
Main text Chapter 116: Mutation

"He hasn't come out yet?" Qian Ren asked his assistant indifferently in the office of the leader of the Yulin Guard.

"Senior, not yet." The assistant immediately bowed and said: "Captain Xu has been in the training room for nearly five months. There is no news."

"Well." Qian Ren waved his hand thoughtfully: "Go down."

The man left, and his eyes looked at the computer with a hint of coldness. There, a red dot representing Xu Yangyi was flickering slightly in a room.

"You are really patient..." He licked his lips with a sneer: "Do you want to cultivate to the foundation in my Tiandao?"

Pick up the teacup and take a sip: "Are you afraid of death? Delay? Haha..."

"I have plenty of time..." He squinted his eyes and crossed his hands in front of his chest, as if looking at a fly: "The life span of a foundation cultivator is twice as long as yours, and the life span of a Jindan Zhenren is six times as long as yours... Can you afford to delay?"

"Indeed... At that time, it was really bold to dare to join the Yulin Guard as bait. After reaching the end of the road, it ushered in another spring of light... But..." He smiled and flicked the teacup: "The rating is once every few years, how do you do it?"

"If you don't complete the task before the rating, I have plenty of ways to drive you out of the Yulin Guard headquarters. Besides, even if you can't wait to find your parents' enemies, right?"

"What a pity..." He sighed faintly: "People with affection and righteousness often don't live too long..."

He sipped a sip of tea faintly, and was about to put it down, but his brows suddenly twisted together.

"This is..." He felt it carefully for a few seconds, his pupils suddenly became sharp, he took a breath of cold air in disbelief, and quickly disappeared in the room.

Tens of meters underground, there was a corridor about three meters wide, with Qigong monks in suits standing on both sides, three steps a pavilion, five steps a guard. The ground was white stone, there was no light above, but countless talismans made it seem like daytime.

At this moment, a dense green aura visible to the naked eye, like a human figure, gathered together, and rushed in with a piercing sound of breaking through the air.

"Welcome, senior!" There was no panic, only uniform half-kneeling. However, the green aura that was three or four meters long did not pay any attention to these people at all, but rushed to the front of the flashing bronze gate at the fastest speed.

The gate was covered with talismans, and the monks standing here were all monks who had reached the great perfection of Qigong.

There were seven people in total. They were not wearing suits, but Zhongshan suits, sitting quietly in front of the door like bronze statues. At this moment, a woman who looked like a woman was pacing anxiously at the door.

"Master!" The green spiritual energy rushed in like a raging tide, and the woman's eyes lit up and she screamed immediately: "You are finally here! Just now in the Mingjian Pavilion..."

"Shut up!" "Pah!" Before the voice fell, the woman had already flown into the air, as if she was hit to the side by a rushing vehicle, and there was no sound.

"Open the door..." Qianren's lips were trembling. The feeling just now... the feeling that made his heart stop, so real, so real that he couldn't believe it.

"Welcome..." The seven people just stood up, and then there was a "thump thump" sound, and they all flew into the air and hit the bronze door. Immediately followed, Qianren's roar: "Open the door for me immediately!"

No one dared to speak, the seven people stood up without saying a word, each of them took out a component, and combined it into a key within three seconds. With a dull sound of "Ka La La...", the closed door slowly opened.

Qian Ren took a deep breath and was about to go in, but suddenly stopped, his voice was like a knife: "Whoever dares to tell others about what happened today, I will make him live a life worse than death."


"Boom" the door closed, Qian Ren rushed to the front in one step.

Inside, there are thousands of jade slips. Each one is placed on a pavilion, emitting a light green light.

Fate Jade Slip!

For an organization like Yulinwei, no one knows whether they can come back alive after going on a mission. Everyone has left their information here. Once they die, the jade slip will collapse. Therefore, this place is also called the Fate Slip Pavilion.

Qian Ren is a frontier official of Yulinwei. He absolutely, absolutely will not remember where most people's jade slips are placed and what they are called. However, there are a few people that he must remember.

The six A-level legions in Mingshui Province!

His eyes looked at a place without hesitation, and the next moment, he closed his eyes in pain.

Twenty jade slips... all shattered at the same time!

His hands were trembling, and he gritted his teeth and waved his hands, and all the jade slips floated up and flew into his hands.

The Burial Flower Corps, silent.

The Burial Flower Corps, shooting the sun.

The Burial Flower Corps, Li Xiaoyang.

The Burial Flower Corps, Tian Anguo...

Twenty familiar names, the absolute main force of the Mingshui Province Yulin Guard, the Burial Flower Corps, all the jade slips were broken!

"How could it be... How could it be..." He stroked the cracks on the jade slips tightly, as if this would heal the cracks that almost split the jade slips in half, and trembled: "How is this possible..."

"Dinglingling" At this moment, the phone suddenly rang, he calmed down and immediately picked up: "Hello?"

"Helmsman!" A panicked voice came from the other end of the phone: "Something bad has happened! The signals of the Burial Flower Corps have all disappeared!"

He took a deep breath: "I know."

There is no doubt that the Burial Flower Corps was completely destroyed...

The foundation-building monk leads the team! The best of the twenty best! Several past leaders! Where can I wipe them all out? ?

Are they entering the red zone?

No... Qianren immediately rejected this answer. No one dared to enter the restricted areas. That would be a joke with his own life. But...the leader of the Burial Flower Corps is in the late stage of Qi training! The realm is higher than myself!

"Tell me what you know..." He said solemnly: "Tell me carefully and word for word."

Ten minutes later, Qianren pursed her lips and put down the phone.

Longsu Province...the place where the signal of the Flower Burial Corps was last seen...

Then, within an hour, they were all wiped out!

"Longsu Danxia Palace?" A very familiar name immediately appeared in Qianren's mind, and then he rejected it again.

Only one of these few great Jedi could possibly wipe out all the legion led by the late-stage foundation-building monks within an hour!

"No, it's impossible. This is one of the restricted areas... Fellow Taoist Buyu is not an idiot. He can't go looking for death..."

So, here comes the problem.

Where did he die?

Within an hour, there were fourteen foundation-building monks in the Burial Flower Legion, one of whom was in the Great Perfection, five in the late stage, seven in the mid-stage, and two in the early stage. Four Qi Practicing Dzogchen. An elite scout, an elite treasure appraisal expert, a senior geographer... Where can such a team that is enough to impact the national rating be wiped out? Or...who can wipe out such a team?

Someone takes action? Or is it the power of ancient secrets?

Thousand Blades walked out of the room with a livid face. Ten minutes later, he appeared in his office again.

His expression had completely calmed down, and he gently rubbed his chin, no longer panicking.

"First of all, you have to know whether it is a human being or a secret realm."

"Brush..." The black military coat, with the sound of wind, whirled around his body. He straightened it gently and said calmly: "Prepare the car."

There was no one in the room.

In the service department, a man was browsing the web page and said boredly: "The prices have risen too much... The enhanced version of Duobao Pavilion's newly launched Spiritual Elixir actually requires a medium-grade spiritual stone. I can't afford it... "

"This is for breaking obstacles." The colleague next to him raised his head and took a look: "Fortunately, last month CSIB's Captain Fang refined a space magic weapon, and now it has been listed for ten yuan for the best spiritual weapon. It’s so bad that prices are skyrocketing.”

"Huh? Didn't our captain Xu have a signing bonus of one billion?"

The former colleague looked around, covered his mouth with his hand and whispered: "The total value is one billion. What he got in his hand was only 17,000 spiritual stones and those talismans. Others were ten pieces of top quality. Lingshi’s cash!”

"Prepare the car."

At this moment, two faint words appeared in their ears, as if they were far away in the horizon, but also as if they were close in front of them.

"Hey!" After the two of them were stunned for a second, they bounced up like a needle pricking them!

At the same time, the words "preparing a car" appeared in the ears of all the monks who were in charge of the seven-story-high Habayashi Guards.

"What's going on... Is the helmsman going out?" A female cultivator who was browsing posts on the computer a second ago was now busy with a form with a righteous face, but she kept talking to the woman next to her. Xiu exchanged words: "The helmsman hasn't left his room for almost twenty years, right? Why did he go out suddenly? Someone always went to see him..."

"Keep your voice down... Your Excellency, the Helmsman, is a senior in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment!" The female cultivator colleague beside her rolled her eyes: "Have you never heard of it? There is a high-level spirit gathering array below your Lordship's room. Why is he out here? "

The entire branch seemed to have suddenly become more rigorous. As the helmsman traveled, everyone once again felt the unspeakable majesty.

"Meet the helmsman!" "Congratulations, senior!"

"Swish, swish, swish!" As the shiny leather shoes stepped on the carpet outside the door, all the monks in this building, regardless of male or female, as long as they were in the Qi training period, half-knelt on the ground, pressing one knee on the carpet. , one hand was placed on his chest in the shape of a fist, his expression extremely respectful.

A spiritual energy that was as vast as the vast ocean to them emanated from Qian Ren.

This is his spiritual pressure.

The coat was draped on his shoulders, and he didn't even look at the Qi Practitioners on both sides, nor did he care about the crowd that spread to the elevator entrance for a full twenty meters, following the "clack-clack-clack" sound of leather shoes. Walk rhythmically to the elevator.

No one spoke, no one dared to speak.

Two secretarial assistants, a man and a woman, who were both Qi Practitioners and advanced practitioners, were as proud as peacocks. They didn't even look at the others and followed Qian Ren out.

Downstairs, a Rolls-Royce was parked there. A young man who looked like a driver bowed and said, "Please get in the car."

Qianren looked at the car quietly for a few seconds, then slowly raised his right hand and flicked it lightly.

"Pounce!" A terrifying wind pressure instantly passed over the male and female secretaries! In the blink of an eye, the driver vomited blood and backed up a few meters, but immediately half-knelt and said: "Senior, please forgive me!"

"I..." His voice was a little hoarse, and he said calmly: "What I want is Hot Wheels."


The driver carefully opened a kit, and the next second, a horse with its body burning with flames, pulling an ancient chariot, appeared in front of the three people.

"Go to the training court headquarters." Qianren's figure moved slightly, already sitting on the chariot, and closed his eyes: "Use the fastest speed."


“Swish!” The chariot disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye like a flash of lightning, leaving only a streak of red flame and the sound of “whoosh” that seemed to still be in the ear.

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