
Chapter 1080: Weak bud

Huh la la... The surrounding lake stirred up thousands of waves, and countless beehives on the ground erupted with terrifying attraction. Huge waves hit the mountain wall, rolling up thousands of piles of snow, and huge bubbles popped out. Minutes later, the entire Beehive Pool appeared again, and all the lake water was once again submerged underground.

Everyone breathed a silent sigh of relief. Gao Fangrong, Wu Kui, and the only remaining Jindan looked at the bloody wreckage on the surrounding mountain walls with confusion. After a long time, Gao Fangrong closed his eyes and said hoarsely: "Go clean it up." one time……"

Jin Dan took the order and left, and he and Wu Kui used the magic weapon to fly to the flying stone, where Xu Yangyi and his party were already sitting cross-legged.

"Master Angsu, the second master, is willing to serve fellow Taoist and will never betray. Please don't dislike me, fellow Taoist." When the two of them landed in the clouds, the first thing they did was to make an appointment, and they half-knelt in front of Xu Yangyi. Cold sweat has wet their palms.

In front of you, you can only see a pair of shoes, and you can't see the other person's gaze, but you can feel as if you are being scanned by a prehistoric beast, and the hair on your back is standing on end.

"How many times have you done this?" Xu Yangyi asked casually, smiling as he looked at the two Nascent Souls below who dared not move.

The two of them broke into cold sweat in an instant. They had never done anything like their employer being too weak, getting something too good, and taking advantage of others. But... the current situation is that the employer is too strong and powerful, and they happen to see things that the employer does not want them to see.

"No..." "Fellow Taoist, you are worrying too much..." the two of them said with sweat dripping from their backs. Now, they don't have the capital to fight.

"I don't care about your past." Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi said calmly: "Want to live or die?"

"You are very smart. You separated a ray of your natal spiritual consciousness and let me merge with it. From today on, you are my subordinates, Ben Lei. As for that golden elixir, if you want to live, you must be like you."

Innate spiritual consciousness!

Both of their faces turned blue, with only helpless smiles on their lips.

This is equivalent to a trace of their souls. Once the other party takes control, they can live if they want them to live or die if they want them to die. There is no way to resist.

"You only have one minute to think about it." Before they could think about it, cold words came over them, and at the same time, spiritual power as powerful as demons surrounded them.

That's it... Gao Fangrong and Wu Kui looked at each other, let out a long sigh, patted the Tianling Cap, and a shadow of an inch-sized figure appeared. Xu Yangyi breathed lightly, and it suddenly disappeared into his nostrils. Immediately, he felt that there were two more things in his spiritual consciousness that did not belong to him. As long as he was willing, the other party would die immediately.

Smart choice... He glanced at the two of them and tossed out a bottle of elixir: "Do your job well. I never treat my own people badly."

Gao Fangrong and Wu Kui were devastated. They had changed from one force to a subordinate force. Only they knew their sadness. He picked it up helplessly and glanced at it. Just as he was about to put it in his arms, his movements suddenly stopped.

As if he had turned into a machine, he opened the bottle tremblingly, and a purple haze suddenly filled a ten-meter radius, with a few stars shining in it. The loss just now disappeared in an instant. He stood up suddenly and said in a voiceless voice: "Washing the sea of ​​stars?!"

"It's really the Sea of ​​Washing Stars!" Wu Kui was also stunned. Sea of ​​Washing Stars, as the iconic elixir for the advancement of the Alchemy Lord, once refined, there is a 90% chance of advancing to the level of the Alchemy Lord within fifty years!

A master craftsman is attracted by many forces. Grandmasters only exist among B-level forces. Most grand masters are owned by A-level forces! As for Alchemy would be impossible to possess it if it weren't for the forces above the armor!

As mercenaries, they know very well that half of the elixirs refined by master craftsmen below the master level are waste elixirs - unless monsters like Xu Yangyi have 38% spiritual consciousness and Nanming Lihuo's fire control techniques. . And once you reach the master level, 70% of them are treasured pills, and even many non-toxic super-grade ones. This is when the alchemy masters really break out. some of the masters have entered the realm of saints, the rapid advancement of spiritual consciousness has allowed them to refine more complex functional elixirs.

What is functionality?

Different from the previous masters who simply healed wounds and increased the speed of absorbing spiritual energy, the alchemists at this level have elixirs that can cleanse the menstrual marrow, some elixirs that can weaken physical barriers, and some elixirs that can allow people to comprehend the moon. Holy Principle, these things have a price but no market!

Gao Fangrong's eyes were red, his heart was beating wildly, and he seemed to be holding hot coals in his hands. He looked at each other with Wu Kui, both of them had burning eyes. The two of them were stunned for a full minute, and their dejected expressions completely disappeared, replaced by immense anticipation. There is no greater sorrow or greater joy than this.

The biggest reason why they were lost before was that there was no power behind Ben Lei, and he was not a saint. Now it seems that... a bottle of Xinghai can be taken out so casually, and his future is not as bleak as he imagined!

Even...a faint golden light?

"Go down first and do what you have to do." Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and the two of them nodded enthusiastically and flew down with the magic weapon. After the two of them walked away, Yuchang said quietly: "Why bother."

"Xixinghai, the old man is here for you to observe. It is of no use to Nascent Soul."

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and said, "But this is a sign."

"The death of Venerable Kongxue is imminent, and the world of great war... This is not a war for one person, Mr. Mianfeng. Behind Venerable Hanxue stood two five kings and two queens. They raised their arms and shouted, and everyone responded. Can I defeat ten thousand people by one person? military?"

"I can't do it." He looked deeply at the two busy voices below and said slowly: "This is the trend, the general trend. I must form my own force. It just so happens that although their qualifications are not high and their strength is average, It’s easy to control, especially since they have the foundation, so I won’t have to worry about the sales of my elixirs in the future.”

"However, I don't plan to sell elixirs before Grandmaster."

Yuchang nodded. Although he had never seen a time of great struggle, he could imagine how tempting the position of the Five Kings and Two Queens would be. When the geniuses of all parties come together, the Seven Realms will be filled with smoke. The previous generation was unparalleled, and it was in this era that the two great sages, the North and South Stars of Burao Mountain and Guanghan Palace, shined.

The reincarnation of heaven... Now, another era of great conflict is coming. There are countless families, powerful families, ambitious sons of the emperor, sons of Taoism and saints!

They need allies and their own power.

Relaxed, the two of them looked at the dog at the same time.

Wangchen walked up silently and put a bunch of bottles and cans in Xu Yangyi's hands. Xu Yangyi glanced at them and smiled sinisterly.

This fatal sense of crisis made Cat Baer stand up immediately. He has always understood the danger better than anyone else. He coughed dryly and said: "Um...Potato, we have been hanging around from the earth until now. I Warning you... I still have a lot of nude photos of you in my hands. If you don’t want to be the protagonist of the pornographic photo scandal, you’d better weigh it..."

There was no strong threat, Xu Yangyi smiled evilly: "I don't want to."

"That's good..." Mao Baer breathed a sigh of relief and pressed his fat body against the wall: "By the way, what is in your hand?"

"Onion, ginger, garlic, just some small seasonings." Xu Yangyi answered so calmly that the cat's eight or two hairs exploded. But what's even more shocking is that Wangchen, a man who has killed thousands of people, actually took out a two-meter iron pot from the storage ring!

Is your storage ring a treasure bag? Are you Doraemon? How can you practice with such a thing! No... now is not the time to complain about this!

"What Bajie said three days before his death! Do you still remember it?" Cat Baer's ghost was so angry that he stretched out a paw and pressed it on the chest of Xu Yangyi who was approaching: "We are still good friends, right?"

Wangchen took out a boning knife, and the long-standing feud was finally settled, and he felt so happy...

"Okay, don't scare it anymore." Yuchang laughed and straightened his face: "Do you feel anything is wrong?"

Xu Yangyi also lowered his stance, and Wangchen packed up his things in disappointment. He frowned and asked, "This inner elixir should not be swallowed directly. Although there is a trace of Taixu Zhili hidden in it, the demonic energy is stronger, and I don't even know it." I don’t dare, will corrupted by the demonic energy?"

"This is the kingdom of desire talismans. Once the demonic energy enters the body and desires explode, no one can save you."

Mao Baer breathed a sigh of relief, his dog ears drooped, and his fat body lying on the ground trembled: "It's change...just a little disgusting...reminds me of two cups of one cup in the earth era..."

"It's not that there is no way." Yuchang pondered for a moment: "I have a secret method here that can convey its insights to you. As long as you both retreat at the same time, there should be no problem, but the effect is weaker. The big head is still this way. The dog took it..."

"Let's talk about it later." Xu Yangyi rubbed his brows, carved a boat for a sword, and fished for a tree. Since he no longer belongs to him, it would be good to get the Taixu Zhili in it, even though the spiritual energy was eaten by this dog who didn't know how to cherish it...

There’s no need to worry about this anymore, at least it’s still in your hands now, right?

"Sir." At this moment, the two people below spoke together: "Look at this."

After finishing his thoughts, Xu Yangyi stepped on the fish intestines and flew down, followed closely by Wangchen. Mao Baer suddenly felt a little dizzy, and took a step out in a haze, startling himself.

It actually flew in the restricted air.

"What a god..." It glanced around, summoned up its sleepy energy, and immediately followed.

Ten seconds later, Xu Yangyi had fallen to the bottom of the Beehive Pond. With a glance, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.


Countless eggs!

The size of a human head, all black and covered in mud, like stars hidden under the wet mud. The heart usually beats gently. When the spiritual consciousness is blocked, you can't see it unless you look carefully.

"It can't be the acquired spiritual fire!" Yuchang said immediately: "This is a living thing... it can't be produced by a spiritual thing!"

"Underneath... where the Desire Talisman is, I'm afraid there's another cave!"

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