
Chapter 1067: Killing Intent (Part 2)

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "I don't know. It could be someone from the old ancestor."

Yan Wangsun looked at him deeply and didn't speak for a long time. After thirty seconds, he threw a jade bottle in front of him: "Eat it and go ahead."

Xu Yangyi did as he was told, without showing any unnaturalness.

Only he and Su Xingyao knew that somewhere here, the Desire Talisman had been fully opened. With the help of these people, they could call on the six Yin Lords for help and get here. But now, once he knew that the ban would not be broken, it was time to start the killing spree.

"Boy, you are really patient." Yu Chang sneered in his spiritual consciousness: "Be cruel to the enemy, and even crueler to yourself. Who can get out alive this time?"

Xu Yangyi replied calmly: "The enemy here was not the descendant of the Yan King from the beginning, but the spiritual Refining Holy Flame, and even the other party has begun to contact the Desire Talisman. However... Senior, don't underestimate this group of people. They are the elites among the elites of the North. Maybe they will be the seed players for the Great Struggle World in a few hundred years. Gather together, even for me, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with them."

"If I can't kill them for sure, if one of them goes out, I am afraid there will be no place for me in the entire Seven Realms."

It's not time yet... It's not known whether the ban outside will collapse. It's too hasty to tear the face here and Yin Zun outside hasn't left.

Yuchang nodded slightly: "Wait, this place is not so simple, I can vaguely feel that there is a terrifying force suppressing here, I don't know if it is the Holy Flame of Refining Spirits or the Talisman of Desire, or... both?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak again. After regulating his breath, the injury just now has healed, but strangely, his blood has not stopped. From time to time, it surges up to his throat and overflows from the corners of his mouth.

The other party not only wants to let this Jindan take the lead, but also wants him to be a bait! Once something dangerous appears, this trace of blood will be fatal to him who is walking in the front!

How vicious.

"Let's go." Yan Wangsun waved his long sleeves and turned to ask the reincarnated saint: "How is it?"

The reincarnated saint pursed her lips, her silver teeth were almost broken, and she looked at Xu Yangyi like a dead man: "Not very good, the life-saving talisman that Master gave me that can only defend against a fatal attack is gone... If the life-saving talisman had not been activated for the monster-like woman just now, I would have been seriously injured on the spot."

Yan Wangsun looked at the figure of Xu Yangyi walking in front, and suddenly whispered: "Do you think that woman's attack is very strange and there is no way to defend it?"

"Of course." The reincarnated saint and he walked at the end inconspicuously, and whispered: "I suspect... it is the owner of the two great divine rules. If this is true, she is the master here."

"Do you have an impression of which forces the owners of the two great divine rules of this generation belong to?" Yan Wangsun thought thoughtfully.

The reincarnated saint shook her head: "I just heard that Guanghan Palace has a time god. But it's definitely not her!"

Yan Wangsun pondered: "What that kid said may really be a guess."

The reincarnated saint's eyes suddenly brightened, and the murderous intent she had towards Xu Yangyi just now disappeared in an instant. It's not that she let it go, but it's not worth mentioning at all. She said in astonishment: "Ancestor? Is she a demon cultivator? A transformed demon cultivator?"

The two looked at each other in silence. They are both smart people. Smart people tend to think too much. At this moment, they suddenly thought of a question.

This place... obviously prohibits the entry of the saint, so... the demon cultivators have been stationed here for several months. Could it be that no demon cultivator Yuanying has entered?

"Let's see first." Yan Wangsun sneered: "No matter who he is, anyone who blocks the master's order will die."

"It's hard to mess with the old ancestor's people, am I the fourth Daozi who is easy to deal with?"

In the passage, light footsteps sounded. After an hour, the two sides were still yellow. Wangchen and Mao Baer walked on his left and right, the big boss walked in front of him, the second boss and other people from Angsu guarded him in the middle, and he had no danger all the way.

But some things are changing quietly.

"The spiritual consciousness is suppressed." Xu Yangyi said in his spiritual consciousness: "The Yuanying behind, including the people from Angsu, all felt it, but no one said anything. This kind of suppression is very rare, and it becomes stronger and stronger as the journey progresses. In such a place where you can't see your hand in front of your face, the spiritual consciousness is everyone's eyes. It is estimated that after another hour, the spiritual consciousness will completely disappear."

"Are you ready to do it?" Yuchang smiled.

Xu Yangyi chuckled, but didn't speak.

"There is one more change, I suspect I am the only one who can feel it." He did not continue the topic, and continued: "Do you feel that the temperature is dropping?"

"Is there?" Yuchang was stunned, he really didn't feel it.

The cultivators are already immune to cold and heat, and the spiritual power is running, spring and summer are normal. Now everyone has put up a spiritual shield, how can they feel the temperature drop?

"Yes!" Xu Yangyi answered decisively: "I am now 'seriously injured in the early stage of the golden elixir', where do I get the ability to hold up the spiritual shield? I have to act well, so I didn't run my spiritual power at all, and so, I can feel that the current temperature on Earth is probably only three or four degrees. And when I entered the cave, it was at least twenty degrees."

Yuchang narrowed his eyes: "Refine the Holy Flame, refine fire into ice, here... it is not far away?"

In the dark, Xu Yangyi licked his lips bloodthirstily.

It's finally here...

The critical point of his killing intent... This black tide that suppresses spiritual consciousness always has a limit. When it reaches that limit, everyone will become blind, and Yan Wangsun will definitely let him continue to move forward and use his magical powers to illuminate. And he can see too many things that the other party cannot see in front of him. This is an information gap.

Almost there... Even in his breath, he felt the clamor of blood.

After walking for about an incense stick of time, there was finally a change here.

The passage began to expand, and some stalactites began to appear in it. The air seemed to be mixed with a very slight damp breath, blowing from the deep cave.

"The water quality here is quite rich, there should be an underground lake." The second in command who walked behind Xu Yangyi whispered: "Otherwise, stalactites would not appear."

In order to protect him, Ang Su sent out people with their own strengths, but now the situation is overwhelming and they can't show it.

Silence, going deeper and deeper, this passage seems to have no end, and everyone's spiritual consciousness is getting weaker and weaker. Finally, when they walked to a place, all the spiritual consciousness disappeared, and it was pitch black in all directions.

Xu Yangyi's eyes turned completely cold.

In the darkness, he turned around with a smile and licked his lips bloodthirstily. Almost at the same time, the white jade talisman he carried moved.

The message sent by Su Xingyao.

It means that the other party has been following them, and is also looking for an opportunity to get rid of these useless "tickets."

"Heh..." Yan Wangsun sighed calmly: "Golden elixir is golden elixir, don't you feel that your spiritual consciousness is suppressed?"

"Use magical powers to open the way, continue."

"Okay." In the darkness that he couldn't see, Xu Yangyi's mouth curled up, and Mao Baer suddenly whispered: "What are you going to do?"

He was stunned, and then he remembered that dogs have night vision eyes, and he saw his murderous expression clearly.

Very good...

His lips moved, and there was only one word "up."

The next second, an extremely dazzling light shone through the passage.

It was far from lighting, but it was like a sun, bursting out suddenly.

What is the first reaction when you suddenly see an extremely dazzling light in the dark?

Please close your eyes when it is dark.

"Are you crazy!!" "Idiot! Who allowed you to use your magical powers indiscriminately?!" "Ant, a waste who can't even light up!"

Suddenly, a curse came from the darkness, but then no one could curse loudly.

The air changed... the flow of spiritual energy was not smooth. At the same time, a figure suddenly appeared in the team, pointing at the throat of the second strongest reincarnated saint like a ghost. And just in front of them, a violent murderous aura rose to the sky, like a ferocious dragon finally took off its disguised sheepskin, and the murderous intent filled the world.

The two killing gods, with a telepathic connection, attacked at the same time!

Su Xingyao, the owner of the Space God, and Xu Yangyi, the incarnation of wolf poison and the holder of the Devouring Talisman.

Swish! The pupils of Yan Wangsun's eyes suddenly shrank. At this moment, he immediately felt that the other party's murderous intent was only directed at him!

It was so obvious, so clear, even so clear that his scalp was numb and his hair stood on end!

He had never felt such a fierce murderous aura! This person... the number of people he had killed, Taichu, was probably several times more than himself!

"Boundless!!" Faced with life and death, he made a spell with his hands at almost the fastest speed. Although his spiritual consciousness was sealed, everyone could feel the fluctuation of spiritual power clearly. In just a blink of an eye, that figure broke through several people and turned into elbows and armpits. In the midst of several exclamations, no one could match him!

A dazzling golden talisman quickly gathered in front of him, combining into a line of talismans, crisscrossing and turning into a continuous giant talisman net. It was extremely sharp. As long as he touched it, he was confident that he could cut the opponent into pieces, both offensive and defensive.

Boom! ! !

Almost at the moment of just forming, an extremely powerful spiritual power suddenly rushed from the boundless magic power, and his heart, which had just settled, suddenly beat wildly. This power was beyond imagination! It did not break into pieces because of the obstruction of the magical power, but instead was like a tidal wave, one wave after another!

Layer upon layer, endless!

One magical power is not enough... I can't stop it!

"World God Order!!" He roared suddenly, and his spiritual power finally broke out without reservation. He didn't even know what magical power hit him. His red hair fluttered like fire, his clothes flew up, and he put his hands together and opened them. A magic cube made of talismans swirled quickly in his palms. All of them broke out, and in an instant, the giant talisman net bounced fiercely, bursting out infinite golden light, and lotus flowers intertwined layer by layer, finally holding up that magical power.

Swish, his legs pulled out long gullies on the ground, and his heart was still beating wildly.

The change was sudden, and the dagger was revealed. If his magical power was a step slower just now, I'm afraid he would have vomited blood and been seriously injured.

Who is it?

Who is it!

Such a powerful force, hiding in his own team, dared to kill him, and a punch could actually make him use his second magical power. Which first disciple of Jiashang Sect... No! The first disciple of Jiashang Sect can't do it! It must be a disciple trained by Taixu who can do it! How dare he be so bold!

He suddenly looked up and looked forward. At this moment, the two magical powers were shining all over the ground, illuminating most of the darkness.

But the next second, he was stunned.


Just outside the layers of spiritual nets, a fist was retracting, and the owner of the fist was hiding in the darkness behind, and it was not clear at all.

“This is…” A palpitation surged into his heart, his eyes widened, he flew back a hundred meters, and cried out in shock: “Physical cultivation!!”

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