
Chapter 1070: Killing Intent (V)

The hearty laughter resounded throughout the passage, and no one dared to interrupt.

"Ben! Lei!!" Yan Wangsun's eyes were red, and these two words jumped out from his teeth.

"You, can't." Xu Yangyi ignored him at all. He laughed enough, raised his finger, waved it gently in front of him, and said coldly: "It's like you are clearly retreating, but you are walking at the front of the team."

The calm words were like a bucket of cold water poured into boiling oil. Yan Wangsun's lips had been bitten bloody by himself. A terrible premonition rushed into his heart. He held the most humble prayer in his heart and trembled: "How did you... do it!"

Unless he saw the final evidence, he would not give up... and he couldn't, he didn't want to, and he didn't dare to give up.

The people behind him had already retreated a few steps without leaving a trace.

Yan Wangsun was already abnormally angry, and they could all feel the disordered spiritual energy on each other.

Xu Yangyi raised his hand, and countless spiritual energy that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye gathered on his hand. After a few seconds, a half-meter-long spiritual butterfly fluttered its wings and landed on his forearm.

"Luotian Illusion Butterfly?!" This time, all the Nascent Souls exclaimed in unison, and some even screamed.

"Luotian Illusion Butterfly that has been extinct for tens of thousands of years!" "You actually have such a thing!" "The King of, how could it still exist!" "I changed our sense of direction. Just now, Sidaozi, you thought it was going backwards, but it was actually going forward!"

Xu Yangyi patted Hongxian's head, and the other party rubbed it intimately, sneering: "I used the same trick to deal with the master, and it felt pretty good."

"You, do you understand?"

The answer was revealed.

Yan Wangsun's face was ashen, and when he saw Luotian Illusion Butterfly, the screams around him disappeared after a few seconds, and then no one looked at Yan Wangsun with any emotion.

The feeling of being the center of attention, being nailed here like a nail by the heirs of all the major forces in the north, made Yan Wangsun, the fourth son of the Jiuzhen Jiunan Sect, close his eyes, and his eyelids kept trembling.

His thoughts suddenly went blank at this moment. Only questions remained to himself.

How could he have believed it at the beginning?

At this moment, he looked back and found that... he believed it!

Now it seems that the other party said something?

It seems that there is, but this line is completely inferred by himself and the saint girl "thinking" that "the situation is in hand".

When did I become so stupid? So credulous!

Thoroughly, I was fooled until the critical point of suppressing spiritual consciousness completely returned to nothingness, the second before it arrived.

This is sad, mocking, and naive.

There are only twenty people, but it gives people a feeling of more shame than Anlin City at the beginning, as if they were stripped naked and whipped in front of everyone.

Deathly silence.

A few seconds later, he opened his eyes. A second lasted for a thousand years. His hair was actually red with countless white hairs. Extreme resentment and anger made his hair turn white in an instant. His body was already shaking violently. Black light gathered in his hands.

"It's you..."

"You bastard... damn ant..."

"How dare you deceive His Excellency the Sea King... deceive me... steal the sky and change the day! You are so bold!!"

"I! Want! You! To! Die!!"

Boom! ! The black light quickly condensed into a black long sword. With a heart-wrenching roar, the Sun of the Flame King rushed madly towards the physical cultivator on the opposite side.

He was so angry that he could not bear it any more.

The black air penetrated the sun, the sword broke through the sky, and the surrounding void was broken layer by layer under the rage. His sword almost reached his peak level. The surge of spiritual energy blew his two-colored clothes. A sword crossed the sky in the black tide, and the moon wheel in the dark night pulled out the paleness of death.

"Die!!!" The ground was in turmoil. As the fourth disciple of the Nine True Nine Difficulties Sect, the strength of the Taixu True Disciple burst out completely at this moment, without any reservation. As the knife was displayed, the surrounding passages all wailed. In less than half a second, it was as if it was cut into neat small pieces by countless long knives and shattered!

From the cut gap, infinite light sprayed, each one was a piece of knife light. In an instant, the whole passage was filled with knife energy, blowing his red hair fluttering, and the Nine Heavens Demon God came with a knife.

Three thousand realms, knife light like prison!

Rumble... The passage completely collapsed, and the Yan Wangsun, who was so angry that he almost lost his mind, was furious. The extreme anger had made his eyes red, and everything around him disappeared, leaving only the shadow of Xu Yangyi.

This knife was very exquisite. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, and he did not take it hard, but stepped back a few steps and sank into the darkness.

"Want to run?!" Yan Wangsun laughed to the sky and rushed out like lightning: "Give me your life!!"

"The position and opportunities that I have worked hard for hundreds of years have been destroyed by your few words! Today... I will not be able to relieve my hatred unless I eat your skin and sleep with your blood!!"


The azure knife light was bright and engulfed everything, but in the next second, a loud dragon roar suddenly erupted in the darkness.

All the boulders were turned into powder by this roar. In the azure sea of ​​​​brightness, a figure emerged from the sea of ​​​​knives like a dragon, and countless talismans lingered around. A giant dragon phantom appeared behind the opponent, and the dragon claws just coiled on the opponent's right hand.

The right hand exposed outside the black robe was completely snow-white and crystal-like. Blood marks spread from the tip of the ring finger and invaded the entire palm. It didn't look like a human hand at all. Then a finger pointed out.

Immortal method. Zhenwu Dragon Slaying Style, the fourth finger of the dragon!

Palms, fingers, and fists are actually just a method of exerting force. How to use it depends entirely on yourself. For example, the Jinglong Finger is one of the twelve main meridians of the Amplitude Hand. It has five fingers, five meridians, and six meridians. Although his body has to send out The most powerful attack of the Jinglong Finger still needs some preparation, but the five fingers can click one at will.


If Yan Wangsun is the sword god who comes to the world, this finger is the dragon king turning over the sea, pointing out the moment, the dragon roar shook the sky, countless white dragon shadows burst out from behind Xu Yangyi, thousands of dragons circled, the sky was shaken by the dragon roar, and the wind and clouds met the shallow water tour.

Unexpectedly, they entangled themselves with Qingtian's finger, and all the dragons merged into one, occupying the entire passage, and headed straight for King Yan's grandson.

Wow! ! The infinite sword screen in front of him shattered instantly, and Yan Wangsun's scalp tightened. Although he desperately wanted to tear this bastard into pieces, his instinct of life and death took over. How powerful this move is... you can only feel it if you face it directly.

When blasted out, the spiritual power is like the sea, and when it returns to unity, all dragons become one. It was clear that the explosion was like mercury pouring down the ground, but the impact point was never more than fifty meters around him!

What is the concept of condensing the power of supernatural powers with a radius of ten thousand meters to fifty meters?

This is how terrifying combat skills are! Unify the terrifying spiritual power that explodes wantonly in the body, like thunder to quell the fury, and end like the clear light of the river and sea. Hit wherever you point, or even point to the north, but there is no way to communicate with the aura.

All martial arts in the world are invincible, except speed.

Before the dragon fist arrived, the violent wind pressure had already blown the passages in all directions by several meters, and countless gravels flew wildly. Once again, an unconcealable hatred emerged in Yan Wangsun's heart. He could not accept it. The person who played such a cruel trick on himself is actually on the same level as himself!

"Five Thousand Realms Mountain!!!" You can't be suppressed by this person... No matter what, you can't be suppressed by the person in front of you! This obsession occupied all his brain, and the long knife was suddenly thrust into the ground. Behind him, countless talismans were transported into the void like circuit boards and disappeared into the void. The moment the dragon gun hit him, a continuous The phantom of the mountain suddenly appeared and blocked the blow.

boom! ! Thousands of golden lights and strong winds rose suddenly, and everyone around them gasped and were rushed a thousand meters away. Amidst more than a dozen low-pitched exclamations, everyone flew backwards several hundred meters.

Completely different from the previous test, this time both sides were firing on all cylinders! Every move kills you!

Fairy Feng retreated quickly and looked at the field in surprise. This was underground! I don’t know how many hundred meters down. These two people had just fought, and they had already changed the entire underground world! The passage that was originally tens of meters high and dozens of meters wide was suddenly expanded to a range of seven or eight hundred meters by these two moves! Only then was he resisted by the terrifying resistance underground.

she can't do it

"This kid..." She was flying upside down and her mentality was extremely complicated: "This kid... can actually be comparable to Sidaozi?"

"With such can he endure it to such an extent!"

She was definitely not the only one who had this idea. More than a dozen figures were flying together, and magnificent magical spiritual power and protective light shields were rising from every corner. However, no one came up to help.

The collapse of the invincible image of the Four Daozi is one of them.

Secondly, they really don’t want to and are unwilling to be enemies with such a terrifying opponent. They don't want to do anything unless they have to.

This is respect for the opponent.

"This son...cannot be owned by any superior force!" A sequoia woman had a mutton-fat jade bottle flying a few meters above her head. Green light mixed with willow leaves floated down, and she looked deeply at the scene: " Even if he is placed in my sect, his status will only be above mine."

"The character is terrifying, and the strength is even more terrifying. He is actually on par with the Four Daoist Masters..." On the other side, a young monk with white hair and shawl looked at Xu Yangyi with a stern look: "This is the real enemy! Hundreds of years later In a world of great strife... Tianjian Villa..."

However, they had no time to think about it.

There was a shocking loud noise, and the collision of the Five Thousand World Mountains and the Shocking Dragon Finger caused a huge frenzy. In this big collision of Mars hitting the earth, a figure stepped on the ground and was directly blasted a hundred meters away.

This man's chest rose and fell sharply, he gritted his teeth and looked at his hands, his red hair was flying, he was clearly Sidaozi!

Force him back with one move!

Another move to force him back!

Yan Wangsun was trembling all over. He was forced back twice by one move. He was forced back by the person he least wanted to lose and the person he wanted to kill the most. The frustration, rage, disbelief, and shame in his heart almost drove him crazy. !

Everyone had a look of shock on their faces.

If it was said that Yan Wangsun was caught off guard just now because his elbows and armpits were transformed, then now the two sides are going head-to-head, and the four disciples of the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Sect are actually at a disadvantage in the head-on confrontation!

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