
Main text Chapter 115: Retreat again

Why not put the medicine by hand? It's very simple, because when doing this, he must hold the secrets at all times to keep the technique running.

Refining alchemy means refining people. This is the greatest advantage of the Eternal Alchemy King.

"Now, the ingredients of the elixir for the Qi training period are no more than ten..." He gently picked up a purple flower from the pile of medicinal materials in front of him. This flower is covered in gorgeous purple, but it is cold to the touch. What is even weirder is that when it is placed on the ground, all the petals close up, but when they touch the warmth of your fingers, they immediately open up, like a purple sun.

He brushed it lightly with his hand. This is one of the formulas of the elixir, Hydrangea. Grows below absolute zero. It is one of the best artificially bred geniuses.

"For the foundation-building stage, the known elixir prescriptions include at least thirty-five genius treasures. I have never seen the golden elixir formula, but it should not be less than fifty..."

"Long-term high attention, double consumption of spiritual consciousness and spiritual power. Maintaining a state of practice at all times is to prevent insufficient reserves of air sea spiritual energy, resulting in a furnace of elixir refining being wasted. At the same time, the elixir materials for foundation building and golden elixir must be It’s even more precious, and I…can’t afford to waste it.”

"The key is here..." He recalled the elixir recipe with twinkling eyes: "One step is to add medicine. The higher the level of elixir recipe, the more combinations it has, and the more difficult it is to master. first virgin elixir only has four Such cooperation!”

"The difficulty is not getting started. It's the difficulty of mastering it."

Taking a deep breath, closing his eyes, his brows moved slightly.

With this movement, four lines of white spiritual energy spread out from his body and accurately landed on the four medicinal materials. Immediately afterwards, four medicinal materials, including Hydrangea hydrangea, Chaotian wood, Danzhu fruit, and Wufangzi, were suspended out of thin air.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, but then relaxed.

Spiritual consciousness is the manipulation method of spiritual energy. Any magical power of a monk must rely on spiritual consciousness to mobilize spiritual energy. And just as he let the four medicinal materials float next to the alchemy cauldron, his mind was a little overwhelmed.

With four lines, he couldn't do what the King of Eternal Pill Sutra said. He tried it and wanted Hydrangea, but what he got was Chaotianmu.

It was as if four threads were somehow entangled together.

Proficiency question.

It's just a matter of proficiency.

"Proficiency issues...I will use my time to pile them up!"

"I don't believe it. The second step is that the more difficult the elixir recipe is, the more difficult it is. The difficulty of the four genius treasures can kill me, Xu Yangyi, without changing the firepower!"

Time passed quickly, one month passed quickly, two months passed... In the training room, Xu Yangyi's eyes trembled, he looked at the four medicinal materials suspended beside him, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Li Zongyuan, Mao Baer and others didn't come to rush him at all, everyone knew it well. It is very normal for monks to stay in seclusion for three to four years, five to six or seventy years. A foundation-building monk can stay in seclusion for more than ten years. It is more likely that Jin Dan came out of seclusion and changed dynasties.

A hydrangea flower flew up in front of Xu Yangyi. He used his spiritual sense to sense everything in the outside world and moved his fingers lightly. Immediately, the flower seemed to be blown by the breeze and quietly fell into the furnace.

His appearance was no longer the same as when he entered. The beard has grown thickly. In particular, his hair is shorter than when he came in. Now he is almost bald, with less than a centimeter of hair sticking to his scalp.

His face was also a little dark, and the clothes on his upper body were long gone, revealing his tight muscles. Around half of the medicinal materials were missing.

"Zira..." There was no change in the fire, a spark burst out in the furnace, and then, the flower... melted.

It wasn't scorched, but it melted strangely, like ice meeting fire. Three seconds later, a wriggling white liquid was suspended in the furnace.

Xu Yangyi's eyebrows moved, and a dark, inch-long piece of wood immediately followed. With the sound of "Bibo", the entire outer skin of the wood slowly turned up, revealing the white inner core, which was as white as baby skin.


Without any distractions, when the count reached forty-seven seconds, the white inner core of the Chaotian wood had turned into light yellow, and it made a chirping sound as it quietly shrank. At this moment, it has changed from the size of an inch to only the size of a fingernail.

"Now!" He immediately controlled his spiritual consciousness and let the white liquid quickly wrap around Chaotian Wood. With the sound of "Silk", like water splashed on fire, the hydrangea liquid and the inner core of Chaotian Wood miraculously fused together. Together.

The next second, this solid and non-solid thing began to squirm slightly, as if it was alive. The color gradually changed from yellow and white to a pleasing green color.

Xu Yangyi didn't delay at all. According to what Dan Fang said, this is the essence of Guling Dan, which is its foundation. The remaining Danzhu fruit and Wufangzi have the effect of a chemical change, allowing four different auras and different medicinal effects to be completely mixed together.

This is his best yet. Because every day, he will be more skilled than the day before!

With a slight movement of his fingers, a cherry-sized but transparent fruit quickly flew up and was thrown into the fire.

"Zi la la..." With a slight sound, the flesh and skin of the fruit quickly turned into black ashes in the furnace, as if paper had encountered fire, leaving only a red core.

Xu Yangyi continued to count silently in his mind until the twenty-eighth number. When the core had turned into a semi-gelatinous object, he immediately directed the semi-solid materials of hydrangea and chaotian wood to cover it.

"Buzz..." With a gentle hum, the furnace cauldron trembled slightly. Even Xu Yangyi, who was sitting in front of it, could feel that a ball of pure spiritual energy was boiling in the furnace cauldron!

"Swish!" His eyes suddenly opened, and the next second, a five- or six-centimeter-sized five-pointed plant rushed towards the furnace cauldron with an inexplicable direction!

This time, everything went very smoothly!

Once the five-fangzi can cover this semi-solid mass, the rest is the Dan Condensation stage!

And... his eyes were extremely cautious.

These past few months, all failed at the last step!

"Swish!" When the five-fangzi met the fire, it immediately turned into a thick black liquid, as if what he threw out was not a genius treasure, but a water bag wrapped in black water.

However, the black water did not have a fishy smell at all, but exuded a faint fragrance that did not match its appearance.

Just when the two came into contact, the thick black liquid seemed to turn into a layer of outer clothing, quickly wrapping up the mass of gelatinous substance!

However, the adhesive material that was just gentle now seemed like a ghost wrapped in a bed sheet, with the entire black "coat" bulging in the east and concave in the west. It was as if it wanted to break free from the shackles of the coat and rush to the outside world!

Xu Yangyi said nothing, watching the changes in the furnace quietly and nervously. As long as this step is successful, the next step is to enter the pill-forming stage after two hours of baking!

At this moment, suddenly, a blue light swept out from the furnace!

"Boom!" At the same time, the flames in the entire furnace were more than ten feet high, swallowing Xu Yangyi in front of him!

"Swish..." A piece of rain fell, the fire went out, and Xu Yangyi stood up with a dark face.

Very good...

The sword-like thick eyebrows are gone, the fluffy hair that has just grown is gone, the eyelashes are burnt, and the face is full of furnace ash blown out. I don’t know how bad my image is.

His legs were a little numb, a sequelae of long-term meditation, but he had no time to care about these things. Instead, he looked at the furnace in front of him in a deep voice.

Failed again...

There was no trace of dejection on his face. During these months of retreat, even the relatively simple part of putting medicine in had encountered many difficulties.

At the beginning, once he wanted to take care of the medicinal materials, the furnace fire would go out immediately. After a month, it did not go out, but the furnace fire could not remain stable for six consecutive hours.

Then, the stage of burning money began. One after another, the treasures of heaven and earth were continuously invested. After refining countless medicinal materials, he had unknowingly reached the last step of putting medicine in.

The biggest difficulty lies in the description of time in the Eternal Pill Scripture King.

It uses "breath," instead of "seconds."

This brought him too many difficulties. It can even be said that he restored it hand by hand and completed the modern version of the Eternal Pill Scripture King. However, because of this, he also inadvertently had a unique understanding of the temperature and time, and his memory was extremely clear.

He looked up at the wall clock not far away, which was the only modern equipment in this practice room.

This was already the 27th day of the seventh month.

A cleaning talisman cleaned up the traces of seclusion on his body, and he lit a cigarette. When the blue smoke rushed into his chest, he suddenly felt alive.

Some of it was sudden, and he was stunned for a moment, but the corners of his mouth smiled slightly.

This is a cultivator.

Practice is like this.

If you can't stand loneliness, what's the point of talking about eternal life.

If you don't want to pay, where is the reward?

He didn't continue to practice, but began to sort out his experience over the past six months.

"It shouldn't be my problem." He looked at the cigarette butt in his hand quietly, thinking: "Alchemy, the entry is simple, the key is the accumulation in the future. When I find out how to put hundreds of medicinal materials at the same time, then the difficulty of the second step can be truly reflected... I am stuck here, just because I don't have a master to guide me."

If it takes several years to refine a pill formula to get started in the alchemy, the inheritance should be cut off.

There are hundreds of known pill formulas in the world in the Qi training stage, and mastering at least 10 to 20 can be called entering the hall. Then...the general public without the eternal alchemy classic king, do they still want to enter the alchemy path? Do the Qi training monks with a lifespan of only a hundred years still want to join the alchemy sect?

"But these six months have actually been very helpful for my future improvement in the alchemy. Especially..." He narrowed his eyes, having just been promoted to the middle stage of Qi training. But in this boring retreat, the spiritual energy in the sea of ​​​​qi has actually accumulated one tenth!

It's only been half a year!

It takes a hundred years to build a foundation. This is not a lie. In the Dharma-Ending Age, where the average time for building a foundation is 72.78 years, there are many cultivators who have crossed a small realm in twenty years! As for him, refining the elixir is practicing. He walks along the meridians of the Eternal Pill Scripture King, and with the help of the high-level spirit gathering array, it only took him half a year to gather one-tenth of the spiritual energy!

This speed... has exceeded the miracle of Mie Ri's thirty years of building a foundation!

"It seems that Mie Ri back then did not have the blessing to get the golden elixir inner elixir and the ancient cultivation method." He smiled, extinguished the cigarette, and closed his eyes again like a rock.

Yu Linwei, seemingly safe, is actually full of murderous intentions. In the past few years, if he can't come up with the capital to make a living wherever he goes, he will die without knowing how he died a few years later!

Qian Ren will not let him complete the task. He and the other party know each other well.

He has no extra time for romance.

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