
Chapter 1077: Snatching the Pill from the Fish's Mouth

The axe broke through the sky, and the fierce murderous aura broke through the wind and waves. The spiritual mist had not yet dissipated, but the fierce murderous aura had already spread across the sky. Wherever it passed, the void cracked layer by layer, pressing down like glass. It really cut out the posture of Pangu's axe to open the sky.

With such a brave axe, the murderous aura rushed to the sky. The huge eyes of the fish monster immediately noticed this tiny human. The majestic figure swung lightly, and the body of thousands of meters swam underwater. With a shocking roar, pearls and jade filled the sky, rivers turned upside down, and the fish tail like a hill rushed into the sky.

When demon cultivators fight, they don't need skills and magical powers. Their demon bodies are the greatest magic weapons.

"Start the formation!!!" Gao Fangrong shouted loudly. The fish monster was huge, but his movements were as fast as lightning. Stepping on the limit of his nerve reaction, the fish tail had already collided violently with the double axes.

A brilliant spiritual light exploded, and a wave of golden and silver spiritual energy burst out, sweeping across tens of thousands of meters in an instant. The sea-like lake below danced wildly, and countless vines danced like snakes, shaking down the rain of flowers.

Boom! ! Gao Fangrong gritted his teeth, and the two-panel axes desperately resisted the giant fish tail in front of him. Facing the pseudo-saint, the magnificent pressure penetrated his limbs and bones, and his face turned red in an instant. The blood seemed to rush to his throat uncontrollably.

On the flying stone, Xu Yangyi's face was calm and he stroked the fish intestines.

If they can't even stop this, what's the point of keeping them?

As if sensing the thoughts of the employer of the killing god, at this moment, a magnificent light curtain suddenly appeared in all directions, and the image of Wei Tuo sank and floated in the light and shadow, and thousands of golden lights and the seven treasures of Buddhism soared into the sky, illuminating this abyss with a brilliant light.

Endless golden light sank into Gao Fangrong's body. He was about to be thrown away by the fish tail, but he shouted loudly, split the road of life and death with two axes, and actually split the fish tail outside his body protection light curtain with one axe.

Wow... I don't know how many tons of fish tail bounced into the water, and the waves were turbulent. The black shadow thousands of meters underwater turned around quietly, and the mountain-like fish head was raised in astonishment, looking at the panting man in front of him with some surprise.

It was just a beginning of its spiritual wisdom, not stupid, it had its own hunting nature, it didn't quite understand why this cultivator looked so weak, and it could make the opponent unable to stand up with three moves, but now it blocked this attack.

The bursting spiritual light gradually faded away. Just ten thousand meters around Gao Fangrong, all the monks of Angsu surrounded the fish monster in a circle. A golden talisman fluttered on the top of each person's head. A thousand-meter-long golden curtain was drawn between people. The phantom of Weituo Vajra was solemn, with divine power like the sea, and the Sanskrit chanting was loud, trapping the fish monster in the center.

"Heh..." Gao Fangrong took a deep breath, raised his axe, and screamed: "Kill!!"

At the command, thousands of meters of rootless lotus sprouted from the sky and grew from the water. A divine eye on the forehead of Weituo Zhengshen opened, and a beam of golden light one meter thick pierced the lake.

It seemed subtle, but wherever it passed, it was just like Moses' water-dividing staff. Before the golden light arrived, the lake surface was neatly divided into two sides, setting off a raging tide.

The two sides fought without holding back. Gao Fangrong knew very well that in the face of such a pseudo-saint, they had to rely on the three main attacks. Once the opponent came to his senses, or even more terrible... let the opponent start to gain experience in the battle, they would definitely lose.

On paper, their strength was not at the same level at all. The fish monster's single strength was more than ten times theirs, and it seemed that they were nearly ten people working together. But the account could not be calculated that way. The opponent relied on his invincible monster body to break all methods with one force. As long as he broke through the formation, the momentum of the joint forces would be instantly broken. He would never want to see this scene happen when he defeated them one by one.

At the moment when the golden light cut the sea surface like a sword, a pale color quickly spread from the bottom of the water. Snow fell in June in all directions, and the temperature dropped to an incredible level in an instant.

Kakaka... a layer of pale ice rushed up from the bottom of the lake, instantly filling half of the abyss, freezing thousands of miles, and the snowy swamp. The light of the divine eye actually began to freeze in the air, and then shattered inch by inch, and dissipated in the air with the golden light all over the sky.

"This is..." Wu Kui took a look and immediately lost his soul: "Domain!!"

Gao Fangrong was stunned, and the extreme sense of crisis in his heart was like a needle tip piercing his heart. He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Retreat!!"

So strong...

If it were normal, he would never pick such a hard point, but now the arrow is on the string and has to be shot, and he has his own little thoughts in his heart.

If he can kill it, it will also be a deterrent to this employer who is like a killing god.

With deterrence, we can talk a little bit fairly.

Before the shouting sound, there was already thousands of miles of snow here, and the surging waves condensed into ice in the air. A piece of green lake water instantly formed a flawless jade. Only the countless surging lake peaks on the lake surface instantly condensed into huge icebergs, and we could know that this was still an underground lake a dozen seconds ago.

This is a cultivator, the peak of the lower four realms, and his move is to change the world.

The moonlight sprinkled on the ice peaks, reflecting the brilliant light. The next second, the entire lake surface, tens of thousands of meters in radius, exploded! With this sound, a meter-long and arm-thick icicle flew out from the continuous icebergs, carrying a terrifying aura. Wherever they passed, the space was directly torn to pieces.

"Not good!" Gao Fangrong's soul was scared. Each of these icicles carried the power of a pseudo-saint. At this moment, he knew that it was impossible to do it. It was too reluctant. The pseudo-saint was still a physical cultivator. He brought too few people. Even if they were elite, the gap between the two could not be made up by this number of people.

"Pangu opens the sky!!" There is no time to care about other people. His double-faced eyeballs are fully opened, dancing like a 100-meter silver ball, and the silver light leaks to the ground. The moment the two axes came into contact with Bing Ling, an overwhelming force came suddenly. He almost didn't scream, and was blown away hundreds of meters with shock on his face!

not enough!

I...can't stop it!

"This is impossible! The range of magical power in the false saint realm means that the power cannot be concentrated at all. As long as the objects are properly defended, there is a great hope of escaping..." He looked blankly at the roaring and angry ice from all directions, the dark shadows in the sky, and the display of the God of Death. wing. Under the moonlight, the sky was covered with blue and white colors, leaving only a sense of powerlessness in my heart and a chill to my bones.

That's obviously the case...but now any ice is definitely beyond his reach! That kind of power that was as overwhelming as Mount Tai... was also mixed with a strange spiritual power that was inexplicable, extremely cold on the surface, and as hot as fire underneath. He was no match at all!

What kind of monster is this? How could the false saint have such powerful range attacks?

Just at the critical moment, a loud roar came from behind, "Get out of the way!!" A figure was already in front of him before he could make the next move!

The opportunity is incredible.

Wangchen stood on a white jade fan. The strong wind blew his black-haired black dragon dancing wildly. His clothes flew up and down, and the twelve golden rings in his hands already made a buzzing sound. . Within five hundred meters, three hundred meters, two hundred meters, he waved his hands, and the golden ring turned into twelve streams of light and rushed out.

The moment it flew out, it immediately transformed into the twelve zodiac signs, with a shocking roar and a huge ripple.

"The dragon and phoenix child rings... come together!" His face turned red, and he pressed his hands towards the center with all his strength. In an instant, twelve golden rings surrounded him with great power, dyeing the water bottom into a golden glow.

One by one, the zodiac signs have landed on the scales of the giant fish, and then they started running desperately. Their bodies turned into smoke, forming twelve black smoke rings at the bottom of the water. As a word "Hand" fell, the black light was bright, and instantly The giant fish is locked tightly.

There was only one second, and the next second, all the child and mother rings collapsed, but in this second, Gao Fangrong had been given a glimmer of hope.

"Run!!" The high imitation vest was already soaked. He immediately seized this opportunity to escape from death. After shouting loudly, he stepped on the ghost head flag and flew upwards. At the same time, he glanced around, and in an instant Heartbroken.

A total of five golden elixirs, the elite of the Angsu Army, were nailed to the wall by icicles at this moment, and even just a few parts of the stumps were covered in blood on the rock wall. The person had been completely torn apart by the range of magical powers just now.

Only he, Wu Kui, and another Jin Dan survived. The three of them all flew up like crazy, not daring to fight anymore. In this situation, Ben Lei disciples had to help at the most critical moment, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The strong wind blew against his cheeks, his lips trembled, and endless regret grew in his heart. If it wasn't for instant success, how could he have failed so quickly?

The other party didn't even mention killing me anymore, so why did I still want to negotiate more terms?

"The human heart is not enough for a snake to swallow an elephant..." This old saying appeared in his heart, and a bitter smile silently appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The other party did not take action, obviously they had completely given up on themselves... The famous Anlin City Angsu Army could not even create a chance under a pseudo-sage. It was definitely disappointing...


At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the top of his head in shock.

A very light sword cry, which he would not have heard if he was not so close, suddenly came from the flying stone, and then, a figure jumped down from above in an extremely unobtrusive manner.

He was stunned for a moment, then immediately looked down.

At this moment, he happened to be in the south, and the giant fish had already turned around. He was in the blind spot of the opponent's field of vision. Ben Lei seized this opportunity and finally took action.

He could even see clearly the person opposite who jumped down from the flying stone. His black hair was dancing wildly, his clothes were covered in black clouds, and his face was extremely calm. The moment the other person jumped down, a long black sword appeared with endless killing intent. Shot down in the air. The opponent's catkin-like body tensed instantly, and the black sword came first and landed accurately at the opponent's feet. Suddenly, with a whoosh, the long sword split into the air and moved against the wind!

He moved...

Almost at the same time, the abyss in all directions began to hum softly, and the unfrozen water on the lake began to rotate slightly.

The ebb begins!

Opportunity, only once!

Below, Wangchen's eyes tightened and he immediately saw the master's movements. Facing the rout of the Angsu Army, he advanced instead of retreating and shouted loudly. The twelve zodiac signs of the dragon and phoenix child rings merged into one, and the spiritual energy in his body was poured into it, turning into A thousand-meter-long golden light wheel, with a dragon on the left and a phoenix on the right, covered everything with its brilliance and tried its best to disrupt the fish demon's sight.

Gao Fangrong's mood, which had reached the bottom of the valley, instantly climbed to the top with the bright rainbow in the sky. He was just stunned for a second. He suddenly pressed the ghost head flag, and the two axes exploded with thunder again, and killed the fish monster like crazy.

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