
Chapter 1076: Ambition

It's not that they are too timid, but this kind of story that they have heard since childhood for more than ten years has actually appeared in front of them. The fear from the heart is not as simple as the description on paper.

"Don't scare yourself!" Although Gao Fangrong was also terrified, as the leader, he had to hold up at this time, suppress the fear in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "It's just a coincidence! Just a coincidence! There is no woman in white! What are you worried about!"

Wu Kui shuddered all over, fortunately, but the previous Jindan suddenly had endless black air rising all over his body.

Emotional riot!

He... stepped over that line.

"Xiao Ba!" Wu Kui exclaimed and rushed over immediately. At this moment, the other party was already holding his head and screaming on the ground. His body began to expand rapidly. Before Wu Kui arrived, he had already fallen into the endless lake below with a scream.

There was no sound. For such a huge lake, a person falling into the water could not even cause the fish monster to pay attention.

Everyone watched this scene in silence. Only now did they understand the true meaning of Xu Yangyi's words.

Crossing the line, if they haven't realized it yet, when those strange demonic auras appear, they have already been sentenced to death.

"What exactly is this place..." Wu Kui was sweating and his throat was dry. He looked at the huge dorsal fin below and the majestic shadow under the water, muttering like a dream.

While he was in a trance, a person had quietly walked to his side. Wu Kui looked at the other person a little dully, and there was no other emotion on the other person's face.

"My condolences." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "I have reminded you, and besides, you have now touched the emotion called sadness."

Wu Kui was stunned, and immediately sorted out his mood, suppressed the fluctuations and sat aside.

Xu Yangyi slowly walked to the cliff, squinted his eyes, let the wind blow his clothes, black hair fluttered, and carefully observed the following.

"What are you going to do?" Yu Chang knew him too well, and said in astonishment: "Don't tell me..."

There was no answer. After a few seconds, Xu Yangyi's grinding teeth came: "If you don't take what God gives you, you will suffer the consequences."

"Once I get it, I'm afraid the speed of cultivation will be several times faster than refining pills. Even if its remaining spiritual power is only one tenth, it will definitely be enough to support me to break through Yang Sheng. Even practice longer."

Yu Chang looked at him in shock, and after a long time, he said: "Are you crazy..."

"I knew you couldn't stand good things. Wrong, this thing is good, but the consequences are also not small! The evil spirit of the Great Power Demon can actually force out a stroke of Taixu with a force that is not Taixu. Do you think you can hold on? "

"Let's not talk about this, let's talk about this fish monster. Now it is forbidden to fly! Forbidden spiritual consciousness! How did you get the inner elixir that is a thousand meters high? And didn't you just calculate it with the Seven Star Divine Calculation? Even if you get it, the other party will swallow you in one bite! This is a false saint! You..."

"What if it is at the moment of low tide?" Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's extremely calm voice interrupted him.

Yuchang's voice stopped immediately, and his face was extremely wonderful.

Yes... Here, forbidden to fly, forbidden to spirit, is the home ground of the fish monster. It is like a fish in water to describe the present, but... this piece of water has a huge flaw.

Swallowing the moonlight, at least overnight, as long as the inner elixir is taken away at the last moment, the tide falls, this fish monster will have no way to deal with them!

The key is this timing, there is only one chance!

"You really are..." It couldn't help shaking its head and sighing: "You are really bold..."

Xu Yangyi smiled: "Isn't this world a place where the bold die of overeating and the timid die of starvation?"

This is a question of thinking method and perspective.

When ordinary people encounter such a difficult thing, their first reaction is to think about how powerful the other party is and how difficult this thing is. But Xu Yangyi's idea is: what are the aspects that are beneficial to me in this matter, and how can I achieve it. And his observation is extremely sharp and to the point.

Maybe in the end, the end is the same, but the similarities in the middle often determine whether a person will do so.

Only those who think about how to do things at the beginning and how to do them can finally climb to the top.

"I will do my best to help you." After a few seconds, Yu Chang said.

Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "In fact, I am not sure. Regarding the magic energy, I have an immature idea, but I need Su Xingyao's help. As for whether I can get it, I also have some ideas. After all, I will try to know."

He turned around and waved his hand, and suddenly a purple light spot fell into the hands of everyone.

"Purple Cloud Pill." Without waiting for everyone to speak, he slowly said: "Help me get this inner pill, and I can ask you to help me sell pills in the future."

One sentence instantly wiped out the heavy atmosphere. Gao Fangrong stood up suddenly, breathing heavily and said: "Daoyou said before... introduce a craftsman to us, and open the furnace at cost price. Could it be..."

Yes, eight million spirit stones are not much, and it can't sustain an elite mercenary group for more than ten years, but the cost price of this craftsman to open the furnace is the key!


Selling, this is a golden road! The current market price is 10%, and there has always been a market without pills. Half of those who do this kind of business have to have a strong relationship with the craftsmen of the Dan League. Only craftsmen can be qualified to open the furnace in a big city like Anlin City.

The gap between the two is so big!

"It's me." Xu Yangyi said lightly.

Everyone looked at him like a monster, and his bizarre request to get the inner pill was downplayed.

He defeated Sidaozi in six moves and now he is a master of alchemy?

Is this world so unfair?

Xu Yangyi didn't care about their thoughts at all, and glanced at the inner alchemy in the air with a fiery gaze: "Yes or no, I want the answer. Now, immediately."

"Okay!" Gao Fangrong said immediately before anyone else could speak.

"Captain!" "Boss! You..." "Master! Do you want to discuss it further?"

Gao Fangrong shook his head firmly: "I have made up my mind, no need to say more."

"It's refreshing." Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, half-smiling but not smiling: "You can sit in this position, and you have a good reputation."

Gao Fangrong had never been too emotional, but he was so frightened by this sentence that he immediately bowed: "Fellow Taoist, this is a ridiculous compliment."

"Go." Xu Yangyi waved his hand, closed his eyes, swallowed the elixir and began to meditate: "There are still seven hours. In six hours, we will start on time."

"No matter how you arrange it, I just want the result."

Gao Fangrong gritted his teeth and issued orders one after another. Wu Kui finally couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Do we really want to accompany him to death? Even if the benefits are amazing... Captain, you are too hasty this time!"

"Am I careless?" Gao Fangrong smiled silently and bitterly: "You haven't seen it yet, or are you blinded by the benefits? As long as I just said no, do you believe that we will go down to feed the fish immediately?"

"Luo Tian Huan Die was seen by us. It was he who moved the Four Daozi. Our current relationship with him is only employer and mercenary. Once the relationship breaks down, we will be just passers-by. We don't owe each other..." There was still a hint of emotion in his voice. Fear: "In front of the treasure, what do you think... what will happen to passers-by like us?"

Wu Kui thought for a while, then immediately took a breath, glanced at Xu Yangyi with great fear, and whispered: "He has a mind that is close to that of a did he reach this level of cultivation today?"

"It's very simple..." Gao Fangrong also looked at Xu Yangyi's back, gritted his teeth and said: "Inner Saint and Outer King, if he is a respected saint, what if I vote for him today?"

Time passed quickly, and several hours passed before I knew it. And Xu Yangyi was sitting cross-legged on the tip of the boulder, already in peak condition.

In everyone's eyes, he has become an unsheathed sword.

At this moment, a glimmer of light finally shot into the mountains.

Xu Yangyi opened his eyes at the same time. No joy or sorrow. There was no trace of excitement or fear.

He was never one to hesitate.

At this moment, there was an earth-shattering shout: "Do it!!"

More than a dozen figures have already shot out!

Although the sky and spiritual consciousness are sealed, the monk's flying method is not just about controlling the air. When he rushes out, countless brilliance shines in the basin. Although it is so small compared to the majestic and boundless basin, like fireflies in the night, but The surging spiritual power finally made the giant fish demon feel uneasy.

Gao Fangrong stepped on a ghost-headed flag, and black energy surged through the passage. A dozen different spiritual energies were flying around the fish demon like whirlpools. In an instant, the fish demon who had just experienced human life raised its huge head, and some He looked at these tiny maggots in front of him in confusion.

Success or failure...even life and death, is in this battle. Only by winning and highlighting one's own value can one hope to survive. Wu Kui didn't dare to think too much, his tongue exploded with spring thunder, and he shouted: "Kill!!"

His chest swelled high, more than one meter high in an instant, and his eyes were already red. Immediately afterwards, a raging fire dragon spurted out from his mouth, lifelike, with a radius of a kilometer. Such a large space was enough for Yuanying to use all his strength. for.

The raging flames boiled, and the air smelled of burning. At the same time, a golden elixir also sprayed out, and the fire oil sprayed thinly all over the sky. Suddenly the fire dragon roared, expanding to a radius of three thousand meters, and the lake water emitted white gas. !

"Go!" The masked golden elixir waved with a big stroke, and countless ink marks flew. Then, the fire dragon put on its wings, and the speed was even faster!

On the other side, Wangchen took a deep breath, clasped his hands together, and twelve golden rings engraved with talismans suddenly appeared, shining for thousands of meters.

On the cliff, Xu Yangyi looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, and his heart felt like still water.

Sit tight on the Diaoyutai.

Just below him, red flames swept thousands of meters in an instant, fire dragons rolled over the sea, and black clouds burned the sky. A bit of red spread crazily in the lake like paint. The sudden change made the giant fish stunned for a moment. The next second it roared, the huge figure twisted slightly, and the lake filled the sky like water overflowing with golden mountains. The turbid waves were overwhelming and overwhelming.

Tsk! A symphony of water and fire, endless steam filled the entire space in an instant. The magical powers of both sides shook an area of ​​10,000 meters, and their spiritual powers roared and collided, forming a dense spiritual mist covering 10,000 meters, like white clouds flying, making the sea and sky the same color.

The heavy rain poured down, and the sky was full of spiritual mist. Gao Fangrong's figure was like a gun. Facing a false saint, who dared to slack off at all? With a slight shake of his hand, two large axes appeared in his hand. There was a blue eye on each axe, scanning the surroundings like a living creature.

Taking a deep breath, his eyes suddenly widened, and a roar shook hundreds of miles. Green leaves and red flowers fell from the huge vines in all directions. In the rain of flowers and flowers all over the sky, a human figure rushed down with thunderous force. The two axes brought up the thousand-meter phantom and killed the fish demon directly.

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