
Chapter 1078: The Reappearance of the World Spirit

"Kill someone and pay him with his life, and pay your debts!" ​​On the other side, Wu Kui also saw a sword flying up from the flying stone, forcibly pressing down the body standing on a huge gourd. He roared, spitting blood all over the sky, and grabbed a green banana leaf from it. He used all his spiritual power to move it frantically, and fanned it downwards with all his strength.

One fan of wind, two fans of clouds, three fans of fire in the river, and the whole river was red!

In an instant, accompanied by the violent humming of the abyss, the entire underground lake was red with water and fire.

Just above their heads, Xu Yangyi rushed straight to the elixir. Only the three rings of the moon were left in his mind, and at this moment, the moon in the water was already blurred.

The strong wind blew his clothes and beards, but he was completely indifferent. There was a silence in his ears, and his eyes were fixed on every move below.

"There is only one chance! The tide is going to fall. Even if the fish demon didn't think about it at first, it must take back the pill as soon as possible! It has been practicing with this pill for a long time, so there must be a great connection between them. Once it can manipulate this pill, with its favorable time and place, you have almost no chance to get it!"

Xu Yangyi nodded seriously. The reason why he dared to snatch food from the tiger's mouth was because he had a killer.

Swallow the talisman!

"Ten seconds." He looked down deeply: "Within ten seconds, as long as it can't react, this pill will belong to Xu!"

Below, three magical powers came to the body, and the light was overwhelming. The fish demon's eyes were completely attracted. The loneliness of long-term personal practice made it not choose to break the defense of these people with one blow, but to play with them like a cat playing with a mouse.

The huge fish tail swung, and the raging tide instantly knocked Wangchen hundreds of meters away. Wangchen spit out a mouthful of blood, and the twelve golden rings jingled, but they didn't break.

He was not the main attack direction. Gao Fangrong and Wu Kui, who were stronger than him, were the ones who really made it a little more spirited. With every move of it, water dragons roared out from the lake, forcing the two into a mess.

Xu Yangyi's heart was as calm as still water, and his heart was like a clock moving quietly, calculating every second.

There were six seconds left...

He was only 500 meters away!

Boom! There was another continuous tsunami below, the sound of the ebb tide around was like thunder, the underground lake was like boiling, huge bubbles rose and fell on the lake, and he had already entered the 200-meter range.

At this moment, the fish demon seemed to have a feeling in his heart, and his body moved slightly. A sense of crisis that made it extremely irritable lingered in his heart, as if it would be difficult to save something if it did not do something. In this unbearable irritability, it looked up at the elixir in the sky.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi's heart was calm, his lips moved silently, and a black mist in his dantian walked all over his body. Disappeared in the air in an instant. The timing of the fish demon's head, which was as big as a hill, rising up was exactly the same as the timing of the fish demon's head.

Completely disappeared, no spiritual consciousness and spiritual power existed.

Walking in the void, the world around him was only a swaying black and white picture. The swallowing talisman swallowed itself back, achieving complete invisibility, which could last for ten seconds. At the same time, he squatted slightly, exerted force with both feet, and used the fish intestines as pedals to soar into the sky, pointing directly at the elixir.

Three seconds.

The last two hundred and fifty meters!

In the blink of an eye, Xu Yangyi's spiritual power burst out, and the powerful cultivation of the body cultivator caused a violent vibration in the surrounding thousand-meter void. Although it was covered by countless explosions around, and although the fish demon could not see Xu Yangyi's figure, it saw the sword.

The black sword fish intestines, without the protection of the swallowing talisman, it has already appeared. A sense of crisis that the cultivator is born with pierced into the fish demon's brain like a needle tip. Without the slightest hesitation, it suddenly opened its mouth like a black hole, and a golden thread rushed into the air like lightning, and the target was the elixir.

Both sides attacked almost at the same time!

"This lunatic!!" Yuchang was stunned for 0.1 second, and with a curse, a black light exploded instantly, and Zhuifeng Zhuyue rushed forward.

Leaving the magic weapon under the forbidden air, how bold!

It has extremely rich experience and instantly determined the whereabouts of the other party.

Two seconds.

The old eyes of Yuchang's phantom suddenly widened, and the cooperation between one person and one spirit was almost seamless. When the phantom raised his hand, a sword light cut gold and split rocks, and a cliff on the opposite side suddenly exploded.

This is a sign, telling Xu Yangyi to adjust his body as much as possible, it will pick him up there.

Time seemed to slow down, and the fish demon's huge eyes lingered between the sword spirit and the elixir for a moment, and then burst into an earth-shaking roar.

"Roar!!!" The abyss shook, and fury rushed to the top. The scales all over its body swelled up instantly, shaking desperately, and white light flashed below, as if something was hidden inside, and the golden lines suddenly increased several times! Breaking through the clouds and chasing the wind, the speed was so fast that it was unimaginable. The only difference between it and Xu Yangyi was who was faster!

But it was too late.

The victory or defeat was often just a matter of a thought. The reverse swallowing of the swallowed talisman made the fish demon fail to make an accurate judgment at the first time, and the golden thread was not urged to the extreme. When he reflected again, the matter was already settled.

"Zero seconds." A figure flew across the sky like a lone wild goose. Wherever it passed, the elixir disappeared from the original place. All the black and white brilliance was collected together. Before the golden thread came, it caught the elixir in its hand at least two seconds in advance.

Sand! The golden thread passed by him, and he didn't even look at it. The eagle spread its wings and fell to the front in a chic manner. There, the fish intestines had already spread out a sky full of black light to welcome him.

"Spiritual treasure?!" The pressure was relieved, and Gao Fangrong and Wu Kui exclaimed in envy. The spiritual treasures in the upper realm were not few, but the Yuanying had only the Daozi Saintess of at least Class A forces.

Wang Chen also shook his head and sighed. It was the first time he saw the Yuchang spirit in its complete form.

Just as Xu Yangyi stepped on Yuchang, a white light burst out from his hand. He looked at his right hand holding the pill in shock. The pill was shaking desperately and he couldn't hold it at all! With a swish, the black and white moon suddenly burst out with an incredible vibration, and it broke free from his hand and rose into the air again!

"Swish, swish, swish!" It seemed to come alive. The tide of essence and spiritual energy that appeared once before silently reappeared. Infinite spiritual mist formed a snow-white vortex from all directions and spun wildly.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi looked at all this in astonishment. What's going on with this pill? Why does it seem to have its own will? Why doesn't he let himself control it?

No one answered. The ground was filled with mist. The spiritual energy around the pill became thicker and thicker. With a stunning light shining, under the moonlight, a huge dragon phantom roamed in the void!

Gao Fangrong stared at the top of his head in a daze. This scene was too shocking. The sky above his head was as big as a window, and below was like mist. There was a huge dragon of tens of thousands of meters, a hundred thousand green waters at the bottom, and a thousand-meter fish monster. Even if he had walked through countless secret realms, he had never seen such a scene that would make him remember it for the rest of his life.

"Daozu..." Wu Kui's lips were dry, and he licked them unconsciously, staring at the top of his head in a daze: "What the hell is this..."

This dragon is exactly the same as the spirit of the trapped dragon world!

Xu Yangyi was also shocked, and his heart was surging.

"Get it!!" Yuchang, who had been somewhat opposed before, suddenly shouted: "This is not a pill! This is an inner pill!!"

"At least the inner pill can be condensed by the Yangsheng Demon King in the middle three realms! And this inner pill belongs to a former spirit! It... is Taixu!"

"This is Taixu inner pill!"

There are too many doubts and fog.

Who polluted the inner pill of a Taixu spirit?

Why did the mighty demon come here?

However, no one would think about this. As soon as the voice fell, Xu Yangyi had already jumped into the air, kicked hard, and the spiritual power exploded.

The seamless cooperation between the cultivator and the weapon spirit appeared again. Just when Xu Yangyi just moved his legs and tightened his muscles, Yuchang had disappeared on the spot. He just kicked down and appeared below. With a low hum, he endured the opponent's full-scale spiritual power. The sound of a sonic boom sounded in the air, and the opponent flew into the sky again.

"Roar!!!" When the shadow of the boundary spirit appeared, the fish demon was almost crazy, and the golden thread danced like a spirit snake, rolling over.

Not good!

Xu Yangyi's heart tightened. Due to the ban on flying, he had to take this more explosive method, but... the speed was still not as fast as the opponent!

This time... the opponent will arrive first!

"Stop it!!!" He finally made the first loud shout, shaking the surrounding space. However, Wang Chen below had already been reluctant to do so. Gao Fangrong and Wu Kui were also forced to fight back. Just now, they were extremely shocked and became lazy after the pressure was relieved. Although the opponent reacted and shot away, they could not catch up with the golden thread in the fish monster's mouth!

"Damn it!!" It was only two hundred meters, and the golden thread was only more than seventy meters away from the inner elixir. The short one hundred meters seemed like a natural moat. Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth in anger.

The effort was lost at the last moment.

But at this moment, a hazy and poetic voice sounded: "Gently, I left."

"Just as I came quietly, I waved my sleeves and took nothing away... Ah~~~~"

A black and white figure suddenly fell from the sky with a miserable howl. As it fell, its body rapidly expanded, ten meters, twenty meters, thirty meters... two hundred meters!

Although it was still like an ant thousands of meters away from the fish monster, the place where it fell was...

The golden thread!

Rumble... The blue sea tide rose, and the lake water below almost formed a whirlpool, and time seemed to slow down at this moment.

A huge three-headed husky god general, with an unknown number of tons of fat body, pressed the golden line into a huge arc.

Time turned again.

The golden line was two seconds slower because of this arc.

Xu Yangyi didn't even have time to say that he did a good job. His body chased the stars and the moon. The next second, the inner elixir had fallen into his hands!

He clenched it for the second time.

"No!!!" Below, the fish demon's extremely angry voice finally uttered a human voice. The golden line was bent for only a moment, and then all the scales finally opened completely. On each scale, the natural Tao rhyme flowed, and countless talismans shone on the surface of the body. Pale light rushed straight into the sky from under the scales!

Reveal the true form!


Hmm... I've been a bit busy lately, and I've been busy with the renovations... Please allow me to reply and update for a while on the weekend... I only have time to update on the weekend, so I can't update 3

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