
Chapter 1081: Hell (1079 missing one, already filled

Sorry... there is one missing chapter in 1079. I have written so many chapters, and sometimes I get it wrong. The original 1079 is the plot of 1080, which has been modified. Friends who have purchased 1079 can re-read 1079, so that If you can read it, you don’t need to buy it again. Readers of the APP may update slowly. You can check out the PC version~~~The reason why I post this is for the sake of future readers. No one wants to miss one page while reading. , I’m really sorry for making this kind of mistake all the time...

Readers who are looking for books may have seen this yesterday. Please go to 1079. Readers who are looking for books do not have these questions. In the future, if you find duplicate chapters, it must be that the missing chapters have been replaced. The price is the same. We didn’t charge a penny more because we didn’t need to buy again if we already bought it.


Xu Yangyi looked carefully at the eggs scattered all over the ground. These eggs were all black and covered with red lines, beating like a heart or a living thing.

"Bang bang..." Walking closer, you can even hear the strong pulse inside. The whole earth was filled with the sound of heartbeats, which was extremely weird.

"What is this?" Wangchen stretched out his hand in shock. Before he could touch it, Xu Yangyi and Yuchang shouted at the same time: "Don't move!"

"You did a good job just now. If you don't take action, you must achieve the goal. That fish demon is nearly two realms higher than you. At least you saved someone from its hands." Xu Yangyi looked at Wangchen and said: "Second Two points, don’t touch anything you don’t understand in the secret realm.”

Gudu... As soon as he finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded next to him. He looked at him in shock. Mao Baer swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his tongue stretched out, and his saliva drooled down.

"Don't look at me." Mao Baer said with a grin: "I don't know what's going on. Seeing these little things... I feel so hungry..."

"Hold it." Xu Yangyi frowned. That was a Taixu World Spirit inner elixir. This demon dog didn't react at all after eating it? And the demonic energy is so strong?

He looked solemnly at the black eggs all over the ground, condensed a thread of spiritual power, and crossed it gently.

After a few seconds, he frowned: "Disappeared."

"The spiritual power has disappeared?" Yuchang asked.

"Being swallowed, just like my swallowing talisman, there is a very strange spiritual power in it. I can feel the deep gap in it, as if... they should not belong to this world, just like..." He paused After a pause, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Demon Realm!"

At this moment, the brilliance of the sun shines over the mountains, and finally projects from the sky with the large window above. The golden sunlight illuminates the entire abyss like a curtain. As the sun shone brightly, the black egg that Xu Yangyi's spiritual energy could not shake just now actually cracked open with a crack.

Several magic weapons took their figures into the sky. Just below them, hundreds of thousands of meters away... the black eggs covering the entire ground cracked open, and the sound of Kara could be heard endlessly, resounding like a sea wave, the scene was extremely magnificent.

"Gudu..." Everyone looked carefully at this land full of weird things. Only the cat Baer swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva in a place where no one could see it.

So hungry...

how so?

I obviously ate three roasted pigs and two roasted lamb legs before I came here. could I be so hungry? As if nothing had ever filled him up before?

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!!" In everyone's surprised eyes, the egg directly below them burst first, and with a piercing scream, one surprised the people of the Seven Realms, and Xu Yangyi and Wangchen's eyes widened instantly. The little creature with the eyes got out of the eggshell.

Small, but full of evil, their bodies are like skinny old men, very shriveled, with triangular heads, huge, green eyes, triangular ears that take up one third of the body, a single horn, and the whole body is red and burning. Terrible flames.

"What is this?" The three people in Angsu looked at these big-headed things all over the ground in astonishment, jumping happily on the ground. The places they passed by were covered with flaming footprints, and they looked at each other.

There has never been such a record in the Seven Realms! No such creature has ever been recorded!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, looked at the red wave 100,000 meters below in surprise, and said in amazement: "Devil..."

"The lowest evil demon..." Wangchen was also extremely shocked and gasped: "Am I still awake... This is Western mythology, which is completely different from Eastern fantasy. How could this happen here... Plant something?”

Demons cannot be killed, they can only be eliminated. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to break through the legendary residence of demons and the laws of the demon abyss. Unless other creatures are summoned, it is impossible to reach another world. Even if they are summoned, those truly terrifying demons , such as the legendary Seven Lords of Hell, it is absolutely impossible to cross the rules and reach the human world.

On earth, whether it is Catholicism, Islam, or Buddhism, the devil is their ultimate enemy, without exception. But... this was just a legend recorded in a book, and now, it actually appeared in front of them alive!

Crossing cultures and planes, it’s impossible to explain!

The three people in Angsu had no idea what this scene represented. They watched this scene with great interest. The Jindan monk even said, "Can it be tamed into a spiritual beast?"

There were dense squeaking sounds, and just as the three people from Angsu were discussing, finally, a demon found them. At first, there was one, and then a group, and then... the entire 100,000-meter abyss, countless green eyes, all looked at them.

The squeaking sound disappeared, and there was a dead silence.

"What's wrong?" Gao Fangrong smiled, "Are you scared by us?"

"I'm afraid we are the ones who are scared." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and said, "These things are not as weak as you think."

At the moment when his last word fell, all the demons below opened their mouths and burst into a shocking roar!


It was not a squeaking sound, but a tsunami. If it was a group of monkeys just now, it was now a tiger, ready to choose someone to eat. Endless black air exploded from below, and the big mouths covered with rows of sharp teeth opened to a point that made people's skin cold, making the three people from Angsu shudder together!

Black fog rolled, bright red flames and green eyes formed a living hell.

"I can't bear it anymore... I don't need to bear it anymore! I can't hold it anymore!!" At this moment, a black and white lightning rushed towards the hell below like crazy. Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, and immediately shouted angrily: "Are you looking for death!"

Cat Baer.

It rushed over with drooling and screaming, and its eyes were red!

"Damn! Do you think I want to?!" Cat Baer's even more angry voice came: "I'm starving... I'm starving! Hamburgers, chicken legs! Roasted whole lamb! I thank your ancestors for eight generations!!"

Wang Chen had no idea of ​​saving him, but before he could react, Xu Yangyi's figure had already rushed over like lightning. He and Cat Baer had been together all the way to now. Even if this dog was greedy, greedy and lazy, he never thought of giving up on each other.

Even though it had just eaten the inner pill he wanted very much, he didn't even blame it a few more times.

The two figures were as fast as the wind. Xu Yangyi's cultivation was far superior to Mao Baer's. He caught up with the other party in an instant and reached out to grab the other party's tail, but just as he touched it, an indescribable magnificent force rushed into his hand instantly, and he bounced back immediately as if he was electrocuted.

"This is..." He looked at everything in front of him in astonishment. Mao Baer's figure had completely expanded, half black and half white. The white side remained in its original state, and the black side had turned into rolling black gas, surging and covering the sky.

It was completely different from the black gas below. It was of the same vein, but of higher quality. It was deeper, thicker, and more evil.

It was this power that made him unable to hold it.

At the two levels of heaven and earth, two pieces of dark demonic energy rotated, and the squeaking sounds below disappeared in an instant. At first, it was doubt, followed by panic. After a few seconds, it turned into a chaotic scream of fear and trepidation. In the end... all the inferior demons actually knelt down together and trembled on the ground.

Swish! Half of the black, tattered wings suddenly spread out from the black air of Mao Baer. In the rolling black tide, a huge red eye with a golden vertical pupil, a single-winged demon, overlooked the world.

"Damn... hungry! So hungry! So hungry!!" Mao Baer was almost crazy with hunger. He was completely conscious, but he couldn't feel his changes at all. His chest was sunken, and then he sucked hard. The surrounding space actually made a bang and a huge tornado appeared at its mouth.

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved, and he immediately retreated a thousand meters. Yuchang above him also narrowed his eyes.

At least sixteen times more spiritual power amplitude... spiritual power index is at least seven million.

This is impossible! This power... does not belong to it!

As it sucked like a sea cave, the endless black air below, with countless inferior demons, all rushed into its mouth with this tornado!

Faster and faster, more and more! The demonic energy below was getting thinner and thinner. After more than ten minutes, a vortex of demonic waves had formed around it! Countless inferior demons screamed and were involved in it. Within a radius of 10,000 meters, the autumn wind swept the fallen leaves.

The rustling sound was endless. Half an hour later, it was finally quiet here. The honeycomb pool appeared again, with broken eggshells all over the ground, and no inferior demons were left. The black air was rolling in the air, and Mao Baer burped comfortably. The people of Angsu were already looking at the dog demon in shock and quietly retreated several steps.

This is a creature with a radius of 100,000 meters...

It was eaten in one breath? Only 30 minutes?

"Are you... okay?" Xu Yangyi asked with concern. He could feel that the other party had not changed.

"Very good!" Mao Baer flew a circle in the air with a single wing, and the black waves rolled around. Suddenly, he turned his head and glared at Xu Yangyi: "Mortal!"

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes.

He didn't know whether the other party had found a new fun point again, or if there was really a special situation.

"I have been imprisoned for 10,000 years... and expelled from my homeland..."

It seems to be the former...

Xu Yangyi fell to the ground and began to look through the eggshells. Mao Baer raised his devilish wings and continued majestically: "Now, you dare to break into my territory..."

"You are courting death!!"

"Taste the wrath of Azzinoth! For Elune!"

"Get down!" A relatively good eggshell instantly hit Mao Baer's head, and the husky who was COSing Illidan passionately fell to the ground with a bang.

"Can't you just let me have some fun?" Mao Baer gritted his teeth at Xu Yangyi: "Do you know how proud it is for a dog to grow demon wings! This is a skin! Do you understand skins! Do you want to buy it without Xinyue VIP13? Dragon Year Limited!"

"Shut up." Xu Yangyi frowned: "What's wrong with you?"


Friends who don't play WOW may not get the funny part of this paragraph...

In addition... The egg has fallen! Already fallen!

Typing? That's a side job! Side job! Picking nose

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