
Main text Chapter 115: First meeting (I)

A high-level magic array needs to be opened for at least an hour to test its stability. Of course, Xu Yangyi couldn't take out the demon pill in front of so many people. There were probably no more than ten people in the world who knew that he had a demon pill.

So what?

He smiled and stroked the ring with his fingers.

If you are not afraid of death... just come up and try.

He put his hands in his suit pockets and walked to the center of the magic array without any hesitation.

In an instant, countless light spots appeared in this world! The range was so wide that it was even comparable to when he broke through the middle stage!

They were spinning like a huge whirlpool. At the same time, Xu Yangyi suddenly felt that he was in a huge sea tide!

A white, spiritual sea tide!

"Completely different feeling..." Every cell in his body cheered for this. If the low-level spirit gathering array that was unique in the world back then was a stream, this is a big river! A vast ocean!

Even in the last days, the spiritual energy can be felt to be terrifyingly rich. Not only when he was practicing the exercises, but also when he was breathing, he was filled with the kind of spiritual energy that was refreshing, as if his soul had been purified.

The spiritual energy here did not need to be absorbed at all. Even if he slept here for thirty-four years, he could automatically break through to the next realm.

He suppressed his excitement and opened his eyes. He touched the formation below with emotion: "I really envy the ancient cultivators... No wonder they dared to say that there were golden elixirs everywhere and Nascent Souls were as numerous as dogs... If the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was so rich, he could advance even when he was sleeping, not to mention those who were talented, diligent and hardworking..."

"But I think that the ancient cultivators would envy us more now." An Ning smiled and said softly: "The communication equipment in ancient times was only flying swords and paper cranes, which took at least half an hour. But now, a network cable can be sent immediately. Not to mention that if the ancient cultivators were independent cultivators or small families without a foundation, they would have to wait for a long trip. In extreme pain. Now? "

She smiled softly and said, "Ten yuan taxi, go wherever you want. Even if you are a senior who has established your foundation, you don't have a good flying magic weapon. You can only use ordinary flying swords or other general magic weapons to fly, or fly with your physical body, and your speed is far slower than that of an airplane. "

"Not to mention settling the family members. Now? The cultivator family can do business and speculate in stocks. In ancient times, a family with poor cultivation had only one way to go. "

"That's right. "Xu Yangyi nodded: "I am very satisfied. I will ask Mudan to give you the final payment later. "

Turning around, he took Li Zongyuan out. He said calmly: "Tell Mudan that I want to see the helmsman."

"Master!" Li Zongyuan was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat. His voice rose several degrees, and he immediately lowered his voice: "You, you are walking into a trap! He is a foundation-building cultivator who has received the Black Killing Order!"

"He dares not." Xu Yangyi said calmly: "First, he dares to let me die in his room? Second..."

He looked at his ring: "If he is not afraid of death, come and try."

"But, Master, you are a demon! You..."

"Swish!" Before Li Zongyuan finished speaking, he was lifted up by the collar and pulled in front of Xu Yangyi, facing the cold eyes.

"Li Zongyuan." Just when he was sweating coldly, he heard a voice as sharp as an ice knife: "Don't challenge my patience."

"I am me, no one else. Remember this."

Li Zongyuan nodded tremblingly, gritted his teeth, and whispered: "But, but... I advanced..."

"This is a coincidence." Xu Yangyi threw the other party away: "I don't want to hear it again."


"Dingdingding..." The crisp phone sounded in the room, and a slender hand picked up the phone: "Hello?"

"Master." A beautiful female voice sounded in the microphone: "Newly promoted Mr. Xu Yangyi, the leader of the A-level army, requested a meeting. Excuse me? "

The hand holding the phone tightened, Qian Ren raised his old brows, was silent for a long time, and gently combed his white hair with one hand. After a moment, he said lightly: "Please."

"Hehe..." In the room, a man's voice sounded softly beside his ear: "He is right under your nose, you... don't plan to clean up the door?"

Qian Ren's face had no expression. Looking at the huge computer divided into three screens, his index finger tapped lightly on the desktop. After three minutes, he smiled coldly: "Are you asking me to take the self-explosion of the golden elixir for you?"

No one answered.

After a few minutes, the man's voice sighed and sounded again: "If you can't do it, just pretend that it didn't happen."

The door opened without wind, and Qian Ren suddenly said: "Slow."

The door stopped at a strange arc.

Qian Ren sneered, his eyes moved to the computer without leaving any trace, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's ridiculous... There are seven great golden elixirs in the human race. Apart from Tian Zai Zhenren and Di Cai Zhenren, there are five great golden elixirs, but no Zhenren can gather together. Instead, they are suppressed by two Zhenren of the same blood in the Cultivation Court. It's really... ironic."

Silence, after a few seconds, the voice sighed: "The Zhu Hongxue case has become popular because of this person's comeback. If Zhenren Fuyun takes action personally, once discovered, it will be a major event that will cause the two major forces in the cultivation world to attack each other... Everyone has their own interests, everyone has their own Taoism, everyone is fighting for resources and fighting for life with the sky, the friction and struggle between Jindan Zhenren and Zhenren, how can the ancestors be like those two predecessors... Well... We are of the same blood and are dedicated to the country."

“Hehe…” Qian Ren sneered: “You said these eight words reluctantly.”

After another two seconds of silence, Qian Ren spoke leisurely: “Then, please wait for good news from Master Fuyun…”

“Didn’t you just say…” the man’s voice sounded.

“What did I say?” Fuyun raised the teacup and looked at the tea absentmindedly: “I never said I couldn’t take him down.”

He glanced at the door inadvertently: “It’s just… it takes some time.”

“Knock knock…” At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Qian Ren waved his hand: "Please come in."

Xu Yangyi walked in and bowed: "Meetings, Captain."

"Captain Xu, you're welcome." Qian Ren smiled and hooked his finger, and a teacup flew slowly in the air: "Please sit down. Have some tea."

"Thank you, Captain."

"Captain Xu, are you used to it?" Qian Ren smiled and waited for Xu Yangyi to take a sip of tea, then smiled and said: "If you are not used to it... it's better to bring it up earlier. The Yulin Guard has a heavy task, and I don't know if there will be a chance in the future."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly: "I believe there will be a chance."

"Not necessarily." Qian Ren leaned on the sofa: "Things change, fate plays tricks on people, who can say for sure... Don't you think so, my friend?"

The voice was as warm as spring, but the words were as ruthless as winter. Everyone could hear the murderous intent hidden in it.

Xu Yangyi smiled and didn't speak again.

"Let me introduce you." Qian Ren raised his chin slightly in the air: "Wuming, middle stage of foundation building, exactly the same realm as mine..."

There was a hint of coldness in his half-closed eyes: "This is the direct disciple of Master Fuyun. He was once my junior brother."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly, because he did not feel the slightest spiritual pressure from the other party, or even the breath of existence.

"Hehe..." A hoarse dry laugh sounded out of nowhere, like a night owl, and after two laughs, there was no sound.

Xu Yangyi looked at Qian Ren deeply, bowed his hands and said respectfully: "Hello, senior."

That voice... came from where Qian Ren was sitting.

Qian Ren did not speak, but just looked at him lightly, but the voice seemed to be him saying this.

This is not very scientific...Although his spiritual consciousness has no clear signs now, it is much stronger than the cultivators of the same level. Foundation building cultivators are very strong, but if they want to speak and hide themselves perfectly at the same time, instead of communicating with spiritual consciousness, this is a bit unreasonable.

"Senior, I'm here to report the plans of the Xingtian Corps for the next three years." Xu Yangyi bowed and said, "If there is no accident, the Xingtian Corps does not plan to accept any missions in the next few years."

"Oh?" Qian Ren put down his teacup calmly.

"In addition, I have reported to the Yulinwei headquarters. In the past few years, I will be in the training room of the Mingshui Provincial Branch, which is below..." Xu Yangyi looked into Qian Ren's eyes, without a trace of retreat, and stepped lightly on the floor: "Practice at 20 meters, except for the helmsman, no one will see..."

Qian Ren's eyes suddenly flashed, and met Xu Yangyi's eyes in mid-air, and then moved away calmly in a flash.

"You didn't have to tell me this in person, but now you're here to show off your sword skills?" His expression was like an iceberg, and he stood up with a sneer: "Captain Xu, did Captain Chu teach you this trick? It's beautiful... practicing in the training room 20 meters below the branch rudder... a training room that has been empty for decades, no captain would choose such a rotten place, you dare to choose... 'Except the rudder master, no one will be seen,' Captain Xu..."

"Who are you guarding against? This seat?"

"Junior dare not." Xu Yangyi said this, but he didn't move at all, and he didn't even need to bow this time.

"You already dare!"

"Boom!" Qianren stood up suddenly, and the spiritual pressure of the foundation-building cultivator burst out, sweeping the entire room like a tide. Xu Yangyi, who was in the center, seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer in the chest. His throat felt sweet, and he swallowed the blood.

"Swish..." The wave came quickly and went even faster. The next second, Qianren had almost no idea, and the spiritual pressure was quickly collected.

Xu Yangyi stared at him intently, his hand already on the storage ring in his other hand.

Qianren Yaya was furious, he knew exactly what was inside.

Jindan Yaodan... a nuclear bomb that could be detonated at any time!

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