
Chapter 1064: Getting Ready

At night, the wind was as fierce as a knife.

Even though we were thousands of miles apart, we could still smell the stench of the monsters from Shuiyunjian in the wind.

The lights in Anlin City were still bright. The most popular places such as brothels and casinos were now deserted. The equally popular major weapon refining workshops, alchemy halls, and talisman halls were crowded with people queuing all night long.

"Sorry, it's sold out." "Sorry, the Nine Heavens Thunder Talisman is sold out." "Sorry, the Bixia Shengxi Pill has been bought up by the Anlin Chen family. There is not a single pill left." "There are four more body-protecting magic weapons, all of which are Jindan-level. What? Yuanying stage? They are all gone. Don't want it? If you don't want it, just get out of the way. There are many people who want it."

"No more? Not at all?" "When will the supplies arrive? Aren't you known as the Dan Hall with the richest reserves?" "Refine! Refine quickly! Do you want us to defend the city with bare hands?!" "Hehe... Daoist friend Mo Tianzhen, I just came to see. Now the situation is about to be stormy. Who dares to sell strategic materials?" "Yes, I just want to see if I can have better luck. The big ones have been bought up by the big families in the city. We are lucky to buy what they have leaked through their fingers."

Among them, the most crowded are the three mercenary camps. Compared with the magnificence of the city lord's mansion, this place is more murderous. Huge monster skins hang down from both sides of the entrance, which is extremely majestic.

"Who are you?" Ranked second, at the Angsu mercenary headquarters, at this moment, in the general's room, a man nearly two meters tall, in the late Nascent Soul stage, was sitting motionless at the Eight Immortals Table, and a long sword was already attached to his neck.

The moonlight was like water, and the long sword reflected the chill of death.


The person behind him did not speak, but slowly pushed a storage ring in front of him.

"Look." The voice seemed a little hoarse, with a tone of command.

The tall man gritted his teeth. This person... was terribly strong. He had not yet unfolded his own domain and had fallen into an illusion. When he woke up, the sword was already on his neck.

The other party did not hide his cultivation. He was in the late Nascent Soul stage, slightly stronger than him, because the other party was only one step away from the Great Perfection. But...

He couldn't figure out how the gap between the same late Nascent Soul stage could be so big!

Angsu, Venus White Tiger, the master of killing, built such a huge mercenary group by himself, and his strength was definitely not comparable to that of ordinary cultivators, but he was taken down in one move.

Not daring to disobey, he looked at the storage ring.

"Two million spiritual jades?" He swallowed his saliva, what a big deal.

"I want you to help someone."


"Ben Lei, the day after tomorrow, he will enter a place with the four Daoists of the Nine True Nine Difficulties Sect. You take the most elite people with you."

The big man gritted his teeth: "This is a road of life and death."

"So I gave you the money to buy your life." The person behind him said calmly: "After the matter is done, double it."

"Ang Su has a total of three Yuanyings, and they are worth four million?" The big man shook his head: "Too cheap."

Behind him, Xu Yangyi was covered in the magic weapon of the Nine True Nine Difficulties Sect that blocked the spiritual consciousness, and his eyes moved slightly.

To become a leader, the cultivation may not be the strongest, but the mind and courage must be the best choice.

In the crisis of life and death, he dared to bargain with him, and he admired it very much.

"Eight million." Xu Yangyi finally spoke: "And, I can introduce you to a craftsman. From now on, the pills you buy from him will only be sold at cost price."

The big man's eyes flashed: "Deal."

"Very good." Yu Chang gently retracted: "The night after tomorrow, go find Ben Lei, don't have any other excuses."

A minute later, a black shadow floated down without anyone being able to find it. Xu Yangyi glanced at the tall attic and walked towards the shadow.

"Master, don't you trust me?" Wang Chen was already waiting here. When he saw him coming, he immediately said: "I also want to find my own way. I can't always be under your protection. This time, I will definitely go."

"It's not that I don't trust you." Xu Yangyi lifted his cloak and said in a deep voice: "It's that we don't have enough manpower."

"You don't know if you have experienced a secret realm. I will always remember the first secret realm I experienced on Earth. Many places and many restrictions require human lives to hit. Can I bear to let my apprentice die in vain?"

Wang Chen nodded deeply.

This was a secret journey for his "master". Usually, because of Xu Yangyi's reputation, no one on earth dared to do anything to him. He was protected too well, and he wanted to prove himself.

Back to the inn, everyone was making final preparations.

This rainstorm called killing came, and as pedestrians in the rainstorm, they were checking whether their swords were sharp enough.

Three days passed in a flash in this solemn atmosphere.

At night, just after half of midnight, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes quietly, turned into a stream of light and rushed out of the inn, heading straight for the city lord's mansion.

At the same time, ten rays of light quietly followed from the door of the inn. The group walked silently in the dark without a word.

Two of them were Wangchen and Mao Baer, ​​and the remaining eight were all cultivators of the Angsu mercenaries, two Yuanying, three Xuying, and three Jindan Dayuan.

In Anlin City, where Yuanying could not be seen, this was definitely an extremely elite force.

"Fellow Daoist Ben Lei." The big man who had met him once flew up quietly and whispered, "Be loyal to the trust of others. The first and second in command of our Angsu mercenary group are all out. These are our old brothers who started the business, the Six Tigers of Angsu. This time, I will do my best to keep you safe."

Very punctual.

Xu Yangyi nodded. If he hadn't seen these people, there was still more than an hour left, and he would have made the other party have a deep memory.

The spiritual refining holy flame that generates spiritual wisdom... the seven talismans, the desire of origin, I don't know what it has become below. More assistants are always good.

At the same time, the white jade talisman on his chest jumped slightly.

Su Xingyao also set off.

Without any extra nonsense, they soon arrived at the gate of the city lord's mansion.

A Yuanying was already waiting at the door, his eyes swept over the group of people like lightning, nodded slightly, looked at the big man, but said to Xu Yangyi: "Follow me."

More than a dozen streams of light rushed through the dizzying corridors inside like lightning, and the doors with vermilion copper nails slowly opened before they arrived. After flying parallel for three minutes, they had arrived in a huge square.

Sixteen figures, sitting cross-legged in the void, among which six magnificent figures, like giants in the night, exuded a heart-pounding pressure.

Six Yin Lords!

The six Yin Lords who had been seen in the sky above Anlin City abandoned the four Daozi and left that day, but now appeared here again.

"This..." Behind Xu Yangyi, except Mao Baer and Wang Chen, everyone else was stunned. The big man gritted his teeth and said, "Your friend... never told me there was a Yin Lord!"

"They won't enter." Xu Yangyi said lightly, "Besides, do you think you can get out after you come in?"

The big man felt a chill in his heart. He flew too fast just now and didn't have time to look down on it. Now he looked carefully... The square of thousands of meters, the layers of white marble steps, were actually surrounded by monks!

They were like javelins, without releasing any spiritual energy. The night wind was dancing wildly, blowing their hairbands fluttering, and even hitting their faces. But they kept the same action, like clay sculptures and stone sculptures.

The black and white two-color slanted collar robes, the hands on the long swords at the waist, the silent and sharp murderous aura, made the place solemn and murderous.

"The Imperial Guards of the Nine True and Nine Difficult Sects!" The second in command gasped, "I didn't see them that day! This... was they transferred in these few days? If it wasn't a major event, the Imperial Guards would never show up! Because their transfer must be approved by the King of the Sea!"

"What on earth happened here? Where are we going?"

"Shut up!" Xu Yangyi said through his teeth, stepped forward, and half-knelt to the twenty-two people in the air: "Junior Ben Lei, I am here by order."

There was no answer, Yin Zun disdained to answer, and the ten people behind him knelt down with him: "Junior greets the Venerable, greets Daozi."

One after another, eyes swept over them. At the same time, Xu Yangyi, Wangchen, and Mao Baer's eyes also cautiously and quietly peeked out. Just as he was about to spy, Wangchen's face turned pale, and with a slight suppressed groan, Mao Baer's hair stood up.

It was impossible to see the truth at all... The sixteen people opposite seemed like a deep and dark night, with six huge suns among them, and the other ten people together formed this terrifying nothingness.

The strength is bottomless!

"A frog in the well doesn't know how big the river is. How dare a mortal spy on the Supreme?" Si Daozi sneered and said lightly: "Get up."

The whole square was as quiet as death, with only the howling of the wind, and everyone sat in meditation on the spot. There was more than an hour left before the last moment of midnight, and everyone was making final preparations.

In the dead silence, time passed by minute by minute. Just after midnight, a white light rushed up from the edge of the entire square, like countless white butterflies flying in it, beautiful and magnificent.

These talismans formed a circle of terrifying shock waves, and madly disintegrated in all directions, but just fifty meters into the air, it seemed to encounter an invisible ban, and it disintegrated with a crash. It looks messy, but in fact it is densely distributed in the air in a regular manner and blends with each other. Ten minutes later, a sense of violent space distortion filled the entire square.

The flying talismans formed three rings of talismans that were constantly enlarging and shrinking, moving up and down, with a hundred-meter-long teleportation array in the center. Si Daozi finally stood up, suppressed his excitement, took a deep breath, and bowed sincerely to all directions: "Seniors, Taoist friends."

"I will remember your help today. If I ascend to the throne one day, I will definitely reward you generously."

"Let's go!!"

No need to waste words, the decision was made, he stepped into the teleportation array, and the magnificent space force immediately swallowed him.

At the same time, a cold gaze fell on Xu Yangyi, from the reincarnated saint. He knew very well that this was to prevent him from playing tricks. Yan Wangsun went in first, he followed in, and then the main force.

Once he had any tricks, Yan Wangsun was in front and the reincarnated saint was behind, and they would definitely kill him on the spot.

Yan Wangsun?

Xu Yangyi's face was calm, and he led his people into the teleportation array.

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