
Main text Chapter 114: First meeting (Part 2)

"Puff!" Xu Yangyi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, licked it with his tongue, and said expressionlessly: "Junior will learn from you."

A breath of air spurted out from Qianren's nostrils, and he sat down again with gritted teeth.


It seems that he has the upper hand in the scene and the momentum, but only he knows it.

The sword was placed on his neck.

The fist is king in the cultivation novels, which is impossible. In any cultivation era, once such a thing happens, it will only lead to one phenomenon-system collapse.

Like most cultivation novels, powerful sects often destroy the sect and enclose land, and powerful cultivators destroy the entire clan of the other party at any time. Is this possible? The emperor sits on the whole of China, and the heavy taxes on the people will lead to the kings, princes, generals and ministers. Not to mention that there are demon enemies in the cultivation world, and there are dozens of ancient families that have been passed down for hundreds or even thousands of years in the system, and there are thousands of years of Taoism of the three schools of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism that are beyond the world.

Doing this is suicide. It is not killing oneself, but the entire cultivation world. Cut off the root.

Therefore, there is now a more humane practice civilization. The monks are looking for a balance between the fist being king and the moral system. This is what a normal social system should look like.

Qianren suddenly hated the Internet.

While it brings convenience... he also bears the "celebrity effect" of being invisible monitored by nearly one million monks every day. Xu Yangyi's words are full of ulterior motives. He even reported the specific practice address! Once he gets into trouble, this seemingly problem-free report will immediately become: I only see the helmsman, so please start the investigation from the helmsman.

Can he withstand the investigation?

Not to mention that Master Fuyun has not accepted him as a disciple, even if he is accepted as a disciple, does he dare to involve Master Fuyun?

"Go down." Qian Ren's eyes fluctuated, and he said lightly: "If there is nothing, there is no need to see me."

"In addition..." He sat down on the seat, and a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Captain Xu, don't forget... Within five years, if a task is not completed, the legion will be automatically downgraded."

"By then, you will no longer have the right to survey the S-level monster race."

"Yes." Xu Yangyi pursed his lips, as if nothing had happened, and said calmly: "Finally, I want to know where the micro-veins and associated metals that were allocated to me are."

Qian Ren looked at him for a few seconds, suddenly sneered, snapped his fingers, and a safe automatically opened, and a green contract flew into his hand.

"Captain Xu is so anxious?" He handed over the contract with a smile.

"It's natural to take a good look at my own industry." Xu Yangyi took it calmly, but found that he couldn't take it at all.

Qian Ren looked at the contract in his hand coldly, and smiled meaningfully: "Although wealth is good... you have to live to enjoy it."

"Thank you, Captain, but I am still somewhat confident in my luck."

"Heh..." Qian Ren looked at him for three seconds and let go.

Xu Yangyi put it into the storage ring without even looking at it, and bowed his hands and said: "Excuse me, Captain, will the mining rights and management rights of this spiritual vein belong to me from now on?"

"Of course."

That's what I want...

Xu Yangyi sneered in his heart and turned away.

"Master!" Li Zongyuan at the door obviously saw the blood on the corner of his mouth, and immediately asked nervously: "You, are you okay? What happened? You don't have to come all the way here!"

Of course it's necessary.

Xu Yangyi wiped the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and also put on a sneer. If... I don't even know what kind of person is going to kill him, the enemy is in the dark and I am in the light, this feeling is quite bad. It's also quite passive.

Second, the legion commander had just taken office, so it was proper for him to meet the helmsman. He would not give the other party any chance to find fault.


The two returned to Xu Yangyi's office. Xu Yangyi took out the contract and said with a bloodthirsty smile: "Give it to me, and mine it thoroughly!"

This was the purpose of his meeting Qianren!

Four kinds of associated metals and a micro-spiritual vein can dig out one or two hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones!

He was carrying a treasure and was known by a Jindan Zhenren. Now, he had to race against time!

This crisis was very faint, but it did not disappear. It was dormant, because... once it broke out, it would definitely be an extremely dangerous situation.

Qianren's words had already revealed his murderous intentions. Five years... He only had five years of peace. Once he went on a mission... There were too many ways to make people disappear in secret places or in the wilderness.

And if he wanted to continue investigating SS, or even the top bloodline demon clan of 3S level, the Xingtian Legion must complete a task in the next few years to improve its rating.

It was in these few years that he could not reveal his trump card. Everything that seems promising today is just a wreath at his funeral in the future.

The King of Eternal Pill Scriptures, the only alchemist in the Dharma Ending Age, this is his real trump card.

"Master..." Li Zongyuan took a look and his eyes immediately lit up, but he hesitated and said: "A micro spiritual vein, if it is completely mined, it will be useless..."

Xu Yangyi sneered and lit a cigarette: "Of course I know."

"Just do it, all the things, all exchange for spiritual stones, exchange for medium-quality ones, exchange for medium-quality ones, and exchange for high-quality ones."

"In addition, check all the information of Qianren for me. I want everything I can collect."

His storage ring is not big, but it can't hold so much.

"I understand." Li Zongyuan coughed lightly and took out a small black box: "Master, this is mailed by a person named Zhao Yuanjing, saying that it is for you by Mr. Chu. Take a look?"

"I know, let's go down."

Carrying the box, he walked into the practice room. After closing the door and opening the box, a set of exquisite masks and a small black bug appeared in front of him.

"Qianhuan?" Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flickered. He never expected that Chu Zhaonan would send such a precious gift.

Qianhuan is the name of this set of equipment. This bug can be in any form, and it can't even be said to be a creature or technology. It can be a button on the chest, or it can be a ring on the hand. It has only one function, which is... to completely change the voice of the wearer.

And this mask can make slight adjustments to the wearer's face. The slight changes in facial features, height, body shape, and face shape make it impossible to tell that it is the same person.

Xu Yangyi would not be tempted by this alone. What really tempted him was that this suit was extremely difficult for even the seniors in the middle stage of foundation building to detect, but it did not restrict any cultivation! Produced by the master of refining equipment in Duobao Pavilion, it was only sold for one year when the other party celebrated his 180th birthday. It can be called a disguised artifact for low-level cultivators!

He touched Qianhuan with some emotion. With this set of equipment, he only needed an ID card, and he was completely changed.

Whether it was... selling pills in the future, or... leaving the human race. This set of equipment, although by no means the top-level magic weapon, was what he needed most now.

Closing the suitcase, he couldn't help laughing. He never thought that the kick on the plane would actually kick out such an opponent and friend.

A smile appeared on his face, and he patted the box gently: "I'll remember this favor."

"Now... the most important thing is to improve my realm..." He restrained his smile and walked to the center of the high-level spirit gathering array in the training room with a thoughtful look: "S-level demon clan... doesn't have what I'm looking for. Although the levels are not ranked according to strength, the stronger the bloodline of the demon clan, the stronger the strength of the same level... I'm not enough now."

Took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

The next second, countless white spiritual light spots shone. It seemed like a grassland on a summer night.

He took a deep breath, abandoned all distracting thoughts, and his whole body was moisturized as if soaking in a hot spring. In the past, when practicing the exercises, he could only feel the spiritual energy pouring into his body like a stream, but now, he felt that there was a Yangtze River outside his body! It doesn't matter how he sucked!

A cultivator in the Qi training stage can't practice so luxuriously. Not to mention the high-level spirit gathering array, even an organization like Tiandao doesn't have a spirit gathering array. Not to mention those small and medium-sized families. There are a lot of people who have never seen a spirit gathering array.

But he dared.

With a light touch of his hand on the storage ring, a fist-sized blue inner pill, with a breath that suffocated others, floated to an extremely complicated array in front of him. If the spiritual energy outside Xu Yangyi's body is a river, then this inner pill is like a vast ocean!

The boundless spiritual energy was drawn out from the inner pill bit by bit, but it seemed that no matter how long it was drawn, its color would not darken, just like the eternal stars, forever shining.

Xu Yangyi didn't even look at it. The inner pill of the thousand-year-old demon contains an unknown amount of spiritual energy. If nothing unexpected happens, he can open this high-level spirit gathering array within 20 years, and he doesn't even need to consider the problem of closing.

"Then..." He took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy in his body burst out: "Let's get started!"

"Swish!" The five golden characters of the Eternal Pill Scripture King appeared in his mind again.

"The next step is the second step, putting the medicine." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes, feeling the spiritual energy outside, and almost felt comfortable.

He did not proceed immediately, but once again, carefully read the exercises in his mind, and only continued after making sure that he remembered them carefully in his heart.

One day, two days, and three days passed in a flash.

In the practice room, Xu Yangyi sat beside the alchemy furnace in a contemplative manner, looking at the alchemy furnace in a complicated way.

This step... is difficult, very difficult.

If the previous fire control tactics is the foundation, the basis of alchemy, and the kindergarten of learning. Then putting medicine is elementary school. The difficulty and accuracy are far above the fire control tactics!

"Spiritual consciousness is like silk, manipulating each medicinal material, multitasking..." He pondered and rubbed his chin. The high status of the alchemist is not without reason. Whether it is spiritual consciousness turning into silk or multitasking, without a huge spiritual consciousness as a backing, without persistent targeted training, don't even think about achieving it.

First, you need to use a bit of energy to watch the fire. Secondly, you need to use the remaining part of your spiritual consciousness to turn into threads and connect them to all the treasures of heaven and earth. You need to know how long to put down the herbs and when to put the medicine. What temperature should be used to put the herbs... These treasures of heaven and earth not only have a variety of growth environments, but they are also very delicate and expensive. If you miss five seconds, it is very likely that the whole furnace of pills will be wasted.


He looked at the pill furnace with a complicated expression: "This step... It's hard to say, it's hard to make people crazy. It's easy to say... but it's surprisingly easy..."

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