
Chapter 1073: Honeycomb Pond, Prehistoric Giant Fish (I)

Xu Yangyi smiled faintly: "But if he runs away now, what's the difference between him running away and dying?"

"Human beings are neither human nor ghosts. Can he return to the Nine Truths and Nine Difficulties Gate? Even if he recovers, now that his dignity has been lost, is he really still the Fourth Daoist?"

"He ignored the orders of the Sea King of the Realm and went his own way. He thought he was right and came here. Instead, he opened the door for me. He didn't even know what was down here. It can be said that the moment he made this decision, the previous four disciples were already in the realm. Neptune is dead in his heart.”

Yuchang sighed: "Aren't you sorry?"

"There will be a chance." Xu Yangyi said calmly, looking at the center of the cave: "But we must first solve the trouble in front of us."

Yan Wangsun fled before the battle, but Lian Chen Xingjun was still here. The majestic demonic energy has been like a dark cloud, forming a huge vortex hundreds of meters above everyone's head.

At this moment, the entire cave shook slightly.

The cave was already quiet enough, and you could hear a pin drop in an instant. Everyone felt it. This vibration came from the very depths of the cave, as if the heart was beating, and there seemed to be a majestic ebb and flow sound in the haze. Immediately afterwards, there was another huge impact sound, as if a huge object hit the ground, buzzing endlessly.

"Roar..." A vague but clear roar came from inside. Even Chen Xingjun's whirlpool shrank and sneered: "You should be lucky, you are really lucky."

"When you are in danger, accidents like this always happen. Could it be...that this is just for the weak?"

"Keep your head well, until the moment you meet this king again, Jie Jie Jie..."

Before he finished speaking, he turned into a black cloud and rushed straight into the cave, quickly disappearing into the darkness.

"What is that..." A few seconds later, Wangchen, who had been hiding a hundred meters behind Xu Yangyi, flew over and said with lingering fear: "Monster?"

"Remember, in the secret realm, you never know what will happen. Especially in this closed secret realm." Xu Yangyi's eyes were burning. There was something in this secret realm... but it was not as strong as when Xiaoqing Fahai teamed up to transform the pill. Kasumi Palace, even the biosphere has been remade to such a terrifying degree.

Wangchen nodded and suddenly whispered: "Master, what should we do with these people?"

There was no trace of mercy in his voice, but his eyes supported killing all these people without leaving any further trouble.

"There are people who can handle it. She is more worried about leaks here. Why am I anxious?" Xu Yangyi said calmly: "As for the people I brought, they are of course useful. You can ask them to come over."

Wangchen took the order and left. Soon, Angsu's first master and second master came over. The two of them immediately bowed to each other: "Gao Fangrong, Wu Kui, have met Taoist friends."

"Continue." It is a business-employment relationship in itself. One party pays and the other party works. Naturally, Xu Yangyi will not put too much emotion into it: "While I haven't changed my mind yet."

In the tone of command, the two of them did not object at all. The quiet change in status began from the moment Sidaozi fell. Instead...the two of them looked at each other silently, temporarily letting go of their heavy heart.

Luo Tian Huandie did not hide it from the other party. Looking back now, the other party was already telling them at that time that they wanted to live? Yes, whether you are dead or alive, I am afraid you must make a great oath of Taoism and even recognize the other party as your master. It still depends on how they perform next.

Are they willing?

No, absolutely not! Although Xu Yangyi is extremely powerful and does have hope of being promoted to Yang Sage, but... now that they are both Nascent Souls, how can they be willing to agree that they are the masters of the first-level monks? And...behind the other party is only the Heavenly Sword Villa of the Yishang Sect? What's more, he is a big force in Anlin City.

Therefore, if only the two of them came over, if something happened and Xu Yangyi turned against them and killed them on the spot, the rest of them would immediately defect to other forces with his tokens.

Fortunately, the other party didn't do this.

The headmaster Gao Fangrong's eyes flashed, and he breathed a long sigh of relief secretly. Watching the other party's figure drifting away, he gritted his teeth and waved, and everyone in Aangsu followed him.

The figures of the group gradually disappeared into the darkness, and no one in the cave moved.

It wasn't until his voice disappeared that the woman in the red shirt snorted coldly: "This Ben Lei... I'm afraid he won't tolerate a person getting out alive."

"Haha, Luo Tianhuan Butterfly has been taken out, who else will he let out?" The white-haired monk shook the spear gently, and countless snowflakes appeared on the tip of the spear. He looked around with great vigilance: "The reincarnated saint has disappeared, and now there is no Appear, I'm afraid... no matter what, we people must not be separated."

"That's right." Fatty said coldly: "Everyone has seen Ben Lei's strength. Separation... is tantamount to courting death."

"As long as we continue to dig deeper and see what he is looking for, maybe... there will be a peaceful solution."

Fairy Feng said calmly: "There is only one road here, how can we solve it peacefully?"

"No." The young man from the Lanling family smiled slightly and waved. A few minutes later, dozens of golden light points flew from all directions. Fairy Feng was stunned for a moment: "Tian Ting Earth Seeing Insect, you actually have such a spiritual insect?"

The young man did not answer. He let a small golden insect fall on his fingernail and sneered: "This place... is not ordinary."

"Have you seen the heart? We are just walking on one of its branches. They told me that the place down here is very big..."


Travelers trekking in the dark, walking along winding passages. As Xu Yangyi and his party went deeper and deeper, the road became more and more twists and turns. After walking for another five hours, Wangchen and Gao Fangrong at the front squatted down at the same time: "Wait!"

The entire team stopped, and a lampstand-like magic weapon flew around them, illuminating the surrounding area for hundreds of meters.

"This is..." Wu Kui gasped. Right in front of them, the passage ahead was covered with scratches, several inches deep into the rock, no more than a foot long and no more than a finger high.

Battle... There was a small battle here!

"Someone has been here." Wangchen pursed his lips and said in a deep voice, "There was someone who came in before us!"

Has it finally begun...

Xu Yangyi walked up silently, gently touching the scratches with his hands. Ever since the mighty demon appeared, a new chapter has opened here. Others may be confused or worried, but only he knows that something is not normal here from the beginning.

It’s so quiet…

The weird aura made the five demon kings unable to help but devour it. The Holy Flame of Spirit Refining and the Talisman of Desire were all down here. It was so quiet. There wasn't even a bug underground. This was simply impossible.

Until here, this secret realm that made him extremely vigilant finally showed its fangs, and quietly poked out its sharp claws from the darkness.

The eyes of the god of death have opened silently, overlooking the world.

There are only three scratches on each piece, which cannot be caused by human hands. Gao Fangrong was about to speak, but Xu Yangyi raised his hand. He consciously shut up. Xu Yangyi said to Wangchen, "Do you know who they are?"

Wangchen thought for a while and said decisively: "Demon cultivator!"

Xu Yangyi nodded with satisfaction and looked at Gao Fangrong, who immediately understood the elegant meaning: "The demon cultivator has not yet completed its transformation. There are three forms of demon cultivators. Complete transformation is for pursuing the speed of cultivation. There is also no transformation at all. Pursue the limits of the physical body, such as the last one of the five demon kings...the best of both worlds. This scratch was left by the half-transformed demon cultivator. "

He took a deep look at the deep darkness in the distance and sighed: "Such a scene really reminds me of the stories I heard when I was a child..."

"What story?" Xu Yangyi asked casually, thoughtfully.

"It's just a story that parents used to scare children. It's not worth mentioning." Wu Kui obviously knew what the other party was talking about and forced a smile: "It is said that under the Nine Lands, there is a river of flames that seals the devils from foreign lands. Every time the moon is full, the monks have the opportunity to walk through a long darkness and see it. It exists under the sea, and a woman in white will come walking on a big fish. Take out a coin, call out a boat, and ask the children who come here if they want to get on..."

"If you agree to her, you will be taken to a place where you can never go back. There, you can't cry, laugh, make trouble, be happy, or sad." Gao Fangrong smiled bitterly and shook his head: "You can't do it either, second brother. I heard it from my parents, and it’s spread so widely.”

"Yeah, it's not good to be scared when I was a child." Wu Kui also remembered the embarrassing things when he was a child and laughed. Instead, the atmosphere became a little more relaxed.

Xu Yangyi nodded imperceptibly. This is the difference between Lao Jianghu. It seems that they are telling insignificant stories, but in fact they are adjusting the atmosphere of the team. Atmosphere is something that cannot be seen or touched, but it determines whether everyone can advance or retreat together at critical moments. Too tight will not work. Human spirit has its limits. Being too tight will only make people exhausted. It's even worse if you are too loose. When the crisis comes, you will have a mental breakdown and you don't know how you will die.

They joked for a while, and sure enough, Wu Kui and Gao Fangrong walked to him with smiles. Just when they stood still, their smiles had completely disappeared.

"Fellow Taoist, this place is very strange." Gao Fangrong spoke first and went straight to the point: "There must have been a small-scale battle here, but... who were these demon cultivators fighting?"

Wu Kui continued: "The scratches are messy and the scene is extremely clean. The aftermath of any battle cannot be so clean. I think it is more like... someone among them suddenly went crazy, and the others joined forces to subdue them. What on earth is going on?"

Xu Yangyi was silent, and in his spiritual consciousness, Yuchang said in a deep voice: "The mighty demon, the demon cultivator, the holy flame of soul refining, the talisman of desire... plus Su Xingyao, the remnant of the four disciples."

"Little guy, nothing happened suddenly. The so-called suddenness is just inevitable. After careful calculation, plus we have silently gathered seven forces, the secret below... I am afraid it is really extraordinary."

"Of course." Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes, looked deeply into the endless darkness ahead, and said solemnly: "Tyrannosaurus King, Chongming Bird... You have also seen the true appearance of the legends of the seven realms, and the desire talisman that can rival them can cope with the legends. Tian Lingzi, do you think... he is an ordinary person?"

Yuchang was about to say something else, but Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his hand and said solemnly: "Wait a minute."

He closed his eyes and opened his five senses to the maximum: "Did you hear that?"

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