
Chapter 1066: Killing Intent (I)

Outside, it has become a sea of ​​monsters. The five monster kings below have amazing magical powers. The White Water Monster King in the river roars, and the ground is rippled three thousand feet. Below, a group of monster fish with red eyes actually lifted its huge body from the river. On the other side, the giant snake Black Lake Monster King's eyes are shining. From where it is, endless black fog gushes out, and all the grass and trees are dead.

The other three monster kings are also full of demonic energy. In just a blink of an eye, the mountains in the basin began to crack and the landforms changed. But everyone controlled their magical powers, and no one dared to affect the central ancient tree.

This is their chance.

Moreover, although the monster kings become Yang Saints after becoming a saint, they are different from the Yang Saints of the human race. They dare not use their powerful bodies at will now. Their magic weapons are far inferior to those of other side doors. As one grows stronger, the other loses. At this moment, they are dragged by the six Yin Lords and cannot get away!

"Human... If we were in the mountains and swamps, I could kill you three by myself!" The White Elephant Green Mountain Demon King roared in anger, spitting out a white light from his mouth, and rushed straight to the Master of Xuenan Peak. Wherever the white light passed, the sky collapsed.

"How shameless." The Master of Xuenan Peak reappeared, sneered, and waved his hand back, and a thunder several tens of meters thick fell from the sky. It was like a punishment from heaven.

"Demon Suppression Divine Punishment!" She shouted softly, and her hands quickly made hand gestures. In a few seconds, a continuous thunder net instantly covered the entire basin.

Each thunder carried a trace of bloody red. Wherever the thunder passed, the surrounding Jindan stage demon cultivators turned into ashes in an instant, and the Yuanying stage demon cultivators screamed and fell from the clouds. In an instant, the demon beast frenzy that covered the clouds and the sun was torn open. Such a heavy blow made the five demon kings look at their descendants with red eyes.

"This king...will kill you!!" All the vines of Lanruo Demon King waved up, but at this moment, it suddenly felt something was wrong.

There are others...

Among all the demon kings, its perception range is the largest. The root system is all within its perception range. This perception is different from spiritual consciousness and is almost equivalent to its neural network. At this moment, it suddenly felt that there is more than just their spiritual power behind it.

There are others!

Someone wants to take advantage of the situation?

Or... the six Yin Lords in front of him are just a cover? When everyone's attention is focused here, they are actually repairing the plank road in the open and crossing Chencang in secret?

Boom... The huge figure turned around inadvertently, and the next second, a scene that made it unbelievable jumped into its eyes.

Twenty long rainbows, cutting through thorns and brambles, are less than a hundred meters away from the ancient tree!

It turned out to be just twelve Yuanying and eight Jindan?

This was its first reaction, and then a burst of rage rushed into its heart.

In front of the saint, there are actually just Jindan who dare to fish in troubled waters!

"Die!" It was so angry that it ignored the fierce attack of Yin Zun in front of it. Relying on its powerful demon body, it hastily swung countless whips. Like a ground dragon turning over, it broke out from under the earth, and on each whip, countless closely connected barbs were connected, making people afraid.

"Everyone, charge!" Yan Wangsun's eyes turned red, and he shouted loudly. A small seal suddenly appeared, emitting thousands of rays of light. An indescribable breath suddenly filled the world.

It was very light, only a trace, but it was this trace that made Lanruo Demon King scream and retract all his tentacles like crazy.

"The power of Taixu..." It took a breath of cold air with lingering fear, and at the same time, ten rays of light rushed into the cave under the tree at the same time, followed by a meteor entering the ground, followed by eleven more rays of light rushing in!

The reincarnated saint was at the end of the first team. Just as she entered, her pupils suddenly tightened. A very obscure and strange breath that made her heart tremble was around.

There was no feeling, no reason, and she hadn't noticed it at all before. Suddenly, as if the space was transformed, there was a person beside her strangely under her eyelids.

A woman.

Although she was good-looking, she had to admit that this woman had a unique temperament. The feeling of being high and cold was not pretended, but was innate and could not be imitated.

"Be careful!!" The exclamation of Yan Wangsun and others came suddenly from the front. She suddenly came back to her senses. There was no fluctuation in the space. The light shield around her body exploded! The endless sword of starlight had no sign at all, and was blocked outside her body by an extremely precious protective magic weapon.

"Kill!!!" At the critical moment of life and death, her nerves were all tense. With a cry, a rotating void appeared behind her, with bright stars inside, and the spiritual energy was like a rushing river, and a life-saving magic had already erupted.

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly behind.

Su Xingyao took action. He didn't expect that the other party would enter at the best time so quickly, and immediately tried to kill the reincarnated saint. However, the other party was a disciple of Taixu after all, and her protective magic weapon was extremely strange, but she actually took this move.

Moreover, the other party's spiritual energy was extremely strange. What appeared behind her should be a fairy body, indicating that she was a physical cultivator, but the boiling spiritual energy in her body was a sign of a magic cultivator. Physical and magic dual cultivation?

There are many and diverse things that cannot reach the extreme. The other party cannot be unaware, so he still chose this path... It means that his physique is different.

"As expected..." He retracted his gaze and sneered: "No one who dares to come here is a mediocre person. I know how difficult it is to defend against Su Xingyao's attacks, but this saint can actually block them."

"It's good this way... Otherwise... it would be too boring to kill them then..."

Just as the thought fell, they also came to the front of the cave entrance. The reincarnated saint was still in shock. Su Xingyao's figure had disappeared again. A hand immediately pulled her aside, and then Xu Yangyi and the other eleven people rushed in immediately.

"Boom!" Just behind them, a huge vine hit the cave entrance. Everyone had no time to say a word and rushed inside at full speed, but at this moment, a strange scene appeared.

A thin layer of light curtain suddenly appeared at the cave entrance, so fragile that it seemed to break at the touch, but when the vine hit it, it was instantly frozen. It seemed that the Lanruo Demon King shouted angrily outside, and then the vine turned into countless ice cubes and shattered.

"This is..." All eyes were focused on it, and they were extremely solemn.

Yan Wangsun walked up quietly, looked for a few seconds, and said in a deep voice: "Fairy Feng."

The woman in emerald green clothes had already walked up cautiously. With a wave of her hand, a ruler, a pen, a square of ink, and three exquisite magic weapons had already jumped into the air. She waved her hands, and all the magic weapons worked quickly. The entire cave entrance was silent as death in an instant.

No words, ten seconds, twenty seconds... one minute... five minutes. Yan Wangsun's eyes were already somewhat shocked. Fairy Feng came from the Fushen Sect, a Class A sect in the north. She had three half-steps to the void, and her attainments in talismans were even more profound. Not to mention Xu Kunlun, there were not many people in the seven realms who could compare with them.

And as a true disciple, Fairy Feng was actually stumped by such a thin restriction?

"I can't solve it." Half an hour later, Fairy Feng turned around, her face was already livid, and she pursed her lips tightly: "I can't solve it, it's beyond my ability."

"What do you mean?" A handsome young man with white hair asked.

"That is to say... this is at least a half-step Taixu realm ban! Even... even..." She gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice: "It is very likely to be a Taixu ban!"

"What?" "How is this possible!" "This thin layer of ban is a Taixu ban!? Wouldn't it be a death sentence for our Yuanying to enter here!" "Four Daozi, you have never told me these situations!"

All the other Yuanyings were stunned and spoke. The first and second bosses looked at each other. They may have the most experience in entering the secret realm. Everyone saw great worry in each other's eyes.

The five demon kings surrounded them, and no one dared to go in. Just now, Lanruo Demon King's whip was shattered in an instant. This place is definitely not a good place!

At the same time, the reincarnated saint and Si Daozi, who were still in shock, also exchanged glances. However, what they saw was not shock, but ecstasy!

That's right...

It's strange that there is no Taixu restriction in the tomb of a flying immortal!

But... this is not scary. The Tianjian Patriarch is a figure from 30,000 years ago. How powerful can the things inside be?

"Be quiet." Si Daozi's mind turned quickly, and after saying a word, everyone else was silent. After all, the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect is the well-deserved king of the entire Xu Kunlun.

Yan Wangsun walked step by step to Xu Yangyi, and Xu Yangyi raised his eyes and looked at him. The other party suddenly smiled.

Then, a huge force burst out in his chest, almost the peak of the resistance of the early stage of the golden elixir. If there was a little more, he would probably be killed with the appearance of "early stage of the golden elixir".

"Boom!" In order to cooperate, he spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards for several meters, hitting the wall, and almost fainted.

The big boss, the second in command, and the people of Angsu gasped, and just as they were about to move, the nine Yuanying spiritual energies were all nailed to them.

"It's none of your business, just be calm." Yan Wangsun glanced at them coldly: "I promise to leave a breath for you, don't push it any further."

"If you still want to stay in Xu Kunlun."

"You..." The second in command gritted his teeth, but before he could say anything, the big boss stepped on him hard and shook his head heavily.

One step, one step after another, without the pressure of the monsters from the outside, there was only dead silence in the cave. Yan Wangsun walked leisurely in front of Xu Yangyi and said lightly: "Get out."

Before he finished speaking, two strong winds rushed straight to his back. He didn't even look at them, and waved his hand back. Suddenly, Wangchen and Mao Baer were beaten more than ten meters away, spitting blood, and even the wall collapsed.

Yan Wangsun quietly squatted down, pinched Xu Yangyi's throat with one hand, squinted his eyes and said: "Who was it just now?"

"You'd better give me an explanation."

Not at this time...

Xu Yangyi's eyes seemed to be scattered, but in fact, this blow was nothing. His eyes had already taken in everything around him.

The cave entrance was only a few meters, but after entering, it was a large passage about 30 meters wide and 20 meters high, and it was so deep that it extended to who knows where.

Wait a little longer... He soothed the roaring killing god in his heart, and waited a while... I'll let you kill happily...

"Come on, ant, tell me, why are there different people here?"

"I can guarantee that I can trust everyone else. Only we know this news. Why would anyone dare to come? And the strength is so terrible? I have never heard of it?"

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