
Chapter 1075: Honeycomb Pond, Prehistoric Giant Fish (Part 3)

"What's going on?" He looked at the pill suspended in the air in astonishment, and a desire arose in his heart. There has never been anything that can make these two artifacts reflect at the same time. Is it for this spiritual energy? Or the pill itself?

Get it!

This thought took root in his heart in an instant, his eyes were slightly red, and his breathing became rapid. If he wanted to take this thing in front of him, no one could stop him. But at this moment, he suddenly moved his mind, and his hands quickly pinched the seal behind him.

Seven stars passed by, calculating people and calculating the sky.

He had only one question: What would be the consequences if I took this thing now?

The answer came out immediately, only one word.



Xu Yangyi looked at the answer in astonishment. It had never been so direct before. The results of the seven-star divine calculation were almost hazy. This time... it actually gave a death sign?

The burning impulse just now was instantly suppressed. He took several deep breaths, closed his eyes, didn't look, didn't listen, bit his lips hard, and scratched his palm with his fingernails. Only then did he feel that the desire in his heart, like a volcanic eruption, was finally extinguished.

It was very strange. Just now, he was calm, as if the world had been unveiled. His five senses had left his body in an instant, and he did not return to control until he suppressed the impulse.

"Boy, what's wrong with you?" At this moment, Yu Chang's voice came anxiously: "Your spiritual energy fluctuated very violently just now, as if your emotions were exploding! I called you several times but there was no response. If you don't wake up, I will show up!"

Xu Yangyi shook his head and realized that he was already sweating coldly. Just a few seconds seemed to have passed for a hundred years, and even gave him a feeling of surviving a disaster.

"What happened?" Yu Chang was almost anxious to show up, and then asked.

"Desire Talisman." Xu Yangyi spoke hoarsely. With lingering fear, his closed eyelids were trembling slightly.

"It...finally couldn't help it...This legend that can be compared with Tyrannosaurus Rex and Chongming Bird finally started its killing."

"I can't have such a strong desire. No one knows my character better than me. Even if the treasure is in front of me, I will never lose my composure like this!" He said hoarsely: "This is external force, not from my heart."

Since entering here, they have been in the kingdom of desire. This ownerless talisman has exerted its almost terrifying power, penetrating everywhere. The excessive anger of Si Daozi immediately made him a ruthless person, and just now...I was still impulsive and didn't have much joy, but I was aroused by such a terrifying desire!

If it weren't for the Seven Star Divine Calculation, I'm afraid there would be eleven ruthless people standing here now, no longer intelligent, wandering between the clouds and water all day long. Forever and ever.

At this moment, his heart jumped. If he was like this, what about others?

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked around. Everyone in all directions had red eyes, and they looked like they were obsessed, breathing rapidly, and many people had a trace of black spiritual energy rising from their bodies. Moreover... except for him, everyone has actually walked to the edge of the cliff!

"Wake up!!" He could no longer care, his tongue burst into spring thunder, and everyone shuddered, as if waking up from a dream.

"Si..." The first thing Gao Fangrong did when he woke up was to see his position. As long as he moved forward one meter, he would fall into the bottomless cold pool below. The others were all in fear.

"What's going on?" Wu Kui covered his chest, his chest rising and falling sharply: "We... This, is this an illusion?"

"This is not an illusion." Xu Yangyi tried his best to calm down: "This is desire."

"One of the seven emotions, joy."

Seeing the prey is joyful. As the Great Power Demon said, after crossing the standard line of joy, what awaits them... is to become ruthless.

No one has a great stroke, no one can save them!

"Where is this place?" Gao Fangrong gritted his teeth and asked, sweating all over his head. The situation just now was too weird. It didn't look like an illusion, but more like they were consciously going to die!

There was no disobedience, no appearance, completely from the heart, too evil!

"You ask too many questions." Xu Yangyi looked at the other person deeply, and the other person took a deep breath and stopped talking.

Xu Yangyi said slowly: "I can tell you two things. First, we are not far from the target, and the target has already started its hunt."

"Second, to survive here, we have at least found the first rule."

Wang Chen looked at the master with admiration. He had just come out of the influence of that terrifying emotion, and the master had already thought of so much.

Xu Yangyi stood up and said calmly: "A line has been drawn here, a line of life and death. And the name of the line is desire."

"Joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock are called the seven emotions. Desire for sight, desire for beauty and strange things, desire for hearing, desire for beautiful sounds and praise, desire for the nose, desire for fragrance, desire for taste, desire for delicious food, desire for body touch, desire for comfort and enjoyment, desire for fame and fortune." He swept his eyes over everyone, focusing on Wangchen and Mao Baer, ​​and said word by word: "Once any of them crosses the line..."

A Jindan couldn't help asking: "What will happen...?"

"You saw what happened to Sidaozi." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "The ruthless are the final destination of those who cross the line."

Everyone, even Wu Kui and Gao Fangrong, couldn't help trembling all over.

What the hell is this place!

Can't be scared, can't be happy, can't be sad... Is this... hell?

There was a dead silence, and there was a constant rumbling below. At this moment, all the colors here suddenly changed.

From the shining white light, it turned into pitch black, completely becoming the Nine Nether Demon Realm!

The sudden change made those who had not immediately changed their mood look at the sky in shock. The pill that was originally suspended above their heads and in the center of the entire basin had turned dark without knowing it. The moonlight shone down, reflecting endless black energy.

"Look at the water!" someone exclaimed, and everyone immediately looked over. The next second, they all took a breath.

"This is..." Mao Baer looked blankly at the water, then at the sky: "Three rings within the moon..."

"Three rings enclosing the moon!" In Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness, Yuchang exclaimed at the same time: "Someone... there is definitely someone here! He is using it to practice!"

The moon in the sky was half engulfed by black clouds at this moment, and the elixir in the sky at this moment was just like the moon, rotating to be half white and half black. At the same time, when projected on the water, it was still half black and half white!

The three moons are exactly the same, born and shining together, with three rings surrounding the moon.

"This is the cultivation method of demon cultivators! Gathering the essence of the sun and moon! an old monster hidden here!"

Before he finished speaking, the entire "Elixir" shook slightly. The moonlight was like a veil, forming a straight line between the three moons and projecting it into the lake. Then... a fourth moon actually appeared in the lake!

"This..." On the edge of the cliff, everyone was confused. Wu Kui turned to ask Mao Baer: "The moon is surrounded by four rings?"

Mao Baer was also stunned. He came to the side to take a look and said doubtfully: "No... there is no such technique. At least the demon cultivators have never heard of it..."

"This is not a moon surrounded by four rings." Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes slightly, and the "moon" below was getting bigger and bigger! It’s getting clearer! He said calmly: "These are eyes."

" turns out to be eyes..." Mao Baer nodded with a clear look. The next second, all the hair on his body exploded: "Eyes, eyes?!"

Everyone fell back dozens of meters as if they were electrocuted, leaving only Xu Yangyi standing on the edge of the cliff. At this moment, the surface of this mountain lake as big as the sea began to twist crazily, and countless lake waters condensed into a huge whirlpool. Without waiting for anyone to react, with a loud "swipe" sound, water columns splashed all over the sky, and a huge black shadow a thousand meters long jumped out of the water and wandered under the moonlight!


A huge fish.

I am afraid that the huge lake is one thousand meters thick, several thousand meters long, and one hundred thousand meters long. Standing on the rocks, these people cannot see it at all, because they are as small as mosquitoes. But to this behemoth, it is just a comfortable swimming pool.

"Shua la la..." The huge dorsal fin and scales flashed past everyone's eyes, shining with phosphorescence under the moonlight. Yuchang looked at it and immediately gasped: "Innate Taoist charm!"

"What is that?" Xu Yangyi recovered from the shock and asked immediately.

Yuchang said solemnly: "This guy... is a spiritual creature born and raised in the world. It has become an entity. This is not its true body! It just turned into this shape! Innate Tao Yun... How should I put it, it is like a talisman The aggregate is a physical object, and it uses talismans to build this shell, do you understand? "

It once again said to the point: "It is the realm of false saints. It is extremely difficult for all things born on earth to open up spiritual wisdom, but its strength is very powerful, usually more than ten times that of the same realm. However, this guy should have just opened it not long ago." , You still don’t know how to build your own domain. Only when the domain is completed can you truly become a saint. Even if you are born with earthly cultivation, you cannot break through the principles of the field.”

Wow! The giant fish sank heavily into the water, its huge tail stirred up waves all over the sky, black clouds rolled over the mountains, and white rain dropped into the boat.

As expected, the giant fish didn't notice them at all. The few people deliberately hid their spiritual energy and were inconspicuous in such a vast place.

Dead silence.

I don't know how long it took, but a golden elixir fell to the ground with a plop, his chest heaving wildly, and his voice became hoarse: "Underground passage... three moons... giant fish! Giant fish!"

"What's wrong with you?" Wu Kui asked immediately.

The monk gritted his teeth and his whole body was trembling. This was definitely not what a senior mercenary should have. Gao Fangrong also frowned: "Xiaoba, what's going on? Speak slowly."

This was unable to suppress the monk's fear at all, and his voice started to become hoarse: "No! Reject him! Reject this mission! Haven't you discovered it yet! This is a legend! A legend!!"

"We're all going to die here!"

He shouted in a low voice like crazy, but behind everyone, a layer of fine goose bumps immediately appeared.

"Three moons..." Wu Kui looked at the sky blankly. After a few seconds, he rushed to the edge of the cliff, looked at the pool below, and said in a trembling voice: "Big fish..."

"Walking through the dark passage, the underwater will see three moons...a woman in white comes stepping on a big fish...she takes out a coin..."

"Dong..." He half-knelt on the edge of the cliff a little weakly, his eyes a little red: "The legend... has come true..."

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