
Main text Chapter 117: Qi Hai displacement

Tian Dao Ming Shui Province divided the rudder, and after a few minutes of silence, it finally became active.

"Where is the helmsman going?" "I don't know, it looks like something big has happened!" "I can't guess,'s really awesome!" "Nonsense, if you arrive at Foundation Establishment one day, you too You can be so awesome!”

An hour later, Hot Wheels landed next to a court-like building in Kyoto Prefecture.

It sits quietly next to the Forbidden City. However, it seems that the people around it can't see it at all. Thousands of square meters of land seemed to have disappeared from this world. Whether it is the symbolic iron gate fence, the sword and shield emblem in the middle, or the neatly maintained white chrysanthemum bushes in the long green belt behind, symbolizing fairness and justice, or the majestic Western-style court buildings, no one is ordinary. People glance here.

"Shrink to the ground..." Qianren took a deep breath, took a deep look with fiery envious eyes, pulled his coat, and walked quickly inside.

"Why! It was clearly his fault! Now you are acquitting him!?" On the long white stone road, four teenage-looking men held up the words "Faint official!" "Where is the justice of heaven!" "Give me back my king." Law!" and other words, arguing with a dozen monks in suits and leather shoes with red eyes.

Although the teenagers look like humans, some of their faces have grown hair, and some have a trace of black energy, perhaps because of excessive hatred. The sound echoed loudly throughout the area.

"A human race is in the middle of Qi training! He came to our city to enforce the law. Our demon cultivator, the Song family, has been there for more than thirty years! He has always abided by the law and paid taxes on time! He took advantage of his high cultivation level and robbed our family heirloom and left! Cultivating The court doesn’t care?”

"There is no response from the city! There is no response from the province! Now we come to the Supreme Court and they still won't let us in! Is there any royal law? You are still talking about lawlessness!"

"If you want to say that fists are still king now, I'll turn around and leave! I'll go on a killing spree when I get back! Damn! You guys are unreasonable, don't blame us for being unreasonable too!"

A group of noobs... Qianren's eyes swept over them lightly, and he walked forward without stopping.

Perhaps it was because his aura was too strong. When they were still dozens of meters away, everyone stopped arguing in unison and stood aside quietly with an uncertain expression, lowering their heads and saying nothing. One word.

"I've met senior!" When Qianren passed by, everyone bowed in a low voice.

The noisy corridor just now was silent for a moment, leaving only the sound of Qianren's leather shoes, stepping on them slowly and quickly.

Qianren didn't even look at it.

"Senior, are you here for business?" Several western dressers winked, and one of them immediately followed him gently, asking in a low voice but extremely respectfully.

Even when he was asking questions, even though he was behind Qian Ren, his body couldn't help but bend down.

"Immediately, take me to see Master Tianzai's clone palace. I have something important to report." Qianren said in a deep voice without stopping.

"Your Excellency..." The monk behind him looked embarrassed: "The dean's clone... is not in the courtyard..."

Qianren suddenly turned his head and looked at him. The monk was startled and took several steps back before he said cautiously: "If necessary, I can make an appointment for you... But the fastest, I'm afraid it will take three months." …”

"I'm waiting. Just wait here!" Qianren said coldly with a cold face: "Prepare a training room for me, and at the same time, go and make an appointment for me right away!"


Two and a half months passed slowly like this.

Xu Yangyi had no idea about all this. At this moment, he was obsessed with the cultivation of the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra.

A semi-gelatinous object that was constantly changing was rising and falling in the cauldron in front of him. Wu Fangzi, who was pulled by a spiritual energy, was right next to it, but he did not invest in it.

For more than a month, although the final exercises for this item were not successful, he knew that success was getting closer and closer.

In front of him, there was a piece of white paper and a pen. He didn't know when to put the medicine, so... he would just pile it up by himself second by second!

After finishing his last move, he marked out ten minutes, one minute and sixty seconds. A total of six hundred experiments are needed to prove which second in the next ten minutes is the opportunity to release the medicine.

He has tried it. After ten minutes, the semi-colloidal substance mixed with the three genius earth treasures will turn black and eventually become a coke-like thing without any spiritual energy shock. This shows that the time to put Wu Fangzi is within these ten minutes.

On the paper, more than a hundred correct words have been written. The time in a day is limited. He has tried it a dozen times a day at most. Now, he has made more than 500 attempts, and it seems to have become his daily routine.

"Five hundred and eighty-two...five hundred and eighty-three..." He counted softly in his heart, and suddenly opened his eyes: "That's it now."

In my heart, after this month of targeted practice, I no longer feel sad or happy. With a gentle wave of his hand, the last genius treasure suddenly flew out and merged into the cauldron in an instant.

"Zira..." Following the familiar voice, Wu Fangzi quickly turned into a puddle of black liquid. He took a deep breath and looked at everything in the furnace.

Before, every time he blew up the furnace here, but... this time, his eyes quickly shrank. This time, this pool of black liquid did not spread out like before, but seemed to suddenly come to life. The jelly formed by Hydrangea, Chaotianmu, and Danzhu Fruit is tightly interlocked!

Xu Yangyi's eyes trembled, and he looked at the sudden changes in front of him in disbelief.

Success? !

Five hundred and eighty-four!

His eyes suddenly lit up, and this number suddenly lit up in his heart!

Success came so suddenly, and so naturally.

When something has become a habit, it brings numbness. However, this numbness does not mean that there is no excitement, but numbness to failure and habit of failure. The desire for success has been deeply suppressed in the heart.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the time when he first entered the practice room a few months ago. The desire for success, like a seedling in spring, suddenly rushed into his heart without any warning!

This feeling came so suddenly, so fast, and so unreasonable. He could even hear the sound of his heart beating in his ears. He kept fighting and losing for a month, and he didn't realize that he stood up at this moment.

"Boom!" At the moment he stood up, his mind was illuminated by lightning, and the world seemed to be erased for 0.01 seconds. In this second, the world only had him.

All the spiritual energy in his sea of ​​qi seemed to be attracted by something. His spiritual consciousness was not activated, but it all boiled up!

Without feeling uncomfortable, Xu Yangyi hesitated for three seconds and gritted his teeth: "Look inside!"

"Swish!" His body became clear, and he suddenly found that the surging spiritual energy was not controlled at all, but... began to build something in his body!

Countless spiritual energy intertwined and entangled, climbing along the meridians, like a fast-forward movie of a tree growing. And in his body, there was a mysterious pattern outlined mainly by the meridians.

In less than a minute, his sea of ​​qi had been drained out. At this moment, his eyes suddenly flashed.

"This is!"

In his sea of ​​qi, hidden under the spiritual energy, something... is moving?

He didn't have time to react at all. In the next second, the spiritual energy in his body suddenly intertwined the final pattern! Suddenly, he immediately felt that under his skin, a surging spiritual energy was swelling his body!

His eyes flickered, but he was not panicked. Because, this swelling did not make him feel uncomfortable or burst, but... a strange, very comfortable feeling.

All the spiritual energy in his body rushed into some meridians that he had never used or had used before, and built a... Dan furnace as big as a human body!

"Boom..." In the now empty Qi Sea, suddenly, a red light, like the dawn of the night, quietly lit up.

At this moment, the "Dan furnace" in Xu Yangyi's body seemed to have heard the command, and finally, it began to run slowly, but surely, silently.

His body, without running any magic formula, began to automatically absorb spiritual energy at an extremely slow speed!

"Dan liquid fire..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered slightly. In his heart, a sense of expectation, excitement, and uneasiness surged up at the same time.

The effect of the Eternal Dan Sutra King, even if he had made sufficient preparations before, the current situation was completely beyond his expectations!

He knew that the human body should be used as Dan and the world as a furnace, but he never thought that the Dan furnace was built in his body!

More importantly, he could clearly feel... the spiritual power in his body suddenly vibrated violently at the moment when the fire of the elixir was ignited! As if he was undergoing some kind of tempering!

It was as if... there was a fire in his body, burning the impurities in his spiritual power!

"Refine essence into qi, build foundation in 100 days, nourish the holy elixir, refine qi into spirit, refine spirit into emptiness, refine emptiness into Dao... The Qi training period is the time to refine essence into qi, and then it is 100 days of foundation building. And I have heard the way of heaven say that before 100 days of foundation building, you must refine spiritual energy..."

Spiritual energy is related to the strength of magical powers. The purer the spiritual energy, the greater the power of the magical power used. The foundation-building cultivator has refined his own spiritual energy 100%, but it only depends on how much it has been refined. After the spiritual energy has been refined by 50%, he is qualified to impact the foundation. Similarly, this is also the reason why the strength of the same level between foundation builders is even greater than that of the Qi training period.

And now... he has not yet reached the baseline for refining spiritual energy in the late stage of Qi training, but the Eternal Pill Sutra King has automatically refined spiritual energy for him!

"If I can reach the late stage one day, I must learn about the knowledge of foundation building." He thought in deep thought, looking at his hands with complicated eyes. Then, he clenched them tightly: "No, not if... it's a must."

And entering the hall of the Eternal Pill Sutra for the first time, refining spiritual energy is just a small matter.

"Qi Hai shifts..." He took a deep breath and looked at his Qi Hai. Expectation, uneasiness, and excitement filled his heart in an instant.

Expectation comes from the last alchemist in the Dharma Ending Age. Excitement comes from the powerful secret method that has been passed down for thousands of years. Uneasy... comes from the path he is going to take, which is different from anyone else!

He has never heard of this situation. There is no spiritual energy in the Qi Hai, but it runs automatically through the meridians in the body. The Dan liquid fire seems to provide endless energy for this human Dan furnace. In other words...

The Qi Hai, which the cultivator regards as life, is insignificant to him even if it is broken!

Unless his whole body is crushed, his cultivation cannot be broken at all.

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