
Chapter 1065: Six Holy Wars and Five Kings

/p\u003e Everything in front of him was blurred, and all the scenery was intertwined into one. When he reappeared a few seconds later, he had already arrived at the mountain passage where the teleportation circle had been arranged by Bai Hu.

Yan Wangsun was not far in front of him, standing with his hands behind his back, carefully observing the bottom. A magic weapon in the form of three eyeballs emitted golden light surrounding his side. The moment he came out of the teleportation circle, a spiritual consciousness that the other party thought he couldn't feel quietly emanated from the three-eye magic weapon, coiling around him like tarsal maggots.

He didn't care about this, but frowned slightly.

What a strong evil spirit!

I don’t know how many monsters it took to form this, as if I was in a quagmire. What came from the ears was the endless roar of monsters, especially the five monsters that were so obvious, like the sun among the stars.

Five demon kings!

"I'm very confused." At this moment, Yan Wangsun turned his back to him and said calmly: "If you are not telling lies, you ended up unconscious last time. According to your account, no demon king should have noticed you..."

He turned his head and stared at Xu Yangyi with his golden and silver eyes: "But why do you seem to be guarding against something now?"

"Could it be didn't faint, but caused a scene?"

"This junior doesn't know either." Xu Yangyi lowered his head and lowered his hands: "I'm afraid the ancestors are approaching and the vanguard has arrived."

"Really?" Yan Wangsun couldn't see the reason in him. Even he didn't believe that a mere golden elixir could cause trouble in the place where the five demon kings were. After a moment, he turned his head: "You'd better pray... I said it myself. It's all true. This matter has been heard by Heaven. Even the one in Jiehai Palace is waiting for Ben Zhenjun's return. Not to mention you, the King of Jiehai will be angry at Tianjian Villa. I regret accepting you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a space was distorted, and nine figures had appeared in the passage.

Only then did Xu Yangyi look at them carefully.

Excluding the reincarnated saint, there are six men and two women. Everyone's spiritual power is unfathomable. There are at least three Nascent Soul Dzogchen masters, all with different emblems on their chests.

The Daozi of the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect called on all the elite young monks from the entire northern part of Kunlun to gather here.

"What a strong evil spirit." A silver-haired man frowned slightly: "How could it be like this?"

"Then we have to ask our Master Ben Lei." Yan Wangsun sneered and said, "If someone is not of my race, they must have different intentions. If someone else has any disputes with our ancestors, why don't they invite you to the urn?"

"It's not the ant's turn to invite you to the urn." A woman in emerald green clothes said quietly: "What are you doing with this burden? It's a hindrance or just a decoration. Let's agree first. I'm not responsible for taking care of it. clutter.”

Wangchen raised his eyebrows and was about to speak. Xu Yangyi shook his head gently and the group fell silent.

Yan Wangsun smiled and said: "How dare you trouble Fairy Feng? Traveling to the secret realm is determined by life and death, and wealth is in the sky. It depends on his own fortune. Maybe... others can make a lot of money?"

Several sneers rang out, and the second-in-command frowned deeply, and his spiritual consciousness said: "The situation seems to be very bad."

After a few seconds of silence, the master sighed: "I don't know, but eight million spiritual jade... and a master craftsman's cost-price elixir is worth a gamble."

At this moment, the demonic energy from all directions suddenly paused, and the roaring sounds fell silent for an instant. Everyone's eyes suddenly became sharp, and everyone could feel that on the horizon, six magnificent spiritual energies were coming like a tsunami, heading straight towards the basin.

"Kakaka!" The too strong spiritual energy caused the entire mountain to tremble, and the situation between heaven and earth changed. The five demon kings in the center of the basin finally opened their eyes and looked around solemnly.

"The Demon King of White Water, the Demon King of Black Ze, the Demon King of Qingshan, the Demon King of Lanruo, and the Demon King of Kongming. These five demon kings are entrenched in Tengleize. They have never been in conflict with me in Anlin City. Today, you dare to attack Your Majesty Jiehai King. If you stir up trouble right under your nose, you deserve to die, and your thousands of years of cultivation will be wiped out."

Before the figure arrived, a voice resounded through the sky like thunder. It was a female voice, and it was the Master of Blood Difficulty Peak.

At the same time as the last word fell, everyone in the passage bent down, half-crouching in the passage like a cheetah. There was only one chance... If they had not entered when the sage took action, I am afraid there would be no chance next time.

Xu Yangyi's muscles all over his body were tense, his spiritual energy was flowing, and there was silence as he was filled with murderous intent.

Everything was waiting for this moment...and now...this moment has finally arrived!

Those who repay their debts must repay their debts... and they will definitely get what belongs to them!

In the sky, the wind surged, and layers of white clouds flew away. The next second, six spiritual treasures crashed down with a shocking roar!

"Death!!" The Plant Demon King, Lanruo Demon King, made a hoarse voice, and suddenly a vine hit the ground. Suddenly, a flower slowly bloomed in his body. The flower was like a gemstone, crystal clear, with stamens. It seems to contain a galaxy, spinning brightly.

Boom boom boom! Five magic weapons came forward at the same time. Unlike humans, the demon clan is not skilled in special skills. They only have one kind of magic weapon, which is the natal magic weapon, and it is made from a certain part of themselves. In an instant, the mountains in the basin shook, and countless layers of brilliance burst out all over the ground. The strong wind swept away sand and rocks, and even the entrance of the cave could not avoid being affected.

Layers of green leaves and rocks were swept up by this violent tornado, and fell into the cave like raindrops. Yan Wangsun stared at the basin, his protective aura shield opened, and his chest rose and fell sharply. The people in the cave are like stone sculptures, and time seems to have frozen.

The Six Yin Lords took action just to exchange for an opportunity, and he must not miss it.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes later, the clouds opened and the moon shone brightly, and the initial collision of the magic weapons disappeared. The spiritual energy from all directions roared and screamed, as if the space could not bear it. In the sky, the figures of the six Yin Lords had fully appeared. .

"Kill." Peak Master Xuanzhen snorted coldly, clasped his hands together and pulled, and the white light behind him spread for hundreds of miles. Countless words appeared twisted in the void, and in a moment, they turned into infinite aura swords, spanning the sky.

"Sword Dance in the Sky." He turned his hand and pressed, and the swords rained down from the sky like meteors falling to the ground, pulling out endless silver threads between heaven and earth.

A Yin Zun with black hair and a shawl opened his mouth and spat out, and layers of black smoke filled the surrounding area for hundreds of miles. After the black smoke, countless Yin soldiers appeared, turning into a long river of undead.

Another person stepped out, thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow drifted. From where he landed, the ground began to freeze layer by layer, and countless huge ice blades rushed out from the ground.

Tens of thousands of meters of supernatural power filled the world at every turn, and monster energy was surging below. In just ten seconds, endless layers of monsters circled upwards, covering the sky and the sun, and even the sunlight could not enter. Ten thousand demon tornadoes gathered around the six Yin Lords, and the evil aura of the five demon kings was overwhelming, and they faced the magical power pressing down above their heads with all their strength.

It's now!

"Let's go!" Yan Wangsun shouted softly, and he rushed out instantly like lightning. A long knife as tall as a person suddenly appeared in his hand with a roar of death. As he swung it, there were thousands of black lights and red hair flying, just like in the underworld. A little flame.

Just behind him, the reincarnated saint looked like a shooting star chasing the moon. When she rushed out, she was surrounded by eight golden lotuses and surrounded by auspicious clouds, as if a fairy had descended into the world.

Xu Yangyi almost rushed out before Yan Wangsun could say anything. His ability to seize opportunities was just as good as these people's, but he held it tight. In a second, there was a constant rustling sound around him, red, red, black, blue, purple... Ten rays of light were already pointing at the ancient tree.

Three points and one line.

The outermost point is the six Yin Lords, and the center point is the five demon kings. Finally, ten rays of Nascent Soul Great Perfection spiritual energy suddenly burst out from the mountain wall, killing the endless tide of beasts ahead.

Wait for the best opportunity... You must not show your strength to make the other party wary, and at the same time, you must enter the cave safely, and... Su Xingyao should be nearby. If he shows any abnormality now, his previous efforts to endure humiliation will be in vain. When he returns to Tianjian Villa after a long time, everyone will blame him.

Ni Duan couldn't let anyone, including Yin Zun and Demon King, see any trace of his strength.

Ten seconds, twenty seconds, the people around him were already eager to try. The ten rainbows in front were all heroes from the North. They were caught off guard and magical powers were swayed. The ten magic weapons set fire to the sky, forcibly breaking a bloody path, but the beasts behind were about to be alarmed. Tide surrounds. An upright golden elixir monk gritted his teeth and said: "Noble man, let's go! It's really too late if you don't go! We alone can't fight such a bloody road."

"Wait!" Xu Yangyi's nerves were stretched to the extreme, his eyes were like an eagle, and the strong wind blew everyone's clothes flying. After another ten seconds, the beast wave behind finally recovered. At this moment, his figure shot out with lightning: "Let's go!!!"

Swish, brush, brush! The mercury was pouring down the ground, and the beasts that were about to surround them didn't even think that there would be backup behind them. White rainbows penetrated the sun, leading the way, and there was no one around the monsters that could unite.

The leader's eyes tightened. He didn't have much impression of Xu Yangyi. He didn't expect that the other party would be so brave when he exploded. It was beyond his expectation.

"It seems that it is a little more useful than I thought. This opportunity... the other party just rushed over, the monsters have been scattered, and the ones that gathered again were already the snake shadows. It was a perfect opportunity. But actually killed with the strength of the golden elixir If you are brave, you are brave, but if you can't hold on for only twenty seconds, it is really brave and reckless. No wonder that person wants me to watch him, a man's bravery will not last long in the spiritual world."

With his mind spinning, the monsters around him were actually killed and turned into a blank. He raised his chin towards the second master: "Go, look at him from the front, he is just a golden elixir, we can't let him do anything wrong."

With lightning speed, a group of people followed the might of the ten Nascent Soul heroes in front and charged into the beast tide. The beast tide that was about to merge was once again split apart. Yan Wangsun, who was at the front, casually glanced at him and said, "It seems that Ang Su's reputation is not in vain. This ability to seize opportunities...if that Ben Lei came, he would have been dead."

He naturally thought it was the master's handiwork.

What? Golden elixir? Sorry, he doesn't care at all.

(End of chapter)

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