
Chapter 1074: Honeycomb Pond, Prehistoric Giant Fish (Part 2)

No one spoke, but everyone heard it this time. A sound as magnificent as the sea came over vaguely.

Very clear...very clear, you can already tell the direction from here!

"Here!" After a few seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes and rushed over first.

"Let's go!" Gao Fangrong and Wu Kui were stunned for a second, and immediately reacted. With a light shout, everyone followed like a meteor chasing the moon.

The lonely underground passage seemed endless. More than a dozen magic weapons appeared at the same time, illuminating the place like daylight. The cave became more and more tortuous. Finally, after turning a fork, a little light finally appeared in front, like a drop of firefly.

The long underground walk was finally coming to an end. No one slowed down, but everyone's spiritual power was stretched to the limit. Gao Fangrong lowered his voice: "Little Twelve!"

Swish, a figure actually burst out with the speed of the Nascent Soul level, leading the way, as fast as lightning, and at the same time, he stretched out his hands, and a light golden formation appeared around everyone in an instant. Four tall gods held golden armor and surrounded everyone for defense.

But it was not over yet. The hands rose and fell, as fast as a phantom. After just a few seconds, everyone felt that their footsteps became lighter, as if they were stepping on the wind.

At the same time, a masked woman's hand flashed with black light, condensing a black paintbrush. With the ink brush, several monsters were painted in an instant. In the flash of spiritual light, they rushed out at a speed comparable to that of the Nascent Soul.

Exploring the way.

Wang Chen, who participated in the secret realm for the first time, had a bright look in his eyes and studied silently.

Getting closer and closer, finally, after another hour, the light in front of them was getting bigger and bigger, and they could see the green on the opposite side clearly.

"Charge!!" Gao Fangrong shouted softly, leading the way. Without the employer saying anything, their professional instincts had already made them rush to the front. At the same time, the ink-brush monsters ran out of spiritual power and disappeared.


Everyone rushed out of the cave one after another, ending this almost one-day underground walk. At the same time, everyone screamed and fell down together!

"No-fly ban?!" Wu Kui was stunned. Without him saying anything, a masked Jindan danced with both hands quickly. Suddenly, a feather flew to everyone. They were lightened and floated like feathers.

After rushing out of the closed underground passage, the feeling of oppression disappeared immediately, and the eyes suddenly opened up. But at just one glance, the whole team took a breath of cold air, and Xu Yangyi was no exception.


Extreme shock.

That was the surprise of people walking on the top of Mount Tai, watching the clouds roll and unfold, and the greatness of nature. It was also the praise of the universe and the beautiful world when climbing Mount Everest and looking at the rising red sun.

"My God..." Gao Fangrong looked around in astonishment: "This underground passage actually leads to such a beautiful scenery..."

"When did Xu Kunlun have such a place?" While falling slowly, Wu Kui and the others all looked around blankly and sighed.

Right in front of them was a huge space that they could not see the end of.

It was unknown where they were. The speed of the monks was very fast even when walking. Above their heads, there were mountains surrounding them. The mountains were so high that they formed a small skylight above their heads. A full moon was floating in the dark clouds.

This place was in the belly of a majestic mountain.

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse. Countless plants hung down from above. They had grown for hundreds or thousands of years. The vast vines were like huge pythons, with red flowers and green leaves fluttering. From time to time, the breeze rolled up some petals and scattered them in the air. Countless luminous insects flew in between, forming strips of light of different colors in this bottomless basin, which was as ethereal as a fairyland.

Below, there is a dry basin, and the place where they landed is still a thousand meters away from the bottom of the basin.

People standing in it, it is too small to say that it is a drop of water. This basin is more than 100,000 meters! It is endless.

Da Da... Everyone fell to the ground. Here is a protruding rock, and below is a basin hundreds of meters high, like a flying sword inserted into the mountain wall. It is called a rock, but it is also a hundred meters in size. Any place here reveals a wild and ancient meaning, desolate and magnificent.

"Unimaginable paradise." Yu Chang looked around and sighed: "Look, there are some holes on these stone walls, which should be the same as where we came from. You can walk here along them."

Xu Yangyi nodded and squinted his eyes to look down. This place is indeed magnificent, but compared with the gate to heaven in Danxia Palace, the boundless lotus sea below is just comparable. What really concerns him is...

There is no water here.

The smell of dampness filled the cave, and even countless mosses could be seen around, but there was not a drop of water.

"So where did the sound of the tide just now come from?" He frowned and walked quickly to the edge of the cliff. Wu Kui, Gao Fangrong, and Wang Chen also thought of this and looked down from all directions.

Everyone's pupils shrank.


The spiritual consciousness was sealed, and everyone could only use the five senses. No matter how good the monks' eyesight was, it was only ten times stronger than that of ordinary people. I couldn't see it clearly just now, but now I look carefully. There are countless black holes at the bottom of this 100,000-meter... or even larger basin.

It's bottomless, like a bee nest. The extreme darkness seems to sound the roar of the devil, as if a monster will jump out of it at any time.

Each hole is about a kilometer in size, and the scale is about the same. Around the hole, there are countless huge lotuses about tens of meters in size, with roots one or two meters thick.

They leaned to one side and the other, their endless roots sank into the holes below, just like...

"Just like what was left here after the tide receded." Xu Yangyi retracted his gaze and looked around deeply: "These holes should be the origin of the tide. These lotuses grew below and bloomed on the water surface. They were not taken down when the tide receded, so they stayed here."

"It should be like this." Gao Fangrong pondered for a moment before whispering: "But... I am more concerned about... where did the beast roar come from before? Could it be that a woman really came on a big fish? Today is the full moon."

"Don't scare yourself." Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment: "I have carefully calculated that there are two tides, twelve hours apart. We just walked for five hours, which means that in another seven hours, this place will experience a new round of high tides."

"Wait... If I am not mistaken, wait a moment... I am afraid we will see a scene that we will never forget."

Wu Kui's hair on his back exploded, he laughed dryly twice, and sat cross-legged on the boulder with the others. There are still seven hours left, and they began to take turns to be on guard. Everyone took the pills they carried with them and adjusted their spiritual power to the peak level.

The moon in the sky had risen to its fullest point, and a bright moon peeked out from the dark clouds, and the moonlight filled the earth, bringing the only brilliance to this underground world thousands of meters below.

Lonely and solemn.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon, six hours had arrived, and just after six hours, the whole cave suddenly erupted with a thunderous roar.

Boom boom boom... The whole mountain and the earth were shaking, and the insects flying around were scared and hid completely. In an instant, there was no light here except the moonlight.

Pieces of mist came out from the cave below, instantly covering the entire basin. Everyone stood up solemnly. In the violent earthquake, Wu Kui lay on the ground and sniffed a few times, and said affirmatively: "Water vapor."

"The groundwater is about to burst, and it has formed such a majestic water vapor. Is there a sea below?"

Before the voice fell, with a loud bang, countless water columns gushed out from countless kilometers of holes below! Millions of pearls and jades shone brightly under the moonlight, forming an indescribable shocking fountain!

Hua La La... The world of water, the ocean of jade, these majestic water columns suddenly rushed out thousands of meters high. In an instant, this basin really revived, and countless water below had rushed into the sky. Those crooked lotus flowers also came to life and floated gently on the water.

"Look!" At this moment, Wang Chen suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the center of the basin.

He didn't need to remind them, because the change was too amazing. In the middle of the endless fountain, the water vapor at the bottom suddenly began to rotate, faster and faster, more and more crazy! A few seconds later, a magnificent mist as thick as a kilometer rushed into the air with a loud noise! ​​In an instant, strange flowers bloomed under the basin, and the dead vines revived, showing signs of spring.

"Is this... spiritual energy?!" After two seconds of stagnation, Gao Fangrong and Wu Kui exclaimed in surprise!

"How is this possible!?" "Such a terrifying amount of spiritual energy! Even the spiritual pool of the Sea King is probably not enough!"

Their voices were drowned in this wonder of nature. Layers of spiritual energy rushed into the sky, and when they reached the mid-air, they suddenly turned into a mist, presenting a nine-layer flower, opening layer by layer, and each layer opened, a layer of silver halo floated in the air.

Under the moonlight, golden lotuses surged from the ground. As the central layer slowly opened, silver waves hit the shore. A fist-sized pill appeared in the center, half-covered by a lute, with thousands of white lights.

Boom! A layer of angry waves of spiritual energy hit the flying stone where they were, and everyone closed their eyes together, not out of fear, but out of perception. This was a wave formed by spiritual energy, without any harm.

The next second, an indescribable sense of comfort ran through the top of the head to the soles of the feet. All the twelve meridians were comfortable, and all the eight extraordinary meridians were transparent. Everyone, including Xu Yangyi, had never felt this kind of spiritual power. As long as they took a breath, it was as if they had practiced for a few days, and all the pores on their bodies were stretched. The meridians were unobstructed, and the Zhoutian ran automatically.

Brush, Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the white pill with burning heat.


At the moment when this spiritual pill appeared, the golden apple in his dantian almost went crazy! For the first time, it overwhelmed his orders and ran on its own, trying to devour this spiritual energy that he had never felt before!

But... that's not all!

In his chest, his heart suddenly began to beat wildly, and another thing actually began to resonate!

The Seed of Chaos!

The Seed of Chaos, which never followed his will, was calling out, and if he hadn't suppressed it with all his strength, it would have rushed out at this moment.

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