
Chapter 1072: The Great and Mighty Demon

It was a man wrapped in a black robe.

After saying these words, he did not look at other people at all, but stared at the Yan Wangsun below, whose eyes were dull and emotions were completely bursting. He sighed: "Human desires are endless after all. Coming here, desires burst out, and there is only one word: death, but... such a good aptitude is really a blood food that only appears once in a hundred years. But... wolf poison, what I want to eat most is you..."

As soon as the voice fell, countless treasure lights around rushed into the sky.

A spiritual ruler floated beside Fairy Feng, and an old woman's weapon spirit was looming. The red-shirted woman whistled, and a nine-colored deer flew from the sky, completely composed of spiritual light. The white-haired shawl youth pinched and released his hands, holding a golden spear in his hand, and the weapon spirit was actually a white snake. Other cultivators also had their own spiritual treasures.

All of them were outstanding people in the north, and spiritual treasures were a must.

"Be careful." A drum and a cymbal flew around the side of a fat man, and the spirits of two beautiful women danced around, shouting a warning: "This person is not human! Nor is he a living creature!"

"Sha..." The red-shirted woman lowered her hands, holding several balls of thread between her fingers, with countless golden threads swirling on them. She sneered: "My Gongsun family has gone through 35,000 years, and has never embroidered a real demon on my map. Today I have opened my eyes."

"Zila..." A blood-red long sword dragged a little sound on the ground. A thin monk in black clothes said lightly: "The Lanling family, a family of alchemists, has gone through 56,000 years. It is only known in history books that there were demons, which disappeared 100,000 years ago. Today, could it be that one was sent to us?"

"The Liu family, the leader of the Seven Dao Thirty Cities, I wonder if you have heard of it. "The three-eyed man held a jade flute and said to the ghostly figure on the top of the cave: "If the demons can escape my demon-slaying heavenly sound, then the so-called demon-slaying two words, my Liu family will probably have to get rid of them."

"Hehehe..." The voice on the top of the cave seemed to find it funny, and laughed for a few seconds before saying: "Ignorant puppy."

"You dare to bark at the tiger before your teeth are sharp... demons, demons, ghosts, weird, the four original evil things, the four alien worlds, if your family history is more than 100,000 years, ask them what happened to the chaos of heaven and earth 100,000 years ago, I'm afraid you can run as far as you can now..."

Xu Yangyi has not spoken all the time. This person's voice is very familiar, very familiar, he must have heard it before!

He knows everything about me, he is neither a human nor a demon, and I have seen him before...

He pondered for a few seconds, and a name immediately came to his mind. He looked at the man in disbelief: "Lian Chen?"

"It is the great demon under Chi You, Lian Chen Xingjun!"

As soon as the voice fell, a force completely different from spiritual energy broke out at the top of the cave! Countless shadows formed a huge vortex, spinning wildly under his feet. In the midst of wild laughter, Lian Chen Xingjun lifted his cloak, and a face that Xu Yangyi was very familiar with appeared in front of him.

Song Ziyu!

"You... got into Song Ziyu's body?"

"He invited me. I sensed your breath and agreed to it." "Song Ziyu" laughed: "I didn't expect that there is a road to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in. Well... As the head of the family, I will let you see the true appearance of the demon that has not been seen for 100,000 years!"

As soon as the voice fell, his black robe rose like wings, and there was nothing inside, nothing, and there was no body of Song Ziyu at all.

There is only a complex of countless desires, joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, seven emotions and six desires, forming a rotating black eye in its center, and the white eyeballs look at the people below like ghosts. Countless overlapping voices, as if the origin of sin, sounded from this chaos. Hearing it makes people feel uneasy.

"Where desires are, there are demons, and they are everywhere in the heavens and all realms. You have already... done it."

As the voice fell, a black light suddenly burst out from the black eyes, and countless ghosts wailed in this space of hundreds of meters. The aura like a black cloud lingered around the black light, and the black light hit the top of the head of Yan Wangsun.

Yan Wangsun below also burst into a miserable scream that was completely unlike a human voice. The next second, endless black air gushed out of him, transforming into countless faces, with joy, sorrow, anger, and joy... Seven emotions and six desires swirled around, forming a circle of black vortexes a hundred meters in size.

"This is..." Everyone gasped and looked at Yan Wangsun in amazement.

"Haven't you seen a real demon?" Even as Chen Xingjun laughed wildly, Yan Wangsun's body had expanded rapidly. He suddenly hugged his head tightly, and his heart-wrenching screams shook the surrounding ground layer by layer. His clothes kept fluttering and squirming. In less than ten seconds, blood gushed out of him crazily.

"Don't you think demons and ghosts only exist in legends?"

"Today... I'll open your eyes."

Boom! ! Black light surged, sand and rocks flew, completely different from spiritual power, but a very alienated power that did not belong to this upper world at all, erupting violently in the entire cave. After three minutes, the black light gradually extinguished, and a huge figure slowly stood up in the layers of gunpowder smoke.

It was three meters tall, almost naked, with shouting faces all over its body, and he belonged to Yan Wangsun's head, and his facial features were almost completely gone.

As if it was not used to its current body, the huge figure shook for a moment, and raised its hand, only to find that it had transformed into three tentacles. It was trembling all over, as if it wanted to shout and scream, and finally all the faces on its body opened up, and it actually let out a silver bell-like laugh.

It was extremely weird.

All the Nascent Souls around took a deep breath and looked solemnly at the scene. This was the power of the devil, different from what was recorded in the book, but the real devil.

"It's perfect." Lian Chen Xingjun looked down obsessively: "A ruthless person, this is what it should look like after crossing that line under the control of desire. The seven emotions and six desires all disappeared due to the excessive explosion, and they can only become emotionless. monster."

Before he finished speaking, he turned into a bolt of lightning, and with a crazy laugh, it went straight to the head of King Yan's grandson: "Such an excellent container, I will not be polite, Jie Jie Jie!"

Just when he was about to rush into Yan Wang Sun Tianling's cover, a hand with three tentacles suddenly blocked his head. Immediately afterwards, Yan Wangsun's own voice actually came out from all the faces.

Those faces seemed to be frightened for a moment, as if they wanted to overwhelm this consciousness, but Yan Wangsun's trembling voice still spoke with great difficulty: "It'!"

"Ben Lei... it's you... it's all because of you! I... am now in this situation!"

"Possessed by an extraterrestrial's's all you! Why do you want to defy your own destiny! Isn't it better to die quietly!!!"

From being obscure at the beginning to being fluent at the end, with the last few words, he was completely roaring. In the next second, infinite golden light spurted out from everyone's faces! Those faces screamed and twisted, and its huge figure began to gradually shrink in the sea of ​​golden light in the sky.

"This is..." Above his head, Lian Chen Xingjun retreated tens of meters and looked at the golden light below in astonishment: "The power of Taixu?"

The golden light became weaker and weaker. When all the golden light disappeared, Yan Wangsun's original face appeared again, but...his body was half white and half black.

A golden brush flew above the head. It was originally a bright white, but now it was completely dyed black by a strange aura. It was suspended for three seconds and turned into countless golden butterflies floating away.

"A stroke of Taixu..." Fairy Feng took a deep breath, took two steps back with great solemnity, and stared at the powerful demon: "He actually... forced out Sidaozi's life-saving magic weapon?"

"Even Ben Lei didn't force it out just now. This seemingly powerless possession... can actually make Taixu appear?"

The field was as quiet as death, and everyone looked at the golden butterflies flying in the sky. This was the real devil, the demon reborn after a hundred thousand years of absence. The ominous feeling reminded them of the Taichu Legion of the Chain of Seven Realms.

"You actually..." In the dead silence, Yan Wangsun slowly raised his head, his golden and silver eyes stared at the spinning void above his head, his whole body was shaking with overly complicated emotions, and he said hoarsely: "You actually... let me become like this The appearance is neither human nor ghost..."

Lian Chen Xingjun seemed quite surprised: "It is said that the Seven Realms have stood firm for tens of thousands of years under the Taichu. The power of this realm is indeed unique. It can actually resist the demonic desire to devour it. is not that oneself breaks free from the restraints, resulting in demonic energy." Half of it is in the body, it is neither human nor demonic, otherwise it is really a good container. "

"Your life is a waste now. Why don't you let me give you a ride? We might treat you well here, Jie Jie Jie..."

In his smile, Lian Chen Xingjun's black vortex expanded crazily. At the same time, half of Yan Wangsun's black body seemed to be leaving him, and countless black mist rose instantly. However, Yan Wangsun didn't seem to feel it at all. His gaze had been fixed on one person for as long as eternity.

The next second, a golden talisman appeared in his hand without saying anything. After a spell, the talisman spread across the sky and instantly pulled out a circle of light hundreds of meters away. In the golden light, his figure disappeared.

Teleportation symbol.

It can easily be anywhere in the world with a radius of 10,000 meters, and it can be found at any point in the world.

Xu Yangyi smiled calmly. In Yan Wangsun's last look, there was infinite hatred and infinite murderous intent, but...

Why should he care about the lamentation of a defeated dog?

"He actually escaped." Yuchang said with some regret.

"It doesn't matter whether he's escaping or not. With the teleportation talisman around, I can't kill him no matter what. I've always wanted to play some of his trump cards, but at that point, he only has magical powers. It seems that he hasn't been able to kill him yet." Pushed to the limit," Xu Yangyi said calmly.

Yuchang raised his eyebrows, somewhat astonished: "You and I were wondering just now, since you want to destroy them all, swallow the talisman, the domain, and the dense forest, why don't you use it? Even I won't unblock it. Are you counting his reaction? ?”

Xu Yangyi was noncommittal: "As a disciple of Taixu, if he doesn't even have the magic weapon of Taixu, how can he be the commander-in-chief? Aren't he afraid of the assassination of the sage?"

Yuchang looked at him deeply, and after a long while he sighed and shook his head: "If you can't reach the top, I'm willing to dig out two of your eyes."

"At that time, I actually suppressed the rage in my heart and thought about this. Even Zhuanzhu back then... was not as good as you."

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