
Chapter 1079: The meeting of desire and devouring

boom! ! The endless pale brilliance instantly dyed the place below into a snow-white hell, and the huge gravity formed by the countless holes in the underground was blocked for a moment, because...

That's fire.

A drop of fire turned into ice, and it was frozen for thousands of miles. In just a blink of an eye, the lake surface of a hundred thousand meters suddenly became a sea of ​​fire. The sea of ​​fire caused it to become frozen.

"Spirit Refining Holy Flame?!" Xu Yangyi and Yuchang both exclaimed.

This fish... is actually the true form of the Spirit Refining Holy Flame!

No one expected this result. The shape of the giant fish below had begun to collapse, and pieces of scales were separated from the body. There was a mass in the center that made people feel their hearts trembling. At this time of ebb, a heart-stopping sound erupted. Killing intent.

"Give it back... to me..." The voice of the Spirit Refining Holy Flame was trembling with excessive anger: "It's mine... it's... mine!"

"give me back!!"

Following this roar and the roaring sound, this acquired spiritual fire finally burst out with its true power. The entire abyss was completely frozen from the bottom within ten seconds!

"It turns out it's here..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and was about to put the inner elixir into the storage ring. At this moment, his right hand suddenly hit like a thunderbolt, and a sharp pain rushed up immediately. At the same time, the pale white ice immediately swallowed his right hand!

Gold Line!

Thousands of miles of ice, reflecting brilliance everywhere, this golden thread is almost indistinguishable to the naked eye here, and spiritual consciousness is blocked, so neither Xu Yangyi nor Yuchang saw it.

This blow was not heavy, but it caused a terrifying consequence.

His five fingers could no longer hold the inner elixir because of this sudden spiritual power. This cold spiritual energy was extremely terrifying. Once it touched him, it seemed to rush into his internal organs. He had to divert his spiritual power to dispel it. As a result... the speed slowed down a bit.

"Damn it!!" Lost and found again, gained and lost again, the moment the inner elixir fell, he had already rushed down at full speed.'s too late!

The only ones below were Cat Baer and the giant fish, and the fish demon had already let out a scream of surprise, and jumped up with its mouth wide open.

At the same time, Cat Baer also jumped up. He didn't know what it was, and he couldn't let it get to him.

At this critical moment, a wave of fluctuations suddenly came from the air.

White clothes are better than snow, and people are like snow. With her black hair flying, Su Xingyao appeared just above the giant fish's head.

"Thank you." She said indifferently to Xu Yangyi, and at the same time, she lightly tapped the giant fish's head: "Goodbye."

It seemed extremely light, but when he tapped his toes, Xu Yangyi clearly felt that the entire space was condensed into one point! This dragonfly's touch of water has at least a million kilograms of power! It's like a heavy hammer hitting the giant fish head-on!

Space collapses!

"Hiss!" A circle of dark brilliance suddenly exploded above the head of the Spirit Refining Holy Flame. With a scream, the body of the giant fish thousands of meters away suddenly fell downwards, and her luscious jade hands were no longer stained. A trace of youth reaches towards the inner elixir of the world spirit.

The anger in Xu Yangyi's heart was about to break through the Tianling Cap! I don’t know when this woman came here! With the Space God in her body, no one can discover her! She just watched everyone fight quietly and reaped the benefits in the end?

He simply doesn’t take anyone seriously!

"Su Xingyao, let go if you don't want to die!!" He shouted angrily.

Su Xingyao glanced at him lightly: "World Spirit Inner Pill, Taixu World Spirit, is hard to find in the world. Even if it is contaminated to the point where only one tenth is left, it contains the Tao of Taixu and the principles of Taixu. . Even if it’s just spiritual energy, it’s been tempered and treasured by Taixu. You want me to let go of such a treasure?”

"We are just allies. We each use our own methods. That is very clear."

As soon as she finished speaking, her snow-white hand fell on her. Suddenly, the inner alchemy burst out with infinite brilliance, like grasping the black and white sun.

The wind was blowing wildly, her black hair was flying, and she continued: "Ninety-nine percent of it is demonic energy, and there is only a wisp of Taixu spiritual energy... I understand what you are thinking, demonic energy originates from desire, and you want to use my help To suppress the evil spirit?"

"Is this possible?"

"It belongs to me...ah!!!!"

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly burst out with a scream she had never heard before, leaving the inner alchemy as if she was electrocuted, with a look of great shock.

At this moment, an emotion called anger in her body completely broke away from its seal.

Xu Yangyi was also slightly stunned. Su Xingyao's emotions were sealed, and she would never have such strong emotional fluctuations, but now she does.


"" Su Xingyao was trembling all over, staring at the huge three-headed dog beside her. The other party rushed up like lightning, but she didn't feel it at all. Instead of looking at the inner alchemy, she looked at He looked at Mao Baer, ​​his eyes slightly red: " are looking for death!!"

"Ouch!!" The twist of the plot was too fast. Cat Baer swallowed the inner elixir in one gulp and then vomited desperately!

There was a dead silence in the field, and even the Spirit Refining Holy Flame was a little stunned.

When the rabbit rose and the falcon fell, Xu Yangyi said in shock: "Mao Baer, ​​what on earth did you... do?"

" wah wah wah..." Mao Baer retched several times before taking a sip: "There was a puddle of shit on the inner alchemy."

Everyone looked at Mao Baer in shock, and then looked at Su Xingyao. They suddenly understood what Su Xingyao had just felt.

Fairy Lingboruo caught a hand of shit. For a woman, such a beautiful and unique woman, this is even more unacceptable than having the inner elixir stolen!

And the hardest thing to accept is...

Everyone looked at Mao Baer again, not knowing what to say.

This guy actually swallowed this inner pill like this... Although most dogs have this kind of character...

"You... won't die..." Yuchang was completely speechless. No one expected that the fight for the inner pill would end up like this. He said in a complicated way.

Mao Ba Er suddenly raised his head, his dog eyes wide open: "Did you poison the shit?!"

"No..." Yuchang actually responded to this sentence, and suddenly said angrily: "You actually ate it?! Do you know how precious this thing is!? Why are you pretending to vomit! This is the result you want most, right!"

"Bullshit!! If I don't pretend to vomit, don't you think I'm too disgusting!"

"Don't you feel disgusted if you vomit!" Xu Yangyi was almost mad at this dog. He had fought for the inner pill for half a day, but it was swallowed by the other party. He wanted to dissect it on the spot.

"Go to hell!!!" Su Xingyao was so angry that she was almost crazy. The anger spread wildly in her heart. The hand that had held the inner pill was shaking. At the critical moment, this dog actually thought of shitting on it. This... This is simply unacceptable to her!

And he caught it himself!

As these two words fell, an indescribable pressure suddenly appeared in the void, and deep purple talismans appeared from all directions.

Unlike ordinary talismans. This talisman... is continuous!

It is a series of small talismans, but each talisman has a stroke to connect the next one! Continuous, like mountains and seas, although it is just a phantom, it is magnificent, as if the gods have descended, and the endless purple light bands converge into a totem eye behind Su Xingyao.

At the same time, the swallowing talisman in Xu Yangyi's chest vibrated!

"Die!!!" What is even more unacceptable is the Refining Spirit Holy Flame. The giant fish's fragmented body rushed up frantically, casting a huge shadow under the moonlight. Just as it rushed up, the purple talisman appeared at the same time. It only took a glance and immediately let out a terrified scream and fell into the water with all its strength.

"This is..." Gao Fangrong looked around in astonishment. It was too ominous... He had never seen these purple talismans before. Just by looking at them, he almost fell into them and couldn't get out.

"Daozu... What... What on earth is this?" The space seemed to be lingering in this purple. Wu Kui looked around in surprise. Suddenly, he felt that his emotions were extremely active, so active that... it seemed to break through his body and rush out!

Desolate, simple, magnificent, wild... No matter what words are used to describe the talisman behind Su Xingyao, it is not an exaggeration. However, at the same time, the purple that had dominated the entire abyss shook slightly, and the next second, a black tide burst out crazily!

The same desolation, the same simplicity, the same grandeur, the same uninterrupted majestic whole, without beginning and end. A huge black vortex formed where Xu Yangyi was.

In the center, a dark black talisman rotated between Xu Yangyi's eyebrows. Although it was very small, it was visibly devouring the purple.

The meeting of talismans and talismans

The Desire Talisman appeared, but it was not complete, and was completely overwhelmed by the Devouring Talisman.

"What are you going to do?" Xu Yangyi looked at Su Xingyao coldly like a demon and asked, "Are you going to break the covenant with me now?"

"You seem to have opened up some emotions, so you can manipulate more Desire Talismans? But it seems incomplete. Are you sure you don't need my help?"

Su Xingyao closed her eyes, her plump breasts rose and fell, and she opened her eyes for a long time, and said lightly, "Your help?"

"Are you going to be a yellow bird or a fisherman?"

Her expression seemed to be richer, she sneered, and her figure gradually disappeared: "I remember what happened today."

"You'd better pray that you can still suppress me when I merge with desire."

"The holder of Devouring..."

Swish... Endless purple light bands were sucked into the place where she disappeared, and finally, they turned into a little purple light and dissipated.

The dust settled, and the rumbling humming sound from all directions finally reached its peak. The previously arrogant Refining Spirit Holy Flame was now hiding in fear under the water, not daring to come out.

Xu Yangyi and Yu Chang looked at each other. Even the acquired spiritual fire was afraid of the origin talisman... Even the desire talisman had not yet condensed completely!

How terrible is this thing?

Perhaps... As he stepped into the void, he could really swallow a world with one palm, and Su Xingyao could drive people in a plane crazy with just one sentence.

"I'm really looking forward to it..." He took a deep breath and looked at the Refining Spirit Holy Flame: "You know this thing, right?"

The Refining Spirit Holy Flame was unexpectedly honest.

"Then you should also know who I am, right?"

There was no answer, the roar around had reached its peak, and the lake water below condensed into a huge vortex, and the lake water fell visibly.

"Running away is not a solution. I will...find you soon." Xu Yangyi said calmly, "But if you are willing to take me to the place where the Desire Talisman is, I promise that I will not devour you."

"Devouring Immortal Lord..." Just as all the lake water was sucked to the bottom and the fish demon's figure was completely submerged in the hole, its voice finally sounded again: "Help me get the desire...I promise that I will never be your enemy!"

"Don't let that woman get it...I can feel...she is not a human...she...she is a monster...Once she gets the desire...there will be endless troubles..."

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