
Chapter 1063: Final Evidence (Part 2)

/p\u003e        In the light curtain, the scenery was a little confused and upside down. With the exclamations of several people, the two immediately recognized that this was Wang Quandao and others.

After a few seconds, the picture was finally almost stable, as if it was held by a trembling hand, carefully recording everything.

On the screen, the five demon kings were crawling on the ground, and countless demon beasts between the mountains were like stars worshiping the moon. In the entire basin, under the towering tree, a white shadow was being absorbed by all the demon beasts.

Their eyes were all on the light curtain. Xu Yangyi was next to them, covering his chest, panting and leaning against the Panlong Pillar. They didn't care about Xu Yangyi at the side at all.

"Thank you for refusing to disturb everyone." Seeing the two people's eyes suddenly hot, Xu Yangyi licked the blood from the corner of his mouth. The two backs were close at hand. He endured countless times before not killing them.

Now the two will not necessarily die. As Taixu disciples, they must have many life-saving treasures. Moreover, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

The timing is wrong, the place is wrong.

"I'll leave you two alive." He clenched his hands and then released them, released them and then clenched them again. Finally, he sneered in his spiritual consciousness: "Below the Nine Lands, we'll discuss heroes again."

In front of hundreds of millions of people, he called his name, and in front of the public, he forced his neck to bow his head. After entering the great road of cultivation for so long, there are dangers of being inferior to others, and there are dangers in the secret realm where one's life hangs by a thread, but... he has never been ridden on the head by a cultivator of the same realm like this!

"Su Xingyao is right. For cultivators, this is the most instinctive desire. You two wild dogs can only follow the will of the master behind you. Therefore, you must ask clearly, and you are willing to confront Yin Zun for this. And because this matter is too secretive and related to Taixu's decree, and because you were furious and shut down all communications with the outside world, I finally had the opportunity to make the final decision."

Yu Chang sighed in his mind. If the previous one was a pile-up, the last one...

Two Yuanying... Even the Taoist Saint, who thought he was in control of everything, had been played around by him.


At this moment, these two words surged in his heart, but he felt proud of it for a moment.

As the master of this session, he was able to turn the tide in such a deadly situation, and even bring the other party into his own thinking, and withstand the pressure of millions of cultivators and six Yin Zun to complete this absolutely exhausting psychological battle. He couldn't wait for Xu Yangyi to really enter space, travel through planes, and reign over other planes to see the truth.

"If they told everyone the news, wouldn't they have turned against Yin Zun?" Recalling all the processes, it expressed its last doubts while admiring.

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "They dare not."

"The Great Dao competes for the front, and the immortal road walks alone. Thirty people are enough to compete for a chance of immortality. Add five thousand people?"

"I am sure that only those who can touch the immortal road know what the flying immortal of Tianjian Patriarch represents. They will not let anyone know, and even put a gag order on these disciples."

It was at that time that he decided that this would be the last place to speed up and lie for the last time.

As Yu Chang said, it was because the other party resisted the pressure of Yin Zun and did not say why before, which made him finally sure that these two people did not dare to let other saints know what Tianjian Patriarch was related to. This should also be Taixu's instruction.

As for the other party's careful placement of restrictions in anger, it was not within his calculation, but gave him a perfect space to display.

He looked at the two of them like dead people: "Nine true and one false, the false is the real fatal point."

The murderous intention was well concealed. Si Daozi seemed to sense it and frowned at the other party, but he could only see that the other party lowered his head and kept coughing up blood.

"Waste." He snorted in his heart, you are really lucky...

You have suffered such a great loss, but you are still alive. That's because you are still useful. You should be grateful.

Then, he immediately turned his head and stared at the light curtain.

The picture on the light curtain was almost exactly the same as what Xu Yangyi experienced that day, but there was only one difference.

That is... the center is not a dragon, but the Tianjian Patriarch! And he is in a mausoleum!

"This is... the mausoleum of the Tianjian Patriarch!" The reincarnated saint gritted her teeth and resisted the excitement that rushed to her scalp. Fortunately... Fortunately, he did not let her down!

"He actually left a tomb..." Si Daozi's voice was slightly hoarse, and he took several deep breaths, then turned around suddenly and rushed to the huge sand table in one step.

However, the reincarnated saint was faster, and they could no longer suppress their excitement. It was worth it... everything was worth it! As long as they could convey this message back, they could still make peace with Yin Zun even if they offended him! They could even go one step further!

This was the general trend... their general trend!

The sand table had long been destroyed by Si Daozi's rage. The reincarnated saint grabbed the sand table that had been destroyed by the furious Si Daozi and reassembled it.

"We are here." Si Daozi's breathing was a little rapid, and he pointed to a place in a heavy voice and pulled it over in one step: "It is 931 miles away from Shuiyunjian."

"We can only ask for elite troops." The reincarnated saint said solemnly: "A large-scale breakthrough is unrealistic. There are at least five demon kings at the door. I don't know if the ancestor is there. Speed ​​is of the essence. Three days, select people in the first two days, prepare on the last day, and set off immediately after three days!"

The meaning of war was completely distorted here.

No one is talking about the possible beast tide anymore.   Everything they saw and speculated told them this fact. Once it was confirmed, it would be a great achievement. What happened next would not be something they could worry about. It was possible that the King of the Sea would come in person.

"The most important thing is the five demon kings. Without the five Yin Lords, we can't get there at all!" Si Daozi put a hand into his red hair and scratched his scalp lightly because of excessive excitement. His eyes were slightly red: "Should we notify Master immediately about this matter?"

"No, Taixu's time is so precious. If we disturb Master with a possibility that has not been proven, once it is false, we may not be able to enter..."

Si Daozi put down his hand, rolled up his wide sleeves, and put his hands behind his back, like a beast about to attack. The whole hall echoed his pacing back and forth. After a few seconds, he gritted his teeth and said: "Tonight... I will personally admit my mistakes. I hope they will let bygones be bygones."

He looked at Xu Yangyi with a cold look, just let you live for a while...

Speaking of this, he remembered that he had just offended Yin Lord.

"Now, start doing it immediately. We still have time to come back and command this war."

His eyes flashed with the flame of desire: "Fish and bear's paw... I want both!"

"You!" He looked at Xu Yangyi in the corner with a grim look: "Let's go together."

"I..." Xu Yangyi was about to say something, but the reincarnated saint interrupted him with a smile: "This is an order, you have no right to bargain."

"Of course, as long as you are telling the truth, I will give you a chance."

A chance that can die without pain.

Xu Yangyi took a long breath on the surface, and the killing intent was completely burning in his heart.

Come on...

I... also want to give you a chance...

A chance that can die with great pain...A chance that is enough to make you despair...

At the same time, with a swish, the image jade emitted a radiance and finally dissipated. Si Daozi frowned. This situation was not surprising. The situation was urgent at the time. Who knew where the other party got the image jade from? In the end, "it is said" that he was unconscious, and the monsters were waiting, so it was not surprising that it was damaged.

"Hua La La!" With a wave of his hand, the restrictions around were finally removed, and the main door of the hall opened.

"Get lost." He glanced at him with extreme disgust: "I'll give you three days to prepare everything for yourself. After three days, come to the City Lord's Mansion to find this True Lord. Do you understand?"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and flew out as if he was extremely unwilling.

The two looked at his back for a long time before the reincarnated saint said, "Is there anything else he is hiding?"

"I don't know." Si Daozi sneered, "That's why I brought a waste like him with me."

"Everything is under control. With absolute strength, no matter what little tricks he has, they can't be used."

"I said..." His eyes were full of ferocity: "Fish, I want, bear paws, I also want, and this boy's dog life, I want even more."

"If he can make this True Lord lose his teeth and swallow his blood in front of hundreds of millions of people, there is no need for him to live."

"The general situation is on my side, and the weak have no right to wail."

They didn't see at all that at the moment Xu Yangyi left, a completely transparent butterfly, almost made of spiritual consciousness, floated down from the top of the center of the hall. It was originally half a meter in size, and it became smaller and smaller as it approached Xu Yangyi, and finally turned into the size of a palm and sank into his body.

The moment he flew out of the hall, the unwilling look on Xu Yangyi's face had completely disappeared, and he licked the corner of his mouth playfully.

The image jade cannot be faked, this is an iron rule, he faked... the entire hall!

Everything is an illusion! That's why the Tianjian Patriarch and the mausoleum appeared, and the other party couldn't detect it at all.

"It's really exciting..." He turned into a stream of light and fell into the City Lord's Mansion.

As he fell, he had restored the first face, which was transformed for him by the stargazer. The second one was used when he left Tianjian Villa, and there was his original face, which had never been used. There was nothing he could do about it.

Now he used it to avoid being watched, and quickly returned to the magnificent inn. When Jiang Lao saw him coming back, he immediately wiped the cold sweat from his head.

"Are you okay?" He immediately walked up quickly, and the spiritual power circulated in the other party's body for a week. Xu Yangyi instinctively wanted to resist, but finally gave up.

This master was qualified to stand up for him at that time.

After a brief talk, Xu Yangyi told the other party everything. Jiang Lao looked at him deeply for a few times, and finally took out a vermilion jade bottle.

"Dansha." Hongchen sneered beside him: "Grandmaster-level Dansha is three-tenths poisonous. Even a grandmaster cannot guarantee that it is completely non-toxic every time. Sometimes, some incredible things will appear..."

The other party guessed his thoughts...

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly and retracted, but he did not stop.

The other party not only wanted his life, but also killed the chicken to scare the monkey. He did not give Jiang Lao a bit of face. How could the dignified Yin Zun, the grandmaster of the Dan League, swallow this breath!

As a disciple, it is a matter of return.

"What does it do?"

"Who knows?" Jiang Lao sneered, looking at the direction of the City Lord's Mansion with a cold look: "Maybe it can seal the spiritual power of a pseudo-saint for one minute..."

(End of this chapter)

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