a small stream in the river, not even a tributary.

He quietly withdrew, eagerly waiting for the moment when the advanced spirit gathering formation gathered together.

Outside the house, Li Zongyuan was still waiting for him respectfully.

"Take the materials we prepared and bring them to the training room before completion."

"Yes!" Li Zongyuan responded extremely loudly. Is this... finally going to start refining the elixir?

The master now has money and status. Once he becomes an alchemist...

The days are so beautiful, I can’t even think about it.

"Also." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "How about the decryption?"

"I don't need to explain anything else, I just need to know its dynasty. The exact year."

"It has been handed over to some of the top professors of mankind." Li Zongyuan took two steps closer and replied quietly: "At most, the results will appear in half a year."

Xu Yangyi nodded, said nothing more, returned to his office, and waited quietly for the seven hours to pass.

In the evening, there was finally a knock on the door, and a woman who had met once before walked in with an obviously tired look on her face: "Fellow Taoist, it's finished and can be used at any time. Please check."

"Yes." Xu Yangyi agreed and suddenly smiled: "What if I invite you to work for the Xingtian Army?"

"You can't afford to hire me." The woman forced a smile and shook her head: "Fellow Taoist, I'm afraid you haven't asked about the salary of the side sect. I'm just a talisman master, in the middle stage of Qi training, but my salary is three thousand spirit stones per Years. Moreover, the cooperation between the legion and the side sect master is to introduce high-quality commissions to the master. IMHO, the Xingtian legion currently does not have such a broad network.”

Three thousand spirit stones a year?

Xu Yangyi was stunned. However, immediately, his lips curled up.

This is still an existing industry.

If not... what will the price be?

For example...a real elixir?

"Do you mind giving me a business card?" He smiled.

"Of course." The woman smiled slightly and put a business card on Xu Yangyi's desk: "An Ning, the legitimate daughter of the An family of Nanchen Bei'an. The youngest talisman master in the past two hundred years. If you want to hire me, you should consider it carefully." I’m very expensive.”

"Three thousand spirit stones are not too difficult." Xu Yangyi picked up his business card and smiled.

An Ning also smiled: "It's middle grade."

Xu Yangyi's smile was slightly frozen.

The two of them walked to the door of the training room together without talking any more nonsense.

Open the door and you will see a misty blue light, like water or fog. When it was not completed before, all the nodes, although dazzling, were dead. At this moment, it seemed that he had come alive.

Like countless blue butterflies flying in front of the eyes, the soft light brightened everyone's eyes. Thousands of talismans, like soft willow branches, made the dark walls seem to turn into the tide of the night.

"It's really art." Xu Yangyi admired sincerely.

"Of course." A flash of pride flashed in An Ning's eyes: "Any side sect, whether it's Qi training, weapon refining, or talismans, the real masterpiece is art."

"Unfortunately... the way of alchemy has been lost for too long. I have read the ancient books at home. In ancient times, there was a profession called alchemy collector. Because... after some elixirs are released, they are like bright stars in the sky, and like the earth is covered with elixirs. The beauty of the Yuhua Stone has led to the emergence of elixir collectors who collect luxurious elixirs..."

She sighed slightly: "It's a pity...I can't see it anymore now."

"Even the refining of weapons and talismans are becoming less and less. Many top ancient books are difficult to draw... If fellow Taoists are interested, every province will hold a side exhibition every five years, called the Golden Dragon Society. Although the An family is not talented , but I can still get a few tickets. However, there are still three or four years until the next time.”

Xu Yangyi looked at the soft room and smiled: "Because I am a wealthy person?"

"Of course." An Ning chuckled and said, "Father has always told me that those who can take out five hundred cash mid-grade spiritual stones at one time are rich."

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