
Main text Chapter 118: Dan Ning and Silkworms

At the same time, the elixir fire, as a power source, was refining the spiritual energy of his whole body.

This situation brought joy, but more of uneasiness.

"This is just the initial outline of the Eternal Pill Sutra King. The theoretical 'refining of people' is still far away... Once completed, my body... will undergo what kind of changes..." His eyes looked at the talismans full of orchids in the room with a complicated look: "Where is my future path..."

However, this feeling disappeared after a few seconds, and was replaced by a desperate mood.

Even so, so what?

He already had a great opportunity, guarding the treasure mountain, but sitting for a hundred years, this kind of thing, he simply couldn't stand it.

Even if there was a thorny bush ahead, he was willing to cut through it and try to take a look.

How could he give up the Eternal Pill Sutra King because of the unknown?

"If I do this, I won't be myself." He took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and smiled faintly as he lit a cigarette: "Bold assumptions, bolder verification, this is my style."

At the same time, another idea came to his mind.

This... is just the Danye fire condensed by his own spiritual energy.

What if... it is replaced by the legendary flame?

The blue smoke spread in the room. When the cigarette butt was thrown to his feet with a muffled "click". He forced himself to cut off some thoughts that made his heart surge, and his eyes finally fell cautiously on the sea of ​​qi.

"Finally... it's you..."

The original position of the sea of ​​qi, the spiritual energy dissipated, and there should be nothing, but now, there is a silkworm.

White silkworm.

It is about the size of a thumb. Very young, looks soft and sticky, and doesn't look harmful at all.

Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness kicked the other party without hesitation, but the fat body just trembled and retreated to the other side.

Kick again, retreat again.

Finally, retreating to a corner, the silkworm baby made a "sisi" sound as if begging for mercy. Xu Yangyi rubbed his chin and looked at the uninvited guest calmly.

It seems... there have always been tenants in his Qi Sea...

From the small box at the beginning, to the stone-like thing at the back, to...

"Wait..." His eyes suddenly shone, because he saw a few other things.

There were some things scattered around the silkworm. Some very small things. If you don't look carefully, you can't see them clearly.

That was... some stone-like skin, but he knew these "stones".

This was the shell of the stone at the beginning!

He suddenly remembered that during the bloody battle in the four Lianchi, there was indeed a sound of something breaking in his body. After that, he checked his body in detail, and the stone disappeared, but he didn't know what was so special about this silkworm that it was hidden at the bottom of the Qi Sea! Several times of internal observation could not detect it at all!

If it weren't for the Eternal Pill Sutra King suddenly draining the Qi Sea and rebuilding his spiritual "circuit board," I'm afraid he would never know that there was such a thing hidden at the bottom of the Qi Sea.

This is what the "stone" hatched.

It survived by eating its own "eggshell" and stayed in his sea of ​​qi.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, he was not sure where it came from. Was it brought by the imperial weapon? Was it brought by the technique?

"If that's the case, it's fine, but what if it's some trick left by Bi Bo..." His eyes flickered: "Or it's a weird trick of the Ming family... We must be on guard."

"Since you like to stay here, then stay here." He turned and left after pondering, and then thousands of the purest spiritual energy surrounded the silkworm in a spiritual energy cage.

Before figuring out what it is, Xu Yangyi would never let it out.

Especially, silkworms... can evolve.

Now, it looks harmless, who knows, if it evolves, what kind of monster it will be?

"It's not safe yet." His spiritual consciousness was withdrawn from the sea of ​​qi. His hands tapped something lightly, making a dull "clang clang" sound, and he murmured: "I must enter the late stage of qi training as soon as possible. After I can use the magic weapon, I have to use a good magic weapon to 'suppress' it."

A touch of heat came from his fingers. He took a deep breath and looked at the alchemy furnace with burning eyes.

"Zizzi..." The black mass, like a magnet, a gelatinous substance combined with three kinds of genius and earth treasures, was like an iron block. At this moment, a subtle chemical change occurred and began to move closer to each other.

In the room, there was no wind, no one spoke, only a slightly hurried, low breathing with a hint of repression. In Xu Yangyi's expectant eyes, in a full minute, a pill with an uneven surface, even in the fusion, was pulled into an irregular shape by the huge medicinal power. But...

It was quiet.

Even Xu Yangyi could feel the spiritual power contained in it. Four completely different medicinal powers, at this moment, quietly curled up in four corners, mutually stable. Clearly divided.

"It's done..." He pursed his lips gently, staring at the completely irregular, ugly object with burning eyes. He just felt that it was so beautiful and indescribable.

It had been almost a year since he went into seclusion again. Finally... he looked up to the sky and took a long breath. The boredom, injustice, and anxiety in his heart all turned into ashes with this breath.

He didn't scream loudly, nor did he jump around excitedly. He just looked deeply at the ugly pill embryo, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Any pioneer walks alone in the dark night, and cannot say it. I have invested two years in the Eternal Pill Scripture King, adding the fire control formula. Finally, this prototype is available.

Perhaps, in the eyes of Gu Xiu, this is ridiculous. A pill with four formulas and no flame changes can take a year, and it has only reached the second step. However, he is very satisfied.

This is the only prototype of a pill in the Dharma Ending Age!

Next... it is the moment of pill condensation.

"Wait... Master Fuyun." He raised a bloodthirsty smile at the corner of his mouth, licked his lips with a sneer: "When the time comes, I will give you a big gift... a gift you can't even think of..."

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, his mind once again devoted himself to the observation of the Eternal Pill Scripture King.

A week later, he slowly opened his eyes.

"The last two steps..." He showed a strange smile on his face: "It's so simple."

"To condense the pill is to use the spiritual consciousness to return the pill to its original shape, which is also the most perfect shape - round. What is needed is a long-term carving." He recalled the last two steps: "To make the pill, it is a little more troublesome..."

After experiencing the two steps of controlling the fire and releasing the medicine, a whole year of "torture," his patience and confidence have greatly improved.

"To make the pill, the King of the Eternal Pill Sutra records fifteen kinds of sects' techniques. They are all secrets that are not passed on. It can be said that 99% has been done before, but without this 1%, it is not called a pill."

"These two steps have detailed instructions, which are much more convenient than the first two steps."

No more nonsense, he has invested a year in this, and he is eager to see the results.

Time once again rushed like water, as if this practice room was isolated from the world.


On the white stone road, people were coming and going. A group of Qi-cultivating monks with low eyebrows and pleasant eyes were closely surrounding an old man in a coat with a gloomy face, walking on the road with the sound of crisp leather shoes.

Qianren's face was definitely not good. He never expected that the court president Tianzai Zhenren's clone would go out for more than three months and would not come back until three and a half months.

Along the way, there were young monks discussing something in a low voice, and law enforcement officers with hurried expressions. The sound of talking and walking, these low sounds, made the place more majestic and quiet.

There was no conversation along the way. When Qianren walked to the front of the 20-meter-high court gate, three men in suits and leather shoes had already piled up sincere smiles and bowed deeply: "Welcome, senior, I am here to welcome you on the order of Zhenren..."

Before he finished speaking, Qianren's body had passed them. The three of them were stunned, but there was no dissatisfaction. They followed behind step by step and pointed out the path.

The huge courthouse has very good light transmittance. It was as quiet as an empty cemetery, with only the crisp "knock knock" sound of leather shoes echoing in the hall. Qian Ren had no mood to look around at all. Just when he was about to turn the corner, a familiar voice came over: "Daoyou Qian Ren?"

"Daoyou Chen." Qian Ren stopped for the first time. He didn't care about Qigong cultivators at all, but he still had to pay attention to the interpersonal relationships between foundation-building Taoists.

"It's really Daoyou Qian Ren." With a burst of crisp leather shoes, a fat cultivator with gray hair, followed by a dozen secretaries and assistants in the early stage of Qigong, bowed to Qian Ren: "I haven't seen you for thirty years. Daoyou has advanced to the middle stage. Congratulations."

"Congratulations, senior." As if it was an appointment, more than a dozen secretaries and assistants behind the cultivator surnamed Chen bowed together and said loudly: "I wish you immortal blessings and a long life."

The assistants behind Qian Ren naturally did not dare to neglect it. Return the greeting immediately

When foundation-building cultivators meet, they must serve as foils. If they say one more word or one wrong word, if they were killed on the spot in ancient times, the other party might blame the blood on them.

"Why did you come to the Supreme Court?" The cultivator surnamed Chen smiled and shook hands with Qian Ren: "In your spare time, why don't you come to our Chen family to have a chat? Thirty-one years ago, the seven cultivators of mine broke into the secret realm of the Immortal Cave in Changbai Mountain. It is still vivid in my mind... Oh, by the way, Daoist Buyu is also in the Yulin Guard of Mingshui Province, right? Under Daoist Fellow?"

Qian Ren was slightly absent-minded, and then sighed: "Daoist Buyu, fell."

"What?" The cultivator surnamed Chen was stunned, with an unbelievable look on his face, and immediately asked: "How could it be? Daoist Buyu was approaching the late stage thirty years ago, and thirty years later..."

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