
Chapter 1069: Killing Intent (IV)

He heard it, and everyone heard it. Fairy Feng turned her head in astonishment, her neck even mechanically looking into the darkness. The three-eyed man was squatting on a huge stone, and now he was shocked, and he walked down as if he had aged. The masked man raised his head slightly, and his expression could not be seen clearly, but the divine light in his eyes could be seen.

Everyone's eyes were filled with disbelief, and several Yuanying shook their heads, took a few steps back with a breath of cold air, and looked at the figure walking step by step in the darkness behind the talisman net in disbelief.

"But... such a good opportunity to take action, I really couldn't help it."

"I'm so sorry."

The familiar black robe, the familiar look, but the slight change in expression, seemed to have changed him.

His face was like snow, but with a smile colder than ice and snow, without a trace of obedience, without a trace of vulgarity, but exuding boundless killing intent, like an ancient sword unsheathed, looking at them playfully.

His right hand was already white, with blood-colored traces winding around it, like blood-colored veins on white skin, extremely conspicuous.


It was really him!

"How is this possible?!" Fairy Feng was the first to exclaim: "You are the Nascent Soul!? You are actually the Nascent Soul!?"

Just now, in a flash, the darkness was transformed into an elbow, and the extremely strong light that suddenly lit up made everyone close their eyes, but who was not an elite? They all felt that a spiritual energy almost rose up at the same time, climbing to the peak of the Nascent Soul! Then they rushed towards Yan Wangsun at full speed.

That speed... that spiritual power, a few people who had instinctive defense were fully aware of it-after all, this place is so small, Yan Wangsun is at the end of them, if they want to meet Yan Wangsun, they will naturally rush past them.

No one can match him!

Everyone was rushed away by the Tyrannosaurus-like spiritual power! In a hurry, they didn't have time to make a hand gesture, and Fairy Feng was one of them.

Fast, accurate, and ruthless!

If it weren't for the fact that Yan Wangsun was also a disciple trained by Taixu, he would have died just now.

Unbelievable, unbelievable, everyone's heart was speeding up like a beating in their ears. No one expected that the biggest variable was actually this most inconspicuous person!

"This is impossible..." The Yuanying cultivator with white hair and shawl shook his head, saying this sentence like a demon: "In front of the six Yinzun, you... can't be recognized?"

"Not only that..." Another dark and thin young man also gritted his teeth, a crack in his brow, a green demon eye was staring at Xu Yangyi: "Even after being swept by my Zhaotian Mirror, I can't see it! What... what kind of trick is this?"

"The spiritual power didn't fluctuate at all..." "You... you are a Yuanying? You can actually endure it so much! From Anlin City to now?" "You want to come here? So you use us as tickets? The five demon kings blocked the door, and you can't enter without the help of Yinzun! So... we are actually your springboard?"

Yan Wangsun was stunned.

Completely stunned.

He stared at the scene in front of him dully, his lips were extremely dry, and he opened his mouth several times. No matter how careful he was, he was so stimulated that he couldn't speak at all.

The powerful enemy that he felt he could not defeat... He thought he was a disciple of Taixu... It turned out to be the Jindan in Anlincheng who he could kill with just one finger...

That little disciple of Tianjian Villa?

That passerby who let himself be controlled along the way?

Now it turned out to be the Yuanying who could force out his special magical power with one punch? !

Behind the crowd, the ten people of Angsu turned their heads like machines. Everything changed too fast. The Jindan who needed their protection almost killed the four Daozi of Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect just now! Even a blind man could see how nervous Yan Wangsun was just now. He had to use his special magical power to block a punch. I'm afraid no one present could do it!

"It's him... It's him!!" The big boss suddenly remembered something and exclaimed in a low voice.

He remembered the irresistible feeling that night.

Right behind him, but he didn't dare to turn his head at all.

So that's it... So that's it!

So the other party is such a character. Yan Wangsun was forced back a hundred meters by a punch. Five of them might not be his opponent!

Everyone was fooled by him... He understood, he understood completely. This person did come here with Jiuzhen Jiunanmen. To be a mercenary, you must be well-informed. This news can't be false. And it's true that only he came back. It's true.

And the other party obviously found something here, but faced a difficult problem, that is, the five demon kings blocked the door, and the only person who can solve all this is...

The big boss glanced at Si Daozi and led everyone to retreat a few steps silently.

He understood that Si Daozi was sane now.

Yan Wangsun stood there like a wooden man, feeling cold all over.

He also understood... How smart he was, what else didn't he understand at this moment?

The more he understood, the more chilled he felt.

"You... because you want to enter here, so... you let me think everything is true?" After a long time, he trembled.

Despair was spreading in his heart, or mixed with other emotions. He no longer had time to care about this chaotic mood. He just wanted to know urgently whether he had a glimmer of hope.

The legend about the Feixian treasure, his only hope.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, and flicked his hand gently on the talisman net. Suddenly, the talismans disappeared out of thin air when his fingers passed, making everyone's pupils tighten again.

Stopping countless cultivators, countless boundless magical powers of the beginning, in the hands of the other party, they were no different from paper!

Swallowing the talisman.

Nothing is unswallowed, even the talisman, it must succumb to this source.

Sand... like tearing a gauze curtain, he stepped forward step by step, each step seemed to step on the heart of Yan Wangsun, and said expressionlessly: "Back in Anlin City, you asked me in front of hundreds of millions of people in the city, whether I knew my crime or not."

Every word was like a nail, at this moment, Si Daozi's face turned blood red when he heard this sentence.

An emotion called regret devoured his heart crazily.

Too much patience...too much tolerance...too cruel! If he had known that the other party was such a person, he would never have chosen to establish his authority at that time!

Xu Yangyi licked his lips, and looked at Yan Wangsun with a sword-like gaze: "Now, under the Nine Lands, I ask you in front of everyone, whether you know your fault or not."

Swish, swish, swish, a word fell, although Yan Wangsun didn't look, but he could feel that everyone's eyes were nailed on him.


A huge shame!

Although it was a little long, the force was extremely strong. Although there were fewer spectators, the quality and the power behind them were higher than those in Anlin City at that time!

Here, the real young generation of the Northland gathered. They were all watching this wonderful drama.

"Do you think that you are invincible here? The general trend is still with you?" One sentence after another came, and Yan Wangsun bit his lips until they bled, and his teeth clattered. As the fourth son of the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect, he was actually named in front of all the heroes of the Northland. He could only bear it and could not talk back!

He did not look back, and did not dare to imagine the eyes of the people behind him and the shocked expressions now.

Every bit of shock was admiration for the opponent and contempt for him.

Admire the other party's forbearance and respect the other party's strength. There is no harm without comparison. How aggressive he was when he came, and how humiliated he is now.

Every word was like a loud slap in his face, a piece of red, silent but loud, but covered by darkness.

Although he was in the dark, he seemed to be standing under the spotlight, which was extremely dazzling. He could not see the eyes from all directions, but he could feel them, and at this moment, they were all nailed on him.

"Answer me..." He took a deep breath, and his teeth were clenched. It was a great shame... How could he have suffered such a great shame!

"Is the matter about the image jade... true?" He held on to the only remaining hope, and did not dare to think about anything else. He kept a string of clarity in his mind and almost roared in a low voice.

He was not at a dead end. He understood that this unique geographical condition almost sealed them into a trapped beast field, but he was not without a chance of winning! It was just that the relationship between winning and losing was reversed too quickly and he could not accept it at all.

But... what really touched his heart was whether the image jade was real?

If even the image jade was fake... there was nothing here. Even if he won here, he would be abolished even if he did not die after returning!

Putting down the army of all monsters of his ancestors and coming here arbitrarily... no one would protect him... the Sea King would not, and the six Yin Lords would not.

Won a corner here, but lost the big dragon. Lost everything.

He stared at Xu Yangyi's lips. Xu Yangyi walked slowly and raised his eyebrows. The other party's expression of begging him was really...

It made people feel comfortable to the pores.

"Of course it's fake, you believe it? So naive." A cold sentence shattered all the fantasies of Yan Wangsun.

He stood there blankly, and after a few seconds, he suddenly roared: "No! This is impossible! The Yuzun Saint of Liuying can't fake it! You and I are both Jindan, and there is no Taixu behind you! Otherwise, you wouldn't ask me to ask the six Yinzun! You, how could you fake Liuying Jade!"

Xu Yangyi walked slowly, not fast: "Are you begging me?"


Without waiting for Yan Wangsun to speak, Xu Yangyi looked at him coldly, with murderous intent in his heart, but the other party's desperate look, pretending to be calm but actually livid, every extra second, made him feel more happy to collect this debt.

"Look at you now." He sneered, "You should feel honored. You are one of the few people who took revenge overnight. You actually begged me, the person you once thought you could kill? Do you really want to know your life-saving straw?"

"Don't talk nonsense..." Yan Wangsun was so angry that his whole body was shaking. Every word cut him to pieces. He had infinite murderous intent in his heart at this moment, not only towards Xu Yangyi, but also towards everyone present.

Seeing this scene of himself... no one... no one should think of telling it!

Such a shameful scene, even thinking about it was enough to make him lose control.

Xu Yangyi smiled and looked at the other party who was already trembling all over, but tightened the last nerve and insisted on hearing his answer, and suddenly laughed.

He laughed very happily.

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